The love of a Mr. CEO


“There was this one chef I had named Chad who really knew how to please a girl, too bad he moved to Ohio before the real fun could begin” I responded applauding myself at my sudden boldness.

“I need Chad’s address so that I can remind him that you’re mine” Ivan snapped

“Actually, I’m mine” I replied gleefully.

“Amelia” Ivan warned making me giggle at his sudden mood change.

“Has anyone ever told you your moods change faster than a pregnant woman” I asked him still wanting to push his buttons further. In the blink of an eye, I was caged between the counter and Ivan as he gripped my hips tightly.

“Easy there tiger” I giggled enjoying his possessiveness over me. He groaned loudly and I finally decided to drop the teasing.

“You’re going to be the death of me mia cara” Ivan muttered swaying us back and forth.

“But you love me right?” I pouted wanting to hear him tell say it. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss which wiped the pout off my face.

“That I do” he responded sincerely which plastered a huge smile on my face.

After a bit of bickering and a lot of kissing, we finally decided to call it a night. As we snuggled closer to one another, I remembered the encounter I had with the mystery man on the street.

Even though, a large part of me wanted to never speak to my parents again, there was still the small piece that just wanted to be reunited with both her parents. With that thought in mind, I dozed off content and at peace, despite the significant amount of drama that was introduced to my life,

Amelia’s pov.

Thanking the cab driver I stepped out only to be greeted by my fathers building. Coming here alone probably wasn’t the smartest thing in the world but I didn’t feel like dragging Ivan through my problems once more, though his presence would do wonders with calming my nerves. I left Ivan a note but silently prayed I was back before he had awoken or else I would never hear the end of it.

Taking a deep breath, I marched into the building with my head held high and completely disregarded the receptionist as I strolled through the lobby and straight to the elevators. I was thankful I was alone in the elevator to get my nerves in check but of course with my luck someone stopped the elevator from closing and stepped in beside me. Ignoring the stranger, I took the time to rehearse what I was going to say to my father once I saw him.

“I knew you’d make the right decision love” the stranger said startling me from his baritone voice. Confused, I took a moment to survey this guy’s appearance not recognizing his face but the voice sounded familiar.

“I’m sorry, do I know you” I asked eager to find out the identity of the mystery man.

“Of course I don’t expect you to know who I am but I was almost certain my voice would give it away” he chirped with a slight grin.

I took a moment to rack my brain on how I knew this guy when suddenly it clicked. I immediately threw a punch to the mystery man’s arm aiming to wound him but his expression said otherwise.

“You’re the asshole who snuck up on me to say and I quote ‘”You’re father will be expecting you to meet him at his office tomorrow morning alone, unless you’d like for their to be consequences'” I mocked in my terrible attempt at a British accent which I didn’t realize he had until now. The guy bursted into fits of laughter clearly amused at my horrible accent.

“Well, I never knew I sounded that awful to you Americans” he spoke sobering up from laughing.

“You don’t sound bad it’s just I’m not the greatest with accents” I stated, my cheeks tinted red from blushing.

“I do however want to apologize for scaring you yesterday, your father asked me to give you the message but I felt the hoody and scary voice was very necessary in building up tension” he ranted causing me to giggle at his thought process.

“It worked…”

“Philip Wagner at your service malady” he introduced himself dramatically.

“Well Mr. Wagner, although you are quite the interesting fellow, I must be getting to the meeting with my father or I hear their will be consequences” I say quoting his words from yesterday as I step out of the elevator.

“Well Amelia, I do hope to see you around” he says with a smile and wink. Smiling back, I nod before walking towards my father’s office the nerves returning once more. Knocking softly, I slowly open the door and take in the appearance of my father. His dark hair having sprinkles of grey hairs and his eyes a pool of brown which was a contrast from the green eyes I got from my mother.

“Hello, father” I greeted making sure my voice was void of all emotions. I could tell by his facial expression that my lack of emotion didn’t sit well with him.

“Please sit” he ordered as I carelessly through myself into one of the main chairs in his office. His office was no joke and if I were anyone, it would’ve impressed me greatly.

“You called me down here to explain yourself so go ahead” I snapped angered at his silence. His eyes blazed in anger at my rude tone but he began to speak anyway.

“As you know, I left you and your mother to further pave this business into what it is today. At the time of when your mother gave birth to you, we were very far from financially stable and I couldn’t look your mother in the eye without being disappointed at myself for not supporting my family. Please know that my decision to leave was never because I wasn’t happy with you guys but because I wanted you to have a business to takeover when you came of age and for me to be able to support my family in all ways possible.” He explained as I watched his nerves begin to arise.

“Did mom know about this and are you guys together?” I asked still confused as to why she faked her death.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Not until a few years ago, if I had told her why I left then she would try to stop me and I couldn’t have that. As for our marriage, we tried to make it work on multiple occasions but I guess the time apart really broke our relationship” he explained.

“Why are you just now reaching out to me and if mom knew before she faked her own death then why did she?” I bombarded him with questions still trying to comprehend what he was saying.

“I kept track of you all these years but I felt as though had a reached out when you were younger, you’d be thinking like a teenager and not an adult. As for why your mother did what she did, I assume is because the way she chose to financially support you was high-risk” he spoke being very scarce with the details.

“Why isn’t she here” I asked wanting to hear her side of what he said.

“Your mother didn’t want to see you knowing who you were associating herself with”

“Why should she have a say on who I interact with considering she herself clearly didn’t have a good judge of character” I snapped as I watched how my words effected my father. The flash of hurt in his eyes made me regret my words for a second but that went away when I thought about all the pain he caused me.

“Amelia, you’re a grown woman and you need to understand that the man that you’re with doesn’t come from a good family line” he tried to reason but I couldn’t accept the nonsense he was spewing.

“Clearly it’s better than my family line and if we don’t have anything to discuss, I will be taking my leave” I bit back making a move to get up.

“Listen to me you ungrateful child, you will listen to what your mother and I say or I swear you’ll be dead to us” he threatened as he stood up and marched towards me.

“Quite the temper I see, father” I taunted my voice colder than I was expecting. I watched as his face began to redden and if he were a cartoon character, he’d have already exploded from the amount of rage he was displaying.

“Get out of my office” he shouted just inches away from my face.

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