The Claiming By Cooper

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 18 (Jace)

It had taken me hours to fall asleep, after lying in bed for hours thinking of Jordan’s naked body, fresh in my head from earlier that day and then thinking of the water from the shower sliding over her body.

I thought taking matters into my own hands would have taken the edge off. I mean, after twenty-five years, I’m pretty adept at it, but that image of her, the thought of being in the shower with her, watching her hands as they soaped up her body? Well, I had to take matters into my own hands twice more after that before I could finally fall asleep.

I’m up early again, knowing we have a s*hit-ton of work to do today. I quickly shower, and the image of Jordan floats back into my head, so I take precious time to rub another one out before I start my day. F*uck, how the hell am I going to travel alone with her?

I get dressed quickly and head downstairs, making sure the omegas are set to make food for even more people today, since the scientists and who knows how many others are coming. I have them make up a couple of breakfast sandwiches and coffee and send it up to Jordan’s room so she can eat while she’s getting ready.

“One for you, too, Gamma,” one of the omegas says to me.

“Thanks, Tina. Do you know if Beta Elijah is up yet?” I ask, taking a bite of food.

“He is,” he says behind me, scrubbing his face and looking exhausted. I feel bad for him, He expected to retire very soon, anticipating handing over the Beta duties to his son. Now, he’ll have to stay on longer and train whatever new Beta we bring in.

“Good morning, Jace,” Layan says walking in behind him. “Is this for Alpha Jordan?” she asks.

“Yes, Beta.”

“I’ll take it to her,” she says.

“Good morning, Beta Layan,” I call out to her as she bustles back out of the kitchen.

Alpha Mason and Luna Jara come in right behind her.

“Coffee! Please for all that’s good and holy, I need coffee!” Luna Jara says, walking to the coffee pot.

“Here you go, Luna,” one of the omegas says, having already started pouring some coffee.

“Thank you, Cathy. You know I can’t function without my coffee,” she says. “So, what’s the plan for today?” Alpha Mason asks.

I’m just about to say that depends on the council members when Jordan comes in, breakfast sandwich in one hand, and coffee in the other.

“I need to speak to Councilman Jason and find out what his plans are for the rogues today,” she says. “I told the warriors in quarantine that the three of us would be rotating through there every day they are in quarantine so we can make sure that everyone is okay, and no one needs anything.”

“I can go now, make sure nothing happened overnight,” Elijah says. “I’ll come with you,” Layan says. “Me as well. I know we won’t know anything about a possible infection until the scientists get here, but I’d like to lay eyes on the warriors myself.” Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

“Thank you,” Jordan says as the three of them make their way out of the kitchen.

“Let’s go sit in the dining room and talk. I don’t want everyone coming in and flooding the kitchen looking for coffee and food,” I say and see the omegas give me a look of thanks.

Just as we sit down, Councilman Jason walks in. “Is there coffee?” he asks, as the omegas bring a pot out. They set it on our table and rush to get him a coffee mug, bringing cream and sugar to our table as well.

“Councilman, I was hoping to get an idea of what you had planned for today,” Jordan says, finishing her food and sipping her coffee. I pour more for her when I see the mug is nearly empty. The gesture doesn’t go unnoticed by Alpha Mason.

‘We still need to talk, Jace,’ he says in the mind link.

‘Yes, Alpha.’

I was Alpha Mason’s Gamma for six years, form the time I turned 18 until this last year when Jordan finally took over as Alpha. He and I worked well together, and we have a good

relationship, but I know this conversation has to do with his daughter, so I’m not exactly sure how it will go. Given Griffin’s response yesterday, I’m not expecting it to go well.

“We obviously need to start hunting for these rogue packs. They’ve made their first move and while it may have been intended as a reconnaissance mission, we’ve now got injured and possibly contaminated pack members. They have posed a threat to our packs, and they will need to be taken out. I’m going to ask for volunteers today to see who is willing to go on a rogue hunt, but I need you to think about leaving soon, Alpha Jordan. The more information we have from the bear clan leader, this Balor, the better.”

“I need to speak with Jaxon today. I need to bring him back into the pack so he can access the pack mind link. I can have that ceremony tonight and then Jace and I can leave tomorrow along with the other Alphas. I know you had a gathering last night, have any of the new Alphas talked about their plans yet? After this attack, being alone in these decimated packs doesn’t sound safe.”

“No, and it’s something that we’ll need to talk about today as well. We need a plan to keep these Alphas and the new packs protected from attack. Much of those decisions will be based on Dr. Braxton’s work. Based on my experience, he’ll need a space to work and do his experiments,” Councilman Jason says.

I mind link Elijah asking him to work with the hospital staff to get a space for the doctor to work.

“Elijah will take care of that,” I tell Jordan.

“Good. Do we know when the scientists will be arriving?” Jordan says just as we get the mind link from the patrols. “Never mind, it looks like they’re here,” she says, and she and I move to go greet our new guests, Alpha Mason and Councilman Jason right behind us.

When we get outside, a car is pulling up with an older gentleman and a young woman. The man steps out of the car, looking around before his eyes land on Mason.

“Alpha Mason, it’s good to see you again,” he says, pushing his glasses up on his face.

Both Mason and Jason move down the stairs to greet the doctor that they worked with nearly 20 years ago. “And Councilman Jason, it’s good to see you again as well,” the doctor says.

Jordan and I turn our attention to the young woman who gets out of the car. She is also wearing glasses, but I get the impression that she doesn’t need them and only wears them to look older so people will take her seriously. Jordan steps up to her.

“Welcome. I’m Alpha Jordan and this is my Gamma, Jace.”

“Hello, I’m Kyra Braxton. It’s nice to meet you both, although I wish it were under better circumstances.”

“Oh, Kyra, come meet Alpha Mason and Councilman Jason,” Dr. Braxton says to her, motioning her over.

She steps up and introduces herself to both men before turning to her father. “You do realize that Alpha Jordan is the new Alpha for this pack father, and you have yet to introduce yourself to her and her Gamma?” she says gently but firmly to the older man.

“Oh, goodness me! How could I have forgotten! Yes, yes,” he comes bustling over. He’s a bit hunched over, as if he spends all his time looking down and his motions are stiff as if he doesn’t move around a lot.

“Oh goodness, let me look at you. Oh, you look so much like your mother. Beautiful, just like her. The last time I saw you, you were just a newborn,” Dr. Braxton says. I want to be irritated that he hasn’t even addressed Jordan as an Alpha, but with him, he seems more like crazy scientist rather than someone who doesn’t value her position.

“DAD!” Kyra says, exasperated with her father. “This is Alpha Jordan,” she says, emphasizing her title, “and this is her Gamma, Jace.”

He turns to me, his mouth opening into an ‘O’. “Oh, little Jace. Oh well, you’re not so little anymore are you, young man? You’re all grown up now.”

“Yes, doctor,” I say, shaking his hand while his daughter rolls her eyes behind his back.

“Now,” Dr. Braxton says, rubbing his hands together, his eyes full of excitement. “What’s this I hear about another outbreak?”

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