The Billionaire's Unwanted Bride

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Aidan's POV

I pack my things, close the laptop, and put the important files inside the drawer before locking it. When

I am done, I pick up the briefcase and go out.

"Good night, sir", Chloe greets me.

"Goodnight, Chloe", I say in response before walking to the elevator.

Changing is much easier for me than I expected it will be even though some things are quite difficult for

me. I have been worried about Anna since noon and I am closing early just to go check up on her.

By the time I was home yesterday, she was already asleep again and I asked Tania about her health.

Tania says she is fine but I still don't feel ok with it.

This morning, when I was coming to work, I went into her bedroom to see her sleeping too. I was

worried that she was sleeping too much so I went back to Tania and asked her to dish out her food and

wake her up to eat.

To be honest, I thought maybe something happened to Anna during the night and I wanted to be rest

assured that she is truly fine and alive with my request for Tania to wake her up. When Tania woke her

up and she turned to face her, I heaved a sigh of relief before going out unnoticed.

I hope she is fine and will be fine. The doctor says something about depression and I feel responsible

for it. He gave me some tips on how to make sure it doesn't affect her mental health in the long run and

I am hoping to work on it, if not for me but for the maids.

I will no longer stop her from associating with the maids, I will no longer stop her from inviting her

mother over and I will also grant her permission to visit my mother anytime she wants it.

I move out of the elevator when it gets to the ground floor. I bring out my car keys and take long strides

to my car. I open it and get in.

I know mother would be proud of me if only she is living with us to see the changes in me. I will make

sure to visit her soon, so I can tell her what is happening. I smile.

My head is filled with different thoughts as I drive home. I am thinking about all the things I need to do

in the coming weeks, concerning work and my effort to change completely so no one can ever compare

me with my father. It's been a while since we last saw each other.

Even though I hate him, I hope he is fine and not mistreating my mother anymore. I already told him I

will ruin him if he touches her again. He was scared that I would stick to my word because I saw the

fear in his face.

Before I know it, I am home already. I park the car in the driveway and walk inside with my briefcase. I

am making a mental note to remember to tell Chloe to book me a flight next month. I have finally

decided to go on a vacation with Lily. I would have gone with Anna too but I know she will be

uncomfortable with my presence so I think I will have to go with Tania instead, to look after my baby.

I get in and see a maid coming in my direction. When she raises her head, I see it is the head maid.

She is Natalie, she bears my mother's name and reminds me of my mother with her grey-colored hair.

"Welcome, sir", she greets politely.

"Natalie", I greet in return. "Is Anna still asleep?"

"No, sir", she shakes her head.

I nod and walk past her to go to Anna's room. I want to confirm for myself that she is indeed awake and

not dead.

"Sir?" She stops me. I turn around to face her. "Ma'am is not around."

"What?" I exclaim.

Where the hell did she go to when she is still not fine? I am not against going out but I feel she is not

strong enough.

"Where did she go?"

She shrugs and looks down. "I have no idea, sir."

I can see the guilt on her face. She is lying. She knows where Anna is but she doesn't want to tell me. I

want to make her tell me but I think otherwise before a sudden thought jumps into my head.

Did she run away? With my baby?

"Where is Lily?" I ask her.

"She is in the room with Tania", she responds.

"You can go", I command. She turns to go.

I decide to go check things for myself in Anna's room to be sure she hasn't eloped. But as far as my

baby is here, I don't care. I don't know why she keeps doing things to annoy me whenever I try to be

pleasant to her.

I walk into her room to see everything in place. I hurry to the closet and see it is intact. I breathe out the

air I didn't know I was holding in.

I look around once more after closing the closet, then I walk out. I don't want to think about where she

went as I wander to my room. I want to take a bath when my phone beeps.

It is a message from Richard, I notice when I peep at the phone after throwing my briefcase on the bed.

It reads. "She said yes."

I don't even understand what the message means.

Is this one of his pranks? Who said yes? I hiss and remove my dress. I am still thinking of the message

as I take my bath.

I am almost done bathing when it clicks in my head.

Could it be the proposal? Did he propose to Pamela? That must be it.

I finish up and hurry out. I want to call him and ask or probably go visit him. I didn't come with any work

so I will be bored staying home. I pick a white t-shirt and jeans to wear. I grab the car keys before going

out again.

When I am in my car, I decide to call him to know if he is home so I won't go there without seeing him.

"Are you home?"

"She said yes!", he squeals like a child.

"Are you home?" I ask again.


"I'm coming", I inform him before disconnecting the call. I drop the phone and the car engine roars to


The gate automatically opens before I am even close and I wonder who is coming. I drive aside for

whoever it is, winding the car window down to catch a glimpse of who it is.

The car enters and my eyes interlock with that of Anna who is laughing at what the guy is saying. He is

the same guy I saw at the hospital and he looks younger tonight.

When Anna sees me, the laughter dies down. The guy notices and follows her gaze to me. He gives

me a cute smile.

I take my eyes off them before driving out angrily.


Anna's POV

"Who is he?" Tony asks me when he sees Aidan staring daggers at him. I wonder what is wrong with

Aidan. He should let me go on a date freely. I am not his child.

"My grumpy brother", I answer and look away as he parks his car. I am lying too much these days but I

don't care, as far as my secret is safe.

"He looks familiar, I think I have seen him somewhere before", he states.

I guess he just saw him on TV. "Yeah", I only said. NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

"I remember now", he hits his hand on the wheels softly with a broad smile. "We bumped into each

other at the hospital."

I was wondering how they met until he told me and my eyes widens. At the hospital? That explains why

Aidan was glaring at me at the hospital.

I clear my throat. "Did you guys talk?"

"No, I didn't know he was your brother. I only apologized to him and left."

"Alright", I am relieved. We sit in silence for a while before he advises me. "Call your mother and

apologize, Anna."

"No", I say stubbornly, remembering what happened earlier in the washroom and the stinging feeling on

my cheeks.

"Come on. I don't know what happened and I don't intend to pry into your private life but I saw how

angry she was when she walked past us. You must have hurt her deeply, so please apologize to her."

I sit still with folded arms, thinking about what he is saying. I know I hurt mom but I feel I am not

supposed to apologize. She is supposed to apologize to me instead for not confiding in me.

"I heard you."

"Will you?"

"I'm not promising you anything", I want to open the door to go out when he stops me with his hand on

mine. He moves close and places his lips on my forehead. His lips are there for a while, my eyes are


"Good night", he gives me one of his cute smiles when he pulls away.

"Good night", I can't help but smile too. "Let's go out tomorrow too."

"Are you sure? I was thinking it is going to be next week", he says more like a suggestion.

"No, tomorrow, same time", I hop down from the car. "Bye", I wave at him as he drives off.

My phone rings as I enter the house. Pamela's name flashes across the screen. I don't know if I should

pick it.

Did she see them together too and she is calling to lash at me? Why is she calling? Is she back in New


After much contemplation as I move further into the house, I pick the call.

"I said yes", she screams in excitement.

The loud voice makes me take the phone off my ears for a while. I don't understand what she means

by saying yes.

Yes to what? I am much relieved that it has nothing to do with her father and my mother.

"Yes to what?" I voice out my thoughts.

"Richard proposed and I said yes", she announce happily.

"Waw, I am happy for you, girl", I giggle in excitement. I can't wait to be a bridesmaid.

My best friend is getting married. What a good news?

"Thanks, love. I'm coming over tomorrow or next", she informs me.

"He proposed over the phone?" I ask with curiosity, wondering how it happened when Richard is in

New York and she isn't.

"No, he was here but he is back in New York now. He said he has an urgent meeting to attend."

"Oh! I can't wait to see you. I have missed you so much", I slump to the sofa. This news is making up

for my bad day already.

I don't know if I should tell her about my mother and her father or I should keep mute and pretend like I

know nothing.

"Me too. See you tomorrow. Bye", she disconnects the call before I can tell her bye too.

I have always been the one who talks more about marriage between Pam and me.

She doesn't believe in marriage but here she is preparing to get married. Here I am not happily


I didn't get any proposal but I am hoping that one day, I will make my dreams come true and get a

proposal from Tony someday.

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