The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Brandon’s Pov

When an almost lifeless father can’t fly across the country to save his own daughter and has to watch

the man that he spent months destroying doing the honors, he breaks down with self-pity. That was

what happened to me, I was very p*ssed, so p*ssed that I had to pretend to be sleeping when they all

returned home. I heard Thalia asking Nestor not to wake me up or disturb me. I was the biggest jerk in

the entire world and I did not care.

Yes, my heart was filled with joy as I heard the news of the rescue. It was just unfortunate I could not

be there to rescue my little angel but I was glad they were home. I felt like a failure knowing that it was

Josh who got to play the hero instead of me. It was selfish of me, which I knew but I was only human

and I was a very jealous type.

They were first rushed to the hospital for Kendra’s check-up as soon as they landed in the country. I

waited in anticipation but after the checkup, she was found to be okay but only dehydrated. I really

wanted to hold her but I hid in my own s*upidity instead of welcoming my family.

I woke up first the next morning full of energy, I found her awake and after I showered I picked her up

and went to my office to make preparations. Thalia was fast asleep and I began making preparations

for the witch that kidnapped my angel to rot in hell. She was not going to get the luxury to grout in the

courtroom and neither was she going to get her moment of fame or write a s*upid book about the


I arranged with my FBI friends to leave her to rot in a Mexican prison. Mexican laws were stiff and

tough for child traffickers and they never allowed such animals to see the face of a courtroom. They

were sentenced on arrival in prison or just thrown in jail to rot. I wanted her to be tried there and give

birth in a rotten cell. She was going to wish she was dead by the time the USA government arranged

for her transfer.

In other good news, my hacker was finally able to track down June and her family in South Africa. She

was arrested and brought back to the country where she was going to rot in jail together with her

useless brother who to my shock was a drug dealer.

In her confession, she told the police he was the reason she agreed to kidnap Kendra for Jessica. She

was pathetic and the fact that she only got paid peanuts was insulting.

I beat myself for having missed that when I was doing a background on the useless woman but it

turned out her brother had a different name from her making it difficult for me to link him to her. But the

good part was that she was arrested.

I sat in my office putting the last touches on everything and playing with Kendra. I had heard about

moments or days to someone’s death where they became very active and full of energy. That was how

I was feeling as I waited for Thalia and Nestor to wake up.

I walked to the kitchen and prepared them a meal. I had no idea whether the idiot and his father were

going to show up but I did not care if they did. Though I did not want to pretend to be nice.

I heard footsteps and yelling, I quickly walked out of the kitchen and Thalia ran to me. “Ooh my G o d, I

thought she was kidnapped again,” she said, panicking.

“I’m sorry, you were sleeping and I thought of making breakfast with her. Welcome home,” I replied,

hugging her. Nestor stood behind her with his blank stare, probably wondering why I was on two feet

when I was down yesterday.

I could see they were both surprised to find me standing, they probably thought they were going to

wake up to find me bedridden or something.

Thalia quickly hugged me, “We found her,” she said, kissing me in excitement.

I asked the two of them to wash up and join me in the dining room where I had a special meal prepared

for them. Nestor went to his room while I helped Thalia with the baby as she washed up. When she

was done we walked to the dining room. And not once did I ask about the rescue. She kept asking how

I was feeling, to which I assured her I was fine.

They could tell something was wrong but kept their mouth shut as I looked to be in a good mood.

So I was left with conversations “I spoke to Maggie and she said she is coming back tomorrow and has

agreed to help with Kendra,” I announced.

“Wow, I had no idea, that’s great news” Nestor replied but Thalia only stared at me. The woman was

reading my mind. I asked them to dig in the food, and again not once did I ask about Mexico, Josh, or

his father and I think that was what was bothering Thalia. But what was the point when I was dying? I

was not sure if Thalia knew but my Jet contained cameras and I watched everything that transpired


I watched how Josh calmed her down. I had no idea whether to be mad or p*ssed. I never anticipated

them ever seeing eye to eye but it looked like that was where they were heading. Yes, I was

disappointed, I was a bit jealous, to be honest, Josh was going to live and raise my daughter and the

icing was that he and Thalia were going to get along while I was going to die and rot away with a

possibility of Kendra never knowing me.

How could she? Even if she grew up and pictures of me were shown to her, I doubted she would care. I

was only her mother’s boyfriend while she was going to grow up with her biological father who

happened to be Josh. That was the reason why I did not want to talk about the rescue.

We ate in silence with Thalia staring at me, as I vigorously cut my pieces of meat in anger. No one was

ever prepared for death, I came to realize that. A year ago I was so eager to die but there I was p*ssed

at the fact that I was dying. A lot of things had changed and I had a lot to lose.

We finished up and I cleared my throat.

“Nestor, I’m sorry I chased you from the house,” I broke the silence and apologized. I never apologized

but for all the s*it I did to him, he deserved at least one apology.

“Boss, I should have informed you about Josh, it was actually my fault,” he replied, irritating the life out

of me.

“Please call me Brandon,” I interrupted him.

He glanced at me and only nodded.

“Sometimes Thalia is a pain in the a*s but every time she is stubborn, just leave the room, get some

fresh air and ignore her because she needs you.”

“Please Brandon, why are you talking like this?” Thalia cried out.

“Do not worry, you are going to be fine,” I held her hand and requested her not to ruin the moment.

I stood up and washed the plates while they kept staring at me with pitiful eyes. I ignored them and

went on washing the plates. I began telling them about Jessica’s fate in Mexico which they were not

interested in. Though I went on explaining without the care in the world. I also informed them about

June and her s*upid brother.

After I was done I walked to the bedroom with Kendra and I just lay with her in bed quietly.

Thalia walked in and wrapped her hands around me.

“She looks beautiful,” I said while playing with her hair.

“Brandon, please how are you feeling, should I call Dr. Wilson?” She asked me.



“Marry me, I want to die married,” I proposed.

The room became quiet then she replied

“I will marry you after we find you a cure,” she replied, irritating me.

“Kendra, your mother is so irritating,” I replied.

“No, listen, Brandon, I was just interrupted when Kendra got kidnapped but I had planned to tell you,”

she said and requested me to face her but I denied her request. I was tired of the machine and putting

another machine on top of it was out of the option.

“Brandon please?” she began begging.

“Are you refusing my proposal or putting a condition on my proposal?” I asked her while playing with

Kendra who seemed to be enjoying my hands playing with her skin. She was smiling when hours ago

she was about to be sold to sex traffickers. She had no idea she was about to be sold, that’s why I

admired the innocence of being a child.

“Brandon, remember plan B, I talked to Dr. Wilson and he agreed to my plan. Your cells seemed to be

multiplying due to your body activity but what if we slowed that down by putting you into an induced

coma?” She asked but I kept playing with Kendra, Ignoring her.

“Brandon, in a coma state, your body’s metabolic activity will be near zero. I already put a team to

design a machine that will put you in that phase and the FRASER 2021i will keep up with the filtration

until we find a cure” she announced.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Thalia, no and I’m sorry I asked you to marry me, that was selfish of me. You deserve to live your life,

find another man to grow old with but please not Josh,” I joked even though I was serious.

“Brandon please are you hearing what I’m saying?”

“I said no, I’m not putting my body into any more machines, I ran my race, it is time to say goodbye” I

replied and began singing to Kendra.

She got irritated and walked out of the room banging the door. That woman needed to get a life for

once, I thought to myself as I kept singing to my daughter. She was really obsessed with creating

machines for me.

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