The Mafia Contract Series

Book 2 —C29

Roberto is guarded around me because I took him by surprise when I called Sam to the side and told him to take his family out for the day. I then instructed him to leave the only soldiers I trust and sent the rest to sweep my establishments in town for information. Leaving my own personal security in place, I have emptied the mansion and instructed Benson to accommodate the repair crew that were booked to install new boilers on the property. It’s been arranged for months, and I took the opportunity to call in a favor and have my own special team accompanying them, who will install a covert surveillance system in every room here, transmitted only to my phone.

I knew exactly who to message when Jasmine told me of secret meetings on my property and luckily for me, Malik is a master at this and within a few hours, had it all arranged. I need to find out who I can trust, and it begins with my own staff and so, as I keep them occupied, I set in place the first part of my plan.

We head to the offices of my accountant to lose myself in boredom for the morning while my men run rings around the city. Tonight, is my meeting with Massimo and Winter, and I need to check the books and see if there are any more leaks in my operation. Roberto accompanies me and yet I still don’t trust him, so I say firmly, “I want you to arrange a phone for my wife. She must be able to communicate with me. Grab one from the shop across the road while I’m in my meeting and find out everything you can about Massimo Delauren and what he’s planning.”

He looks at me warily. “That’s easier said than done. What we know is shit because he gives nothing away and there are too many terrified men out there who won’t say his name, not to mention speaking out against him.”

“Then use your brain and find one. Research his men, find their families, friends, and acquaintances. Somebody must have connections outside of his operation and there is always gossip and stories to be told. Find them and feed them back to me; I need you to be all over this.”

He nods and sighs heavily as I head inside the skyscraper that is home during the day to my accountant, Mr. Parsons. My underboss, Giovanni, accompanies me, and we head upstairs to spend a mind-numbing morning of boredom.

AS IT TURNS OUT, it’s most enlightening and as I sit across the desk from a very concerned accountant, he produces endless spreadsheets about losses in revenue and increases in rent. As he continues, my anger grows because it appears my expenses are spiraling upward like a fucking spaceship to Mars and my income is plummeting faster than when it crashes back through the atmosphere.

I sit and absorb the information and my world implodes as it becomes obvious I am being squeezed from all directions in a fucking takeover bid.

Mr. Parsons looks nervous, and it’s probably because the more he tells me, the angrier I get and finally I snarl, “How long?”

“I’m sorry, sir.”

He looks confused. “How long has this been going on?”

He fidgets and loosens his tie. “It’s been a problem since your father died, sir.”

“Since. My. Father. Died.”

I say it slowly and shoot a sharp stare at Giovanni, who suddenly looks pale under his suntan.

“Did you hear about this?”

I stare at him pointedly, and he nods. “Roberto was informed, and it’s common knowledge among the men.”

I count to ten in my mind because why the fuck am I the last to know?

“Leave us.” I snarl to the accountant, who needs no further invitation and almost sprints out of the room.

My head is throbbing, and my nerves are screaming at me as I draw my weapon and point it straight at my underboss’s head. He starts to tremble as I snarl, “Then why the fuck didn’t anyone think to tell me?”

“I’m sorry, sir. I thought you were informed.”

“And what gave you that idea?”

I press the gun to his head, and he growls, “Roberto told us to keep it quiet. That you were in on it and didn’t want word getting out you were being played. It wouldn’t look good for your image, sir, and your enemies would think you are weak.”

Roberto. Fucking Roberto. I should have trusted my gut instinct on this because not only is my empire being stolen from under my nose, but my own men are letting it happen.

“And you?” I press the gun harder against his head. “What should you have done?”

“Informed you regardless, sir.”

“Then why didn’t you?”

He breaks out in a sweat as I growl. “I’m waiting.”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Because Roberto told me that it was only a matter of time before Don Delauren took your empire and I would be spared if I pledged my allegiance to him.”

I stride across to the window and gaze broodingly at the city below. My city. Or so I believed. It appears that Massimo Delauren isn’t content with my sister. He’s got me by the balls too and my first question is, what the fuck can I do about it?

There’s also the pressing problem of my underboss and consigliere plotting against me, not to mention my soldiers, and yet the only thing on my mind right now is Jasmine and how much I need to see her soft, friendly face.

“We’ll talk at the house.”

Giovanni looks up in shock and I growl, “I don’t have a lot of options right now and you’re lucky we’re downtown in a respectable business premises. You get to keep your life for now until I have worked out what to do with you betraying bastards. One word of advice, tell no one, and especially not Roberto. If you can manage that at least, I will spare your life and that of your family.”

He looks down and I growl, “What did you say?”

“Yes, Don Sontauro.”

I am so angry I almost can’t see straight and as we sweep out of the office, I’m planning a massacre single-handedly.

We take the elevator down to the basement in silence and Giovanni has the sense to keep quiet because I am running on empty promises right now.

My car is waiting, and I see Roberto cut a call he is making, and I wonder what to do about this situation. I only have one option and deciding to keep my enemies close for now, I say impatiently, “We’re heading home.”

I don’t miss the anxious gaze Roberto directs at Giovanni, who has the sense to look the other way. One thing’s certain, I will need to act fast because Massimo Delauren could well make his move tonight and sitting at that table will be the two people I love most in the world.

Suddenly, it hits me hard, and I falter a little as I register what passed through my mind. Love. A word I don’t associate with me; possibly concerning my sister, but when did Jasmine feature in this?

It throws me a little and gives me yet another problem to deal with and as I take my seat in the car, I’m not sure what the fuck is going on and I certainly haven’t got a clue how I’m going to resolve it.

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