The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 76: The Apology

Chapter 76: The Apology

I stood up sluggishly from the bed as I made my way down the room into the sitting room where my

phone was ringing continuously, I couldn't help cursing the caller who had interrupted my sleep.

“ Hello” I called groggily into the phone barely looking at the caller's ID.

“ Nina Miller!" I cringed from the loud voice on the phone as I removed the phone from my ear to check

the caller's ID. I rolled my eyes as soon as I saw the name of the caller, if only I knew I would have

continued with my sleep instead of disturbing myself.

" Hey, baby girl. How are you? And how's my little one doing?" I called into the phone as soon as I saw

that it was Lillian calling.

I scolded myself for forgetting to put a call through to Lillian after leaving the hospital yesterday but I

was preoccupied with my parents wanting me to get married to Oliver.

" Don't you baby me? You couldn't even call to ask about my health. Not even you nor Michael called

me yesterday" Lillian complained bitterly into the phone.

She wasn't happy that none of them thought to call her yesterday. She couldn't help but feel sad that

Nina was neglecting their friendship because of Michael.

" I'm really sorry. I was busy yesterday. I promise to make it up to you today" I called into the phone as I

strolled to stand at the window. The day was just getting to rise as the early morning air blew the

window blind bringing in the scent of the morning dew. I missed my apartment, I wish I could go back

but I'm afraid. What if

Deborah comes back and finds me alone at home? I shudder from the thought of what that psycho

bitch could probably do to me. I still can't understand how she could be obsessed with a man that

doesn't even want her.

" Fine. I will be expecting your visit" Lillian's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I nodded at her but

soon remembered that she can't see me.

" Yes, dear. Talk to you later," I told her and hung up the call without waiting for her response.

I stroll back to the bathroom to wash my face and get ready for my morning yoga with mom. As soon as

I walked into the bathroom, I heard a knock on the door. Knowing fully well that it was my mom, I didn't

even bother to open the door instead I called out from the bathroom with a loud voice" Mom, I'm

coming. Just give me some minutes to wash my face"

" No darling, there's no practice today. Your dad would like to discuss something with you" Mom

shouted from outside my bedroom door. I was excited to hear that there wasn't training today but my

dad wanting to see me was giving me concern. Why did he want to see me? Hope this isn't about me

getting married to Oliver.

" Okay mom, I will be you in a second" I called to her and quickly rushed through my bath as I wanted

to get ready before Michael will come.

I walked down the stairs. I paused as soon as I heard voices coming out from the sitting room and my

dad's excited laughter.

I knew Michael wasn't here yet then who could that be in the sitting room with my dad?

I nearly rolled my eyes the minute I saw

Oliver sitting beside my dad, on the couch opposite him was a lady I wasn't familiar with but she was

beautiful with her red hair and freckles. I took the seat across from my father while avoiding Oliver's

eyes. I can't believe he accepted my dad's proposal to get married to me?" You sent for me dad,"

My dad turned to look at me just registering my presence in the room. I guess he was absorbed in what

Oliver was telling him" Yes darling. Oliver has something to say to you. I think it's about you guys'

marriage" Dad told me with a sad smile on his lips. I couldn't help being curious about his sadness.

I turned abruptly to stare at Oliver who was smiling at me. I glared at him, I'm never getting married to

him even though he was the last man on earth but just to please my dad, I decided to play along"

Really? What would you like to tell me, Doctor Oliver" I call to him with a hint of annoyance in my


Oliver sat up on the couch, he turned to button-down his blazer before offering the girl opposite him a

tiny smile" I____ Mr. Miller I'm sorry but I'll have to refuse your proposal" My eyes immediately shoot up

to stare at Oliver as soon as I hear that. I couldn't believe he just said that. I turned to see my father

who was glaring at Oliver.

" Why did you say that? Is my daughter not good enough for you? '' Dad asked Oliver. I couldn't help

rolling my eyes at him. Even though Oliver was a doctor, I still can't get married to him. In my heart,

there will always be a man and that is Michael

" Is not that sir. I'm glad that you think so highly of me enough to offer Nina to be my wife but to me, All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Nina is just like a sister and nothing else" Oliver told us, I couldn't help smiling. I also thought of him as

a brother and nothing else too. I mean we grew up together in the same neighborhood.

Oliver paused as soon as mom walked into the room to serve us juice. Dad refused, I'm guessing he's

more than angry with Oliver right now" That's my fiancée over there. We'll be getting married in a few

months '' Oliver continued as soon as mom walked out of the room. He points to the lady I had noticed

earlier. I turned to see dad glaring at the girl.

I stood up and dragged Oliver out of the door after haven't heard what he had come to say. Knowing

my dad, he won't stop until he has persuaded Oliver to change his mind and get married to me instead.

I walked Oliver and his fiancée out of the door to where their car was parked under the shade. Oliver

turned to smile at me one last time before getting into the car and pulling off our driveway. I waved at

him before turning to walk back into the room.

" Mom, is the food ready? Michael and his parents will soon be here" I called to my mom as soon as I

walked into the room.

" Just a bit more, darling. Shane, bring out the finest dish" Mom replied before turning to my little

brother who was just coming down the stairs with cups in his hands. Dad ignored us as we all went

about setting the house ready for Michael's visit.

" Mom, do you think dad will forgive the Thompsons?" I asked mom as we were setting the dining table

side by side. I was glad to have mom by my side after everything, she was able to see that Michael and

I truly love each other which was why she accepted for us to get married but Dad is one stubborn nut to


As soon as mom opened her mouth to reply we heard the car honk outside our house. Mom turned to

look at me with a look of dread in her eyes, I guess she couldn't believe that the Thompsons are finally

in her house. I guess it will take a lot of time we've adapted to them, even, I'm still having issues

accepting how rich Michael and his parents are.

" Quick Nina, go get change. They are here" Mom screamed up at me waving me off. She turned to

push me away from the dining room to the stairs as she saw that I was about to protest. I couldn't help

rolling my eyes at her as I reluctantly took the stairs to my room. I mean what's wrong with the clothes

that I'm putting on? I wondered in my heart as I walked into my room.


By the time I returned into the room, I was shocked to see my dad and Mr. Thompson getting along so

well that one would think that they've been friends for ages now. They were discussing dad's newest

addition of wine, I never knew Mr. Thompson was a wine freak just like my dad. I'm surprised he never

became a winemaker.

I turned to see my mom and Mrs. Thompson discussing fashion. I rolled my eyes at them, women and

fashion, I don't know what they ever saw in it. The food was completely abandoned as everyone was

busy with their conversation. Little Shane wasn't left out, he was busy showing Vino and Victor his

latest collection of toy cars. I saw as their eyes lit up as they pretended to be fascinated with them.

" Come with me Tesoro, I would like to watch you too" Michael's husky voice called to me as he hugged

me from behind.

I smiled as soon as his breath fanned my cheeks and he snaked his hands around my waist pulling me

closer to his body in a tight embrace. He kissed me lightly on my neck before turning to guide me out of

the door. I turned to see that everyone was oblivion to our little show of affection, only then could I relax

and let Michael guide me outside.

" Where are we going?" I asked Michael as soon as we got to his car. He ignored me as he turned to

open the passenger's door, ushering me to get in.

“ Don't worry. Your father is aware that I'm stealing you away from them” Michael said with a smile on

his lips. I nodded at him and walked into the car.

Michael shut the door and walked briskly to the driver's side. He settled himself behind the steering

before turning to help me with my seat belt“ What about your parents? Won't they be stranded?” I

asked him again as I wouldn't want his parents getting angry with me, especially his mom.

“ Not at all. They came with their car” Michael replied as he pointed to a white Royce Roll parked at one

corner of our house before pulling out of our driveway.

I turned to take in the car which I didn't notice in my rush to get into the car with Michael. As soon as

Michael took the lane in the opposite direction to Lillian's house I couldn't help being curious about

where he was going to“ Where are we going?”

Michael turned to smile at me. He bent to peck me swiftly on the lips before turning to focus on the road

“ It's a surprise ” Michael whispered to me. I smiled at him and soon relaxed as I fell into a deep sleep.

“Angel, wake up. We are here” Michael's gentle voice called out to me as he reached to tap me lightly

on the shoulder.

I woke up abruptly and looked around the area still feeling groggy while also wondering where we


The familiar scent coming out from the restaurant and the familiar parking lot jolted me awake as I

turned to stare at Michael in shock.

“ Yes darling, we are at Royale Restaurante” Michael replied answering my unasked question as he

bent to kiss me softly on my lips. The thought of the restaurant was completely abandoned as I

wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer to my body as I deepened the kiss.

Michael pulled out after some time gasping for air. I pouted at him in protest which caused Michael to

chuckle softly“ Later, angel. I promise” Michael told me with a smile on his face as he stepped out of

the car and came over to open the passenger door for me.

We are currently sitting in the restaurant. I couldn't help looking around, I could still remember vividly

the first time we were here. Back then, Michael and Deborah were planning their wedding while I was

being jealous. How time flies! A lot of things have happened but I'm glad we are still together against all


Michael reached out to take my hands from across the table. I turned to look at him as he bent to kiss

my fingers one after the other before holding on to it“ Do you still remember the first time here?” He

asked me huskily staring deeply into my eyes.

I couldn't speak I was filled with love for the man across from me. He looks so handsome tonight in a

blue slack and a white shirt. The light from the chandelier across from us illuminated his face,

enhancing his ocean blue eyes which were mesmerizing me.

My heart swelled with pride as I spoke the one word that was in my mind that moment “ I love you” I

whisper to him.

Michael was shocked as he wasn't expecting that from me but he smiled “ And I love you too, Bella


My breath hiked in my chest as I smiled at him. I knew he loved me so much but it was a relief hearing

that from him.

“ Do you know why I brought you here tonight?” Michael asked me again as he turned to stare around

the restaurant, his brows knitted together as if he's remembering old memories.

“ No” I answered, shaking my head at him. I turned to see the waitress approaching us with the menu

in her hands. It was the same waitress from before. I was surprised to see that she was still working


“Hello! Welcome to Royale Restaurante. What would you like to order?” Lisa as her name tag reads

asked us with a smile on her face. I couldn't help smiling back, her English was more fluent than

before. I still don't understand why Michael brought me here?

“ Get us the most expensive dish tonight,” Michael told her, closing the menu as he handed it to her

before waving her off.

“ Because I wanted to show you how much I've loved you then and I'm still very much in love with you

now” Michael continued after the waitress had gone. I looked at him in shock, I didn't know he was in

love with me at that time. I had thought he was in love with Deborah. Stupid me, was so jealous of him.

“ And also because I couldn't do this to you then” I watched as Michael stood up and came over to me,

he gathered me in his hands and slammed his lips on mine kissing me so passionately that I was

overcome with desire for him.

“ I love you, Nina. I'm sorry for taking too long to show you” Michael called to me resting his head on

my forehead as we both panted for air. Michael went back to his chair across from us while I resumed

mine just as the waitress wheeled in our dinner.

It was late in the night before Michael could bring himself to take me home. I couldn't help the smile

that spread across my face as I went to bed that night.

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