The Heartless Alpha

Chapter 66


Luke, Lily and I watched intently as Kaitlin and Greg eyed each other. Greg looked horrified he had to fight such a tiny woman, while Kaitlin looked focused and serious. Suddenly, she struck, catching him off gaurd with a quick punch to the gut. Greg grunted, throwing a punch to her face, missing completely. A dazed look came over him; He’d aimed too high. Taking advantage his confusion, Kaitlin landed a kick to his knee, dropping him on one leg. Two punches to the face came next and a swift drop kick on his back. She stood over him, smug. Greg rolled over, getting to his feet. Re-taking their positions, this time he didn’t hesitate. He rushed her, attemtping to get his arms around her. Kaitlin dodged and slid under his legs, bringing her foot up to kick him from behind. I laughed loudly; That she definitely learned from her sister!

“I think Greg has hearts in his eyes.” Lily commented.

“He always does when it comes to Kaitlin.” Luke chuckled.

“She’s pretty cute!”

I jerked my eyes to where Hazel and Clint now stood beside us.

“When did you get here?”

“Just now Alpha.” Hazel replied.

“Okay, why are you here?”

She simply smiled at me. Clint chuckled and Lily giggled. I looked to Luke who had a huge grin on his face. What the hell was happening?

“Someone want to clue me in?” I asked.

“Patience dear. Goods things come to those who wait.”

I looked over my shoulder to see Greta, Miguel, and Clara and Isabelle, and Thara.

“What… Shouldn’t she be in daycare?” I pointed at Isabelle who pouted at me.

“I would never let her miss this.” Clara smirked.

“Miss what?”

“Uhm, Alpha?” Greg called to me. Turning back to him, I saw all the kids had stopped. Some were pointing, others were whispering and they were all laughing. Greg pointed, and I followed his direction until my eyes landed on the single weirdest thing I’d ever seen in my whole life.

Ben was walking from the direction of the packhouse. He wearing a very tight fitting green onesie, the kind babies wore. It molded to his skin, showing off his muscles in a very odd way. His hairy legs were on full display, and a soother hung from his neck. The outfit was completed by a matching green bonnet that tied under his chin. He looked utterly miserable as the fits of laughter grew louder around us.

“What the f**k?!”

Luke was losing his mind beside me, holding his phone to video my Beta. Lily and Hazel snickered uncontrollably, Thara was crying she was laughing so hard, and even Greta was holding her belly, doubled over in laughter. Ben stopped in front of me, looking down at a paper I hadn’t noticed before. What the actual s**t was happening right now? This was not normal.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Ben took a breath and began to read;

“I’m so happy that you’re my dad;

You’re one in a million Pop!

When it comes to first-class fathers,

You’re the absolute cream of the crop!

You love me no matter what,

Wether I’m a goodie or a baddie;

I really love you, Pa;

You’re a fine and fantabluous daddy!”

My jaw was hanging open, my eyes practically falling out of their sockets. Ben was red as a tomato, shifting awkwardly on his feet. I had no idea what the hell was going on. I looked around for answers, only to find everyone smiling at me. Lily tugged on my hand, a bright happy grin on her face. One by one, Bens words sank into my brain. Daddy. He’d said daddy. But I wasn’t…

“No.” I breathed. Pulling Lily to my chest, I cupped her face in my hands.

“Congratulations.” She whispered.

“Really?!” I exclaimed.

“Really.” She laughed.

“Yes!” I yelled. I picked Lily up, swinging her around. “I’m going to be a Dad!”

The kids cheered and clapped, calling out their congratultions. Our friends gathered around us when I set my mate back on her feet and kissed her lovingly. The happiness surrounding us right now was nearly tangible; I felt as if I could reach out and grasp it, lock it away. Ajax was howling in my head, sharing in the joy and reaching out to Aya. Their happiness flexed through the bond, adding to the moment.

“I love you so much.” I told Lily.

“I love you too.” She brought me in for another k**s.

“Can I please go change now?” Ben muttered behind me.

“Awwe, I think you look cute.” Clara giggled.

“You look silly!” Isabelle snickered.

“I think this should be your new everyday attire.” Thara said and Luke busted up again.

I hugged Lily close to me, a movement catching my eye over her shoulder. Gideon stood some distance away, a small happy smile on his face. He nodded to me, mouthing ‘Congrats’. I nodded back, wondering why he was here. Not that I disagreed; He was Lilys Dad. I just didn’t think she would invite him. She glanced over her shoulder, tensing when she caught sight of him and feeling my confusion through the bond. She sighed.

“Aya wouldn’t let me not tell him. He agreed to give us space though.” She said.

“So, I am the last one to know?” I tilted her chin so she was looking at me again.

“Well, out of those close to us, yes. The rest of the pack doesn’t know.”

“I don’t care. This is the best day of my life. Even better because you somehow got Ben to agree to something so f*****g outrageous!”

“You’re really happy?” She asked.

“I am truly, really, over the moon. You’re going to be a kick-a*s mother.” I told her and she blushed. I turned us so we faced everyone. “You know what, you can all go home. Take today off, and tomorrow!”

The kids cheered and together they ran off. I had no doubt each and every one of them would spread the news. The pack would probably know by dinner time. Thara jumped on my back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

“I’m so happy for you bro! I can’t believe I’m going to be an Aunt!” She squealed.

“The best Aunt of all time.” I grinned.

“Do you two want to know how far along you are?”

“Can we?” Lily asked excitedly.

“Of course! I took the morning off for this. We can do it right now.” She let me go, sliding down my back. Lily turned to Ben.

“Thank you. You made this memorable for us.”

“That’s for sure!” Luke said.

“Please don’t ask me to do anything like this again. My ego is wounded, badly.” Ben sniffed dramatically.

“Man, go change. I can see the outline of your-“

“Language!” Clara snapped.

“His what?” Isabelle looked around at the adults.

“Nevermind. Let’s go Lily.” I interlocked our fingers, swinging our hands between us. Our friends chattered amongst themselves behind us. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face, not even when we passed Gideon.

“Congratulations Lily.” He offered her his hand. She looked at it, then him. Hestantly, she placed her hand in his, shaking once.

“Thanks.” She mumbled. “We have to go.” And she yanked my arm, walking us away from him. I gave him a look over my shoulder, which he understood. ‘Give her time’, it said.

Thara and Lily chatted as we walked, making plans to go shopping for baby stuff. Lily included me in the plans, giving my heart a tug. I couldn’t wait to do the things she was planning; I wanted to be involved in everything. I wondered what we would have; I was good with either gender. As long as they were healthy, I didn’t care. I also wondered if they would be a Mother Wolf, like Lily. Was that genetic? If so, would she be able to carry the pup to term? It was hard enough carrying an Alpha pup; they tended to be bigger than others. This baby was an Alpha and had Lilys Mother Wolf genes. I started to get nervous thinking about it.

“Will I be able to carry the baby? Because… you know.” Lily asked my sister. Our line of thinking was once again the same.

“I think so. We’ll keep a close eye on it; You’ll need more ultrasounds than a regular pregnancy. If he or she becomes too big, you might have to ride out the rest of the pregnancy in wolf form and give birth that way.”

“Well that sucks! I’ll have to live outside, Aya is too big to fit in the packhouse.” Lily frowned.

“We’ll make it work. You’re not going to live outside.” I assured her.

“We could make you a really big doghouse.” Thara giggled. “Like Clifford the Big Red Dog!”


“I’ll show you later.” Thara led us into the hospital. A couple nurses smiled at me, earning low growls from my mate. I tucked her under my arm, rubbing her shoulder. I’d heard she-wolves got more possessive when they were pregnant. Admittedly, it was rather fun seeing this side of her. We entered a vacant room, with one bed and a whole lot of machines.

“I’ll go get the ultrasound machine. Be right back.” My sister zipped out of the room.

“Are you excited?” Lily asked me as she climbed on the bed and laid down.

“Very.” I stood next to her, taking her hand. We waited exactly three minutes before Thara returned, pushing the machine ahead of her. It looked like a computer on wheels, with lots of cords and wires and a keyboard. She flicked the lights off after closing the door.

“Okay, I’m going to do an internal ultrasound. I don’t think you’re very far along yet, so that’s the best way to get a clear picture.”

“Sounds good.” Lily started pushing her underwear down.

“Whoa! What is going on?” I grabbed her hand.

“An internal ultrasound means she has to put the wand in me Dimitri.” Lily explained. Thara held up the ‘wand’, a long white thing that looked like a s*x toy. I shuddered a bit, making both girls roll their eyes.

“Better get over your aversion to stuff like this bro. The birth isn’t going to a picnic you know.”

I scowled at her while Lily finished removing her underwear. Thara helped her place her feet and asked her to spread her legs, ankles together. I was thankful it was my sister doing this, but at the same time, it was wierd that my sister was doing this.

“Would you relax?! Goddess, Dimitri. Okay Lily, this is going to be a little cold.” She clicked the keyboard, the screen turning to a blank grey colour. Lily let out a small gasp as Thara inserted the wand, her legs automatically twitching to close. Thara placed a hand on one of her knees, urging her to relax. Clicking another key, the screen changed. It was fuzzy looking, with a black circle in the middle. Everything kept moving, shifting around.

“Okay. There’s your uterus.” She angled the device slightly to the right. “Hmm. Now where are you… Ah ha! Found you.” Thara smiled at the screen. She clicked around on the keyboard for a minute before angling the position again. Her forehead creased and her lips pursed.

“Is something wrong?” Lily asked.


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