The Billionaire’s Creed

Chapter 56


“What did she say to you?” We met Sax outside the firm.

“Surprisingly, she’s less bitchy than I thought.”

Mykel was seemingly in deep thought as he crossed his arms over his chest. He barely said a few sentences during the ride, and I started to worry.

“Let’s get inside and see what she has to say, boss,” Kye particularly said to Mykel.

Linden was already waiting for us as soon as we were in the firm. “You can watch the whole thing, but I suggest you stay out all the time.”

“I wanna talk to her.”

“Mykel, let him do the job. After the interview, then you may talk to her, but I’m coming with you,” I insisted. This issue affected him so much, and I felt helpless. We were both under a lot of stress.

“I just want this to be over.”

Linden walked into the interview room with a file in his hand. “Maisey Bouchard, twenty-six, living at Hathorn, has an older sister, graduated in fine arts, and your current work-”

“I wanna talk to Mykel. Oh, no. I will only talk to him. Or else I’m walking out.”

“For someone just about to ruin someone’s life, what made you think that he’s interested in listening to your elaborate lies. Besides, I don’t think there’s gonna be a trial, Miss Bouchard.”

“I was blackmailed.”

Linden snorted. “Yeah, it all comes down to the blackmail, is it? Now that you admitted, we’re not interested to know the rest.” Linden did not show interest as he rose to his feet. Maybe his tactics. He was good at this job. I gave him credit for that.

“Wait! Gary is insane. He’s gonna hurt my sister if I don’t do what he says.”

“Who’s Gary? Where’s your sister?”

“She’s in Queens. Gary Merick Jr. showed me the live feed. Someone has been watching my sister.”

“Do you really believe that another lie will get you out of this?”

“I swear to God.” She started to wipe her tears away.

“And that includes you sleeping with that old skunk?”

Her eyes grew wide.

I watch the color drain from her face. She swallowed hard and finally shook to cry.

“This is really messed up, Miss Bouchard.” Linden went back to the table and sat across hers.

“He’s sick, and his son is crazy.”

“I think I need Grandpa to know this,” I told Mykel.

“Are you sure this is a good time?”


“Okay.” He nodded before he focused back on watching Maisey shaking and sobbing.

Grandpa answered quickly to my call. “Adley?”

“Grandpa, where are you?”

“I was in the office earlier. I’m trying to constrain the issue from coming out. And let me guess, this is why you’re calling.”

“H-how did you know?” Did I really have to ask?

“Mykel maybe is the victim, but he’s my grandson-in-law, Adley. I know everything now. Only, it was too late that I found this out, but I trusted that son of bitch Merick. I took him in and gave him the life he deserved. And this is what I get in return.”

“What did he do?”

“If you work in finance, you know how to steal money, untraceable. He’s stealing from me worth millions of dollars that his share won’t even be able to cover what he’s stolen from me. But it’s over.”

“When did you find out?”

“Last week.”

“And I didn’t know about it. Why?”

“You’re busy with another issue, Adley. I let someone investigate his financial statement. I thought I’ve known that man for damn years, but I guess I really don’t know him well at all.”

“I’m sorry, Grandpa.”

“It’s fine.”

“He’s blackmailing a woman.”

“I know that too. How’s Mykel doing?”

“I think this case is messing his head. He’s not himself lately.”

“Just be with him. He needs you now. This served him a lesson.”

“Thanks, Grandpa. I have to go back.”

“Be careful, Adley.”

“Bye.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I joined Mykel, still watching Maisey. She stopped crying, but she also looked guilty. Linden walked out of the room and joined us.

“I’m calling a contact to catch whoever is watching her sister.”

“Tell her that no one can blackmail her anymore. My grandfather had evidence that could put Mr. Merick in jail for a long time. He’s been embezzling money from the Kross for years.”

Mykel didn’t look surprised.

“That’s great. What do you want me to do with her?”

“Let Sax handle that. Thank you, Gabe.”

“Of course.” He walked into his office.

Sax and Kye walked in.

“Sax, she’s not safe yet. Get her a hotel room and tell her not to go anywhere.” He sighed. “Give her some cash. If I ever know, she made a call to that asshole. I’m done with her.” Mykel glanced at me. “Let’s go home.”

“Consider it done.”

We didn’t get far when Sax called Mykel. “I hope this is my last time babysitting, right?”

“Don’t get too comfy, Ryder.” For the first time today, Mykel chuckled beside me.

During the ride, Mykel constantly sighed while staring outside the window, with his thumb traced circles on my knuckles. Kye remained silent. As for me, I didn’t know what to say because it felt like it didn’t fit to say congratulations, or finally, it’s over, just yet.


“Yeah.” Finally, he faced me.

“I’m not gonna ask if you’re okay because I know that’s bullcrap.”

“We’ve been married for almost three months, and all I shared with you are issues.” His lips curved into a small smile.

“That’s not true. You gave me love. You provided for my needs, you kept me safe, and I feel fulfilled. I learned many things, and I met amazing people. Where did that come from?”

“I don’t know, baby. I think we need a vacation.”

“Does it involve aircraft?”

His smile widened. “It definitely does.”

“I can do it.”

“How’s Blaze dealing with your proposal?”

“I’m getting his answer tomorrow.” I squeezed his hand. “You’re not surprised about Merrick’s embezzlement.”

“Because I didn’t like that asshole from the start. I had a pretty bad feeling that he was a deceitful scumbag and thief.”

I nodded in understanding. “I’m glad this is over.”

“Me too. For days I felt like I was slipping away. I can handle money lost and failed investments, but personal issues? I’m not good at dealing with it.” He squeezed his eyes shut for a brief moment. “I forgot to thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me. I will always be with you every step of the way.”

He tentatively lifted his hand and then ran his thumb on my cheek. “I don’t know what my life would be without you.”

“I think we should thank Grandpa for his ultimatum. It did us both a favor.”

“Yeah. He did.” He kissed me softly on my lips. “I love you, baby.”


Mykel finally slept like a baby last night. Before we went to work, he was back to his charming self and cocky mode.

The following day, we were both back on track. And I was really looking forward to a break from work.

I still had a lot to learn, and learning was a lifetime process, but I was mentally and physically exhausted to even think about reading.

The last thing I heard from Sax about Maisey, she was leaving out of town. Mykel offered her a fresh start on one of the companies he was investing, but Maisey refused and wanted to find a job on her own.

I got to know the real person behind that confident, uptight, controlling alpha boss shtick-Mykel had such a big heart. Considering what Maisey put him through, he would be terribly happy if she was wiped through the face of the earth. Instead, he still wanted to help her out.

I felt like my mind was already out in the ocean in the office. I badly needed a day or two away from the busy city and noises. I wanted sun and sea breeze and felt my feet dipped in the sand.

A knock interrupted my daydreaming. “Come in.”

It was Blaze, smiling. “You were busy for the whole week.”

“Exhausted, and finally, it’s over.”

“How’s he holding up?”

“He’s back on track.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“And I wanna hear good news, Blaze. I wanna get out of here for a couple of days. I’m dying to feel the sand beneath my feet.”

Blaze took a seat and laughed. “Adley, is that so hard to make it possible? I mean, you can just snap your fingers. You have jets, money, and time. What are you waiting for?”

“You. Your answer.”

“Fine. I have a few conditions, though.”

“Shoot. Let’s hear it.” I tapped my fingers on the desk.

“I need to divide the team, provide lead managers, hire manpower to divide and conquer since you’re not here anymore. We have many clients coming, and our team is struggling.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“And I can’t go out there anymore. I’m not a Wonder Woman like you. I also want to have my own life outside the work.”


He placed a folder on my desk. “My proposal.”

I opened it, surprised. Blaze thought a lot about it. He already laid down his plans and divided the team members’ names according to their expertise.

“Approved. Sign the contract so that I can pack my things.” I smiled.

“Fine.” He put another folder, the one I gave him on Monday.

I flipped the folder, and he had already signed it. I rose from my chair and grabbed the bottle of Champaign I hid under my desk. I popped the cork. “Congratulations!”

Blaze gasped in shock. “What the hell?”

“Let’s go to the team.” I still have the Champagne with me as we met our entire team.

“Congratulations!” The team chorused, confetti popped, and the whole office celebrated.

“Wow! You knew I was going to take the offer, didn’t you?”

“I was positive, Blaze. You deserve the seat.”

“And you planned all of this?” He was beaming. “Why would I even bother asking?”

“You are my best friend. You deserve a warm welcome.” I raised my flute. “To the new CEO!”

Everyone was happy and officially welcomed him as their new boss.

“Thanks.” He hugged me. “I love you, and I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” I looked at him as I pulled away.

“Technically, you are going to a higher building and becoming the new CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation.”

“It sounds amazing, but it also comes with many challenges.”

“I believe in you that you can make a lot of differences. And you belong there, Adley Kross-Creed.”

“You can’t get over that hyphenation, can you?”

“Sorry, we’re late.” Mykel and Elise just arrived.

“Congratulations, Blaze. Good luck.”

“Thank you, Mykel.” He shook hands with my amazing and happy husband.

“I’m proud of you, Blaze. Congratulations.”

I watched Blaze and Elise as they hugged each other. They looked perfect together.

“What are you thinking?” I was surprised when Mykel asked me. I didn’t know he’d been watching my reaction all this time.

“I forgot to mention that they found each other because of you.”

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