The Hidden Luna Queen 2

Chapter 121



"You have?" I blurted out before I could think better of it.

"You have?" Isabelle all but screeched, equally as bewildered, but decidedly more appalled.

It seemed neither of us quite knew how to take Alpha Kenneth's sudden interest. In all the years I'd known of his association with my father, however close they might have been or not, he had never spoken more than two words to me. 'Hello' and 'Maeve.'

... Although not particularly in that order, nor were they always used in conjunction. And they were almost exclusively either in greeting or just as he was leaving.

As far as I was concerned, he was no better than the man who raised me. Indifference was just as unforgivable as blatant loathing. Because of this, every fiber of my being was ringing alarm bells and screaming at me to just-get away from him. But I didn't. I wanted to know what he wanted from me.

I wanted to know why.

Something warm and comforting bloomed in my chest, like a burst of courage poured into my system, slowly spreading to every corner of my body. This wasn't like the rage-fueled aggression I'd felt towards the king, or my exasperation in dealing with Isabelle's antics. This felt pure... and natural.

Part of me wondered if it was the Goddess's doing, her strength flowing through me as a child of the moon. And, considering it was my first time under the light of the full moon, maybe that idea wasn't so far-fetched.

Kenneth chuckles heartily. "Why is that so surprising? I've known your father for over twenty years, Maeve. Even though we never really had the chance to speak like this before, I considered us family."

That took me by surprise, and I felt Isabelle's glare bore deeper into me.

"Ah... thank you, Alpha. I didn't know you felt that way." I smiled awkwardly. "I'm not sure if you remember, but I was quite sickly growing up... and that meant I couldn't really leave my room, much less the house, for anything."

It was a cover that my father instilled in me many, many years ago, and since Father had never been of the mindset to tell others our business, I felt it necessary to stick to my stories.

He nodded. "Yes... I do remember. Burton was very protective of you."

It wasn't far from the truth, so I didn't correct him.

"So, tell me, what brings you so far away from home?" he asked, seemingly out of genuine curiosity. "Does he know you're here, mingling with the capital folk?"

I blinked, only becoming more confused with every passing second.

He doesn't know?

I snuck a glance in Isabelle's direction, only to see her gaze trained away from the conversation at hand, choosing to instead sip delicately at her nearly-empty glass of champagne with a subtle frown.

For some reason, it seemed she never told her father.

I would've thought she'd take whatever chance she could to complain about my presence at the palace, especially to Kenneth. But I supposed it was also very plausible that she liked to pretend I simply did not exist in her little world-that I was probably little more than a pebble under her designer shoes. Not to be seen until she had no choice but to acknowledge me.

Still, none of this meant he would be anything like his daughter. I had to treat him with the courtesy he was owed, both as an alpha and as the king's guest, especially in a setting like this.

"What does it matter why she's here?" Isabelle sighed. "It's not as if she's the only girl you know at this banquet."

"Isabelle," he gently scolded, prompting her to look away. "Let's not be rude to one of the king's guests."

"I was invited," I interjected with a polite smile, hoping that would be answer enough.

Kenneth peered around the courtyard, in search of something. "And where's your chaperone? Surely you didn't come all this way alone. Either Burton or your mother would've accompanied you to the royal palace."

I opened my mouth, trying to figure out how to answer, when-

"There you are, Maeve. I was wondering what kept you for so long."

Kenneth's focus shifted just above my shoulder. "Beta Burke. A pleasure, as always."

I turned to greet him with an apologetic, inwardly relieved smile. "I'm sorry," I winced. "I was going to return, but Isabelle and her father intercepted me."

"No harm done. I just wanted to ensure you were well." Burke lifted his gaze to meet that of Kenneth's. "It's nice to see you, Alpha," he said, meeting the alpha's hand for a handshake. "I see you've met my fiancee." He was still a bit awkward about the ruse, admittedly, but I didn't need a perfect performance. Just one that would be believable from a wolf like him.

And, upon hearing the word 'fiancee, Kenneth's entire demeanor changed, his hand slowly loosening from around Burke's in apparent shock. "You're promised to the prime beta," he said, addressing me. It wasn't a question. Where did that sudden shift come from...?

Suddenly, he wasn't welcoming and charming anymore, but... intense.

"Yes," I answered brightly-another one of my lies-as I wrapped an arm around Burke's. "I am."

"Well, that must be quite a tale!" Kenneth exclaimed with a curious grin, and just like that, he had resumed his charming persona once more. It seemed he was merely taken aback. "I'd love to hear how exactly this came to happen."

A loud, stifled laugh echoed beside us.

Everyone turned their attention to Isabelle, who hid her mouth behind a delicate hand. "You're not still maintaining that lie, are you?"

A sense of dread sunk in the pit of my stomach. "Isabelle_"

"Come on," she laughed again-and I now strongly suspected she was likely tipsy from all the champagne she'd gulped down. "You're going to live here and, yet, lack the courage to own up to the truth. Behold-" she crooned to her father with a dramatic wave of her hand in my direction. "Prince Xaden's little secret, herself."

I felt the blood drain from my face, my heart lurching deep into my throat. "Isabelle-!"Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

Dammit-I wanted to curse-no one else was supposed to know yet!

And from somewhere beside me, I could hear Burke similarly protest in hushed tones, "Your Highness, please have some discretion-"

"Yes, well, he's not just any random citizen, is he?" Isabelle snapped. "He's my father. He has every right to know as the royal family does."

I balked at her in utter disbelief. Her logic didn't make any sense at all! Apart from his only daughter's marriage to Alpha Prince Henry, he had no legitimate claim or connection to the crown.

He wasn't entitled to know anything about me, and Isabelle was certainly not one to judge whether he was or wasn't! Kenneth let out an awkward chuckle. "I'm afraid I don't follow," he said as he glanced warily between Isabelle and myself. Either he was a master at playing the fool, or he truly had no idea what she was talking about. "What secret?"

"Surely you've seen the news reports, Daddy! It's practically all they talk about."

Burke waved his hand dismissively, taking the alpha's apparent ignorance as a sign of the latter. "Her Highness is talking about-"

"She's Xaden's pregnant fiancee," Isabelle hissed, sneaking a glare at Burke.

"That was uncalled for," Burke said with a frown, steadfastly trying to defend me as best he could. "This is not the place-" "You're pregnant?"

The sudden sharp tone of voice caught me off guard, sending a sudden chill down my spine, and when I snapped my attention back to the silver-haired alpha, I caught a glimpse of something dark... something that brought back my unease tenfold.

The heavy sensation of his gaze raking over my carefully concealed belly burned into my skin. "Does your father know?" he questioned.

"You don't have to respond to such rumors," Burke suddenly said, and it took me a moment to realize he was addressing me. Earnest and concerned. "It's your business alone whether they're true or not."

"With all due respect, beta," Kenneth said, putting on a smile that didn't sit well with me, "I was speaking to the young lady." Before Burke could counter him, I instinctively latched onto his arm in an effort to silence him. "Please-it's alright. He... he can know."

There was something about the way Kenneth looked at me-the way he'd been looking at me this entire conversation-like he could see every single one of my secrets with a mere glance, that paralyzed me. Stunted me from saying what I'd wanted to say... what I knew I should say. As much as I wanted to hide the truth, all of my efforts would be for naught.

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