The Mafia Contract Series

Book 2 —C32

When I see my family home again, it’s as if a million deadly spiders are crawling over and inside my body. It’s terrifying in so many ways because of the memories it holds. So much has happened inside this house of horrors and it appears that today is no different, because I’m dreading what I’ll find.

As soon as the cars roll to a stop, the doors are opened by my father’s soldiers, and they check we are who we say. I notice a familiar face as one of them recognizes me, and I hate the pity in his eyes.

“Mrs. Sontauro.” He nods respectfully and I whisper, “What’s happening, Ben? I heard they have Eddie?”

He looks down. “I can’t say, you will have to ask Don Rossi.”

The fact he looks so wretched gives me my answer because Eddie was a popular addition to our household, and they will be hating every minute of this. His father is too, and I wonder what nightmare awaits us inside.

The door opens and my heart goes into freefall when I catch Julian, my father’s butler, looking grim faced.

He tries to disguise it with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes and nods with respect to my husband.

“Don Sontauro, Mrs. Sontauro. Welcome.”

Angelo just nods and stands back to let me pass and as I enter my childhood home, it all comes rushing back. The shouting, the beatings, the mental torture. It all swirls around me like angry demons that will never leave. I wish we could burn this place to the ground and erase it from life because there is absolutely nothing worth salvaging in this house of horrors.

“Angelo, how good of you to bring my daughter home for a visit.”

I shiver as my father heads our way and, completely ignoring me, offers Angelo his hand. “I trust she has not disappointed you.”

“No, sir.” Angelo is tight-lipped and cold, and I wish I had his ability to freeze people out because he is offering my father nothing in the way of emotion. He is a blank page scripted in invisible ink, and I wonder what this particular chapter will bring.

“Come inside and let’s raise a toast to the happy couple.”

We follow him and I say tentatively, “May I be excused to visit with Daphne?”

My father looks irritated and says to Angelo pointedly, “I’m disappointed she still acts inappropriately in company. You may want to work on that.”

I’m not supposed to speak unless addressed and yet I can’t help it. I am so worried and then, to make matters worse, my mother heads into the room and her sharp gaze makes my skin crawl.

“Jasmine, my darling, and Angelo, it’s so lovely to welcome you home. It would have been nice to have been warned though, we really don’t like surprises.”

I look down as Angelo says curtly, “Mrs. Rossi, I am sure as my wife’s mother you would have been anxious for her. We are visiting to assure you that Jasmine is happy and fulfilled in her new role as my wife. You can now sleep easier knowing your eldest daughter is happy.”

If mom is ashamed at being so publicly called out on her maternal skills, she doesn’t show it and Angelo says in a curt tone, “Perhaps Jasmine would like some time alone with you and her sister. I am sure you have much to discuss.”

I don’t miss the pointed look between my parents and my father says loudly, “Excellent idea.

Alana, take Jasmine to the kitchen to grab some refreshment and send for Daphne.”

Mom looks surprised and as she ushers me from the room, I hear my father say to Angelo. “It is fortunate you are here. I have a particular project I’m working on that you may be interested in seeing first hand.”

My heart starts thumping as I follow my mother to the kitchen, and I wonder what my father is playing at. There is something causing the hairs to stand up on the back of my neck because I recognize the signs when my parents have something particularly evil in mind.

We head into the kitchen and as Mrs. Castle looks up, I don’t miss the spark of fear in her eyes.

“Jasmine, it’s so good to see you.”

Mom says quickly, “Please serve Jasmine refreshment while I fetch Daphne.”

Mrs. Castle looks surprised and as mom leaves, she shakes her head. “You shouldn’t have come.

It’s not safe.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your parents are in a particularly difficult mood and Daphne is bearing the brunt of it, not to mention poor Joe and Scott.”

“Why, what’s happened to them?”

“It’s best you don’t ask.” She sighs heavily.

“My advice would be to get the hell out of here before it all blows up in your face.”

“Why is this a threat to me?”

She draws me to the side. “Your father has formed an alliance with the Torinos. Daphne is his bargaining weapon. I’m not sure when they are due to arrive, but you know what happens if they find your husband and his men here. They may think it’s trouble for them.”

“I’m here for Daphne. I won’t let them take her.” I stare at her defiantly and she shakes her head sadly.

“You have no choice, my dear. This is out of your hands.”

She looks past me and as I follow her eyes, I cry out in shock when I watch Daphne cowering beside my mother. Her face is almost unrecognizable. It’s bruised beyond belief, and the blood on her temple is crusted and uncared for. She has been crying and her eyes are red and puffy, and she holds her stomach as if it hurts. She looks scared to death, and I say angrily, “What have you done to her?”

Mom spits, ‘Nothing she didn’t deserve. Your sister was found naked with a servant and has shamed the family name. This was her punishment, and she should be grateful she’s still alive.”

“She may as well be dead because you are sending her to a living hell.”

Mom laughs like the sadistic birch she is. “Then wish her luck because tramps like her deserve a hard life. When I think of all the sacrifices we made to give you both everything and you reward us with disobedience and throw it back in our faces. No, we are glad to be rid of you and after tonight we can get on with our lives without you in it.”

Mrs. Castle gasps beside me and then cowers as mom fixes her with a hard stare. “Get to work and stop listening in on family business.”

Mrs. Castle almost runs from the room and, ignoring my mom, I rush to Daphne’s side. “Come with me. You don’t have to stay here.”

Mom laughs out loud. “As if that would ever happen. I can’t imagine Don Sontauro agreeing to house this cheap whore and suffer a war with the Torino family. No, say goodbye to your sister, Jasmine, because she’s leaving tonight.”

Daphne looks down and I watch her tears splash to the floor and before I can say another word, mom says with a strangely eager tone to her voice, “Your father has requested your company in the barn.”

Daphne looks up and the fear in her eyes pierces my heart. “No, please.”

My own heart races because I can tell where this is going, and I pray to God it’s not what I think it is.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hurry, your father doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

I place my arm around my sister and whisper, “It’s ok, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

As mom heads off, Daphne whispers, “But Eddie, they have him there.”

The fear mingles with the pain in her eyes, and my heart shatters because of what this is. A public execution with an audience and, if I’m correct, Daphne is about to watch the man she loves carved up before her eyes.

As mom shouts behind her, “Hurry you stupid girls, don’t keep your father waiting.” I slide across to the knife block and slip the biggest one I can find inside my purse.

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