The billionaire’s true love


Part 28

I smiled as Jose sat next to me on the airplane. True to my word, I decided to get out of this country. The moment I had gotten home, I told Jose that we were leaving. He was one step ahead of me, and told me that it wouldn’t take long for us to get tickets for the next flight out. Leaving him to worry about the tickets, I begun packing. I threw in as much as I could in the little time that I had.

Once I was finished packing Jose told me the good news that we were leaving. I grinned but my heart wilted. Ignoring the stupid organ, I grabbed Jose’s hand, and set out for the airport.

When we reached the airport, Jose dragged me to the departure area and in a short while, we were directed to the airplane that awaited to take me away from the one man who overwhelmed my heart and body.

“Alright, so we are going to Japan,” Jose informed me, buckling himself.

I frowned. “Why are we going to Japan?” When I told Jose that we were leaving, I didn’t give him a specific location of where I wanted to go, I left that part to him; but I had a feeling he knew I wanted to go to Antarctica.

“Because airplanes don’t fly to Antarctica, or so it was the last time I checked. So Japan was the next best option. I’ve got some family members there,” he replied.

“Right. But Japan is not far enough. I don’t want Trent to find me, at least not so soon; I need at least three days without him.” I told my friend.

“Don’t worry, he won’t find you. Trust me,” Jose stated.

“How can you be so sure?” I questioned.

Taking his wallet out of his pocket, Jose flipped it open and removed an ID card. When I took in the contents, my eyes widened. It was my ID card, but it wasn’t mine. The woman in the picture was me, no doubt, but the name was not mine. The ID card did not say Amanda Lawson, no, it said Arabella Liam.

“What is this?!”

“This is your fake ID. I had new documents made for the both of us after what that jerk did to us, in case we ever needed to leave without leaving a trail behind,” he informed me.

“So, you have one, too?” This man was a genius.

“Yup, I’m Johnny from now on.” He pulled out another ID card with his picture but a different name.

“There is no way Trent would be able to find us now,” I said.

“Yes. I made the payment in cash, and you did leave your cell phone behind, right?”

“Yes, I left my phone back in our apartment,” I replied. Jose told me that Trent would be able to track me through my phone so I had to leave it behind. I knew he was right; because Theodore tracked Hailey through her phone when she escaped to Canada, at least that’s what I thought.

“Good. Did you tell Hailey that you are leaving?” Jose enquired, leaning back in his seat. The plane hadn’t even took off yet and he was already getting ready to sleep.

“I called her but it went to voicemail. I didn’t leave a message, afraid that Trent might get to know where I was. I’ll call her once I get a new number,” I stated.

“Perfect. Now I’m going to sleep.” Closing his eyes Jose leaned back, causing me to roll my eyes. He was obsessed with sleep, I wondered how he did that?

“What family do you have in Japan? And how come you never told me about them?” I queried, not caring that I was disturbing his precious nap time.

“They are distant relatives, but for some weird reason, I’m more close to them than I am to my own family,” he answered.

“Cousins? Boys or girls?” I asked.

“Two boys and one girl. And they are my cousins…distant cousins,” he responded.

“Cool, new friends. Do they know that we are coming?”

“You ask a lot of questions,” he complained.

“This is the first time I’ve run away, so I need to know everything about where I’m going,” I defended myself.

“They are not going to kill you, Amanda, nor will they sell you into human trafficking, so relax and go to sleep, we got a long flight ahead of us,” Jose mumbled.

“I have to talk to Hailey, I cannot calm down if I don’t talk to her,” I uttered, finally noticing my erratic heart beat.

Just then the lady started speaking throuh the microphone, telling us to switch off our cell phones and other devices. Well that sucked. Taking a deep breath to control my crazy organ that reacted unnaturally in Trent’s presence, I closed my eyes. But I failed, miserably. Images of Trent finding me and doing all sorts of unspeakable things to me started flowing through my mind. Which made it impossible for my heart and my sex to calm down. Fuck my life, even in my thoughts he had the power to turn me on.

When the flight attendant announced the time it would take for us to reach Japan, I didn’t know whether to sigh in relief or cry in frustration, because Trent was not leaving my mind. I thought I was running away from him, but was I really? Could I really escape him?

But even though the crazy man dominated my mind, I forced myself to go to sleep. Staying awake would result in nothing except exhaustion and fear; and I needed to force Trent out of my mind because the bastard wasn’t leaving on his own.

So with a frown on my face and Trent’s dark eyes smiling at me in my mind, I slept.


It was surprising when I woke up and saw the sun shining outside. Wow, what was the time difference between Japan and USA? And were we already in Japan, or did we have to cover some more distance until we landed?

Looking to my left, I saw Jose who was still lost in his dream world. Shakng my head at him, I turned to look around the plane. I thought a lot of people would’ve woken up by now but majority of them were sleeping.

Once I was fully awake, I decided to go to the bathroom to wash my face. It didn’t take me long to enter the tiny bathroom. I was glad that people were sleeping right now, because I could do my business in peace without having others disturb me by knocking on the door.

After I was done with my morning rituals, I stepped out of the bathroom only to stop short when I saw a man standing outside the bathroom. Clutching my chest to prevent my heart from popping out of my chest, I tried to calm down. Damn it, why did people surprise me so much.

“I’m sorry, I startled you,” the man apologized. He had sandy blonde hair and light gray eyes. What surprised me was the fact that he was wearing a suit, and he hadn’t even discarded his jacket. Did this man even sleep? And how come his clothes didn’t look wrinkled or anything? Or maybe he just wasn’t showing me the wrinkled part.

“It’s okay. No worries,” I said to him.

“You had a nice flight?” He questioned.

“Uh, I can’t say because we are still on the plane,” I responded.

The man chuckled. Was it just my paranoia or was this man talking to me like he somehow knew me? And if my fears were correct, how did this man know me?

“Of course, stupid question. What I meant was, are you comfortable? Are the flight attendants taking care of your comfort and needs?” He asked.

What kind of a fucked up question was that? Why was he so concerned about how the flight attendants were treating me? What was his deal? Who was this man?

“Yes, they are, thank you for your concern,” I answered, intending to get away from him, but it looked as if he had no intention of going to the bathroom and leaving me alone.

“Pardon me, but I was only asking because this airline belongs to my family, and I just wanted to make sure you were satisfied,” he said.

The sigh of relief that escaped me was so deep, I was afraid he heard it. But if he did, he didn’t show it. Instead, he smiled at me. He was not a stalker; he was just a man who wanted to make sure the passengers were satisfied. I cursed my idiocy. Trent was no more, he was gone, I left him behind in the States. I really needed to get over my paranoia before it became a problem.

“Of course, I slept without any disturbance and the food was amazing.” I told him with a smile. The food part was a tad bit of a lie, but I did not want to crush the man’s spirit so early in the morning, or maybe it was afternoon right now, I was not aware of the time.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m glad to hear that. So, are you visiting Japan for the first time?” He enquired. I thought he wanted to go to the bathroom, why was he standing here and making idle chitchat?

“Yes. I’m visiting my family,” I said.

“Oh, that’s great. Cousins or siblings?” The man asked.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” I said.

“You didn’t catch my name because I never gave it to you.”

Smart ass!

“Right, what is your name?” I queried.

“My name is Noah,” he answered.

“Well Noah, are you excited about seeing Japan?”

“Very much so. Even though I have visited a few times, there is something about Japan that is so beautiful and unique, you can’t help but get excited everytime you go,” he replied.

“That is interesting. I’ll keep that in mind.” I told him, taking a couple of steps back to create some distance between us.

“You do that. Will you be staying at a hotel?” Noah asked.

“Uh I just told you I’m visiting my family, so why stay at a hotel?” This man was suspicious, and I needed to leave before things got out of control.

“Of course, my bad. May I know your name?”

“No, you may not,” I stated.

Noah looked sheepish and unsure at my response. “May I know the reason why?”

I shrugged. “It’s simple. You are a stranger.” With a smile, I strode away from Noah and back in my own seat. I sighed in relief when I felt the soft cushion behind my back. Thank God I was able to get away from him. He was getting way too personal with me. The man only just met me, and already he was asking me where I lived.

“Why do you sigh so loudly?” Jose groaned, blinking his eyes open.

“I don’t, you just have sensitive ears,” I shot back.

“Where did you go?” Jose sat up a little, running a hand through his messy hair.

“To the bathroom,” I replied, looking behind to see if Noah was still standing. When I saw no man standing outside the bathroom, I turned back to face Jose.

“Oh cool.”

“When did you wake up?” I questioned.

“A little while after you left. I sort of panicked and thought that douchebag of a boss of yours got in the plane and kidnapped you, but then the flight attendant told me you just went to the bathroom. She saved me from having a heart attack while being airborne,” he answered.

The fact that Jose was so worried about me touched my heart. Since Hailey got married and became a mom, she had been busy with her life. I understood that things were different now and she had other people to take care of; so it was nice to know that I had Jose who worried about me and took care of me just like Hailey did.

“If Trent was on the flight with us, don’t you think he would’ve made his presence known by now?” After a good night’s sleep, I was able to extinguish fifty percent of my paranoia, the other fifty percent was still present if the incident outside of the bathroom was any indication.

“Right, thank the Lord he is out of our lives,” Jose muttered.

I agreed with him but my heart didn’t. It clenched painfully after his words. Fuck my life, I needed to be strong against Trent; I couldn’t let him have the upper hand. These Benson men needed to know that they couldn’t control females likes that.

“You have your cellphone, right? I need it once we land; I have to tell Hailey that I’m out of country for some time,” I said.

“Sure.” We fell silent after that. After a few minutes, the flight attendant announced that we would be landing soon and that had my stomach sinking with anxiety. This was it, I was finally in another country-away from Trent. Three days until I had power over him. I just needed to hide for three days. I could do this, I just hoped nothing went wrong.

The plane finally landed and I couldn’t help the grin from spreading on my face. Japan was a beautiful country and I was glad Jose chose this place to come to. I had no idea who Jose’s family members were that were residing in Tokyo but I trusted my friend and I was sure he would be there for me.

Getting out of the plane was difficult, simply because everybody was trying to leave at once. The only reason I wanted to get out of the airplane was because I wanted to avoid Noah. I did not want to see him again, he was creepy.

Eventually, we escaped the confines of the airplane and entered the airport. Jose went to get our luggage, giving me his cell phone so I could call Hailey. I turned on the phone and waited for it to start. Once it was on, Jose’s phone vibrated, signalling emails, calls and text messages. I was about to ignore the notifications when one text message in particular caught my attention; well not only my attention but my very heart.

You think you can get away, well think again. I’m coming for you. You cannot hide from me.

No, no, it couldn’t be. This was not from who I thought it was from. He didn’t have Jose’s cell number. No, it couldn’t be. But try as I might, I couldn’t deny what my heart and mind already knew.

The message was from Trent Benson.

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