The Mafia Contract Series

Book 5 —C28


My grandfather is pissed. It’s obvious from the hard gleam in his eye and the frown on his face. He is sitting on the terrace nursing an espresso and as I stretch my legs, I lean back in my seat and contemplate him through hooded eyes.

It’s just the two of us and I have filled him in on what Winter told me yesterday. If I thought, it would change his mind though I was wrong because he merely looks irritated before sighing heavily.

“This changes nothing.”

“It changes everything.”

“It changes nothing.” He repeats the sentence with a low growl.

“The alliance has been arranged and if we pull out now, there will be blood. Are you prepared to sacrifice your soldiers, possibly your own life, for a woman?”

“I would sacrifice everything for Winter. I already have.”

I remind him why I’m here at all and then lean forward and say firmly. “You knew I gave my freedom up for her. Did you really believe I’d watch her walk away from me?”

He rolls his eyes and spits, “I’m not asking you to give her up. Just enjoy a different kind of relationship. Allegra knows how this works. She will turn a blind eye to your activities outside the home, but she will demand your respect in it. Nonna was the same and I’m guessing Beatrice suffers along with the rest of them. Our role comes with many perks to ease the burden of the day. You can have it all, Alessandro and I’m disappointed that you are blinded by love.”

He leans forward and fixes me with a stern expression. “Love has no place in our world. Lust has free reign, and duty wins every time. Take your three months and when you return, it’s attending your own wedding and your bride will be waiting for you with the greatest gift a man like you can have. Power. It’s all about power, Alessandro and Winter Delauren has none.”

“It’s Sontauro.” I hiss through bared teeth.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“She has never, or ever will be, a Delauren. You say I would rather sacrifice my own soldiers than give her up. I disagree. You understand how this works, Grandfather; you scripted the rulebook. You say I would be weak if I backed away from this union. I disagree. True weakness is doing what’s expected. What the enemy wants you to do. Power comes from making a stand and winning through planning and manipulation. I always thought you were a master at that, and I hope you don’t prove me wrong.”

For a second we stare at each other through identical malevolent eyes and then I stand, my voice reaching across the table with a thousand blades attached. “I’ll be gone for three months, grandfather and when I return, the only bride by my side will be Winter. There will never be a vacancy in that position for anyone else. If you want a weak man to stand in your shoes, you chose the wrong one in me. Perhaps you should give my father another try. He may be scared enough of you to agree.”

As I turn, his voice jumps out and grabs me by the throat with a dark warning. “Don’t challenge me, boy. Duty manifests itself in many ways and claims the souls of the strongest men. This is bigger than either of us, and I will do whatever it takes for the good of the family. That is what matters more than anything. The Majerio family and if you want to be included in that, you will play your part or be damned.”

“Are you seriously threatening me?”

I turn slowly and stare at him with anger flashing in my eyes and I’m surprised when he stands and moves toward me, facing me with the eyes of a grandfather this time and not my Don.

As he reaches out and pulls me in for a hug, he whispers, “Three months, my boy. If you can find a way to have it all, I will be the proudest grandfather in the world. If your decision costs lives, it may just be yours that’s sacrificed.”

I pull away and nod, noting his battle lines. Three months to work a way out of this madness and return to honor our agreement. Luckily for me, I have powerful friends who will enjoy every minute of the challenge set and I can’t wait to get back behind friendly lines because I may have won the battle in freeing Winter, but the war is far from over.

Things move fast and we are soon taking our seats on my grandfather’s private jet and heading for Canada.

Winter is quiet beside me and as the wheels leave the ground, I’m conscious she is worrying about something.

As the plane levels off, I reach for her hand and lace our fingers together and she smiles with a hint of nerves.

“Where are we going?”

“Club Mafia.”

She nods and I wonder why she asked because I told her that when I instructed her to pack what she had because we were leaving.

It worries me because she is forgetting things; new things, not memories, and I wonder if she needs further medical attention.

Turning to face her, I stare at her with concern, and she shrugs. “What?”

“I told you where we were going. Had you already forgotten that?”

“No, I remembered the name, but you never told me what it is.”

Now I feel like a fool and exhale, lifting her hand to mine as I kiss every finger. I don’t think I will ever stop craving this woman and every minute I’m not touching her is a wasted one.

The attendant brings us a glass of champagne and as soon as she leaves, I raise my glass to Winter.

“To our future, baby. I intend on it being a long one.”

She smiles, but I hate seeing the worry in her eyes and say gruffly, “Club Mafia is our home. It belongs to the five of us. Angelo built it when your father died and we all head there as a place of safety.”


“You could say it’s a substitute Rockwell Academy.” I chuckle at the expression on her face. “It’s where we all live together as we did back then. It’s well guarded and the only place any of us can truly relax.”

“Will they be there?” She looks excited at the prospect, and I take great delight in nodding.

“They will. To be honest, they wanted us to go there before Sicily. Your friends are anxious to check you’re ok.”

“My friends.” She sounds a little pensive, causing me to stare at her with concern.

She shrugs and says lightly, “I just wish I could remember.”

“You will.” I nod confidently. “The memory will return when you spend time with them. Every single one played a part in bringing you home and made their own sacrifices on your behalf.”

“I feel so bad.” She looks worried and I shake my head. “Don’t be. They found their own happily ever after and every single one of them married for love, not power.”

“They’re married.” She regards me through wide eyes. “Because of me?”

I laugh softly. “It was always the plan, even before you were taken. We had it all worked out. Marry for power and take over the whole fucking corrupt world we live in. Become the masters of our own destinies and show our fathers how it’s done.”

“Who were you supposed to marry, Alessandro?”

I hate the pain in her eyes and I’m guessing she knows the answer to that already, as she says in a small voice. “Allegra?”

Sighing, I pull her close and whisper against her lips, “It wasn’t decided, but one thing is guaranteed, the moment I met you I knew.”

“What?” Her eyes are wide and filled with lust as I growl, “That you were my woman.”

“No, you didn’t.” She shakes her head and laughs, and I growl, “And you felt it too.”

She stares at me for a long minute and then says softly, “If I could remember the moment we first met, Alessandro, I’m certain that’s true. However, I can’t. All I’ve got is the moment I saw you when I opened my eyes in the hospital. I felt safe with you. There was an overwhelming need to be close to you and I suppose that answers your question. Yes, I knew, and I suppose if my memory returns, it will only confirm that.”

Our lips meet against her last word and as we kiss, it stirs the beast inside me, and I thank fuck my grandfather equipped this jet with a bedroom. Tearing off my seatbelt, I do the same to hers and pull her hastily to the rear of the jet, where I doubt we’ll leave for the rest of the journey.

The fact we pass my men, who always travel with me, causes Winter to blush with embarrassment, but they’re used to scenes like this. Not with me, though, never with me.

As I tug her inside and slam the door, I glare at her with a hunger that she obviously shares because without another word, she shimmies out of her dress and stands before me naked and needy and with a low growl, I tear off my shirt and step out of my pants but before I can say or do anything at all, she drops to her knees before me.

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