The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Jessica’s Pov

Heavily pregnant, dirty, and rotting in a foreign country with no hope. My country dumped me and left

me to rot like I was the first person to commit a crime. They allowed Brandon Fraser to throw me in a

pit hell without trial. They allowed him to staple on my human rights. I deserved a trial no matter how Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

bad my crime was but every time a day passed I lost hope.

In the earlier weeks, I had tried killing myself but the useless guards walked in on me and placed me in

isolation under strict supervision.

It was there where I lost count of how many months passed but my pregnancy kept reminding me that

the months were passing. It was huge like I was carrying s*upid twins. I regretted not having aborted

the idiot.

Everything was a mess and I just wanted to die. Thalia won, she won, I was sure she was watching

me. Sometimes I would kneel on the floor and yell for forgiveness like a mad person. I did not care if it

was embarrassing or if she was laughing at me, I just wanted to go back to my country. I wanted

everything to stop but no one came to get me.

They locked me up and threw away the keys and the sad part was that no one was looking for me.

That reality was what hurt the most. No one, I had no one not even the filthy father of my child who I

knew was aware of where I was looked up.

I would cry myself to sleep every night, wishing I would get sick and die but nothing. I was not allowed

to mingle with other prisoners because of my suicide attempt. They kept me isolated with little human

contact. The only time I saw a person was when they brought me food. Sometimes I refused to eat but

they would come in and force it down my throat.

I had no clue as to why they wanted me to live so bad. It was so irritating that they treasured seeing me

suffering. Sometimes I thought they were getting paid for every tear I shed or every time I got on my

knees begging Thalia to free me but she never came.

Not once did she even show her face? Maybe the room had mirrors and she visited me when I was not

aware. I had no idea. Sometimes I could pretend she was there and I would ask for forgiveness. I was

losing my mind and I knew it but there was nothing I could do.

The only person that eventually showed up was the guy that she was always with. He walked into the

filthy room and I was glad to see him. I actually smiled, I never knew his name or how he was related to

Thalia but it was refreshing seeing a familiar face.

I saw hope, Thalia had heard my cries and I assumed he had come to negotiate with me. I was willing

to do anything for the possibility of going home to my country.

Most prisons in my country were a luxury for one to spend their last days in. They had soft beds,

decent food, aircon or Tvs but not compared to the hell I was in. And with good behavior, I could get out

in less than ten years.

A table and two chairs were brought in and he requested me to take a seat. I told myself not to blow my

one opportunity. However when he handed me the divorce papers my heart sank. All hope varnished, I

got on my knees and began begging him.

He ignored my pleas and handed me a pen to sign. He merely said two sentences which were irritating

and kept pointing at the paper. At the back of my head, I thought Thalia was testing me and I began to

convince myself maybe if I signed Josh would talk to her on my behalf so I signed the papers.

He got up, grabbed the pen and forms from my hands, and walked out of the room without saying a

word. The guards walked in and took away the chairs and tables leaving me standing like a confused


Only after minutes passed, not sure if it was an hour, I came back to my senses and screamed on top

of my voice. Reality sank in. I missed my only bargaining chip. He was never going to come for me.

I screwed up again, I was so desperate to please Thalia and her boyfriend that I ruined my own

chances of ever going back to America and getting a trial. I f*cked up and dropped to the ground

crying. I cried and cried until I ran out of tears, soaking wet in my own tears.

How was I the only one that ended up with such fate? They all got their second chances but mine was

robbed away from me by Thalia and Brandon. To make it worse they were even deciding for me to live

when I did not want to. Where did I go wrong? Why was I so s*upid? Why were they not forgiving me

when they forgave each other? I kept asking myself as I walloped myself in self-pity.

More days turned into nightfall with no sign of the man or Thalia or anyone that could speak English. I

began accepting my fate and began coming to terms with the fact that I was never going to see my

country ever again. The thing I was carrying was never going to get the opportunity to be born in his


Why that was okay with Victor, I had no idea but on second thought he was the man that betrayed his

son. He had no obligation to the monster I was carrying inside me. I was very sure he was glad I was

giving birth to it in the filthy jail.

One morning the guards walked in again and took me to a small room with a TV, a plate of well-

prepared Mexican food, and a bottle of expensive Italian wine, my favorite. I had no idea what changed

or why they were pampering me. I felt a bit scared and walked to the chair with shaky legs.

There was a note on the table asking me to enjoy myself. Maybe it was my birthday or it was Christmas

but I had no idea how long I was there. I slowly poured myself the wine even though I was pregnant,

they did not care so why was I supposed to care. I tasted the food and it was delicious and soothing

down my throat. It felt like a luxury, the irony was that back home I used to throw away such food.

I did not mind that I was using my filthy hands to eat but they had intentionally not provided me with a

fork or spoon. They probably thought I was going to kill myself with it or something. I kept eating and

enjoying myself when the screen popped up, attracting my attention.

I stopped eating as I stared at the screen, the video looked live and it appeared to be in a church. From

the decorations, I could tell it was a wedding. It was very beautiful with nice decor and it was fully

packed. The door opened and a very beautiful woman walked down the aisle. I could not help but

admire the dress that she was wearing. I kept wondering why they were subjecting me to a wedding

but as soon as I saw the groom, my face turned stone cold.

It was Josh, happily smiling and staring at the woman like his life depended on it. I began breathing

heavily as the food in my mouth turned sour and a tear dropout.

The s*upid man that made me sign the papers stood next to him as his best man. He played me or was

I was just too s*upid that signed without intimidation… I really made it f*cking easy.

Then I saw Thalia with her ugly little girl in her arms. She was invited to the s*upid wedding too, they

became friends while I was rotting. She was smiling and cheering on the new couple.

That was what they wanted me to see, they moved on and they were living the best of their lives. I sat

there and watched the entire wedding as if I was being forced to watch. Like someone had placed a

gun to my head. If I wanted I would have turned the chair and placed my fingers into my ears but no I

wanted to watch. Somewhere at the back of my head, I thought there was a message for me at the end

of the video. So I made myself watch and stomach it all?

Josh looked so happy, very happy, I never expected him to turn around his life. He had even lost weight

and changed his hairstyle, completely unrecognizable. It was not fair, Josh was a bad person and he

deserved to be rotting in jail like me. Including Thalia, she castrated a man but yet the man she

castrated invited her to his wedding.

The only person that I did not see was Victor which was a good sign. Maybe they put him in his own pit

of hell to rot. Maybe his human rights got stripped away too but I wasn’t sure, just the thought gave me

some assurance.

The wedding ended and the screen turned black. I began panicking, waiting for my surprise that never

came. I was expecting Thalia to pop at the end of the video but nothing, they did not even wave at me

or laugh at me.

I went into a spiral and began throwing the expensive food to the ground. The expensive bottle of wine

landed on the floor and the tiny sharp glasses got my attention. I saw a way out, and I quickly ran to the

ground in an attempt to get the bottle and cut my wrist but I felt a sharp pain below my belly.

I froze for a minute, waiting for the pain to pass but it only got worse. I was hit again and I saw blood

running down my leg, I could not stand the pain as I yelled. The guards quickly rushed in and lifted me

out of the room. I began yelling, going to the filthy rotting room was not what I wanted.

All I could think about was the piece of glass that I failed to pick up. I was a total failure, a simple job

failed again. Then one of the guards informed me I was having a baby. I was in labor, the little demon

was coming out. They took me to what seemed like a clinic room and after two hours I gave birth to a

baby boy. I wasn’t sure if it was a boy because I never got to touch him. I heard him crying but never

touched him. I kept asking them to give him to me but they never did.

It was after two days of smelling a familiar cologne when I realized what was going on. It was Victor,

he was a free man. I was tied to the bed waiting to be transferred back to the isolation room. He walked

in with my baby in his arms smiling. I lifted my head in shock.

“Hello Jessica, meet our son, Harry Nelson,” he said.

I stared at his ugly face, my first intuition was that he had come to get me. The fool finally remembered

me but when I saw the way he was looking at me. I knew he was only there for my baby.

“Do not worry, I am going to make sure I raise him into a respectable young man,” he said and kissed

me on the forehead.

“You f*cking b*stard, you filthy animal! What are you doing here, put my son down, leave my son!” I

kept yelling but he only smiled and walked out of the room with my baby and the guards only watched

him. One of the guards walked near to me and said, “This hell is no place to raise a handsome boy like

him, you should be grateful the father came for him.”

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