The Mafia Contract Series

Book 3 —C6


Somehow, I manage to read through the contract and make a few notes, but my thoughts are never far away from the stranger downstairs. Who is he and what’s got my father so rattled?

That alone has me guessing because he never gets rattled. He’s always in control and I’m shocked at seeing a different side to him.

Wearily, I change for dinner and pull on my usual shapeless sweater and leggings and run my fingers through my hair. I’m guessing as always, Sienna will be polished perfection. Usually while she waits for another admirer to come calling.

We are so different. She is everything I’m not and tell myself I don’t want to be. A stunning blonde with pretty blue eyes and a stick thin figure that would be the envy of everyone, me included. No matter how hard I try, I can’t shift the pounds and resign myself to a ruthless cycle of gluttony followed by starvation and a desperate yearning for acceptance. I’ve always been the ugly duckling of the family. My mom wasn’t a great beauty and was my father’s childhood sweetheart. They met at college, and he was nowhere near as successful as he became. Mainly because of her. She was the brains with none of the beauty. Together they created an empire and then she was struck down by cancer in her prime, leaving him devastated and me without a mother.

I was too young to remember, and then he quickly met Crystal Monroe, Sienna’s mother. Growing up as the ugly duckling in a family of swans was difficult, and I developed a hard shell. Crystal was a vain, needy woman who was not unkind, but her indifference hurt us both. Sienna craved a loving mother but was always made to feel as if she was in the way. I was happy to be disregarded but hated the way she played my father.

Endless arguments about countless affairs drove them apart and my father changed from a happy, loving man into a depressed, distrustful shell of himself. It was almost a relief when she ran off to Hollywood, telling Sienna she would send for her when she was set up. Sienna is still waiting, and it must hurt like hell.

Then he met Vivian, who was like a breath of fresh air through the family. A kind, loving woman who restored the smile on my father’s face and gave us a home for once in our lives. She worked at my father’s company as his assistant. Classic really, but they soon fell in love and now she heads up the home and creates a loving environment for him to return to every night. Vivian has always bent double to make us feel like one of her own daughters, and I know that Sienna is as grateful as I am about that.

Now things are set to change, and I wonder if our cozy bubble is about to burst, but nothing prepares for me for my first meeting with the stranger who came calling earlier on today.

I head into the dining room as is customary at seven o’clock every night. We dine as a family before disappearing off for the rest of the evening. I usually go to my room to read, and Sienna heads out on yet another date. Dad and Vivian watch tv, or accept one of the countless invitations they receive, but tonight we have a visitor and as soon as I enter the room, I guess immediately who he is.

Two dark eyes watch me approach, and it’s as if he is reading my soul. Impenetrable, dark pools of mystery that take my breath away. It’s difficult to see what color his hair is as he has bleached it blonde, and it sits slightly spiky on top of a devastatingly handsome face. The rough stubble decorating his jaw creates an element of danger as his beauty entrances me and draws me in, captivating my senses and taking my mind hostage. He is the most handsome man I have ever met and yet there’s an edge of danger to him that makes my skin prickle with energy and causes a shiver to fizz my blood with the promise that things will never be the same again.

His dark suit is well cut and the black silk shirt unbuttoned low enough to reveal dark looking script, intrigues me. His fingers are adorned with huge silver rings that resemble weapons and the air of mystery surrounding him makes my libido fire up and take notes.

However, the most unmistakable thing about him is his resemblance to Vivian and it can only be because of one thing. This man is related to her, and I wonder what that means for us.

Before I can speak, Sienna pushes past me and stops dead in her tracks, her hand flying to her mouth to capture the low ‘fuck’ that rushes past her lips. The irritated expression on my father’s face almost makes it amusing, but for once I’m in total agreement with my sister. Fuck indeed.

“Girls.” Vivian steps forward, looking anxious.

“This is, um, well, this is, Flynn. My son.”

I stare at her in shocked surprise and note the flush to her skin and the anxiety in her eyes.

Sienna gasps, “Wow, now you say it, it’s pretty obvious. I mean, Vivian, he’s the image of you.”

I detect a hint of pride in his eyes as he hears her words, but it’s the look he’s casting in my direction that floors me a little. Those eyes are probing into me as if he wants answers I don’t have, and I shake myself and force a welcoming smile on my face.

“I’m pleased to meet you.” I smile shyly and get an amused grin in return as Sienna steps in front of me and offers him her hand. “Likewise, I’m sure. I’m Sienna, daughter number two. Wow, I can’t believe this. Where have you been all my life?”Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

My father rolls his eyes, and the stranger merely smiles politely. “I’m pleased to meet you, Sienna.”

He looks past her to me, and I could drown in the deep pools of darkness that glitter with danger and something sparks between us that flusters me. He holds out his hand and I grab it quickly, pumping furiously and saying quickly, “Um, Louisa. I’m pleased to meet you.”

His fingers wrap around mine, and a huge wave of delirium engulfs me as I long for him to tug me closer and weave those fingers around my heart. Then everything changes as Vivian says quickly, “Flynn is family. I mean, well, I don’t know how to say this…” I’m surprised because she’s uncomfortable about something and appears lost for words and my father steps forward and takes her hand. “What Vivian means is that Flynn is also my nephew and, well, your cousin, girls.”

I stare at him sharply because what the fuck is going on? Sienna looks troubled. “I don’t understand.”

I risk a glance at Flynn and see the storm brewing in his eyes and imagine an icy hand clutching my heart strings. Something about this is bad and Vivian says almost shame faced, “Flynn’s father is your dad’s brother, your Uncle Massimo.”

Sienna appears as shocked as I am, and it doesn’t appear that anyone is happy about that. For some reason, I am devastated, and I don’t understand why. Flynn looks sick and Vivian looks as if she’s about to cry and the murderous rage in my father’s eyes makes for a very awkward moment.

Pushing down my disappointment, I smile and say kindly, “Then welcome to the family, Flynn. We should drink to that.”

I’m guessing everyone could use a stiff one and my father says quickly, “Of course, this is a happy occasion, after all. Champagne is needed, and lots of it.”

As he heads off, I watch Vivian struggling with her composure, and feel sorry for her. Smiling at Flynn, I move toward my stepmother and hug her warmly. “Congratulations, Vivian. You must be so happy he’s here.”

The bright tears in her eyes expresses her gratitude and she smiles. “I am.”

I turn to Flynn and am quietly unsettled by the expression in his eyes, and I swallow the lump in my throat as I smile. “I hope you’re going to stick around for a while. It will be good to get to know you.”

He nods, looking a little out of place, and I watch as Sienna grabs his hand and says with excitement, “I could show you how things work around here. Parade you around town and you can hang out with me and my friends.”

“I don’t think…” I interrupt because, from the horror on his face, Flynn would rather stab his own eyes out and she rounds on me furiously. “At least I have friends, Louisa. What would you do to make him welcome? Read him a chapter from one of your romance books? No, leave it with me. I’ll show Flynn how it works around here, and it can begin tonight.”

She turns and says with excitement. “There’s a party at my friend’s house. You could come with me, and I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

I roll my eyes behind her back, causing him to smile a little and luckily Vivian steps in and says evenly, “Perhaps another night honey. Flynn has just got here and I’m keen to catch up. It was such a sweet thought, though.”

Sienna nods and looks a little disappointed but cheers up when she takes the seat beside him at dinner. I am seated opposite him and am conscious the entire time of those dark eyes staring at me with a curiosity I can’t explain.

As we take our first family meal together, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. It’s awkward as fuck, yet the most exciting night I have ever spent.

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