The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups

Chapter 200

Chapter 200


I can’t believe this.

I haven’t seen Nina in years. We met once when Jane and I were first married. She was traveling through the territory with her family, and though our wolves had recognized each other immediately, I’d never been interested in anyone but Jane. My bond with Nina felt more like encountering a long lost friend or sibling – it wasn’t anything like the overpowering need that consumed me any time I was near Jane.

In all honesty I don’t know how Nina had felt about the situation – I never gave her the chance to tell me. I merely explained that I was already mated and I wished her the best. Matthew was there of course, and I even understand him keeping tabs on her in the meantime. It makes sense – if she ended up mated to an Alpha and they found out who I was, they might be a threat to me. I know I would feel compelled to destroy any fated mate of Janes – purely for existing.

However the idea that Matthew had called her after all this time, brought her here when I nearing the end of my life.. I can’t even comprehend this. I understand his thought process, but I cannot accept or forgive it. His heart might have been in the right place, but he crossed a line and he knows it.

I’m still staring at the door to my office, and now that I scent the air, it seems so obvious that Nina is here. I remember her scent as if it was yesterday. Where Jane is sweetness and sunshine incarnate, all soft florals and gentle amber, Nina is bolder, spicier and woodier.

She’s a more dominant wolf to be sure, another Alpha and born leader, but she isn’t my little wolf.

I give Matthew one last glare before storming into my office, stopping dead in my tracks when I see Nina. She stands when I enter, offering me a soft smile. She’s tall, lean and lovely – with raven hair, caramel skin and rich chocolatey eyes. Only a blind man would think she isn’t beautiful, but she isn’t

my type. My type is pint- sized, blonde and with eyes like the forest – so fair that I can see even the slightest of her blushes painting her skin pink.

“You shouldn’t be here.” I say by way of greeting, my voice as rough as gravel.

Nina arches a finely sculpted brow. “Well hello to you too.” She quips.

My wolf rumbles uncertainly in my chest. He’s always been crazy about Jane and I don’t think he has any true interest in Nina, but he still doesn’t like me showing our mate such disrespect. “Tm sorry, I don’t mean to be rude. “

“There’s no need to explain” Nina tells me, seeming entirely unfazed. I suppose that’s the difference between an alpha and an omega. Jane would either quiver or defy me, but Nina simply seems above it all. “

Matthew already told me everything, besides,” She adds wryly, nodding towards the waiting room. “I may or may not have overheard your little chat.”

Sighing as I recall just how loud we’d been during our argument, I begin, “Then you already know what I have to say. I’m sorry Matthew called you here, but I’m afraid it was a mistake”

Nina c0cks her head to the side. “Is that so?”

“Yes.” I growl, wishing she would show me some reaction other than this nonchalance. “If you truly know my situation then you know things are pretty bleak. No one should have to cope with this stress – especially not when we don’t have a pre-existing relationship. I made an exception for my daughter, but she wants to be with me because she’s too young to know better.”

“And if I want to be with you too?” She poses, raising both brows now. “What if I don’t know better myself?”

“Why in the Goddess’s name would you want to invite this misery upon yourself?”I demand.

Nina sighs, and I catch a flash of annoyance in her warm eyes. “You know I didn’t get a choice in things when you rejected me all those years ago. You never asked me what I wanted or how I felt – you simply told me that nothing was ever going to happen between us.”

“I remember.” I say simply.

“Well, if you had asked me, I would have told you that I was raised my entire life being groomed to be an Alpha’s mate. My parents somehow sensed my fate and began training me from a young age. They came from a very poor background, so they wanted the very best for me, they wanted me to be able to succeed when I eventually found my mate.” Nina shares, sounding a bit bitter now. “You can imagine how disappointed they were when I found you and you wouldn’t even give me the time of day.”

“I’m sorry,” I profess honestly. “You have to know it wasn’t about you – I was just already in love.”

“I get that.” Nina confirms, “but now you need to understand that I have spent my life training to be a Luna and nothing else. I never had a career, I never searched for love or took on hobbies, everything I have ever done was geared towards this single goal.

Preparing me for this role took all of my parents’ money, and all my free time.” She continues, “It’s all they ever wanted and I accepted it as my destiny because they sacrificed everything for me to achieve it.”

I have a feeling I know where this is going, and the truth is that I understand more than she probably realizes. My upbringing wasn’t so different. I was raised to be an Alpha and nothing else – I never had any other options. “But I haven’t made my parents proud.” Nina tells me, “and I haven’t reached any of my own goals because all I am is a Luna without a pack.”

“I know how you feel.” I admit stiffly. “My childhood and adolescence was consumed with training to become Alpha

“Yes, but you got to live up to your potential – you got to fulfill your birthright!” Nina interrupts. For the first time I realize how angry she is. I never saw any of this emotion when we first met, though maybe they weren’t as strong then. She was very young at the time, maybe she imagined my rejection would give her the chance to branch out and do what she actually wanted, but by then it was too late. “How do you think my parents took the news that you were already mated?” She asks, clearly reading my thoughts. “Do you think they were accepting? That they said ‘fuck all our sacrifices’ you go live your bliss now? No! They dragged me around to every other Alpha in the world trying to pawn me off, and it never worked.” She huffs.

“Nina, I really am -“

“Don’t tell me that you’re sorry again.” She interjects. “I don’t need empty apologies. I need action – and you have a chance to make this up to me.” She explains.

You need someone to help you through these last months, and I need to be a Luna. I need to fulfill this goal, I need to achieve my destiny.”

“But it might only be for a few months.” I remind her gently. “And I can’t give you pups of your own, I can’t be a true mate to you.”

“I realize that.” Nina informs me, “And I have a plan, if you’re willing to hear it out.”

“Go ahead.” I encourage, curious now.

“I will play nursemaid to you. Whether you want me here or not, we are fated, and my wolf doesn’t like seeing yours in pain. It wants to care for him and I. I want to care for you.” She shares, softening her tone.

I‘ll help you care for your daughter – she’s going to need a woman’s touch, especially if you can’t get better.

My presence will keep your wolf calm and sane longer, which will extend my own rein… and even if you die, I will finally be free of my parent’s expectations. I will finally be free to live my own life.”

This sounds like a very logical plan, but the more I look at Nina, the more I suspect there is deeper emotion underneath all her tough words. I’m sure she’s being honest about her upbringing, but

something about the light in her eyes makes me suspect she might be hoping for affection between us – affection I cannot give.

“I don’t mean to be cruel, I just have to say it so that we’re on the same page.”I forewarn her, “but you need to know this relationship won’t ever result in love on my end. That isn’t something I can give you.”

“I know that.” She answers stiffly. “I’ve always known that.” Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

An hour ago I never would have agreed to this plot, but then again I hadn’t known just how deeply my rejection had impacted her. I realize now that I owe Nina this much, and she’s right about her wolf soothing mine. It might extend my pain, but it will also give me more time to ensure my family is safe and my legacy is secure.

Taking a deep breath, I agree. “Then we have a deal.”

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