The Claiming By Cooper

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 71 (Evangeline)

I can already feel a headache coming on. This last competition is arguably the hardest of them all. Not only that, but I’m just over three months pregnant and I have a baby sitting on my bladder. I get up for the second time to go pee, knowing I’m losing valuable time but not having any choice.

When I come back out, Jaxon looks over at me. I can see that his mind is working overtime to answer these difficult scenarios but he’s still checking on me. I nod my head, letting him know I’m okay before going back to my seat. 

I click on the third scenario. ‘How would you h*andle a scenario where one of your pack members comes to you upset because their mate is abusing them, whether it’s physical or through the mate bond? Why would you choose this way of h*andling the situation?’

I can’t even imagine someone who didn’t cherish the mate bond. My love for Jaxon has been absolute from the beginning. How would I h*andle this scenario? I try to think of anyone who would abuse their mate, and I can’t think of anyone. How would I h*andle this? After several minutes, I decide to come back to this one.

I navigate back to the main screen, opening one of the snacks that was left at my table and eating it while going to the fourth scenario. ‘How would you h*andle a situation where your pack could no longer financially support itself? What would you do to ensure that your pack didn’t starve and that pack members didn’t begin leaving your pack?’

Ugh, another difficult question. I roll my neck around, and arch my back, trying to ease the discomfort of sitting for so long. Okay, as an Alpha, it is my responsibility to ensure that my pack is able to make money and then they pay a percentage into the overall pack finances. It’s my job to make sure that every pack member is productive and that the pack has a constant income flow. So, how do I do that?

I think back to the pack lands that Jaxon wants to build on. Currently, there is nothing there. No livable housing, no running water or electricity. We have to build before we can begin bringing in money. However, I did have the idea of creating that little town closer to the front of the pack. That would not only be a way to bring money into the pack, but a way for pack members to have employment if they aren’t eligible or interested in things like being pack warriors or running patrols. And that makes me think even further into the financial situation of our pack. All of those individuals that work for the pack have to get paid, paid by the pack finances. Part of the percentage of money coming in will have to go to their salaries. OR maybe they get free housing! Yes!

Now that I have a plan, I begin writing up my response. When I’m finished, I look at the clock. It’s 11:30am. I have an hour and a half to finish my last two scenarios.

I quickly click on the fifth scenario. ‘A lone wolf continues trying to breach the perimeter of your pack lands. Your patrols have run the wolf off several times, but they keep coming back. How do you h*andle the situation and why?’

This one seems like the easiest of them all. Maybe it’s deceptively easy, but why wouldn’t the Alpha just meet with the wolf and see what’s going on? Do they smell their mate? Are they interested in becoming part of the pack? Without knowing the reason, the wolf is breaching the perimeter, it’s impossible to know exactly how I’d respond, but the question doesn’t indicate that the lone wolf is violent, only that they continue to breach the perimeter.

When I finish writing up the fifth scenario, I look at the clock again, seeing that I only have 40 more minutes to finish the last response. I stand, needing to use the bathroom once more and also needing

to stretch. When I come back out, I see that Jaxon is typing furiously on his computer. I’m not sure what alerts him, but his head whips up and he looks at me. I smile and nod and head back to my seat, rubbing my stomach.

When I sit, I realize he’s still watching me. I smile again before refocusing on my computer and clicking back on Scenario 3. How would I h*andle someone abusing their mate bond? From NôvelDrama.Org.

I feel like I’ve just begun answering the question when the computer shuts off.

“Ugh!” I say and I’m not the only one. Most everyone in the room was still working on their answers when the computers shut off.

“Time’s up, everyone. Lunch is being served out in the dining room. Your Alphas and family members will be arriving later today. The council will be reviewing your responses for the rest of the day and making our determinations tomorrow. There will be a reception dinner and the finalists will be announced in order. Once we have our top 10, you will be asked to choose your pack lands. Good luck and we’ll see you tomorrow evening,”

Councilman Jason says as we all stand.

Jaxon is almost immediately at my side. “Hey, how’d you do. I saw you up several times, are you okay?”

“Yeah, just, you know, junior is sitting on my bladder and it’s uncomfortable to sit for so long,” I say as we walk out the door. We all walk into the dining room where the buffet is laid out for us. “Let’s get some food and then we can talk about how you did,” Jaxon says. “How we did,” I say to him.

We get our food and sit down to eat, Lazio, Caleb, Taylor, and Enzo joining us.

“Okay, am I the only one that thought that was ridiculously difficult?” Enzo asks.

“That was a lot harder than I was expecting,” I say.

“Same,” Jaxon says, and the others agree.

We go around the table, and everyone talks about their responses to the questions. Most of ours were similar. “Did anyone else not finish one of their scenarios?” I ask, looking around. “I had maybe a sentence or two left to type before the computer shut off, but most of my response was in there,” Lazio says.

“Mine too,” Taylor says.

“It’ll be fine baby. I’m sure you did great. Plus, don’t forget that they also take into consideration your ranking in the other competitions.”

“You’re right, and it’s done now anyway, nothing more I can do about it,” I say. “You were at a bit of a disadvantage needing to use the bathroom so many times,” Caleb says to me.

“Yeah, I’m assuming that was the baby?” Taylor says.

“Yep, Jaxon Junior is sitting on my bladder and he’s being very rude about it.” I say, making everyone laugh.

Jaxon leans over, nuzzling my hair and k*issing my head. “Sorry, not sorry?”

I shake my head at him.

“So, does everyone know which pack they would choose?” Taylor asks us. We all look around. The other five of us at the table went together to see the packs.

“Yeah, we’ve pretty much chosen the ones we want, along with our second and third choices. After that, it’s basically what’s left over. I definitely know which ones I don’t want. Or, should I say, the ones

Maggie doesn’t want,” Caleb says.

“How about you, Taylor? You haven’t found your mate yet, so how are you deciding which pack lands you want?” Lazio asks her.

“Location. My first choice is the pack that is closest to Griffin’s pack. That way I’m still close to family and sort of in between his pack and Jordan’s. But if that one is taken, the I’d like the one that was Aunt Mila’s pack.”

“Oh no, back off my pack lands,” Jaxon says. “I chose that one from the beginning. Plus, there’s a pack that borders that one and if Eve wins too, then we’re going to try to take them both and combine them.”

“Then you better hope that you beat me or that my first choice is still available,” Taylor says.

“So, what’s everyone doing for the rest of the day?” Enzo asks, changing the subject.

“The families are set to start arriving any time now. Maggie will be here soon, and I think she’s coming with Rowan,” Caleb says to Enzo.

“Yep, I think they’ll be here in another 30 minutes or so.”

“How about you, baby? What do you want to do this afternoon?” Jaxon says. “I need a nap. I didn’t sleep well last night and after the stress of the competition, I’d like to rest a bit.”

“I think that’s a great idea. I’ll join you.” Taylor snorts. “Forget ‘relaxing’,” she says, using air quotes.

“Oh, I’ll be relaxed. Eventually,” I say, smiling at my mate.

“Eventually,” he says, taking my h*and and leading me to our room.

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