The Alpha’s Dynasty



At first, I was happy that Maya was demoted for a week. I thought it would be the beginning of the end for her. But, when the night guard told me he had seen them kissing, I lost it. I had failed to even get a hug from Zane but Maya already got a kiss. Although the man told me it was brief, my anger did not reduce. Zane was supposed to be mine, I did whatever he wanted me to do and worked on my appearance.

After Harlow’s destruction of my house, I needed someone higher than him and Zane was the only one. If I was on Zane’s good side, Harlow wouldn’t be able to get to me. Besides, I could get him fired. The good thing I had proof that we had slept together. I could allege sexual harassment and he would be toast. I had to create distance between Zane and Maya but I couldn’t do it alone. There was only one person who could help, a person I knew was interested in Maya.

“I still can’t believe they’ve kissed already,” I sighed as I leaned back in my chair. “Soon Zane might start dating that woman.”

Harry’s bedroom was dimly lit, the only light coming from a small lamp on the nightstand. The curtains were drawn, blocking out the outside world. Our bodies were tangled up in the sheets, our breathing slow and steady as we spooned. His rock-hard muscular body felt good, so much better than that stupid old Harlow.

Harry’s long arms were wrapped around my petite body and it felt good. Convincing him to work with me had been hard but my efforts had paid off in the end. Very few men could resist my hot body when offered to them on a silver platter. One look at my naked body and Harry’s mind had stopped working, turned into mush within seconds. It annoyed me than Zane acted as if he didn’t want him, but that was going to change soon.

“I know, right?” Harry nodded in agreement. “I have known Maya for a while and she has never been this impulsive. She’s always very careful and now this man is changing her. We need to do something about it. I love her and I can’t bear to see her get taken away from me by some stranger.”

I turned to face him, filled with excitement. “You know what we should do? We should break them up. If we can get rid of him, maybe Maya will start focusing on you again.”

Harry raised an eyebrow before stealing a quick kiss. “How do you propose we do that?”

I grinned wickedly. “We could start by finding some dirt on him. Maybe dig up some old skeletons in his closet. Or we could try to seduce one of them. Either way, we just need to create some tension and chaos between them. It’ll be easy.”

Harry hesitated, his conscience warring with his ambition. “I don’t know, Kim. That seems pretty unethical.”

I rolled my eyes. “Ethics are for idiots. We need to do whatever it takes to get the people we love back. And if breaking up the CEO and Maya is what it takes, then that’s what we’ll do.”

Harry sighed. “Fine. But we have to be careful. If we get caught, we’ll be finished.”

I nodded. “Don’t worry, harry. We’ll be careful. And with a little bit of luck and some clever planning, we’ll have them broken up in no time. You’re the man here. I should be the one who is scared not you. No wonder Maya prefers him. You’re too chicken.”

“Hey, you don’t need to insult me, okay. I’m helping you not the other way round. I can get Maya without your help.”

“So, why are you here?” I asked him. Without me, he was going to lose.

“I’m lonely, and I’ll take what I can get since Maya won’t give me any.”

“Okay, get out. I can do this by myself anyway. I nearly got Maya fired without your help. I know things that can actually get rid of her.”

“So, why haven’t you got rid of her?”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Because Zane feels something for her or he would have fired her already. I don’t trust that man. He has hate her before he can fire her. I know you don’t want her to be fired.”

“That’s why I accepted too be part of this. To keep you in check so you don’t do something to harm the woman I love. Maya has to keep her job so whatever dirt you have on her, keep it buried. I’m curious, though. Maya is a straight person, not a crook like you. What could she possibly do that could get her fired.”

I smiled. “I won’t tell you now. It’s too risky. You might ruin my plans for her if you do.”

“But why do you hate Maya so much yet she has never done anything to you.”

“Some bad things happened to me because of her. This is my chance to get my revenge.”

“What happened?”

“None of your business.” In reality, nothing had happened. Maya was just in the way of me getting what I wanted, a good job like hers and a rich young man. I was also jealous that Maya’s life was too easy while mine was a mess.

“Whatever,” Harry said before pulling me closer and kissing me roughly.

As I slept, my dreams were filled with schemes and plots, of taking over the world and ruling it with an iron fist. I dreamed of power and success, of being feared and respected by all.

But for now, I was content to rest in a man’s arms, lost in our own private world of dangerous darkness. I knew that when I woke up, I would have to face the challenges of the day and make more plans, but for now, I just needed to relax and have a good time.

Sooner or later, Maya was going to go down and I was going to be happy. I wanted to take everything she had and more. She was going to end up alone and bitter as I had been for most of my life. The tables were about to turn, and I couldn’t wait for that day to reach.

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