The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 9 Fighting Him

-Dominic’s POV-

I ran up to Nickolas, acting like I was going to punch him but instead swiftly turned and slid my foot under him, making him fall the second time this evening.

His back must have been in pain form the falls he’s been getting from me recently but I didn’t care. I don’t believe in mercy in the ring.

I jumped down and elbowed his stomach earning a groan. That’s what he got for punching me in the stomach so. many. fucking. times. I thought with a grin but was suddenly pushed around so he was on top of me, he punched my face a couple of time, allowing me to get a sense of his strength. He wasn’t weak that was for sure, but I had harder against Xavier.

Before he could punch me with his bloodied firsts again I took hold of his wrist while raising my knee, digging it hard into his stomach which loosened his position. This allowed me to free myself and start jumping on the spot, trying to contain the adrenalin in me.

Nickolas then shouted and attempted to kick me but I grabbed his legs and elbowed his knee which made him yell in pain. As he pulled his leg in, I grabbed his shirt and wasted no time to meet my fist with his face. His nose started bleeding immediately which satisfied me.

He looked dizzy so I decided to end this, there was no point in wasting my time and energy so early in the competition. So I let his head lean forward and used the back of his neck to smash him onto the floor. He knocked out. Unconscious. That could only mean one thing.

I win.

I went to the back to meet Xavier and he threw me an energy drink as a reward whilst coming up to me with a grin. “Tell me, how long have you wanted to punch him like that?” He asks with an arm around my shoulders. “Three fucking months,” I reply back, proud and he laughed.

“But it’s not over, you know this.” I nodded in all seriousness and sat down as a few guys took Nickolas in and started fixing up his wounds. I turned away, feeling glares on my back which did nothing but amuse me. I loved this.


The crowd cheered louder than ever. I knew exactly who was going to be called out and I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve been training hard for this day and now it’s time.


Both Xavier and I stood and started walking side by side. “Don’t break a leg,” I say with a smirk as we make it closer to the ring. “Oh please Demon, I think you know that it definitely won’t be me breaking a leg. Either way, whoever wins or loses doesn’t matter all too much. We’ll both stay first and second strongest.” He replies confidently which almost makes me laugh. “So you’ll let me win?” I ask innocently and he chuckled before pushing my head away gently. “Nice try.” He says and we both step up on our stage.

The crowd was wild and they had every right to be. Even now at around 4 am, no one could contain their excitement for our fight.

“Come to me!” I shout and he doesn’t hesitate to do so.

Punch, miss, kick, duck, hit, having the upper hand, losing the upper hand. The cycle repeated. I knew his fighting style and he knew mine, its both a good and bad thing for both of us but now I was going to change the routine. Instead of going for a punch, I slide in between in legs, coming up the other side and kicking his lower back making him unstable.

It wasn’t enough to have him go down though. Unlike Nickolas, Xavier was built like a rock. While I stood, Xavier turned and swung at my stomach. My stomach wasn’t doing well these few days, he knew that and used it to his advantage. His punch hurt like hell. I bend forward containing a groan. I could see Xavier getting ready to knock me out behind my head through the corner of my eyes so before he could bring his hands down, I grabbed them and threw him over my shoulder.

I quickly made my next move and hammer kick his head before also giving another kick to his shoulder bones. I hear him in pain under me so I go for a third kick but he catches it and throws me onto the floor next to him.

We were both out of breath, in pain, unable to move. I fractured a couple of his bones and I could feel that he fractured a couple of mine. We were stuck on the floor, looking up at the lights, listening to the cheers of people who had been blocked out throughout that whole thing.

I turned my head to Xavier who also looked back at me. We conversed through our eyes and both nodded. At the same time, we tapped out.

With that, we were both declared the winners. We were both champions. It was no big deal for Xavier but for me, it was a lot. I was in the same league as him.

On our way to our room, we were congratulated by a lot of the home fighters who we recognized. I looked around and took note that the Skulls and Bones were no longer here and didn’t let myself get comfortable with that idea.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

The prize money that Xavier and I had won was split but I kept my half with Xavier for now regardless as I knew that it wasn’t particularly safe with me right now.

It was around 6 am when I was able to go home.

I walked up towards my motorcycle which I had parked at an alleyway nearby. You knew it belonged to me because like my jacket, it had the initials M. D on it.

I started picking up my jet black helmet when I suddenly heard a sound from behind me. It wouldn’t have been the first time I was ambushed after a competition by people who were stupid enough to think I’d be weaker now so I was prepared. I put my helmet down, my hood up, and looked around. There was no clear light source so I didn’t see anything straight away.

I took out a cigarette, lit it up and breathed in the smoke before exhaling. A forbidden habit. Xavier hated smoking and one of his street fighting rules was no smoking. It ruins my health and lowers my chances of winning. I was aware. I was but it cleared my mind and right now I needed that, a clear head.

I finished the cigarette and let it drop before I stepped on it. Five shadows emerged after I did.

“We don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”


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