The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

The Four Maña Men and Then Prize

The First Step

54 – The

Thirst Person POV

The breakfast table was eerily quiet and it was just Jason, Charlie, Kai, Ben, and Aurora. Grammy

opted to have her breakfast in her room each day and the guys wanted to talk with Amora alone. It had

been three days since the great Grammy O’Donnell unleashed her wisdom on the five younglings.


Aurora spent much of the last few days reading in the library or taking walks in the garden with

Grammy, building a nice friendship with the wise old woman. Amora even convinced her new friend to

sit with her in the second kitchen and Amora fixed Grammy her signatume hunger. To say Melinda

O’Donnell was impressed would have been an understatement. Melinda could see just how special this

girl was, after all, she was still breathing and mostly unscathed even after all she did to awaken the

beasts inside the four most ruthless and powerful maha men.

The men had discussed the situation at nauseum the last few days about talking to Aurora and making

amends. The words of Melinda O’Donnell rang clear in their thick skulls.

They all agreed instantly that she was there chosen one, not a toy. Their inner beasts full of desire and

pure obsession took control and the guys allowed themselves to be blinded to the pain they inflicted.

So here they were, eating in complete silence. It was awkward for Aurora because she could feel the

guys burning holes in her soul by constantly staring at her while she took her time to indulge in her

meal. The guys stayed silent out of nervousness. Jason’s hands were sweaty, Charlie was bouncing

his leg ferociously under the table, Kai was picking at his food and Ben was constantly drinking

anything and everything, refilling his coffee cup for the sixth time,

Aurora noticed these little signs and finally had enough. So she cleared her throat getting their utmost

attention. “Is everything okay?” She asked. She had no idea why she telt compelled to talk to them let

alone be concerned for their

weird behavior.

Jason took a deep breath and exhaled. He was about to say something he hasn’t said to anyone in

years. Th I’m….I’m sorry, Aurora. For everything terrible we have put you through. I’m…I’m sorry. We…

we all are” There he said it and it strangely felt nice to him. The other three quickly nodded and each

apologized too.

“That was painful to watch” Aurora said with a smile on her face and started giggling. The others joined

in while Jason started rubbing the back of his neck.

“Thank you.” Aurora said, making Jason look up at her in shock. Aurora was smiling and her face was

sincere. It was her turn to take a breath. “I can’t forgive you… yet.” she said simply but the guys heard

her and were shocked. “BUT” she said a little more forcefully “your Grammy gave me a lot to think


Jason added “yeah, she has a way with words. Always has.”

Ben cleared his throat this time, placing his now seventh empty cup of coffee down on the table. “We

can’t start over and we can’t undo all the crap we put you through.”

“You killed my only friend. She was like a sister to me.” Aurora blurted out. This was the first time she

confronted them. “I can handle everything else. The spankings, the chains, hell even that God awful

dark room, but you killed someone I love. Why? When it was me who broke your rules, me who ran

away, me who was your target. WEY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!” Her voice was raised, her heart was

hurting, tears were freely streaming down her face.


54- The First Step

Kai came over and knelt down next to her chair, taking for shutting hands in his. She knew better than

to let him comfort her but in that moment, that is all she wantert camikartt

He kissed both of the tops of her hands before raising a hand to cap her cheek, using his thumb to

wipe away a louse salty tear. Aurora surprisingly leaned into his gentle touch.

“What we did was unforgivable. I don’t want your forgiveness. I will spend the rest of my life trying to

make it up to you. We were blinded by our anger darling. I know I felt this crazy unrealistic

helllanimalistes desire to utterly possess you from the moment I laid eyes on you, still do every second

of every day, Ilaminuut a good man at all. Ildbunit deserve you, but now that I have you, I can’t let you

go. I’m a selfish bastard just like the rest of these mem and vom my sweet Aurora, you are the light in

our circle of darkness.”

Kai’s words hit Aurora hard. He admitted his wrongdoing. Out of everyone, Kai always seemed to the

the biggest time bomb. You never knew what was going through his head. He was lethall to everyone,

except Aum.

Charlie cleared his throat, making Aurora and Kai snap out of their little serene moment. “Lim, I love

this may be a little forward, but um, would you be willing to go on a date with us?” His eyes were

hopeffull and as Aurora lusterti around the room, she saw the same willingness and desire in the

other’s tam

Aurora took a moment to look at each of these men. They were not the big bad mafia dons in this

moment. They were

vulnerable and so the small little irrational voice told her to take a chance. She was curious about these

men. She still

didn’t know much about them so this would be an opportunity to learn more about them..

“Okay.” she said softly. If Kai wasn’t still next to her on his knee, he wouldn’t have heard her. He smiled

tightly and stood up, kissing her forehead and mumbled a “thank you princess, you won’t regret it.”

Jason, Charlie, and Ben all had bright, hopeful smiles as well.

They ended their breakfast and escorted Aurora to the library and wished her a wonderfull day. They

decided to plam their date for the next afternoon. Jason told Draco when they went into their office and

the guys spent the next WOD hours planning their date before they each were pulled away to conquer

another mafia world issue.

The next morning…

The guys let Aurora have breakfast with Grammy while they had some of their men helping them

outside putting the final touches on their ‘date‘. The guards were thoroughly confused while Draco and

Carson were excited for the Qual Dons to finally be showing a true interest in a woman.

It was now an hour before lunch time and they guys went back to their rooms to freshen up. Draco and

Carson were given strict instructions not to disturb them unless the emergency absolutely needed NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.


Aurora spent the morning in the Lavender Parlor with Grammy. They played a few hands of Rummy.

Melinda was quite a gambler so Aurora had asked Charlie the night before if she could have a few

dollars to play with and he gave her a $5,000 in cash he just happened to have in his pocket. Of course

Grammy came with her own piles of cash and pretty soon, they were playing $100 a hand.

After about two hours, Aurora walked away with $7,000 dollars. Aurora asked Grammy to help her

choose her outfit for the date since it was a big secret, she didn’t know what to wear. When Aurora and

Grammy walked into her room. there was four wrapped boxes in golden paper and four different

colored bows: red, blue, green, and black.



54 The First Step

Gramang sat on Aurora’s bed as Aurora opened each box. The first box, with the red bow, was large

and looked like a garment Nx. The card read from Jason. Inside was a custom–made Versace gold

satin knee length tea dress, with pockets, and a small golden chain around the waist. It had a little tool

skirt underneath that poked out of the bottom of the pleats and it was so pretty!

The blue ribbon box was smaller like a shoe box and that is exactly what it was. A golden Versace

ankle book that had a two–inch block heel, also custom–made. This was from Ben

The green bow box was from Charlie, and it held a gold and satin headband that was adorned with a

row of clear costume ewels Aurora thought it was cute and didn’t notice that the gems were actually

diamonds. There was a matching set of diamond earrings

Kai, the small black bow box, held a matching gold clutch purse that only Melinda realized was over

$25,000. Aurora was dinous to the pros tugs and just saw the gestures as sweet and kind. The guys

spent close to $250,000 on her outit siene, poolet change for them but if Aurora ever found out, it would

stop her heart as no one ever gave her gifts, let alone very expensive ones. She would have insisted

on returning them and keeping their money, hint why no one would dure correct her.

Gaming helped the young lady get dressed and beautified with simple makeup and curls in her hair.

Aurora, walked out of her room when there was a knock at her door. Standing there were all four men,

dressed in fancy suits without zes their beautifully chiseled chests popping out of the top few open

buttons, they oozed the term sexy. They were dream, steamy, and yummy. Their eyes popped and jaws

dropped when sweet little Aurora walked out and Jason broke the silence with a simple “wow. You

are… wow!” Aurora blushed and took Kai and Jason’s arms they held out for her and they all walked

down the ball to their date.

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