The love of a Mr. CEO


“Why don’t you lock him in his office, break into his house and poke holes into all of his condoms” she suggested while shoving popcorn in her face.

“There are several things wrong with that idea Sierra, the main one being if I poked a hole into ALL of his condoms and we ever got back together, I’ll be the one with bread in my oven” I nagged as she huffed in response. This conversation had been going on for ten minutes and Connor looked like a chipmunk on crack because he was laughing so hard.

“I got it, wait on top of the roof of Stone Industries until he leaves work and pelt him with water balloons filled with a mysterious substance, extra points if you managed to hit his car as well” she explained excitedly.

“How old are you” I questioned at her stupid idea of getting revenge on Ivan.

“Currently 24, why do you ask” she responds and I groan into the pillow I was lying on.

“Connor do you have any brilliant ideas that don’t involve me getting pregnant, arrested or fired” I ask hopeful that he had a better idea.

“Well, you could always try and make him jealous with someone else” he replies after recovering from his laughing fit.

“Except whoever I flirt with will end up going missing if he finds out” I counter.

“Why don’t you pretend to flirt with me, I’m pretty sure Mr. Stone already hates me and he can’t do me harm without getting hell from you so it’s perfect” he explained and I lifted my head to look at Sierra for approval.

“Mimi, so long as you don’t end up dry humping my man at work, I’m cool” she jokes and I giggle in response. Our conversation is cut off by the doorbell signaling the arrival of our several boxes of pizza. After several minutes of arguing in front of the delivery guy for who was paying, Sierra somehow managed to hand him the cash before Connor and I.

We immediately dug into the greasy goodness, having no regrets about eating our weight away in junk food. The rest of the night was spent over food, pointless bickering and watching enough tv to last us a lifetime. For the first time in awhile, my happiness wasn’t because of a man and was solely brought out by spending time with my friends whom I considered family.

A few days has passed since the fall out between Ivan and I, since then work has been extremely awkward. Ivan has attempted to talk to me several times, but each time I ignored him which led to him walking away frustrated. Connor and Sierra made sure that I never felt alone, whether they took me out for lunch, slept over or even given me a simple hug.

I’ve had several sleepless nights which was a direct result of overthinking the situation with Ivan and my father’s intentions on returning to my life. Seeing Ivan everyday and not interacting with him has taken a great amount of my happiness away but I knew that I needed to distance myself from him. I also noticed the evident bags under his eyes and the fact that he yelled at everyone that wasn’t me.

“Amelia” Connor shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. “I’ve been saying your name for a few minutes without a response” he exclaimed and I looked at him apologetically.

“Sorry, I was thinking about my dad” I explained, rubbing my face in frustration. I haven’t gotten any calls or appearances from him and it’s been driving me insane.

“If you really need answers, why don’t you go to his office and ask him yourself” he asked while munching on his sandwich.

“I guess I could do that but I don’t exactly know where his office is. Every time I met up with him, it was at a cafe.” I answered dejectedly.

“Lucky for you, theirs a devilishly handsome man who’d do anything to get in your good books again” he replied hinting at Ivan.

“Connor, I haven’t said a word to him in almost a week, I don’t know what to say” I explained nervously chewing on my bottom lip.

“I know, how about: Mr. Stone, can you give me the address to my father’s company?” he joked causing me to punch his arm.

“Alright smartass” I sassed, getting up and tossing my half eaten sandwich in the trash. I quickly said goodbye to Connor and made my way to the elevators. The closer I got to his office, the more nervous I got.

I took a deep breath before walking in and towards my desk. Ivan was in the same place I left him, typing violently on his laptop. I sat at my desk and began working through the list of things he wanted me to do before I left. Thinking about what Connor said, I turned my chair to face Ivan and cleared my throat to get his attention. He immediately turned his focus from his laptop to me and gave me an intense gaze that reflected his curiosity and surprise.

“Um, I was wondering if you had the address to Alejandro’s office by any chance” I nervously asked referring to my dad by his first name. He stared at me silently contemplating my question and the silence didn’t help to ease my nerves.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“I’m not sure if visiting him is a very good idea” he finally admitted and I rolled my eyes in response.

“I just need his address if you have it, your opinion about whether or not I should visit him isn’t going to change my decision” I snapped making it obvious I was still upset with him. I watched as he angrily slammed a notepad in front of him as he furiously wrote the address. Ripping the sheet out, he motioned for me to come and grab it which I happily obliged. As I neared his desk and attempted to grab the address, he pulled it towards him.

“Amelia please let me come with you, I know you’re angry with me but I wouldn’t forgive myself if something happened to you.” He pleaded

“My father’s not gonna hurt me if that’s what you want to hear” I assured

“You don’t know him like I do, he’s a lot more dangerous than he lets on” he argued and I huffed while nodding

“Fine but this doesn’t mean you’re forgiven” I reply pointedly and he flashes me a grin while nodding.

“Do you want to head out now” he asks and I turn towards the stacks of papers laying on my desk before turning back around.

“I haven’t even completed half of the documents on my desk” I reply

“Mia cara, I think you’re forgetting who your boss is” he cockily reminds me and I roll my eyes yet again.

“Glad to know that nickname is still being used” I joke while we walk out of the office.

“Always and forever” he replies but that promise seemed to have an underlying meaning behind it. When we got down to the lobby, I saw Connor who sent me a knowing wink causing me to send him a wink as well, remembering the plan he and I discussed.

“Did Connor just wink at you” Ivan angrily asked causing me to chuckle.

“He’s being an idiot as per usual” I joked as his driver opened the door for us. I stepped in and slid all the way to the other door, resting my head against the cool glass.

“You know, you don’t have to be so far away, I don’t bite” Ivan said as he got into the car and shut the door.

“I do when you seem to never be able to keep your hands to yourself whenever we’re together” I sass and shake my head as his melodic laughter reaches my ears.

“I can’t help the fact that I feel better when I’m touching you” he whispers huskily into my ear eliciting a shiver through my body.

“Keep your distance Stone” I warn, thankful my voice didn’t give away my current desire to be near him. With one last chuckle, Ivan went back to his side of the car and remained silent until the car ride was over.

The limo came to a steady stop before the driver notified us that we made it to our destination. Getting out, I took a deep breath before following Ivan into my father’s building. The establishment was huge, almost as large as Stone Industries and I was impressed at how successful my father was at running this business considering the circumstances with his family.

“Woah” I muttered in astonishment as I gazed around the lobby.

“I may not have the best relations with your father but I can say that he’s done remarkable thing with this company” Ivan spoke as he led me to the receptionist who was too busy typing adamantly on her computer to notice our presence.

Ivan cleared his throat, effectively catching her attention and I noticed how she leaned forward and batted her eyelashes flirtatiously. I resisted the urge of reaching over the desk and ripping her hair out, my sour expression not going unnoticed by Ivan.

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