The billionaire’s true love


Part 18

Trent dragged me out of the chalet and in to his car. He slammed the door so hard I thought it would break. He then rounded the car and got in his own seat before starting the car and peeling out of the driveway of the chalet.

“Why so angry?” I asked, grinning at him.

He looked like he was going to explode. His eyes were shooting bullets through the windscreen, while he gripped the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles were white. I, other hand, was loving the fact that he was driving so fast.

“Shut the fuck up, Amanda,” he snapped, not looking at me.

“Hey! Watch your tone, Mister!” I frowned at him.

“Shut your mouth, or trust me you will not like the consequences,” he gritted out. Was I that ugly all of a sudden that he wasn’t even sparing me a glance?

“Oh I see the problem here.” I pointed at Trent with my index finger. “You just can’t handle the fact that I killed your ego. You are pissed because now you can no longer show that handsome face to your colleagues ever again.” I laughed heartily.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Amanda, I swear-”

Before he could finish, I leaned forward and slapped my hand on the horn, causing Trent to swear loudly while I giggled like a school girl. This was so much fun, I should’ve done this before. But when I tried to repeat my earlier actions, Trent caught my wrist in a painful hold, nearly making me cry out loud.

I tried to wrench my wrist out of his hold but he only gripped tighter, making me hiss in pain, but didn’t relent. Trent just kept his gaze on the view in front of him, and kept on driving, not caring that he was nearly crushing my wrist.

“Trent, let go of me,” I said, trying to move my wrist around so he would reliquish his hold on me, but that man had an iron-grip on it.

All of a sudden, Trent brought the car to a sudden halt, making me jerk forward, if it wasn’t for my seatbelt, I would’ve hit my head on the glove compartment. Before I could regain my bearings, Trent turned to face me and what I saw in those eyes had terror sprouting in my core.

Trent looked like he had been possessed by the devil himself. Those dark eyes that made me feel as if he could see to the very depths of my soul, were now blazing with barely restrained fury. The face that sometimes made my heart flutter was now making my heart thunder in the confines of my ribcage. Right now he looked the epitome of anger. He looked deadly.

And I was afraid.

“You dare utter a word now, and I swear to you, I am going to make your life a living hell. You don’t know who you fucked with, but now, now you are going to find out. I have been patient with you long enough, but not anymore.” With one last withering glare at me, Trent turned back to driving, releasing my wrist. I instantly wrapped my throbbing wrist in my other hand, knowing that it would be bruised.

Not wanting to test whether his threats were real or not, I bit my lip and turned to stare out the window. Trent was speeding, which meant that the scenery was blurring by. I really wanted to jump around and dance but the fury, which was rolling off Trent in waves kept me in my seat, but I could not stop my legs from shaking.

Damn it! What was wrong with me?!

I tried to close my eyes but they had no intention of shutting. My mind was wide awake, coming up with one crazy idea after another. I really wanted to get out of the car and run around until my legs cried in protest.

“This is the last time I’m letting you out of my reach,” he roared, before hitting the steering wheel in frustration. I jumped at his words, having the strongest urge to jump out of a moving car and run for my life.

“Why are getting so worked up? I think you deserved it.” I slapped a hand over my mouth. Shit! I couldn’t believe I said that. Oh boy, I was going to get it now.

Trent turned to face me so fast, I thought he was a supernatural creature, and fixed me with his deadly stare. Thank goodness, there were no cars on the road except ours, otherwise we would’ve crashed by now.

“What did I say?” He asked calmly, although his eyes betrayed the tone of his voice. I could tell Trent wanted to strangle me right now, although I couldn’t understand why he hadn’t already. If he was so pissed, why not kill me already?

He is going to torture you, and give you slow, excruciating death.

That thought that bile rising up my throat, but I forced it down. I shook my head at Trent, looking away. Why couldn’t I learn to keep my mouth shut?

“Sorry,” I mumbled.

The next thing I knew, I was being thrown to the left, nearly hitting my head against the window as Trent took a sudden, sharp turn. Fuck my life! With the way he was driving, I feared maybe I would throw up whatever I had consumed during the meeting. This man was a maniac!

“Would you drive like a sane person,” I complained, not caring about his threats right now. And good God, where was he taking me now? I mean, I was not good with directions, but even I knew that while we were coming here, there was no sign of civilization; and now, all of a sudden I could see the most adorable houses ever to exist.

There were rows of cottage styled houses, all identical to one another with a front and back yards, with flowers and lush green lawns. I stared wide eyed at each and every cottage that we passed, wondering how amazing it would be if I could actually own one of these cottages and live here forever.

Much to my surprise, Trent slowed down and eventually stopped after turning into the driveway of one of the adorable cottages. Without a word, he got out, rounded the car, opened my door, grabbed my wrist and tugged me harshly out of the car. Slamming the door shut, Trent stormed inside the cottage, up the stairs, into a bedroom where he all but threw me on the bed.

“Go to sleep. By the time I get back, I want you back to normal! I’ll deal with you then,” He seethed, before turning on his heel and storming out, slamming the door hard enough to make the frames on the walls rattle.

The fuck did he mean by going back to normal?

Getting off the bed, I headed to the bedroom door which Trent so graciously slammed a while ago. I turned the knob and swore out loud. Locked. That son of a bitch locked me in?! Fuming, I raked my fingers through my hair, discarding the bobby pins that were keeping it in place.

Not feeling sleepy, I looked around the bedroom, which was the cutest bedroom ever. It wasn’t big in any way; in fact, it was pretty small, and yet, it looked big enough. There was a king size bed pushed against one wall with the dressing pushed against one of corner. The walls looked like they were made out of barks of trees, and the furniture looked to be made of the same materials. This room felt like I had been transported in a tree house, and I absolutely loved it. If Trent didn’t fire me, then I would earn money to buy one of these cottages; the chalet was nothing compared to this.

I looked out of the window, a smile stretching my lips as I gazed at the lush grass that stretched on as far as the eye could see. Looking down, I saw a couple of women standing and talking; neighbors probably. If I lived here, than I would have neighbors, too. Jose would have a great time here as well; he would have plenty of things to photograph and what not.

Fuck me!

Jogging over to the bed, I picked up my clutch and took out my phone. Jose would be going crazy by now, wondering where I was. I held the phone to my ear and waited for Jose to pick up the phone. After four rings, he finally did.

“Hello?” He sounded groggy.

“Jose, it’s me Amanda,” I said.

“Hey Mandi, how are you?” He asked.

“Were you sleeping?” I asked.

“Yes. But I’m awake now. So tell me, why did you call?” He queried.

The hell?! I was worried about nothing. He was sleeping, he had no idea where I was and right now I doubted he’d even care.

“So you have no idea where I am?” I questioned just to make sure.

“Work?” Yup, he had no clue. Well as long as he didn’t know, it was fine.

“Yes. I’m at work. But I just wanted to let you know that don’t wait up for me, I’ll come home late, okay?” Considering the fact that he was half asleep, I doubted Jose would ask too many questions.

“Alright. Bye.” He hung up.

“Well then,” I said to no one, before dropping my phone on the bed, where it bounced once before landing on the comforter.

After the call, I was starting to feel better, more like myself. And to say I felt like an idiot would be an understatment. I could not believe, I told the people present in the meeting that Trent sucked; and I called him ugly. Fuck my life. I was surprised Trent hadn’t killed me by now.

Oh God, what was I going to do now? How could I make this right? Trent was fuming in the car; just one insult away from blowing up. He was so going to fire me. Nobody wanted an employee who embarrassed you in public, and I publicly humiliated him in front of all those people who worked under him.

Somebody kill me now.

The sound of door opening had me sucking in a deep breath of courage. Oh no, he was here. I just hoped he had calmed down enough to listen to me. But one look in those blazing dark eyes had me wondering how much pain would I feel if I jumped through the window right now.

“I’m sorry.” I began.

Trent didn’t say anything. Just strode over, took my chin in his fingers, tilted my head up and looked deep in my eyes. Then, after a few seconds of searching for God knows what, he let me go.

“Good to know you’re back to your senses,” he stated bitterly.

“Look Trent-”

“No! You listen!” I flinched as he shouted. “I cannot believe the stunt you just pulled. Do you have any idea what you’ve done!”

“Trent, please let me explain.” I started to say, but he cut me off.

“Explain what? That you hate me so much that you are willing to put your entire career on the line just so you can have a couple of hours where you can publicly humiliate me?! Do you have no regards for your career that you are doing drugs in public?!” He roared, shocking me into silence.

What? Did he just accuse me of doing drugs? Did he not know me at all? How could he even consider the fact that I would do drugs? I never did drugs; never smoked pot even. So how could he just stand there and accuse me like this?

“Drugs?” I said with a frown.

“Drop the act, Amanda. Don’t act like you don’t know anything. You were high as a fucking kite, blabbering shit like you had no care in the world. Your pupils were so fucking dilated that I could not see your irises color!” With a growl, he turned around and punched the wall with so much force the frame dropped and fell, the glass shattering.

“Stop this! I never did drugs in my life, why would I start now?!” I defended myself.

“Because you are so fucking desperate to see me humiliated, I’m sure you can go to any lengths just to accomplish that,” he sneered.

My eyes narrowed, temper spiked. “Yes. I wanted to embarrass you, I wanted to destroy your repuation, but I did not do drugs. I’d rather jump of a damn cliff than do drugs. My career is the most important thing in my life, and I would not do anything to jeopardize it.” I told him.

“Well congratulations. You fucking did it. You destroyed your career today. And you are now free to do whatever drugs you want, because I doubt anyone is going to hire you now,” Trent replied bitterly.

Tears burned my eyes. I did not do drugs. Why couldn’t he believe me?! I knew what I did was bad, but it wasn’t bad enough that my whole career would be ruined.

“Stop saying that?! Stop saying that I took drugs, because I did not!” I yelled, forcing him to believe me.

“Oh really?” He arched an eyebrow, clearly telling me he did not believe a word I just said. “Then how come you were as high as a kite? How come your pupils were dilated? How come you embarrassed me and yourself in the most horrible way, without having a care in the world, and then have the nerve to ask me why I was angry?! Huh? Explain that.”

I fell silent, trying to come up with a logical explanation. I rewinded my memories a little, and then slowly examined them. I had coffee in the morning with a hearty breakfast, but I was fine then. But then we came to the meeting, and I had champagne, maybe somebody drugged me then. No, everybody else was drinking as well, so the champagne wasn’t it. After that, Tamara dragged me away, and I had sandwiches and drank a glass of punch.

Fuck me! The punch!

“Oh my God.” I covered my mouth with my hand as realization dawned. That bitch drugged me. She destroyed me and my career.

“What?” Trent questioned.

“She drugged me,” I said.

“For God sake’s, Amanda. Stop blaming others!” Trent said, exasperated.

“No. She did it. Tamara. She slipped the drug in my punch, and told me to drink it. Oh my God.” Feeling weak, I sat down on the bed, burying my face in my hands. Tears skipped freely from my eyes, as I cursed myself for falling into this trap.

“Stop lying to me! I know you used drugs, and I cannot believe you have the nerve to blame someone else for it!” Trent shouted.

“I am not lying! I am not lying goddammit!” I yelled, crying my eyes out.

“I don’t believe you.” Trent took a deep breath and I braced myself for the worst. “What you have done today is unforgivable, and I am going to make sure you realize that. You say you’re sorry, Amanda, but I am going to you sorry. This was the first and the last stunt you ever pulled with me, and now it’s my turn,” he promised, before striding out of the bedroom, slamming the door shut.

A sob wrecked my body, and I allowed my body to fall on the bed, crying my heart out. What would I do now? He does not believe me. What would I do?

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