The Hidden Luna Queen 2

Chapter 57

This was, apparently, our first stop of the day: a small shop on the edge of Mona Road. Despite the normalcy of the location, the butterflies in my stomach fluttered. Being the hopeless romantic I was, I could think of only one activity that involved such a thing, and

if my suspicions proved correct ... I couldn't wait.

It might have been simple, but this was everything I wanted.

Xaden hummed in response. "And please, don't be shy about what you want," he said. "Show me everything that speaks to you."

Everything that spoke to me...?

To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure what would and wouldn't speak to me. All I had ever eaten before he whisked me away were what my family refused to eat, or any leftovers from their plates. This was going to be as much a learning experience for me as it was for him.

I led us through the store, stopping in aisle after aisle and picking up a random assortment of food and snacks, both that sounded genuinely appetizing and others that I had no clue what they tasted like... but had a strong curiosity to try. All the while, Xaden paid keen attention, looking adorably focused.

As soon as we finished our shopping, we approached the counter to pay.

Upon seeing the prince, the grocer had come very close to bursting our little bubble of privacy, but quickly fell silent after a look from Xaden. Any shock or awe she felt in his presence disappeared and she kept all questions and comments to herself, allowing us to buy our groceries in peace.

Once our business at the store was done, we pulled up to a park on the outskirts of the capital, where all I could see were large beautiful trees obscuring the far horizon and numerous wildflowers scattered in bunches across the long stretch of grassy fields. Something about it almost reminded me of the strange dreamscape I had become familiar with over the last few nights. "Shall we?"

Xaden's sudden question pulled me back to reality. As he offered me his hand while carrying a basket in the other, I saw nothing but pure adoration as he waited expectantly for me. Grinning, I grabbed onto him and followed his lead into the park. "So... Maeve," he murmured, swinging our hands as we strolled together."

Tell me more about yourself."

I bit my lip. "Um... what should I talk about?"

"Anything you want," Xaden said. "Anything that you're passionate about." He paused before elaborating his thoughts. "Tell me about your favorite books," he suggested helpfully. "What are your favorite genres and what draws you to them?"

A simple question at face value, but it unleashed loaded answers.

"Well... I can't pick out any specific genre," I admitted. "But I love reading anything that immerses me in another world."

He gazed at me softly. "They were your escape?"

I nodded. "They were my way of experiencing things I never would've otherwise."

"What else did you hope to experience, apart from picnics in the park or walks on the beach?" he pressed, eager for more.

Our conversation flowed with ease, even as Xaden pulled to a stop in a secluded, yet safe shadowy area and arranged a blanket for us to sit on. For what seemed like hours, all we did was snack and chat. We would take turns asking questions about different things, and the other would answer as best we could.

As I moved to grab an apple, a loud, unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke up, startling me with a visible jolt.

"Oh, those rumors about Prince Xaden's mystery girl? I'm not sure I believe them."

Glancing behind Xaden, I saw two young women strolling mindlessly around the park, seemingly unaware of anyone else's presence but their own. They were too absorbed in their conversation to notice anything else.

I let out a small sigh of relief, but kept my guard up.

Noticing I had become distracted, Xaden was quick to block my view of the two women. "Don't worry about them," he murmured, tucking some loose hair behind my ear. "It's just you and me here."

With a stiff smile, I nodded. But I wouldn't calm down until they were gone.

"What?" the second woman questioned. "You don't find the rumors incredibly romantic? It sounds like a modern-day fairytale at play!"

"No girl could possibly catch the eye of someone as magnificent as he," the first woman muttered, prompting my face to fall a bit. "It's unthinkable! He wouldn't give anyone the time of day unless they were rich, had goddess-like beauty... or if she was putting out." "That's a good point, actually.."

Something twisted inside me as their rude gossip echoed in my ears. So, that was what people thought about me. Not that genuine feelings were involved or that there was even the slightest chance that someone as desirable as Xaden could fall for someone as undesirable as me.

They thought I was loose.

I mean... I figured that would be the case long ago, but it still hurt to hear.

Suddenly, their footsteps grew louder and their figures steadily moved closer. They were heading in our direction! Even if they hadn't noticed us yet, it was only a matter of time before we caught their attention.

Panic swelled within me.

I didn't want to be seen-not yet! Maeve POV

I was not ready.

Although I knew on some level that becoming involved with Xaden meant that my life would practically unroot itself and I would be thrust into a world and lifestyle completely foreign to me, I had not fully realized what that would entail. All of the curious stares, th groundless gossip, the need to please authority at the cost of others-I could not do it.

I'd thought I wanted a life where I did not need to hide anymore... where I could just live and be my true self, unafraid of what others thought or did. But I couldn't do it...

I was not ready to throw myself into that unforgiving sea. Not while I was still adjusting to this new life, and not with my first baby on the way.

I needed to hide. Someway-somehow!

Without thinking, I grabbed Xaden by his collar and quickly pulled him close, only partially registering the surprise that ran across his face. But before he could utter a single word, I planted my mouth on his. As I sat there, having ambushed the prince with a kiss, I felt the guilty weight of my actions fall upon my shoulders.

Despite being on a date, I hadn't asked him if this was alright. I had taken advantage of his presence and used him for my own benefit.

This felt... dirty.

Before long, the passersby continued on their merry, oblivious way and I'd begun to pull away, fully prepared to spew out an apology. But I hadn't expected Xaden to hold me firmly in place, deepening the kiss with tender nips and pulls like he had been waiting for such a moment all day.

The passion in his touch was addictive... contagious... everything I could have dreamed of, and I couldn't help but respond in kind.

How was it that he always managed to disarm me?

When he eventually broke the kiss, the cold that greeted me following the absence of his soft, warm mouth was an unwelcome sensation. Unconsciously, I began to chase after him for more but I stopped myself.

We are not in our bedroom, I forced myself to remember. People can interrupt at any given moment.

"I admire your spontaneity," Xaden purred, licking my strawberry gloss from his lips as he gazed at me with bright, unadulterated hunger, making me blush. In the golden sun of the afternoon, he looked glorious. "But however much I'd love to take this further... I can't help but wonder what brought this on."

I pressed my lips together uncertainly. I had no doubt he would

understand better than anyone just how afraid I was of what awaited us- well, of what awaited me, but this was hardly the time nor the place to talk about such things.Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

He put so much time and effort into making this day work for us...

Any worries I had could be put on hold for now.

I fiddled with the top button of his shirt. "I... I just wanted to," I whispered. "Was that okay?"

Xaden was quiet for a short time, and for a moment, I thought he didn't believe me, but then he gave me another kiss, sweet and chaste and full of everything that endeared him to me. "That's more than alright," he replied gently. "You don't ever have to ask permission to do that, you know?" Blushing, I nodded. That was... good to know.

He let out a shuddering breath, his eyes flickering back down to my mouth, before he quickly cleared his throat. "Well-we still have plenty of food to dig through. Did you want more... salt and pepper on your apples ...?" he asked with a funny look on his face. I struggled to fight back a smile. It was one of my pregnancy cravings that I'd revealed to him in the store, having discovered it while I looked for something to snack on at home one day. "It's actually not that bad."

"Yes, well... I'll let you be the judge of that," Xaden said as he pulled out the necessary ingredients with mild disgust.

After I dropped an apple slice-coated with all the salt and pepper I wanted-into my ready mouth with a moan, the expression on his face only deepened, making me almost spit out my food with laughter.

"You don't normally crave things like this... do you?" he asked worriedly.

I swallowed my apple slice quickly before laughing out loud.

"Just what kind of insane wolf do you take me for?" I grinned, fondly caressing my baby bump, which seemed to grow more with every passing day. "This is what your son seems to want from me."

Upon my mention of our baby, his demeanor softened and even he was smiling alongside me. "I'll need to have a chat with him, then," he scoffed, affectionately planting his hand on top of my own. "If he's controlling your appetite, then he could at least have the decency to make you eat something good."

I felt light with humor like never before. The rest of our picnic went on without issue as Xaden and I finished the rest of our snacks and sparked more playful banter about anything and everything all at once, albeit with more light jabs at my odd little cravings now and then. But I couldn't find it in me to care.

This was my first date and I loved every second of it, not wanting it to end.

As the sun set over the horizon, signifying the shift from afternoon to evening, so did my joy. It was more than likely time for us to return home.

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