The Fated Match



“Before we go, I’m just going to use the toilet” I whispered to Theo as I stood up with the sudden need to go after the third cup of coffee.

Theo nodded at me briefly as he continued to listen to Talia talk about football with him. Seems like Talia is a keen fan of the sport. Not what I expected at all from her if I’m honest. I was happy that she had found something to focus on, to distract her from all the problems she was facing at school.

After using the toilet, I watched my hands and stood looking at myself in the mirror. I smoothed down my hair tying it into a ponytail. As I glanced at myself in the mirror, is started to wonder if I had changed in appearance over the years. I had matured majorly in personality but had my appearance improved enough to mirror that same change in my confidence.

I wouldn’t know how to spot the difference.

As I made my way back, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I groaned, finally I was wondering when they were going to call me. I looked at the caller and saw that it was Scott who had called me.

“missed me already Scotty,” I said into the phone as I pushed through the doors back into the cafe.

I waited for some sarcastic comment from him but instead I was met with silence before he said my name hesitantly.

“Elle, where are you?”

This was new since when was Scott ever serious. I had never heard him sound so nervous.

“I’m with Theo at a café why what’s going on, is Tina there can I speak to her,” I said walking back into the café where more people came inside.

When Theo noticed that I was back he had his phone pressed against his ear as he sends me a worried expression.

“I’m sorry coach, I swear bryony was right behind me and then we heard this scream, Tina ran after these men”

Scott paused over the phone as I heard the background noise of police cars.

After seconds of silence, Scott coughed from the other end.

“They took bryony coach, the men took her,” He said, his voice cracking as he finally spoke the words that I needed to hear but not necessarily wanted to.

My eyes stared back at Theo’s as he spoke quickly into his own phone. My phone dropped from my hand as I saw Talia turning up the volume to the tv in the café.

The radiant smile and the beautiful blue eyes stared back at me.

Young sports student reported missing

I read the headline underneath it before lifting my eyes back to the picture that they had of Bryony looking her happiest. Just before competing. My worst nightmare was coming true right before my eyes.

Theo now stood before me. His hands-on my shoulders shaking me softly. ” Elle, we have to go,” he said bringing me back to the world.

His words seemed to wake me up out of my daze.From NôvelDrama.Org.

I put my phone back to my ear “we’re on our way, all of you go somewhere safe now to the nearest police station and help give information” how I was able to stay controlled and sane was beyond me. I had never been in such a position before. nothing to this scale.

Theo hailed a taxi and told them to take us straight to the police station that Scott had messaged to the group chat. We didn’t care how much it costed, we just needed to get there in time.

As we sat in the taxi i buried my head in my hands”This is all my fault Theo, what the fuck have I done” I said annoyed with myself. I knew of the dangers but i still let this happen and now I’ve risked a young girl’s life because of my carelessness.

Theo rubbed my back, attempting to calm me “you could not have known this was going to happen. We will find them, Elle”

How could I have been so stupid? I didn’t come here for me, to spend time with Theo He’s here to help me not to have a vacation. I can practically hear Michelle laughing at me.

“what if we don’t, what if I’ve ruined any chances of bryony’s future” I continued to cry into my hands.

He could only whisper soothing words into my ear as the taxi man drove us quickly to the station.

After 40 minutes of crying, yelling at reckless drivers we were finally at the station but before we could leave the taxi. our driver stopped us.

“I’ll keep an eye out, I’ll let the other taxi companies know too” He said with a small smile even after the insults I said to him as he just continued to follow the rules of the road. I thanked him profusely before I flew out of the taxi. I can see a few of the students sitting outside on a bench. Their eyes glued to their phones.

Theo ran over to them as I went inside to talk to the officers.

“hi, about that missing student I’m her coach please tell me you have, something,” I said running over to a pair of officers.

One of them looked at me with sadness “I’m sorry we don’t have much yet. We have officers assessing the CCTV footage we got from the moment it happened. Please stay calm and let us do our job” he says as he hands me a bottle of water.

I wished they would have bigger leads, I hoped they would already be onto the men who took her.

“coach!” I heard Tina’s voice shout from the entrance.

My heart skipped a beat, I ran over wrapping my arms around her. “thank god you’re okay, what happened” I said bringing her to join me on the bench.

The officers followed us waiting to listen since she could have more information than they do right now.

“We were walking, looking for a place to eat when I heard her scream. I saw them grab Bryony and shove her into a black van” the officer shoved a notepad into her lap.

“Can you remember the number plate” he handed her a pen. At first, I was annoyed that he would interrupt her telling her story but at the same time, I knew they were doing their job and they needed any information.

I watched as she wrote down 2 numbers and three letters.

The officer raced over to one of the computers.

“I ran after it, but I lost them, I lost her coach I’m so sorry” I brought her into my arms comforting her. “it’s not your fault, we will find her,” I said even though I was hesitant. But out of everyone here, I needed to be the strongest. My future as a teacher may be gone but what can do, is help us all get through this day and evidently get Bryony back.

“I’ve got it, send this out now,” one of the officers said talking to another police officer. I was thankful that they were working hard and not leaving it for a few hours, hoping that she would return.

If something happened to bryony, I don’t think I could ever forgive myself.

We walked outside to join the others. Theo was talking to them quietly. When he saw me, he walked over? “I think you should talk to Melissa; she’s not doing good” he motioned over to Melissa who sat on her own.

She wiped away tears as she typed away on her phone. I could see her hands shaking.

“Hey Melissa, have you contacted your brother?” I asked as I sat next to her.

She gave me a small smile. ” I did, he’s furious but I told him I would keep him updated”

” We will find her Melissa. The police have found the van so we’ve got a great advantage” I told her wanting her not to worry too much but it’s impossible.

After giving Melissa a comforting hug I turned tot he other students who looked equally as worried for the safety of their team mate.

“Hey everyone, please let your family know you’re all okay and if you can try and get in contact with bryony,” I said raising my voice so that the others would hear. The last thing I want is to have all these angry parents calling me shouting down my ear.

“I’ve spoken to Ryan, he knows,” Theo said waving his phone at me. I nodded sending a grateful smile. Theo had been amazing on this trip.

I turned back to Melissa.

“are you okay? I know you and bryony recently became closer” After i forced them all to get to know each other. She fiddled with her shirt “I wish I was with her, she’s strong we all know that, but she must be so fucking scared right now” I hummed in agreement.

Bryony is a very strong girl physically and mentally. But she is only 19 I can’t even imagine what she must be feeling, especially in a new country.

“I’m sorry that this happened if I hadn’t been reckless maybe she would still be here with us,” I said as I placed my hand over hers.

They stopped shaking as she looked up at me. “it’s not your fault coach, this is the life we live and there’s no way you could’ve stopped this from happening” She said trying to reassure me but that’s the thing I definitely could have prevented this from happening.

“you know, yesterday at the pool I saw her the happiest. She looked in her element learning from your old team. She told me she would take swimming seriously now and work hard to get on the team” I smiled to myself as i heard Melissa.

I expected nothing less from her.

“what about you, has it made you want to work harder,” I asked her. She licked her lips “yes if I’m being honest before you joined us, I didn’t know what I wanted, I have always loved swimming but with our last coach I fell out of love with it”

She turned to face me “but now, I’ve finally started to love it again” this was music to my ears. I needed to hear this, knowing that I can have an impact on these kids lives is what motivates me.

The piercing sounds of sirens coming around the corner had me rushing over to the rest of the group.

I stood next to Theo practically shaking as a police van and three cop cars pulled up.

“is that” Scott whispered looking into the car.

Theo grabbed a hold of my arm as we all spotted the bright blonde hair, we had been longing to see for nearly over 2 hours.

“Elle!” I heard her high pitch scream as she raced over to us. Stumbling slightly as I met her in the middle wrapping my arms around her skinny body. Her blonde hair dropped across my shoulders as she cried silently.

“I’m so sorry bryony” I whispered stroking her back slowly as she sobbed into me.

I really hope that she wasn’t hurt, I’ll be sure to make those bastards pay.

“its… not your fault coach I wasn’t with the group I was a stubborn bitch, and wandered off on my own,” she said as she hiccupped from all the crying she was doing.

I shook my head “it’s okay, you’re here now and hopefully not hurt” I pulled apart checking her features for any sign but thankfully she seemed okay, only a small red mark on her cheek. Her lip trembled as she let out a little sob.

The second i stepped back, Scott rushed between us and hugged her tightly. I had noticed that over the last week Scott and Bryony were much closer. Due to them in intense training together as the best swimmers. He lifted her bridal style and brought her over to the bench with the others.

“yeah josh, she here she’s okay” Melissa was talking into her phone. Bryony’s eyes snapped over to Melissa’s.

“is that Josh?” she asked her eyes watering. Melissa barely nodded before bryony had jumped up and grabbed the phone speaking fast into the phone.

Theo stood up bringing me to his side.

“Thank you” I thanked him, holding onto his hand. He squeezed back as he kissed me softly on my shoulder.

We all looked at bryony as she hugged the girls. Knowing that she was okay and was finally back with us was a massive relief.

“I know you’re worried about what they will say back home but just know that none of this was your fault. You have me and Tina by your side” he finished by placing another kiss to my cheek.

“you have us to coach,” Tom says walking up to me, followed by the rest of them. Even a sniffing bryony as she links arms with Melissa.

I smiled softly “you guys are amazing, let’s enjoy our last night and have some food. Is everyone down for some seafood” I winked at bryony knowing that she had wanted some fresh seafood?

I knew exactly where we were going.

“I could actually demolish a whole lobster,” she said in between her sniffles. Earning a collective laugh from the group.

Bless her heart.

“what about your diet?” Scott said in a light tone. I could tell he has been hesitant in making any jokes because of what she had to go through.

She smiled “I’ll do keto when I’m back” she reassured us.

The table was soon filled with laughter, not really what I was expecting after the day we’ve had but it made me realise how stronger they have all become. They stick to their beliefs, they support each other.

Its what a team should be.

I kept a smile on my face as everyone was joking around. I was smiling yet I knew that when we got back, I would be in some serious trouble with Ryan and the academy board.

But in real talk, I was happy that I managed to impact this team even though it’s only been a few weeks and there could be a chance that I will no longer be their coach when we got back.

“you okay?” Theo mouthed to me. I noticed bryony’s eyes flicker up to meet mine.

“Yeah,” I mouthed back as I grabbed my glass to take a generous sip.

He didn’t say anything else, this time he started a conversation with one of the twins.

“can I say, something coach?” I looked up and saw bryony staring at me her fingers wrapped around her glass.

I nodded “go for it,” I said. I nudged Melissa who was on her phone so that she could pay attention.

Bryony faced us all. “I just want to thank you all. I’m sorry I ruined what could have been a really good day, but I saw you all posting online and I’m really grateful. I’m not one to go all sappy but you’re more than just a team I think of you as a family” bryony’s voice was filled with confidence and passion as she spoke.

This was a different girl; one we were not used to.

“coach” I moved my eyes over to her. “I know you’re blaming yourself for what happened, but it wasn’t your fault, you’ve done so much for us and this trip has been amazing. I want you to know that we all are prepared to fight for you to stay our coach with no punishments” I promised myself I wouldn’t cry in front of them, but this is too much.

Theo wrapped his fingers around my shoulder squeezing it.

“are you crying” Bryony stared over at Scott who was rubbing his nose and sniffing.

He shook his head “no, it’s probably my allergies I think I’m allergic to seafood” he said finding an excuse.

I would know if Scott had an allergy.

“all seafood?” Theo questioned grinning over at the joker. It was funny to see Scott search in his brain for more excuses.

“yes Theo, all seafood now leave me alone” He snapped which only made the table break out in laughter again.

“Cheers everyone” Theo was the first to raise his glass up. We all reached for our drinks raising them up.

“cheers to Bryony and her safety” Melissa pitched in.

“Cheers to the best swim team in England,” Thomas said as we clinked our glasses again.

I watched a smirk appear on Theo’s face as he glanced at Scott.

“Cheers to Scott’s seafood allergy” everyone raised their glasses again, well except Scott.

He sat back in his chair glaring at Theo who was the one that said it. “I hate you” Scott mumbled.

I know I should be worried but all night I couldn’t help but smile as we enjoyed our last night before heading back to England and facing the music.

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