The Mafia & The Billionaire

Protect Her

Third Person’s POV

Their dinner had unfolded without any significant hitches after Daisy and Mavie took their leave. However, Serene’s mood had taken a nosedive. She struggled to keep her emotions in check as they finished their meal and returned home. The food had filled her stomach, but her emotional state remained unsettled.

Alex closely observed Serene throughout the evening, trying to understand what was bothering her. Although he wanted to ask her if something was wrong, her outward demeanor didn’t show any obvious signs of distress. Recognizing her need for space, he resisted the urge to inquire about her well-being. Instead, he stayed in the living room, taking care of phone calls, until it was time to go to bed.

Eventually, Alex went to their bedroom, only to find Serene already asleep. He didn’t think too much of it since she usually went to bed early. After quickly tidying up, he joined her, assuming that everything was fine. He knew that the earlier events had been overwhelming, and he worried that if Serene wasn’t strong enough, she might break down in front of her stepmother and stepsister.

Soft sobbing sounds from behind Alex woke him up as the night grew darker. He slowly opened his eyes but stayed still, trying to confirm the source of the sad sounds. By the time he realized that Serene was crying, she had already left the bed and entered the bathroom. He followed her movements, concealing the fact that he was awake as she moved back and forth in their walk-in closet before eventually leaving the bedroom.

Sitting up, Alex reached for his phone and said, “Inform me when Serene leaves the building,” directing the security team. Draping himself in his robe, he exited their bedroom. The absence of any lights indicated that his wife had already left. He poured a glass of water before settling into the living room, eagerly anticipating the security team’s call.

It didn’t take long for the call to come in. “Madam is in the mini gym,” they reported.

“Thank you,” he replied, standing up and making his way to the gym. Situated within the penthouse, it was a separate room, requiring him to step outside the main house. Cautiously, he cracked open the gym door and immediately heard the rhythmic strikes of someone pummeling a punching bag. As he ventured inside, he spotted Serene vigorously venting her frustration on the bag.

On the other hand, Serene was delivering relentless blows to the punching bag, her emotions a turbulent mix of sorrow and anger. Daisy’s words had cut deep, shattering her belief that she was immune to her father’s indifference. It was only now that she comprehended her father’s profound impact on her, particularly his lack of interest and affection.

Throughout her school years, she watched with envy as her classmates, especially the girls, reveled in their close relationships with their fathers. She frequently observed their delight as their fathers regarded them as cherished princesses or precious gems deserving of protection.

She unleashed a barrage of powerful punches before abruptly ceasing and clutching the punching bag. Tears flowed uncontrollably down her cheeks, and the suppressed sobs she had held back earlier in their bedroom now surged.

“I’m also your daughter, so why can’t I feel your love? What did I do to deserve this treatment? A simple ‘I love you’ or acknowledgment would be enough to make me forgive and forget, but why is it so difficult for you?” She implored; her voice choked with tears.

Serene straightened up and resumed her relentless assault on the punching bag. Fatigue began to set in, but she paid no heed, channeling her anger towards Daisy, Mavie, and her father. In her mind, the punching bag transformed into their faces, intensifying her strikes as she cried.From NôvelDrama.Org.

After nearly an hour of ceaseless, repetitive punches, she clung to the punching bag, her forehead pressing against it. “Mom, why didn’t you prepare me for this? If there was anything I needed to know, you could have told me. I miss you, Mom. I miss you so much, and I hope you’re with me now,” she cried, gradually sinking to her knees and gripping the punching bag as if her life depended on it. She craved numbness, a respite from the relentless pain in her heart.

Hurt, drained, and on the brink of exhaustion, she yielded to the temptation to close her eyes and lie down on the gym mat. Her breaths were labored, and her anger persisted. She solemnly vowed to uncover her mother’s murderer before the darkness consumed her.

Alex, silently observing her, now studied her intently as he leaned against the doorframe. He recognized that Serene needed him, no matter how resilient or unyielding she may seem. He understood that everyone carried their burdens and that, despite their efforts to confront them independently and steadfastly, they still needed someone to share the weight of their pain.

Believing Serene was asleep, he approached and carried her in his arms. As he looked upon her tear-stained face from earlier, he refrained from disturbing her, recognizing her need for rest. He allowed her to slumber while he remained vigilant. Alex walked out of the gym, brought her back to their bedroom, and had her lie on their bed. He wanted to clean her up first but was worried she would not like it and would only fight the following day.

What Alex felt for Serene surpassed mere pity; it was profound empathy. This realization spurred him to commit solely: he would protect her at all costs.

Before succumbing to slumber once more, he contacted Von. “Instruct someone to investigate my wife and her family thoroughly. I want to understand her more deeply, beyond the superficial details available on her social media.”

“Understood, sir,” Von replied. One last glance at Serene before Alex nestled beside her in bed, enfolding her in his embrace. Despite her sweat and the scent of exertion, all that occupied his thoughts was that she was his wife, and she needed him. The protection he was willing to provide for her would be more than just being her husband. He’d let her know that he was her companion and would be there for her no matter what.

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