The Lawyer’s Romance in Law

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Go Ahead and Try

Elias did not waste a moment. He gently released the woman’s grip around his waist, calmly stating. “Please go ahead and rest. I’ll find my place on the couch.”

+15 Bonus

Grace’s face brightened instantly, and she responded with a soft affirmation. She obediently returned to her spot on the hospital bed, observing as he settled himself on the couch, and closed her eyes.

As he took his seat on the opposite couch, his mind delved into a haunting recollection of a vivid, blood- soaked scene from years past while looking at the girl sleeping on the bed.

It was a sight of unimaginable horror-Yelan had valiantly sacrificed himself, descending into a pool of blood to protect Elias. When Elias finally arrived, Yelan’s grasp on life was tenuous at best. Within that crimson pool. Yelan clung to Elias’ hand, his voice trembling as he pleaded, “Mr. Winters, I implore you, take care of my sister…”

At the grand Winters Estate.

The first rays of morning light painted the sky with delicate hues. As Amanda roused from her slumber, a surge of determination spiked through her. She slipped out of bed, exchanged her sleepwear for a fresh ensemble, and adorned herself with confidence. Today, she had made up her mind to leave this place behind.

The matter of birth control pills loomed over her thoughts. Elias had callously refused to provide them. leaving her with no option but to venture out and obtain them herself. She understood the urgency, aware that taking them promptly would prevent any potential complications if she were to conceive.

However, the moment she swung open the bedroom door, an unexpected sight greeted her-Yacob stood in stoic stillness as if crafted from unfeeling machinery. His right arm formed an impervious barrier, obstructing her path with unwavering resolve. “Miss Bailey, Mr. Winters has instructed that you cannot leave until he returns.”

A ball of anger erupted within Amanda, fueling her fiery response. “Why should I wait for him? He’s not even here, and we’re already divorced! What gives him the right to keep me captive?” It was clear that Elias, the sc*mbag, was intentionally preventing her from buying the birth control pills.

Yacob remained stoic, his expression unchanging. I apologize, Miss Bailey. I am simply following orders. I have no choice.”

His unwavering obedience, irrespective of the command’s nature, further ignited Amanda’s fury. “Im going out today! Let’s see what you can do to stop me!”

With a determined force, she forcefully pushed his arm, believing that a grown man like him would not dare lay a hand on her. However, her expectations were shattered as Yacob calmly uttered, “My apologies.”

“Hey! What are you doing!”

Amanda had made her way to the elevator, her finger inching closer to the button when he suddenly sprang into action. Swiftly, he approached her, his grip firm as he forcibly dragged her back into the bedroom, ensuring the door closed with an authoritative thud.

She stared at the tightly shut bedroom door and could not contain her frustration any longer. Laughter bubbled up from within her, a mixture of incredulity and exasperation.


Chapter 73 Go Ahead and Try

Does he have to be so unswervingly loyal?

+15 Bonus

With a mix of determination and frustration coursing through her veins. Amanda reached for her phone and dialed Elias’ number. After a few rings, he answered, but she wasted no time launching into a fiery tirade. “Show some decency, will you? What gives you the audacity to imprison me like this? Do I have nothing else to do with my day? I still need to work and earn a living, you know. Why should my time be wasted because of your whims?”

Elias’ voice, on the other end, remained infuriatingly composed. “I’ll compensate you for any lost income. Just be obedient and wait for me to return home.”

Well. He certainly has deep pockets!

An overwhelming resentment flooded her. “Stop flaunting your wealth! I don’t need your money! Let me out! Don’t you dare think you can prevent me from getting those pills. And let me make this crystal clear, even if I were to become pregnant, I will never keep it!”

Her frustration reached its peak as if her lungs were ready to burst from the sheer weight of her anger. This man was relentless in his authoritarianism, caring only for his satisfaction in every decision he made.

“Then, go ahead and try,” he retorted before abruptly ending the call.

Amanda stared at the disconnected line, rendered speechless by the extent of his despicability and contempt. What a despicable man!

Determined not to be thwarted, she swung open the bedroom door, only to find Yacob standing outside. like an impregnable gatekeeper, blocking her every step. Undeterred, she forcefully slammed the door shut, causing it to resound with a thunderous crash, as if she intended to shatter it into a million fragments.

Returning to the bed, she lay down, her anger intensifying with each passing thought. Is this wretched man planning to confine me for a full twenty-four hours? Even emergency contraception will be futile after that time.

Yet, as she calculated her menstrual cycle, a flicker of reassurance illuminated her mind. She was currently in her safe period, reducing the likelihood of pregnancy..

With this newfound reassurance, she finally let her guard down, relishing in the fact that Elias’ scheme had backfired. He has brought it upon himself!

However, the stifling monotony of being trapped within the confines of the room grew unbearable for Amanda. Summoning her inner resolve, she rose from the bed and approached the door once more, pushing it open.

Yacob, in his unwavering dedication, appeared somewhat resigned to her persistent attempts. “Miss Bailey, I implore you not to waste your effort. You can only remain here and patiently await the return of Mr. Winters,” he advised.

Interrupting his words, she asked curiously, “Has Grace attempted suicide by cutting her wrist? Is Elias attending to that matter?”

He offered no response, refusing to engage in idle gossip or involve himself in Elias’ personal affairs. His silence spoke volumes, leaving Amanda to draw her conclusions. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Your silence speaks volumes, huh,” she remarked.


Chapter 73 Go Ahead and Try

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Meeting her eyes briefly, he responded, “Miss Bailey, it would be best for you to remain within the confines of the bedroom. If you require anything, please inform me. If you’re hungry. I will ensure the kitchen prepares a suitable meal for you.”

“I have a present need. It’s rather dull being alone in this room. How about keeping me company and engaging in conversation?” She leaned against the door frame, crossing her arms, projecting an air of nonchalant contentment.

“I don’t possess a natural inclination for casual conversation, and I’m not well-versed in it,” he explained. his demeanor characterized by reticence and reserve.

“That’s not a concern. Simply address my queries. I am curious about the connection between Elias and Grace. He claims that he owes her a life. What does that signify? Did Grace save his life?” Her curiosity was piqued.

What magnitude of debt could prompt Elias to lavish such indulgence upon Grace, forsaking his wife and child in the process?

Yacob responded as he furrowed his brows. “It was not Grace who saved Mr. Winters’ life; it was her brother.”

“Her brother? What’s the relationship between her brother and Elias? Are they close friends?” Her m began to wander, conjuring various conjectures about how Grace’s brother could have saved Elias’ li

Yacob seemed reluctant to delve into the matter but did not want Amanda to speculate wildly. There he offered a concise response with a touch of creativity. “Yelan was Mr. Winters first bodyguard who remained by his side, protecting him for ten years. They were like brothers, and he treated Yelan exceptionally well, better than us.”

At least, they had observed that Elias treated Yelan as a brother in the past.

She continued to ask as her curiosity piqued. “So… How did Yelan save his life to the extent that Elias would sacrifice his love for it?”

That was because Elias had confessed to her multiple times that he did not love Grace and that his action were merely driven by guilt.

Yacob fell silent for a few seconds before speaking, “Yelan sacrificed his life to save Mr. Winters. In his dying moments, he entrusted Mr. Winters with the care of his sister, as they had no parents. Mr. Winters was only fulfilling his promise.”

“He sacrificed his life?” Amanda was genuinely shocked. She thought Yelan had only saved Elias’ life, but she had not expected him to die in the process. She then nodded with a look of understanding. “I sec..”

No wonder Elias doted on Grace so much; his guilt must run deep.

Unable to hold back, he added, “Miss Bailey, Mr. Winters isn’t the scoundrel you imagine him to be. He simply has an overwhelming sense of responsibility. Yelan’s death was a tragic and gruesome affair, and that’s why Mr. Winters continues to carry the burden in his heart.”

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