Chapter 43


Well, I deserve it.

I had known he was going to get back for being mean to me, I totally expected it and in a way, I know I deserve it.

First, I had the audacity to talk to him in such a rude manner and then I called him a hypocrite. The punishment he gave me can’t be compared to what he was would have given anyone else. It’s actually an abomination for an ordinary werewolf to raise his or her voice at the Alpha, not to talk of a servant like me.

I’ve really got some balls.

After the entire day of cleaning and scrubbing and packing and making sure I don’t leave a speck of dirt behind or destroy anything, all I could feel was pain and the only thing that helped me sleep at night was a pain killer I took. It was prescribed to me by the pack doctor the last time I was at the hospital.

Two weeks.

I have barely two weeks to be here and all this will be over. I won’t have to watch my mate maltreat me and I won’t have to worry about the fact that there’s people scheming against me. Immediately I leave from here, I’m going to go to “Goodland”. My mentor always spoke so we’ll about the place and I cannot wait to go there and start a new life.

I just can’t wait.

I walk into the cafeteria and go over to the food table where I serve myself and as I turn to walk to go my seat, I see Anastasia standing before me, arms folded over her breasts and giving me a stern look.

“Do you ever smile in your life?” I ask curious and she just frowns the more.

“Yes I do, but not in the presence of murderers”

“I see, good for you then”

“I head you rejected stuff sent to you by the Alpha”

“You heard well” I say with a smile.

“Just what do you think you are?”

You’re bloody Luna, now bow down!

I don’t say that out loud though. I just smile and shake my head.

“I swear if I were to tell you, you wouldn’t be standing before me so shamelessly like this. You would and hide your face anytime you see me”

“How dare you!” She says as she raises her hand up to hit me but stops midway.

I don’t flinch or panic. I just tilt my head to the side and crease my brows as I give her a tiny smile.

“Seems like you remembered something” I gasp dramatically “Oh, the dungeon and the farm! Not even the stupidest person will want to do anything that would put him or her in that same situation. You’re smarter than I gave you credit for”

“You might think that you have won, but I can assure you that this has only begun”

“I would have given you a dirty look, but you already got one so I’ll pass. Here!” I say as I forcefully put the tray of food in her hands and pick up the apple from it. “You’re just like this food in your hands, rejected and cold!” Then I step away from her, smiling evilly at the bewildered expression that’s plastered on her face.

“Look who’s getting more courageous” Ma’am Sophia says with a bright smile as she approaches me and I just smile back and hug her.

“Good morning Ma’am”

“Good morning Reign, I didn’t see you all day after you left”

“That’s because I spent the entire day cleaning Alpha Hardin’s chambers”

“He ordered you to clean his chambers”

“Yep” I say popping the “p”

“That stubborn boy!” She exclaims in frustration and I look at her in awe.

“You really have a dead wish, don’t you?” I ask in horror.

“Why do you ask?”

“You keep calling the Alpha names, you’re going to get punished if he finds out”

“Even if he does, there’s absolutely nothing he can do to me”

“Oh boy, this the moment I officially ignore you and head to my post.” I say as I quicken my steps and she just laughs.

“Take care honey” She shouts.

“I will, thank you” I shout back as I hurry out of the cafeteria to my post with a wide smile plastered on my face.

As I step into the security quarters, I see a man walking towards me and he looks awfully familiar. I look closely as he approaches and that’s when I realize that it’s my father.

“Dad!” I call as he steps before me and the look on his face says it all, he is not happy to see me.

My eyes become watery when I remember how he sent me away a few weeks ago. My father and I have never really had a healthy relationship, but I didn’t expect him to reject and totally forget about me the way he did.

“I have been hearing rumors about you being a guard at the castle, I didn’t think that was true until now” He says coldly and I just look up at him, quietly with tears forming in my eyes.

“Dad” I call weakly.

“You know, all you ever brought to me was bad luck and death. First you killed your mother at birth and eighteen years later, when I finally gave you freedom to go out and live your life, you killed your sister. You deserve to die as well”

“Dad please” I plead in tears. “I didn’t do it, I swear”

“So, until now, you’re still denying it”

“Because I’m innocent!”

“Liar! You killed your sister Wilma because the Alpha chose her over you, you were jealous of her” He accuses and I just stand there and look at him blankly.

Nothing I say will make any of them believe and crying is just a waste of time. I wipe my tears away and look up at him.

“I am never going to accept what I did not do dad. I did not kill Wilma”

“Good then, I hope you rot in here, because you deserve everything that’s happening to you right now, even worse! Have a pathetic life of misery and torture!” He spits out bitterly as he pushes me aside and storms away.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

I turn around look at him as he marches out of the servant quarters and let out a heavy sigh I didn’t realize I was holding.

His hatred for me runs deeper than I thought.

“The talk with daddy didn’t go too well?” I turn around only to see Alpha Hardin smirking at me evilly as he walks closer to me.

“Good morning Alpha”

“I don’t think this morning is good for you Reign” He mocks and I just look at him without saying a ward. “You know…” He rants on “Fathers and daughters always have this very strong bond in every family, daughters are the favorites of their fathers, but that doesn’t seem to be the case for you, your father actually calls you his worst nightmare Reign” He shakes his head. “You are indeed the worst”

He mocks yet again and I just look at him, wondering what the hell he’s doing in the security quarters so early in the morning.

“What brings you to the security quarters at such and early hour?” I find myself asking.

“This is my pack Reign, I have the right to be anywhere and anytime I like and you have no right to question me!” He reprimands and I give him a bewildered look when he takes the apple from my hand. “They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away” Then he gives it a big bite and places it again in my hand.

“How do you know if it hasn’t been poisoned?” I ask with a smirk and he chews the apple all the more and swallows it.

“I’m an Alpha and I can’t be killed by mere poison, besides, you wouldn’t dare to do a thing like that. You don’t have the courage to harm your own mate, do you?” He asks with a wicked smile as he takes the apple from my hand. “I’ll keep this, go get another one for yourself” Then he walks away.

I just stand glued to the spot and totally dumbfounded.

Like… what just happened?

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