The billionaire’s true love


Part 8

Saturday brought a refreshing smile on my face. Finally, I would not have to see Trent’s face or worry about whether my pose was right or not. I was going to sit back and relax and would go visit Hailey, it had been so long since I’d seen her. I would let Jose know I would be busy with Hailey, so he could spend the day doing whatever he wanted.

After doing my morning rituals, I put on a light blue shirt with jeans before brushing and tying my hair in a pony tail; I wanted to go for a casual look, so the whole world would know that I had a day off and was loving it.

“Hey, you’re all dressed up,” Jose commented as soon as I entered the living room.

“Yeah, I have the day off, so I am going to visit Hailey today.” I told him.

“Does that mean I get the apartment all to myself today?” Jose’s eyes sparkled.

“You’re not having an orgy here,” I warned.

Jose threw his head back and laughed. “I’m not a sex addict…okay not really, but, I won’t have an orgy here, promise.”

“Then why are you so happy?” I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

“Well, I’m not going to tell you that.”

“Why not? As your friend I have the right to know what you’re upto. Are you going to do something illegal?” I asked.

“Give me some credit, and no, nothing illegal.” Jose shook his head.

“Then what? Tell me!” I ordered.

“I don’t know, haven’t decided yet,” he replied.

“What?! So you were just doing this to annoy me?” I glared at him.

“Of course! It’s so much fun.” He grinned.

I smacked his arm. “I’m going. Call me if you’re dying!” I hollered as I left my apartment.

Hailing a cab, I slid inside and immediately called Hailey. I was so excited to meet her, I completely forgot to tell the driver her address; it was only when he called out to me and gave me an expectant look did I realize my mistake. Smiling apologetically, I gave the cab driver Hailey’s address.

“Hello?” Hailey spoke as soon as the call connected.

“Hey Lee, how’s my best friend?” I asked cheerfully.

“Wow Mandi, you remember you have a best friend, how sweet.” Her words dripped with sarcasm and I felt a stab of guilt.

“Sorry. I have been busy with…stuff,” I said pathetically.

“Oh of course, I understand. Please, stay busy, and don’t bother to remember that there are pther people in your life who might need you. No, don’t bother at all,” she said.

I winced at her words. “This is the pregnancy talking,” I stated.

“Not sure what you mean. As far as I know, everyone would talk like this when their best friends are too busy in their lives to care about anyone else’s existence,” Hailey replied.

“All right, I’m sorry,” I apologized.

“Not good enough. Plus, I don’t have time to listen to your apologies, I have a husband to go talk to…you know, the one who knows that I exist,” she snapped and hung up.

I stared at my phone with my jaw hanging open. Holy shit, Hailey was mad at me, and I was only just starting to see that. A fresh wave of guilt washed over me, damn it, I was a horrible friend. I got my dream job and I forgot all about my best friend, I was a terrible person.

“Can you please drive faster,” I requested the driver, who sped up a little.

When I saw the familiar estate that was my best friend’s home, I sighed in relief, but at the same time, my heart started pounding. Hailey was angry, and I had no idea if I’d be able to make her smile. An angry Hailey was a dangerous Hailey; she was capable of murder when enraged, if that asshole Ian was any proof, the poor guy was paralyzed for life.

Getting out of the cab, I paid the fare before striding over to the grand entrance door. I knocked a couple of times before stepping back. The door opened and the maid, whose name I did not remember, appeared.

“Hi, is Hailey here?” If Hailey wasn’t mad at me I whould’ve just barged inside without having to take permission from the maid.

“Yes. Mrs. Benson is available. Please come inside.” She opened the door wider for me to enter. With a grateful smile, I stepped inside the gorgeous estate.

“Mrs. Benson is in the living room.” The maid told me. Nodding my head, I headed in the direction where I assumed was my best friend.

Hailey was sitting on the couch with her legs propped up on the glass table, the T. V. remote in her hand, her eyes glued to the flat screen. Hailey turned her face towards me as soon as I dropped my purse on the table.

“Hey,” I said, hesitantly.

Hailey blinked a couple of times before turning her head back to the T. V. Great, she was now going to give me the silent treatment. Sighing, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Okay Amanda, you have to make your best friend smile.

“I’m sorry.” I sat down next to her.

Silence. That was the response I got. God, she was not going to make this easy for me. Letting out another breath, I leaned back on the couch.

“Lee, say something,” I ordered.

“I don’t answer to you,” she snapped.

“No. But you’re my best friend,” I argued.

She scoffed. “Yeah right! What kind of a best friend goes AWOL for two weeks?! No calls. No texts.”

“I’m sorry, I was busy. I recently got hired by a modelling agency and I was busy with that,” I explained.

“Oh? So, your career is more important than friendship. Good to know.”

Shit. That’s not what I meant.

“I mean, there were things I have to do, and it was crazy.” I tried again.

“You must have a lot of things to do if you didn’t have time to send a single text to me,” Hailey mocked.

I groaned out loud. This pregnancy was fucking with our friendship. Hailey’s emotions and rational thinking were completely scattered. And I knew it was the hormones talking because Hailey never talked to me like this. She always understood if a person was busy, and always thought rationally.

“Okay. I’m a terrible friend. I’m sorry. Please forgive me,” I begged.

“No.” She deadpanned.

“Oh come on. Please. I’m sorry. I won’t ever ignore you. I’ll message you every freakin’ day, I promise. Please forgive me, Lee.” I swear the only reason I was begging her was because I loved her. Sometimes loving people was difficult.

Hailey sighed. “I’ll forgive you, but on one condition.”

“Anything Lee. I’ll do anything for you,” I said.

“I want you to be my maid of honor,” she stated.

My face broke into a smile as my heart relaxed. “Of course! I’d love to be the maid of honor. When is the wedding? The second wedding I mean.” It was so weird, how Hailey would be getting married to Theodore again.

“In less than two weeks. And I haven’t even gotten a dress yet.” She told me.

“What?! Why not?!” Oh no, I had to help my friend with her wedding dress, and I had less than two weeks to do it.

“I don’t want to go without my best friend,” Hailey said.

“Okay, we’ll go tomorrow. I’ll pick you up and we’ll go and find you the perfect dress. Do you have anything in mind on what kind of a dress you want?” If I had to find a dress for Hailey all by myself, I’d do it.

Before Hailey could respond, Theodore entered the living room, looking like a GQ model in his gray suit. For a second, I saw Trent’s face staring at me, but then I blinked and Trent was no more. I shhok my head, Trent was messing with my mind. Theodore bent down and gave Hailey a tender kiss.

“Hello princess, how are you?” Theodore asked.

“I’m fine. You’re home early,” Hailey commented.

“I missed you, baby, couldn’t stay away from you, so I came home early.” He gave her another kiss.

“Hey boss man!” I yelled, trying to stop Theodore from fucking my best friend right here.

“Oh, hello Amanda, when did you come?” Theodore asked with a warm smile.

“A while ago. Are you excited for the wedding?” I enquired.

“Excited? Very much. Anyways, it’s good that you came over. Hailey can use a friend since I have work as well. Come by everyday if possible.” Theodore told me.

“You don’t mind if I borrow my best friend and your wife for a day, do you?” I queried.

“For what?” He asked, perching on the arm rest of the couch next to Hailey.

“We need to go dress shopping,” I explained.

“Okay. I’ll have the driver take you both tomorrow, if you want,” Theodore said.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“No. That’s okay, we’ll take a cab,” I declined.

“Absolutely not! You will go with my driver,” Theodore stated.

“Theodore. Mandi and I will take a cab, it’s no big deal,” Hailey said.

“And I say you are going to take the driver,” he said firmly.

“No! I don’t want the driver following us everywhere,” Hailey whined.

“Fine. Then you can stay here and I’ll call the desginer to come and take your measurements. Your choice,” he replied.

Hailey growled. “Fine! We’ll go with the stupid driver!” She nearly shouted.

“Good girl.” Giving her a kiss on the forehead, Theodore sauntered out of the living room.

“Control freak!” Hailey muttered, glaring at the T. V.

“He just cares about you, Lee.” I tried to calm her down.

“Yeah well I’m sick of it! I hate him so much!” She lashed out.

“No you don’t. You love him,” I responded.

“Yeah well, right now I don’t,” she argued.

“Liar,” I teased.

Hailey took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

I patted her head. “It’s okay. It’s the hormones,” I said.

“I know. Fucking changes in my body. When will this be over?” She closed her eyes.

“In a few months,” I answered.

“I wish you could carry my baby for me,” Hailey said.

“Uh okay, I love you, but I’m never going to carry your baby for you. After seeing you like this, I am sure that I don’t want kids, ever!” I replied.

“You’re mean!” Hailey snapped.

“I know, by the way, what colors have you decided for the maid of honor and your bridesmaid?” I asked. And for the next few hours, Hailey and I discussed the plans for the wedding. Theodore had given free reign to Hailey regarding the wedding preperations. She wanted a small wedding, but she wanted everything to be perfect. After some time, Hailey finally decided on peach for the bridesmaid and champagne color for me. She even contacted a designer to make an appointment for tomorrow.

When Hailey excused herself to go to the bathroom, I sat back and sighed in relief. Finally, my best friend wasn’t mad at me anymore. From now on, I’d make sure to text her at least once a day, just until the baby came and Hailey went back to normal.

While I was wondering about my nephew or niece, my phone buzzed, signalling an incoming text. I checked to see who texted me only to frown as I stared at the unknown number.

UNKNWON: What did you eat for breakfast.

Frowning, I texted back.

AMANDA: Who is this?

UNKNOWN: Your boss.

AMANDA: Trent?

UNKNOWN: Do you have more than one boss?

AMANDA: No. Sorry.

UNKNOWN: What did you have for breakfast?

AMANDA: Why are you asking?

UNKNOWN: Just answer me, bumblebee.

This really was Trent. No one would dare question me like this. But why on earth was he asking me what I had for breakfast. Was this one of his I-care-about-my-models thing? Because if it was, then I did not like it.

AMANDA: I’m busy. Talk to you later.

I thought Trent would stop pestering me after reading my message. But my cell phone started ringing a few seconds after I sent the text. Knowing who it was, I sighed and accepted the call.


“I asked you a fucking question and I expect an answer,” Trent said.

“That was a stupid question, one I did not want to give an answer to,” I replied.

“That is not your decision to make. I am your boss. You do as I say. Now tell me what did you have for breakfast,” Trent stated.

“Why are you obsessed with my diet?! First yoga and now this, what the hell?” I asked, aggravated.

“None of your business. Answer my question, shady, or else.” There was a hint of threat in Trent’s words.

“Or what? What will you do when you are not even here?” This man was really starting to piss me off. I was so happy talking to Hailey, and he just ruined my mood with one phone call.

“You don’t want to question my authority or my power, bumblebee, trust me, you will not like the result,” Trent replied, cryptically.

“Whatever. I’m busy. I’ll call you later.”

“Don’t you dare hang up on me.” The tone of his voice scared me into obeying him.

“What?” I gritted out.

“Tell me what you had for breakfast,” Trent repeated.

I growled. “God, you are so annoying! Fine, you want to know what I had for breakfast. I’ll tell you. I had a cup of coffee!” I nearly shouted.

“That’s it?!” Trent roared from the other end.

“What do you mean, that’s it? This is what I normally have,” I replied, trying to rein in my emotions.

“Wait, you’re saying, all you have for breakfast is a cup of coffee?” Trent questioned.

“Yes,” I answered. God when would this be over?

Trent swore incoherently. “God bumblebee, what am I going to do with you?”

“The hell? Who asked you to do anything?” What was he going on about?

“Mark my words, shady. When I get back, I am changing your diet. This fucking ends now.”

“Huh? You don’t have any right to change my diet,” I argued.

“Watch me, bumblebee.” With that he hung up, leaving my jaw hanging open.

“Hey, you all right?” Hailey asked, looking at my shocked expression.

“Ye-Yeah, I’m fine.” I smiled at her. “Listen. How well do you know Trent?” I asked.

Hailey frowned. “You mean, Theodore’s cousin Trent?”

I nodded. “Yes. Him.”

“I kinda know him. Why? Is everything all right?” Hailey looked concerned.

This time, I shook my head. “I have to talk to you.”

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