The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 56: The Confession

Chapter 56: The Confession

I replayed the text message over and over again in my head but I still can't pinpoint why Nina will want

to see me. Does she want to break up with me? Hell!! No, I don't think she could do that.

“ Are you ready to order anything sir?” I came out of my thoughts to see a young waitress staring at

me. Immediately, she recognised me, she couldn't help gawking at me.

“ Not yet, I will let you know,” I told her before turning to stare out of the window. I could see Don and

John circling through the whole building. Though I was supposed to meet Nina, I also needed to meet

Austin. I need to know why all of this is happening?

I turned back just as I saw Austin strolling down the sidewalk with dark sunglasses on his face and a NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

black hat.

I was about to signal for a waitress when I noticed that the previous one was still beside me. I look up

to see her staring at me with such hunger in her eyes. I cleared my throat as she looked away not after

giving me the signal that she won't mind having it in the restroom........

This was why I loved Nina. She was the only woman who looked at me like she wanted the real me,

not my money or my looks.

“ Can I help you?” I asked her, my voice coming out more coldly than I had wanted.

“ No____nothing sir” she said, batting her eyelashes at me.

“ Get out!” I screamed causing her to run back to wherever she came from with fear in her eyes..... I

heard Austin chuckling as he came over to sit down in front of me.

With his legs crossed and his back rested on the armchair, he turned to stare at me curiously “ I'm

surprised you asked to meet me”

I try to bring back my breathing to normal as I turn to regard Austin. Looking at him, no one could

believe he his capable of murder. With his boyish features and beautiful smile “ I'm sure you know why

I ask you to meet?” I asked him as I signal for another waiter who came to take our order.

“ Of course, that's why I'm surprised it's been how many years? Four or five?” Austin asked as he

sipped his coffee with the look of someone who has all the time in the world.......

I ignored him, I took a swift glance at my watch. I still have an hour before my meeting with Nina.

“ Why did you try to kill Nina?” I asked him cutting immediately to the chase. I had expected him to flip

out not for him to smile. I was shocked that his condition was worse than I had expected.....

“I'm sure you are not expecting me to answer that, ” Austin said with a smile on his face as he glances


“ This is not Nina's fault. You have a problem with me. Then face me why are you trying to kill the

woman who knows nothing about you but even tried to defend you once. If only she knew the devil you

are” I spat with Venom. I can't believe he could do this to Nina.

“ She made a mistake and she is going to pay for it” Austin said as his eyes hardened with contempt.

“ What mistake? ” I asked him in shock. Nina is no one to hurt someone, then what is he talking about?

Austin turned to glare at me“ The mistake of loving you” I rested my back on the couch with my hands

folded across my chest, I turned to stare at him

“ let's make a deal” I told him causing Austin to stare at me with a smirk on his face.....

“ Well, Mr. Thompson. Need I remind you that you are in no position to make a deal with me” Austin

said as he stood up about to leave.

I stood up abruptly “ What happened to you? I thought we were friends. We practically grew up

together and ______”

Austin ran angrily to hook me on my shirt. He glared into my eyes as he spat out the words “ Mia

happened to me? You killed her and you thought we would remain friends after that? No, never ”

“ But I didn't killed Mia, she______”

“Enough! ” Austin screamed, causing the rest of the diner to turn and stare at us. I remove his hands

from my chest and lean into him and whisper to him.

“ Fine, if that's the way you want it but I promised you that I will have the last laugh” I told him as he

smiled and turned to go but he paused. In front of us stood Nina, she avoided Austin's eyes as she

fidgeted with her bags in her hands.

“ Nina, woah!” Austin exclaimed as he ran to hug Nina who pretended and hug him back. I could still

see the fears in her eyes.

“ Hi! Austin ” Nina's voice quivered as she greeted him making Austin watch her curiously his eyes

hardened a fraction more.

I sat back down on the chair and watched them“ Are you annoyed with me? I'm sorry , I don't have

enough time on my hands, I would have come to greet you after the accident ” Austin apologised as

Nina acknowledged with a nod. She kept looking everywhere but Austin's eyes, like she couldn't wait to

leave his presence.

Austin sensed her discomfort and decided to let her go “ I'm sorry, I would have loved to stay back and

chat with you but I have a signing event to go to. Take care of yourself, bye ” Austin replied, hugging

her for the last time before turning on his heel to walk out of the door. Nina strode slowly to me and

slumped down on the couch opposite me.

“ I'm sorry that you had to meet him. I wasn't expecting you earlier” I apologised to her checking my

watch to see that she had arrived thirty minutes earlier.

Nina sat up as she forced a smile on her face “ It's okay, It was bound to happen. I mean, I would still

need to see him one of these days” Nina replied as she waved my apology off like it was nothing. She

turned and ordered a cup of coffee for herself......

“ I wish I could order Whiskey or Brandy” Nina lamented bitterly. I could see her hands shaking as she

tried to lift the cup to her mouth. I held her hands across the table and helped lift the cup to her mouth.

She smiled her “ thanks ” at me causing me to smile back.....

“ So. Why did you want us to meet?” I asked her and rested my back against the chair while waiting for

her response.

Nina dropped the cup gently on the table and leaned into, whispering to me “ I want to know everything.

I want to know what happened to Mia? And why is Austin being like this? I want to know the truth” Nina

replied as she watched my face.

I was cornered, there was no escape route. What do I do? Seeing the way she is looking at me, if I

refused she might break up with me. Finally, coming to a conclusion with myself, I decided to tell her.....

“ Austin, Deborah and I grew up together in France. Our parents were friends and they all started the

Thompson's Empire together ” I paused as I look at Nina to see that she was listening with rapt


“ Mia was born three years after the Walkers adopted Austin. He was seven then. We went to the same

kindergarten, then high school. Austin and Deborah soon became closer while Mia and I were always

together. Our parents were happy that one day I might get married to Mia while Austin to Deborah”.

“ So initially, it was Mia not Deborah?” Nina asked me, causing me to nod. I can't look at her in the


“ Interesting, continue ” Nina replied urging me to go on.

“ Due to the fact that my parents don't like staying in a place for too long, we moved down to Italy

where my dad has acquired a new company but we still kept in touch with the Walkers. I was almost

through with my university then, which was why dad decided we should go to New York to establish

another branch where I could head.......” I paused to take a sip of my coffee as I stole a glance at Nina

who was excited for me to continue....

“After I graduated, I immediately took over as the CEO which was where I met Mia again. She was

searching for job and being the fact that her parents still had shares in our company I decided to offer

her a job in our company as my personal assistant”

“ Okay, I could understand that you were close since childhood which is why you slept with her but why

did you ask her to abort the baby?” Nina asked me, causing me to stare at her with wide eyes.....

“I never slept with Mia. We only had a professional relationship between us at work. Moreover, she was

like a sister to me” I told her, hoping she believes me. While I apologised to Mia in my heart, though I

had promised to keep the secret until death but I don't think I could do it any longer with Austin

planning to kill Nina.

“If you didn't then who was responsible for her pregnancy” Nina asked me clearly not believing what I

just told her.

“ Austin ” I replied, shrugging like I didn't just drop a bombshell on her.

Nina watched me with her mouth slightly opened “ Austin? But he's her brother ”

“ Yes that was what Mia told me. I noticed after a month she started working with me that she wasn't

the cheerful girl she was when we were younger but the Mia walker now was always moody and most

of the time I had seen her crying”

“She told me that Austin has been raping her, and when she confront him, he always denied it and

behaves normal with her which make her to trick him into a hospital where test were carried out on him.

The test result came out showing that Austin has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) which was

already too late cos Mia was pregnant”

“ Wait I ____this ____is overwhelming. What did the walkers say?” Nina asked me, trying to catch her


“ They never knew because Mia never told them. She felt her parents will disown Austin if they ever

find out and that will kill him finally which is why she begged me to take the fall for her pregnancy ” I

told her, concluding my heartfelt story. I never told anyone even my parents, except John who knew

about it since he was my chief security officer...

“ I'm sure the walkers are still not aware of it till now?” Nina said after sometime as she tried to come to

term with what she just heard....

“ No, because I kept my promise to Mia and took the fall for her pregnancy. Two years later, after Austin

left to study music in France, they pulled out of our company causing my betrothal to go to Deborah ”

“Hmm! Is Austin still not aware that he is a DID patient?” Nina asked me, staring into my eyes.

“ Yes, Mia and I made sure that he's never going to know of it. Though the doctor said it is not curable

but can be minimised ” I answered, my eyes went to the wall clock, opposite us to see that it was

getting late.

“ I want you to use me as bait ” Nina told me, causing me to pause and turn to glare at her before

walking to my car. I drop her off at her house before driving off to mine. I still can't believe that she's

asking me to use her to lure Austin out so the police can arrest him..

Does she know what she is asking me to do? The last time, Austin almost killed her. I wonder what he

will be doing now!!!

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