The Daring Billionaire’s Wife by Lypstical

Chapter 2


Van POV 

prise, my eyes widen and are glued to the two of them while they kiss. 1 hear it in my ears 


My heart is even racing so hard I can 

When I can’t take it anymore. I look away, but Carmella keeps moaning against Dominic’s laps and it makes my blood boil. t because I wish that couldve been me, no way in the world to want to kiss this asshole, but because this is happening 

They’re both so shameless 

When they finally break the kiss, she peeles as she runs her thumb along his lips that have turned red 

“Habe, you ruined my lipstick” she says flirtatiously 

“You know I always do” he replies with enthusiasm. “Come here 

The entire time they approach me, I keep looking down, my forehead dampening from the 


“Baube, meet Vanessa, my future wife on paper,” he says to her and I try my best not to show how disgusted I am. 

In any other scenario, I should be smiling at her right now as we get to know each other, but how is that even possible in this ndatious situation? 

“I’m assuming you’ve understood everything my boyfriend has told you” She says with crossed arms and narrowed eyes that seem like they’ll pierce through me. 

“Of course.” I don’t even bother to fake a smile this time. My face is blank as I clench my fists under the table. 

“Did he tell you about me?” She raises an eyebrow. 

“He’s mine so stay out of our way.” She purses her lips and pokes out her hip. “I should be the one getting married to my boyfriend, not you.” 

“Babe, come on, we talked about this.” He stands behind her and wraps his arms around her gently. 

I just hate that it’s not me.” She pouts. 

“That doesn’t change anything and you know it” He kisses her on the cheek. 

“Did you hear that? In private, he’s mine.” She smirks at me. 

I cant help but smile at the situation and it’s not because I’m amused in any way. I just don’t want to stay here any longer. I’ve seen enough of them 

Tilbe leaving now” I sigh deeply as I rise to my feet, clutching my purse after picking it up from the table

I didn’t say you could leave,” he says to me harshly and his gaze is threatening. 

“But I thought we discussed everything” I shrug, wondering why else he still wants to keep me there. 

Just so I can watch the two of them? Absolutely not 


“Not quite everything has been discussed,” he says. “You and my babe need to discuss your friendship.” 

11.30. Thu di 

Chapart 1 

Triendship Icrease try forelesd, lost 

ike I’d ever want to be friends with you” Cammella rolls her eyes at me “My befriend benever I want bout with you in the picture, things will have to be a linde different. Under the several vacations with you. 1111 coming along as your friend” 


Is that all I ask, wondering what ridiculous thing I hear next 

“No, that’s not all” She scoffs, flipping her hair with an attitude. 

Ladies, I leave you to it. I have a board meeting,” he says, forming her around and kissing her on the lips. 

Once again, I look away but look hack at them just because I’m so much in disbelief. While he kisses her, he opens his eyes and looks over at me, then quickly closes his eyes again. 

Why the hell did he do that? Just to make sure I was watching? Hs unbelievable. 

They kiss longer than they should and I lightly shake my head. This is unbearabile and I just can’t awkwardly keep standing 

this close to them 

1 clutch my purse so hard that I realize I might break something Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

Finally, they pull away from each other’s lips and she giggles again as she cleans his mouth. 

Then, he wraps his arms around her as they head out together. 

He’s leaving but doesn’t even bother to personally hid farewell to me. 

As soon as I’m alone, 1 so badly want to hang my forehead against the table just to block out how much I’ve experienced in less than twenty minutes. 

This is not fair and I know it. It was already had enough that this is nothing but a cold contract to him, but having to pretend to be friends with his girlfriend? And why didn’t he marry her instead of me? 

He already mentioned that I was Mr Richard’s choice for him, but why not Carmella? She seems pretty wealthy to me. 

Even though I’m curious as to why it’s me and not her, I know this benefits my father’s company. This is the solution to all our problems. 

While I’m thinking that way, I feel my phone vibrate inside my purse, 

As I take it out while sitting back down in my chair, my hand is a little shaky from my rage, all because of how I’ve been disrespected and disregarded by Dominic. 

As soon as I look down at the screen, I realize my father sent me a message. When I open it, I read the message while imagining the gentle tone of his voice. He’s a soft spoken man. He’s hoping everything is going well between me and Dominic as we get to know each other. 

If only I could tell him how awful it’s been, but that doesn’t matter. He’s really holding onto the hope that this is it for us. And I’m making it happen for him

Just when I think Carmella’s not coming back, I get up so I can leave and won’t have to deal with her, but the door creaks open and she walks back in, confidently strutting towards me. 

Sit back down so we can have a little chat, she says to me. 

I scoff quietly, sitting back down. 

She brings her chair close to mine and crosses her legs, her gaze almost threatening, but I’m not bothered by it 


1190 Thu – 

Chapter 2 

She looks at me mockingly and says, “There’s a lot of things youll need to change and first of all your wardrobe.” 

“I know. I discussed that with Dominis 

min. I see my boyfriend mentioned it” 

How petty of her to rub it in my face. But I’m not bothered by it If she’s trying to make me jealous, it’s not working. I’ve already accepted the fact that they’re a couple. 

“Fine. Did he talk about the events you’ll need to attend?” 


“And how to conduct yourself?” 

  1. 16. 

sortance to what she’s 

“What about those kids at the orphanage and some shit like that She rolls her eyes as if giving no importance talking about. That already tells me the type of person she is 

“Look, Dominic talked to me about everything. Do you actually have anything to talk to me about? If not, I’d like to leave,” 

“So you can go home to give the good news that you’re really getting married? Don’t get too comfortable. 

“I know what’s expected of me, but that doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do” 

But Dominic can” She smirks. 

I lean forward and smirk back at her. “You’re not Dominic. You’re just Carmella” 

Trying to be smart with me? You better watch the way you conduct yourself around my boyfriend” 

“I definitely will Anything else?” 

“We’ll need to come up with a story of how we know each other 

“And then I can leave.” 

I’m hoping the next few minutes go by quickly because I can’t wait to leave this suite and go and have a lovely meal with Mr and Mrs Richards. 

While I’m ready to be the wife I should be in public. I won’t let Carmella step all over nie in private. 

After coming up with a fake story, which proves to be difficult because our opinions clash, we finally come up with one, 

When it all comes to an end. I’m ready to leave so I head for the door but before I can walk out, I stop in my tracks when she speaks bitterly from behind me. 

“Just a reminder, you’ll always be Dominic’s wife only on paper” 

I look over my shoulder and say, “Of course… and you’ll always be the other woman.” 

“How dare you? Don’t forget that you’re nothing!” 

“I’m out of here. 

While she keeps yelling, I walk out and shut the door. Even when I move away from that suite, I can hear her 

er still yelling and 

it makes me smirk. 



11:30 Thu cua sua 

Chapter 2 


My phone beeps again and Lamile when I check the message. It’s from Mrs Richards. She can’t wait to see me so we can also discuss the wedding dress ideas. She’s always so enthusiastic. I love how I have all of them on my side. 

This is it. I’m finally walking down the aisle and this should be one of the happiest moments of my life, but it’s not. 

With a fake smile, which isn’t too obvious because of the veil covering my face, I hold my head high with every step leading me closer to the altar. 

My family and friends all look on with admiration as I walk past them and some are in tears. If anything. I’m the one who should be in tears, but I keep telling myself I can do this. 

way as far a 

as possible, but I know I 

Part of me even wants to turn around right now, take off these diamond heels and run away as can’t, not when so much depends on this marriage. 

My father, who’s walking beside me, is the happiest he’s ever been and I know it’s because of me and what’s to become of 

this union. 

The church is grand and so are the decorations, everything radiating wealth and class, something that means nothing to me, not when I know the type of man who’s about to become my husband. 

I’m now closer than ever to the altar and I finally see him, dressed in an elegant black suit with a touch of white. 

His pearly whites are on full display and he seems happy, but I know he’s not. It’s all just for the show. The press can’t stop taking pictures and it’s a little irritating all these flashes going off in my face. 

On the left side of the front row seat, I spot Carmella, who covers her mouth in amazement when I’m close enough, as if blown away by my whole look. What a great actress she’s being right now. 

I’m only genuinely happy when I spot Mr and Mrs Richards and Dominic’s siblings on the right. They’re all so happy to see me finally become part of their family. 

Before my father hands me over to Dominic, he turns to me and smiles. And despite the life that awaits me, I can’t help but genuinely smile back at him. 

I finally stand face to face with Dominic and his hands almost envelope mine since they’re way bigger. 

vows and put on a show, which seems so believable that everyone is in awe, except Carmella. 

We say our vows 

When it’s time for the kiss, Dominic pulls back the veil and steps forward. This is going to be our first kiss. As soon as our lips touch, there’s a round of applause. I feel nothing when kissing him and we don’t even part our lips

After breaking the kiss, we hold hands and smile for the crowd, the camera flashes going off like crazy 

As I look around, I see my father wiping his tears as he stands with Mr Richard’s, my kind and loving father in–law. 

Dominic and I then walk out of the church hand in hand and friends and family come together to take pictures outside. 

I can’t help but notice that everyone’s smiles fade when Carmella joins in on the action. 

I still wonder what the story behind it all is. The only reason she’s here is because we’re friends. They were all actually shocked to learn that. 

Once we take several pictures and Dominic and I say a few loving words to the press, Carmella hugs me as if to congratulate me but mockingly whispers in my ear. 

“The only type of wedding night you’re going to have is a good night’s sleep and nothing else, bitch!” 

Chapter 3 

hi takes everything into slaper in the presence of ever. Now that this wedding ceremony has come to an end. I’m not just one but the daughter in law of the Richards farty And I’m going to show her 


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