The Mating Rules

Chapter 29

I’m pacing the waiting room, the doctor was waiting for us as Caden flew into the parking lot of the clinic, not even cutting the engine as he jumped out. Hauling my unconscious sister out of the back of his truck, he carried her in his arms into the examination room a nurse directed him toward.

Five minutes later, my parents burst through the door, my mother’s wild eyes sweeping the room but not even recognising me as she looked for Bailee.

‘This way, Mr and Mrs Sparks’ one of the nurses called out to them, sweeping them into Bailee’s room as they followed her immediately.

Caden walked out seconds later, glancing around before making a bee line for me and wrapping me in his arms as I sag into him.

‘She’s still unconscious but the mark is fading’ he murmurs into my hair, causing a sob of relief to leave my lips. If the mark is healing, that means her wolf Melody is active and fighting the invasion of her body.

‘I can’t believe I was so stupid’ I whimper into his shirt, my fingers digging into the Alpha’s back as I grip him. ‘I made my sister vulnerable, I put her in danger by taking her there.’

Caden pulls back, his hands finding my tear filled face, ‘I can’t say it wasn’t a bad idea baby’ he growls, ‘but you didn’t know some d**k would try to mark her!’

I shook my head, ‘I should have though, I’m her older sister, it’s my job to keep her safe’ I argue, almost hysterical, ‘she’s in there hurt and it’s all my fault.’

I‘m gently pulled backward out of Caden’s arms, the Alpha letting me go as I’m turned and buried into another hard chest, Hadley’s scent wrapping around me as he buried his face into my neck. ‘I was beyond scared sweetheart’ he rumbles against me.

‘I know, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have taken her there’ I mumble into his chest.

‘Not Bailee’ Hadley replies harshly, ‘though what happened sucks and I was glad to rip those bastards apart, I’m taking about you.’

I dislodge my face from his comforting scent to gaze up at him, seeing the agony in his eyes as he looks down at me. ‘Why?’ I ask weakly, ‘it was Bailee who was hurt when you got there.’

The warrior laughs hollowly, ‘I was terrified that you’d have been marked’ he whispers, leaning his forehead to mine. ‘I couldn’t have coped with another wolf’s teeth in your neck. I spent the whole ride there panicking that someone had hold of you and realised you were old enough. Then to walk in and find some bastard has his hands on you, is breathing over your marking spot where OUR mark belongs!’ He cuts off, swallowing hard as I stare at him, guilt crashing down over me for the pain I caused.

‘I’m sorry, I just wanted a night out’ I whimpered, fresh tears cascading down my cheeks as I drown in my own emotions.

‘I can cope with losing you to Caden’ Hadley murmurs softly. ‘It will hurt like death, but I have accepted that it will happen, but to lose you to some random dirty werewolf? I can’t deal with that sweetheart, I won’t!’

I nod immediately, ‘I promise, I won’t do it again, I won’t leave the territory alone again’ I whisper.

The sigh of relief that leaves my mate’s lips bathes over my face and I bury myself deeper into his arms, soaking in the protection I feel from him.

‘Let’s sit down over there’ Caden’s voice says from behind me as my hand is taken and I’m pulled gently from Hadley’s grip, the warrior taking my other hand as they lead me over to the seating.

Sitting down, my mates on either side of me, we wait in silence, neither man letting go of my hand, giving my comfort without speaking. It’s over an hour before my father comes out, his face ashen as he looks around before zeroing in on me.

Hurrying toward us, he pulls me up, wrapping his arms around me and squeezing me tightly as he whispers, ‘thank the Goddess’ over and over into my hair. Finally releasing me, he takes a step back, studying my face worriedly for a moment until he seems to find what he’s looking for and his shoulders relax.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

‘JJ, what were you thinking? What were the three of you thinking?’ he growled angrily, though I know it’s more fear than anything driving him right now.

‘I’m sorry’ I whisper, ‘I didn’t think . . ‘

‘No you didn’t!’ my dad cut me off harshly, ‘your sister could have been taken JJ! You and Ashleigh could have been taken!’

‘Ashleigh is marked’ I muttered in a small voice.

‘Do you think those wolves cared about that? You think they would have left her alone because she had a mating mark?’ My dad’s voice is getting louder as I shrink under his fury. ‘You were damn lucky, all of you!’ he continues, ‘lucky that Spenser felt you were lying, that he contacted Caden. You were damn lucky that Caden and Hadley found you all before it was too late.’

I nod, hanging my head under the weight of my guilt, ‘I didn’t mean to put Bailee in danger, is she . . is she OK?’ I ask hoarsely.

The fight leaves my father at the sound of my sister’s name and his arms wrap around me again. ‘The mark is gone but she’s still unconscious’ he replies, ‘her wolf is putting everything she’s got into healing her but the doctor said she is probably tiring now and Bailee may not wake until the morning.’

I nod, ‘will there be any after effects?’ I force myself to ask, I’ve never seen an underage wolf marked before. Sure I’ve heard the stories of the pain but to see it in real life made me realise just how much I underestimated the situation.

‘We hope not’ my father huffs, ‘Bailee is a beta, her wolf is strong and the fact the mark has already faded is a good sign. Mum will stay with her tonight and the doctor will check her periodically.’

He crouches down slightly so he’s looking me in the eyes, ‘you need to go back to your room JJ’ he orders, ‘get some rest.’

I shake my head immediately, ‘no! I need to stay here, I need to wait until she wakes up’ I argue, not wanting to go, to leave my sister here.

My father sighs, glancing at Caden who nods and stands up, taking my hand and pulling me gently into his chest. ‘Your dad is right Leeway’ he mutters, ‘you need rest, time to process what happened. Your parents can link you as soon as there is news, but sitting in these ridiculously uncomfortable chairs for hours isn’t going to help her.’

Another hand rubs my arm as Hadley cages me from the other side, sandwiching me between them both. ‘Let’s get you back to your room’ the warrior says softly, ‘at least get you a shower, you still have b***d on you.’

I look down dazedly to find my dress smeared with b***d from the werewolf I’d attacked after he bit my sister. His dead body flickered in my mind and I felt a sharp sense of pride, he’d never sink his teeth into another young she wolf again.

‘Come on Leeway, let’s get you back’ Caden murmurs as the two men each grab one of my hands and led me toward the entrance. I glance back at my dad, who gives me a reassuring smile, waiting until I step out of the door before striding back toward my sister’s room.

Once outside, the two men bustle me into Caden’s truck, a seatbelt is pulled over me and secured before the Alpha climbs behind the wheel, Hadley sliding in behind me.

I’m not even aware of us moving and I jolt in surprise when the pack house lights shine in the passenger side window, illuminating my face. Hadley jumps out, pulling open my door and helping me down as Caden turns off the engine, locking up the truck and coming around to meet us.

Walking into the pack house, I’m vaguely aware that the foyer is empty, the news of my idiocy hasn’t broken yet. No one is here to gawk at the stupid she wolf who almost got herself and two of the most important people in her life kidnapped or worse. I’m led like a zombie up the stairs to my floor, along the corridor, and to my door. I numbly hold out my key, Hadley taking it and unlocking the entrance as Caden holds me to him protectively.

Stepping inside I just stand in the middle of the room, unsure what I’m supposed to do. Caden moves around my space, clearing items from the bed where I had thrown them whilst picking my outfit earlier that day. Hadley steers me toward the bathroom, opening the door and ushering me inside.

He follows me in, reaching into my shower and turning on the water, leaving it running as he flicks around me, grabbing a clean towel and my shampoo from the shelf beside the sink.

‘Sweetheart’ he says worriedly, ‘you need to wash.’

I nod, reaching up to pull my ruined dress over my head, a garbled sound coming from my mate drawing my attention to him as he clears his throat and looks determinedly over my left shoulder.

‘I should maybe leave before you start undressing Jamie-Lee’ he mutters coarsely.

‘Why?’ I reply, my voice flat, emotionless, ‘you are my mate.’

The warrior coughs, still not looking at me, ‘yes but you have a decision . . umm, it doesn’t feel right . . . I don’t want to put you . . .’

I just stare at him, not really absorbing anything he’s saying before pulling the dress off, leaving me in my bra and panties.

‘Baby, do you want us to . . . woah!’ Caden growls as he walks into the room, his eyes darkening as he takes me in.

‘Star’ Hadley growls warningly.

‘Huh?’ Caden mutters weakly, shaking his head as his gaze snaps to somewhere over my head. ‘Yeah, right! Um, do you want us to wait here while you shower?’ he asks quickly.

I think about walking back out into my room and finding it empty, my stomach clenching as I nod quickly.

‘OK, um we’ll be right outside OK, just call if you need us.’ Caden literally leans around me and grabs Hadley my the shirt and drags him out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind him, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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