The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

I was shocked that I had spoken to Jaxon in that manner and he did nothing about it. I was even more shocked that after that, I was able to avoid him without a hitch or hiccup. We didn’t even cross paths once, not during dinner and not when I was reading the book of fairytales to Kiara.

I had thought it was a fluke since it was evening and held my breath hoping that I wouldn’t have to encounter him the next day but the same thing happened. I wasn’t even sure if he was in the palace that day because Kiara kept asking for him. I was a bit relieved that e had gone to do whatever it was that he was doing because it gave -me chance to plot for an escape.


While searching, I was forced to come to terms with the possibility that Kiara would not want to leave. She had met her father and she was living a life of luxury. Asking her to leave would be cruel but I had my own reasons as to why I wanted to leave and I hoped that as she grew older, she would understand.

I spent the morning studying the guard’s schedules and what time they changed shifts. It wasn’t easy considering they only changed once and I had not previously watched them to be sure if they actually changed at the same time daily.

Once I had noted their change time, I made a mental note to return the next day and check again so I could plan my escape. I realized I had nothing to do for the rest of the day because Kiara was taking a nap and so I decided to explore. I walked around the palace grounds until I came to an orchid.

The trees were taller than me and shielding the sun from my eyes. I could see fruit trees that I didn’t even think grew in this climate, flowers and shrubs. I reached up to an apple tree to pluck one but a

servant literally rushed. over and pulled it off the branch for me. I glanced at him carefully and he bowed at me with a small smile.

“I can pick my own fruits,” I told him and he flushed pink in embarrassment but nodded nonetheless. As I reached up to pick another apple, he let me this time. “Can I at least have a basket?”

He rushed off and within a minute had returned with a knitted basket. I couldn’t help but admire the artwork and absolute mastery it must have taken for someone to be able to hand knit it. It was beautiful and sturdy and I made a mental note to ask the servant who had made it whenever he returned.

I picked a few more fruits. I picked oranges and apples, bananas and mangos. I even picked fruits I had never seen before until the basket was filled to the brim. I have always loved fruits growing up and so does Kiara. I could only imagine her excitement when she saw the assortment of fruits in the basket.

Once I was done quietly left the orchid and made my way back into the palace. I walked straight towards the kitchen and once I crossed the threshold, I could see everyone freeze and turn to look at me in shock. It was like


Chapter 9

they didn’t know what to do or say and I quietly walked over to the counter and placed the basket on it.

“Is it possible for these to be washed and added to our dinner every night?” I asked out loud because I wasn’t sure who was going to answer.

“Of course,” a young middle aged woman said. She nudged a younger girl who rushed over and picked up the basket.

They were still standing awkwardly and I realized that my presence was a big shock to them so I quietly left. As soon as the door shut behind me, I heard the room erupt into whispers and I fought hard to hide my small smile.

I decided to check on Kiara next and I was on my way there when I bumped into Aiden. I ignored him and tried to side step him but he refused to budge for me and I crossed my arms over my chest and looked up at him with a raised brow.

“I don’t have time for games Aiden, what do you want?”

“I need you to come with me,” I cocked my head to the side waiting for him to expand on that and he finally sighed. “Just come with me before Jaxon has my head on a spike.”

“You’re free to tell Jaxon that I want nothing to do with him.”

“You might get away with talking shit to him but don’t forget that he is the lycan king for a reason. He will not hesitate to flay me alive so while I appreciate your valiant efforts at bravery, I want no part in it.”

After saying those words, he didn’t give me a chance to refuse. He grabbed my upper arm and guided me through the palace halls. He led me to the fourth floor and towards a terrace that I didn’t even know was there before. The terrace had been arranged and set to mirror a dinner setting.

It was beautiful and breathtaking and I saw Jaxon standing on the other edge of the terrace by the balcony. He was wearing a pressed button up shirt and black trouser slacks. The terrace was set with a two chairs, a candlelit setting and flower petals on the floor.

“What is,” I turned to Aiden but he had disappeared and it was just Jaxon and I. “What is all of this?”

pure sincerity on his face and I

“I just want us to talk,” he said and I wanted to run away but there was a look of pure sincerity found myself sighing and taking one of the open seats. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“You have five minutes before I leave,” I muttered and he rushed to take the open seat in front of me.

He didn’t speak immediately; he unveiled the plates to reveal a dish of pasta and meatballs, I watched him


Chapter 9

carefully but I realized he wasn’t going to say anything soon so I decided to take a forkful of the pasta. It was better than anything I had ever tasted and I had to hold back a moan.

“Did you make this?” I asked and he hummed with a nod. “I didn’t know you could cook. I would have thought it was beneath someone of your status.”


“Don’t be spiteful,” he said and I narrowed my eyes at him. “I just want us to talk and I can’t do that if you don’t put down those walls that you’ve already pulled up.”

The way he said it had my eyes narrowing and I sat up slowly. He must have realized what he said wrong because “I saw a look flash across his face but before he could speak, I stood to my feet.

“You have some nerve saying that when you caused me to put up those walls in the first place,” I spat. “You called me one of your whores and you bought me with money like I was some sort of commodity. I might be young but I am not stupid and I’m not going to let you act like I’m overreacting here. I also remember the women- all of them.”

“I’m sorry,” he reached out to me but I pulled my arm away from his reach. “I didn’t mean those words. If I did then why would I have gone to find you? Those women, they meant nothing to me, if they did then I would never have spent four years searching for you. I looked for you everywhere.”

I was so shocked by his words that I turned to him so fast and almost got whiplash. He stood up slowly and made his way over to me. I backed up until I hit the wall and Jaxon caged me in. I could feel the heat from his skin and his scent filled my nose. I wanted nothing more than to throw myself in his arms and allow him hold me but I kept my expression stoic and fisted my hands at my side to prevent from doing anything stupid.

“The moment I realized you were gone, I searched for you,” he said softly and I felt him tuck a stray strand of hair behind my eyes. “I went to your old pack but no one had seen you.”

“Why?” I asked and he cocked his head to the side in confusion. “Why did you look for me?”

“There was something special about that night. I don’t know what it was but I felt it and I tried to push it away by finding some other woman. I didn’t know how to feel what we had, i was stupid. When I saw that you were gone, I knew I needed to have you back.”

I didn’t know if he was telling the truth but I wanted nothing more than to believe him. He was standing so close that I could feel his breath on my face and I wanted nothing more than to lean up and kiss him. He must have wanted this same thing because I saw his eyes move to my l*ps.

Just as he was about to lean down, I turned my face and moved myself out of his hold.


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