The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Jason was awake when I finally roused from sleep but judging by the bags under his eyes I doubted he got enough sleep 1 was beginning to see a pattern here between how things played out with Noxian and I did not want things to reper themselves. He was sitting up in bed just staring at the wall lost in thought and absentmindedly running his hand through my hair It wasn’t until I sat up and disrupted his ritual that he realized I was okay. He tried to plaster on a small smile and pretend like he was fine but I knew him too well to let him do that. I sat up and straddled him with my legs on either side of his hips. He let out a deep sigh and pulled me as close as possible then humed his face into my neck. He didn’t say anything but that alone was a sign that something was troubling him. “I know you don’t want to taint our home. I began slowly “But it’s our home. It is supposed to see the good days and the had, right? We can’t keep these things away from here any more than we can keep them from happening” He hummed in my neck as I spoke and I lifted my hands so I could gently stroke the hair at the nape of his neck. He didn’t look like he was interested in speaking anytime soon and I was going to force him to, I just needed to remind him that I was here and he didn’t always have to hide things from me to protect me. We sat there in complete silence for what felt like hours but in reality was probably not more than ten minutes. It was just us, tangled up in each other and offering mutual support while lacking in the other’s presence. It was so relaxing and it was something I knew I would be doing more often. After a while. Jaxon pulled back slowly and he smiled but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.. “What is going on!” my voice was barely over a whisper as I spoke. Is this about Violer? Has she done something? Did she attack someone!” “No,” he pressed a kiss to my forehead. “It has nothing to do with your sister. It has nothing to do with you. It is about my mother. 1 was taken aback because that way not the answer that wavesperting Jaxon had only spoken

about his mother a few times but from what I knew she was an amazing person and he truly loved her I would have loved to meet her but unfortunately life doesn’t always work the way we wish it would. As looked at Javon once more, I realized what this was about and I felt my heart lurch in my throat. I opened my mouth to speak but no words would come out I had also lost a mother but I di not know how to comfort him. “You don’t have to comfort me, Freya, and you really need to stop throwing your thoughts down the bond.” he let out a deep sigh. “It has been over a century since she died” “That doesn’t make it any less hurtful, Jaxon. She was your mother and you must have loved her. It is bound to hurt no matter the time that passes 1 allowed my fingers trail down his cheeks affectionately “You never did tell me how she died was in too much pain to ask questions then You just said she was murdered and I understand if you don’t want to-” “It’s fine, Freya,” he assured me but to my shock he rose from the bed with me still wrapped around his front. “But it is a long story and we have two children who are going to wake up very hungry” I didn’t miss the fact that he said two children. I couldn’t stop the smile that grew on my lips. Jaxon was an expert at holding up facades and I didn’t truly realize it until today. He was hurting badly but he managed to keep a smile on his face as we made breakfast together and even as the children came down the stairs. He entertained them like there was nothing wrong and if it weren’t for the brief moment we had together upstairs, I would have thought he was fine “You don’t have to go to school today,” Jaxon said to Kieran as soon as we were seated for breakfast. “There’s something we might have to do today and it might clash with your school time I’ll call them and let them know you’re out for the day.” Kieran’s eyes widened and you could have sworn you just gave him a year’s supply of toys. His relief was worrying and it wasn’t just me who picked up on it, I noticed Jaxon narrow his eyes at the little boy for a split second before being dragged into another conversation by Kiara 1/3 ||| O Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Chapter 79 I made a mental note to talk to Kieran but after breakfast I was rushed into clearing up and cleaning and I completely forgot. By the time I remembered and I made my way into his room, I was shocked to find the door ajar. I peered in and I saw Jaxon already with him. He was sitting cross legged in front of Kieran who had his knees curled up to his chest as if he was trying to hide himself. I could see tiny tears roll down his checks. privacy. I decided to help Kiara instead I knew I was intruding so I took a small step back and closed the door to give the and by the time I finished with her, Jaxon was just leaving Kieran’s room. There was a troubled expression on his face and he looked lost in thought and angry. He was punching away at the keypads on his phone and he was so focused on his task that he didn’t realize I was standing a few feet behind him. I quietly followed him until we got to our room and as soon as we got to the room, he placed the phone by his ears and began yelling. “I do not pay thousands yearly for you to allow that shit happen. I wasn’t sure who he was talking to but I decided to wate and listen. “Don’t give me the bullshit of they’re just kids- they’re not. He is just a kid. They are far older than he is. What hell were the teachers doing when it happened?” There was silence for a second. “I don’t care what anyone thinks or says. Change their minds or change their narrative. He is under my protection, he is MY child and if anything like this ever happens I will make sure your school never sees another day and that is a promise.” He hung up right after that and ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Jaxon finally noticed me as he took a seat on the chair. I walked over to him and took the one directly beside him. There was nothing said between us for a split second and I honestly thought I would have to ask what happened but to my surprise, he spoke first. “Kieran was having issues with some older kids in school,” he began slowly. “They tell him that he’s not one of them and he doesn’t deserve to be there. They said a lot of st*pid things but he wouldn’t tell me all of them.” I was pissed but beyond that, I was hurt. He didn’t tell me that when I asked him last night.

“Why didn’t he tell me?” “I asked him that and he said he didn’t want to bother you because you did so much already. I’ll find a way to make sure it never happens again. Maybe I can organize after school training sessions for him like my father did for me. it might help with his confidence. I could also-” “Jaxon,” I cut him off and he turned to me. “Relax, we can handle one thing at a time. You’ve spoken to the principal and the training will be a good idea. Let’s start with that and see how it works. Right now there’s something else on ground and that is your mother. I haven’t forgotten. What happened?” He smiled ruefully. “I was hoping you would forget. It’s not as complicated as I made it out to seem. I just don’t like talking, about it. He rose from the chair and walked over to the table. To my shock, the side opened to reveal a mini fridge and he pulled two soda cans. He handed me one and I gingerly took it. I knew Jaxon didn’t take soda but I put a no alcohol rule in the house so he had to substitute. “My father and I went out for a hunting trip as we usually did. He left my mother at home because she was a woman and. according to him, she was weak. I didn’t want to go because she was so close to delivering the baby and I wanted that child more than anything.” “She didn’t even want me to leave either. She begged me to stay with her but I couldn’t refuse my father. We got there and things were fine until my father almost went mad with pain. We knew it was my mother immediately. I left him there and I rushed back as quickly as I could,” “She was in her room lying there in a pool of her own blood. Someone had stabbed her countless times in the chest and stomach. It should have been impossible because very few people had access to the Queen’s chambers. For someone to have gotten in, she needed to let them in. She let in her attacker and she died for it.” He sounded so detached as he spoke but the hurt was visible on his face. He looked uncomfortable. O r

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To she buried in the peaked and he shook his firad “There « a burial wite kept specifically for members of the preval tamils haven’t been there up to ten times I try to and it as much as puble” father. In the past centurs. 1 chain Tɔnow I ho are her today.”” Lasked. “She would love the man you are now and the family char have lowed to see her From everything you have ever told me about her, she wounds like a wonderful person You would go with me” “We all would, we re your family Jaxon, we’re not going to leave you on a day like this. What do you say? “Okay, it’s going to be chilly though so you might want to grab ajacket 田 SEND GIFT 田

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