The Last Spirit Wolf (Elena Norwood)

The Rise Of The King Chapter 46


You would think I would have rushed to open this envelop, but I once again hesitate.

Sofia reaches her hand out to me, reassuringly squeezing my arm.

I turn to her in disbelief.

This could be it.

This whole plan could have actually worked.

"Well? Luna Irene asks, impatient.

After all, this is also her grandson we're talking about, the only real tie to Ellie she has left.

I open the envelope carefully, not wanting to rip anything inside. The paper is yellow, discolored from

Inside, there are a couple of official looking documents, neatly folded in half.

I unfold them, reading carefully.

My hand flies to my mouth as I read,

*Noah, son of lycan King Alexander and wolf princess Ellie Goldmoon, of the Goldmoon Clan.*

This is it. This is Noah's real birth certificate.

Both Alexander and Ellie signed this with their names and family seals, making it an official document "And?" Sofia asks beside me.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

"This is it! This is Noah's birth certificate." I tell them, still not believing the words coming out of my m

I hand over the document to Luna Irene, who traces her fingers on Ellie's signature and seal.

She smiles softly.

"Yes, this is her signature," she verifies, "so, it *was* all real," she muses.

I'm in disbelief. I can't believe we actually found it.

se years of improper storage, but still, if this is Ellie's handwriting. I want to preserve it.

The apprehension that had settled in my stomach since leaving the Castle and Noah has dissipated; this right here is the key to having a peaceful dissolution of the Council! No war, no conflict.

Beside us, Alpha Silas grunts, waking from his sleep. Dr. Owens goes to his side, checking his vitals again and making sure he was in fact just asleep.

"He saw the vision too, the first one, he doesn't know anything else," I tell Luna Irene quickly.

"I understand. He might think it was just a nightmare. Don't worry about it, I'll take care of him."

"Luna Irene," Sofia says, "now you understand why we can't go to war with the lycans. Not only is Vera the King's mate, but he's also your grandson; he's a Goldmoon. If anything, this could be an opportunity to unite our people once and for all and end our centuries long conflict."

"And more importantly, it was a lycan that the Moon Goddess chose for my Ellie. I have no doubt that he was an exceptional man to deserve my baby," she says softly.

This reminds me of something I had been wondering, but hadn't had the chance to ask.

"I understand why the Goldmoons would want revenge against the lycans, but what about Alpha Samael? Considering how he treated Ellie, I highly doubt his reasons are noble."

Luna Irene purses her lips, suddenly turning angry again.

"We were under the impression that his motives were the same as ours, naturally, but you leave that to me," she says.

"He's in perfect health, if only nursing a terrible hang over," Dr. Owens declares beside Alpha Silas.

"Irene. Irene!" Alpha Silas calls for her once he comes to.

Luna Irene rolls her eyes.

"Let this be a lesson to you both, *sometimes* the Moon Goddess doesn't know what she's doing when she picks mates."

Sofia and I smile as Irene gets up and walks to Alpha Silas's side.

"Dearest, I had the most horrible, terrible nightmare last night!" He says as she takes his hand. " our little girl and that... that *bastard*..."

"My darling, it's okay. Rest for now, you had a terrible fall last night."

Alpha Silas is immediately calmed down by his Luna's voice, consoled to think that it was just a dream and nothing else.

Alpha Irene knows better.

Once Alpha Silas has calmed down, she turns to us.

"You all better leave, you don't want to be here when this one realizes what actually happened." she says, throwing me a knowing look.

Both Sofia and I nod, standing from our seats as I take Noah's birth certificate. Dr. Owens is right behind us as Luna Irene continues consoling Alpha Silas, reassuring him that everything he experienced was just a nightmare.

*We leave in 15 minutes,* Sofia tells us, rushing through the corridors and towards our rooms.

Once I'm in my room, the first thing I do is put the document in my bag, safe and secure.

After all these days, I actually feel like I can breathe now.

In less than the time designated, the warriors and I are out the door, leaving everything just as we found it, and meet Sofia and Dr. Owens at the entrance of the pack house.

Waiting for us there is also Luna Irene and nobody else; it would seem like not even Alpha Elliot is aware of our departure.

"Luna Irene, thank you for everything, and thank you for your... discretion," Sofia says, taking Luna Irene's hand.

"Irene, please. We'll be in contact, Alpha Sofia, things are going to get ugly here in the following days."

Sofia smiles at her, sympathetically.

This woman's life and her entire family's is about to be put on its head due to my vision.

When it's my turn to say goodbye, I had planned on just shaking her hand, but she surprises me

and goes in for a tight hug.

I hug her back.

"Thank you, my child," she says, "thank you for finally giving me peace."

I smile at her, but she still doesn't release me and instead holds me at arm's length.

I can feel her hesitation as she regards me.

"You can ask me anything." I reassure her.

She smiles.

"What is he like?" She asks and I can't help but smile.

"He's the best man I've ever known," I tell her, "he's kind, funny, loyal to a fault, intelligent, a formidable warrior," I could talk endlessly about Noah's attributes, but I only have so much time. "His people love him," I continue, "we would happily give our lives for him if it came to it."

"He sounds like a Goldmoon," she smiles, her eyes getting glassy.

I hug her one more time and whisper in her ear,

"He also has your eyes."

She gasps ever so slightly.

When I separate from her, a single tear has fallen onto her cheek; only this time, for the first time, it seems to be a happy one.

"Good luck, my child," she tells me, touching my cheek briefly.

"Thank you."

With this, I join the rest of the group. They have all shifted already.

I shift too, not caring that I completely ruined my clothes.

*Everything okay?* Sofia asks.

*Better than okay.* I respond, turning back to the pack house where Irene is gracefully waving at us.

Out of the corner of my eye, however, a presence catches my attention.

Up in one of the rooms, possibly the Alpha's office, a figure looms in the window, watching us.

It's Alpha Samael.

I can feel his violent aura.

"He's been watching since we got here, he was expecting us,* Sofia tells me, following my line of vision.

I bare my teeth. I'm done cowering.

I don't have an Alpha aura, but I do have a magical one, and it's arguably worse.

I growl in his direction, focusing on my murderous intent towards him.

He takes a step back and with my wolf's vision, I can see his expression clearly; he's shocked and perhaps, afraid?

Good, because If I ever see him again, I *will* kill him. That's if the Goldmoons don't do it first.

*Let's go,* I tell Sofia, anxious to get to the pack house and then, soon, the Castle.

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