The Alpha

Chapter 4: 3- Doctor, Doctor

Chapter 4: 3- Doctor, Doctor

My head was buzzing. There was a throbbing pain. My head felt like it was spinning and I squeezed my

eyes shut to try to regain some type of equilibrium. I tried opening my eyes and bright white light

invaded my vision.

Wincing, I shut my eyes and waited for them to adjust before I tried to reopen them. I opened and

closed them a few times before I was able to see. There was a steady beeping and I titled my head to

the side to see where it was coming from. A heart monitor. I was in the hospital. I felt tears come to my


...Where am I?...

The door opened and a doctor walked in. I felt my heart rate accelerate, and the heart monitor kept

beeping and beeping. I quickly sat up and my body fluttered with pain.

“Woah, Woah, Woah!” The doctor chuckled and jogged towards me, flinching away from him I brought

my knees up to me, ignoring the discomfort. He came right by the bed and reached out and grabbed

my arm, I cowered away from the man.

Men weren’t my favorite due to my past experiences.

“You’re awake! So... the Alpha will come to check on you in about an hour.” He spoke. I looked at the

man. He has curly brown hair and tan skin. He has long stubble that has hints of grey in it. He looks

older, maybe 40? Mid-forties? His name tag contains three letters. R-E-X. Rex.

He went on talking about my health and I didn’t pay attention at all. I was just staring at the ground, my

heartbeat was not slowing down in the slightest way, and the fact that he still had his hand on my arm

didn’t help.

“Now- we have you under some medication that I injected you with when you arrived. And it will make

your body just a little weaker.” I can’t afford to be weaker. “But that will only benefit me…” he mumbled

to me. I snuck a look up at the doctor. His eyes turned dark, and I got a sick feeling in my stomach. The

same look Alpha Chris gave me.

...Wait, where is Alpha Chris?...

He dragged his hand down from my arm to rest on my knee and I froze. Maybe I should’ve pushed him

off or done something but I was in an unfamiliar place, not remembering past events that well, and I

was unfocused.

He pulled down the blanket a little and my heartbeat spiked along with the beeping.

“I’m just going to check the bruising on your knees,” he pulled down the blanket some more until it was

at my ankles. He moved his hand to the end of the hospital gown and I flinched.

...How did that get on me?...

“The bruising looked bad,” he added as he pulled it up to my mid-thighs. While he did that something in

me fluttered, anticipating something and I was beyond confused by that. I didn’t want this man’s hands

on me, why would I anticipate that?

“Now, let me take off this,” I flinched as he reached behind me and I couldn't help as my hand swatted

him away. I knew I’d get punished for it but I couldn’t help it.

“N-no!” I whispered and tried to scoot away from him.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything,” he said, slightly growly. He clasped his hand around my

thigh and I shivered with disgust.

A thunderous growl tore through the room.

I cowered even more at that sound but my heart tightened, like in a good way. Was this what my

subconscious was anticipating? I glanced over at the door and saw a tall man with striking dark blue

eyes. He was standing next to a woman with a clipboard and she was looking at me and the man with

wide eyes.

Wow, he’s pretty.

'No one would want you, slut. Don’t even think about it.'

“Alpha!” The man spoke, alarmed. “I thought you weren’t coming for a few hours…” He was fumbling

over his words, fear and worry were evident and I lifted my head to see what was happening.

The man stalked up to the doctor and grabbed his arm in a stern grip, removing it from my thigh. While

he did that, the woman rushed over to the other side and gave a small smile to me and I immediately

looked down.

She slowly reached out to the blanket and brought it back up to cover my legs, I flinched even though

she was moving at a slow pace like she didn’t want to startle me. And with this man’s presence, the

smell of sandalwood reappeared. It seemed familiar.

“You thought wrong,” He growled. “Why are you with a female patient?” he demanded, his cold tone

brought unwanted goosebumps on my skin. Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

...Stop it, Violet! You don’t even know this man!...

“I was doing a check-up,” Rex answered, his voice slightly wavering.

“I thought it was clear after our last incident that you were banned from interacting with any female

patient, especially alone,” he growled as he kissed his teeth. His eyes were angry, but it was a pretty


...Stop it, Violet!...


“Mind explaining why you were trying to undress her?” the man demanded and the doctor swallowed.

The man didn’t want to wait for his answer, instead, he scoffed and pushed him away. “Get out!” he

demanded. He looked over at me when the door closed.

My eyes bulged as I moved my eyesight down. He growled at my action, it caused my heart rate to

increase and I flinched. His hand gripped my jaw and forced my face up to his. Sparks erupted at our

contact, and surprised- I jumped back, or tried to jump back. His grasp tightened as he growled lowly at

my action. I did a quick scan of his face until I saw his eyes.

I couldn’t help the small gasp that came out. His eyes were a deep blue and suddenly- I forgot how to

breathe. His eyes were as hard as stone as he studied my face. His eye slits were getting thinner as he

inspected my face. His glare was mean, he seemed pissy from moments ago.

...Violet! Stop staring!...

I broke out of my trance and looked down, listening to myself.

...Don’t look an Alpha in their eyes...

He growled at that too and I winced at the sound. I started to feel more insecure about myself. His grip

got tighter by each silent passing second, fear started to ignite in me and my eyes got wet, and I

couldn’t help it as they slid down. I felt as his eyes wandered down to my body and he pushed my face

so he got a better look- I clutched the blanket tighter against me.

He didn’t spend too much time on my body, even though every second felt like an hour, and he moved

his gaze back to my face. I don’t know where I am, I don’t know where Alpha Chris is, I don’t know

anything and I’m already a mess in front of another man.

He growled again, before tossing my face out of his grasp lightly. He looked at the woman who was

reading something on her clipboard, on the other side of the bed.

“You know what to do?” she immediately shook her head.

“Yes, Alpha!”

He nodded and was out of the room before I could grasp what just happened, taking the sandalwood

smell with him.

What were the sparks? The more I thought about it, it seemed to spark a memory but I couldn’t see it

fully. Like something was buried and you could only see the outline.

I looked at the woman, she had blonde hair that was in a low bun. She has tan skin and brown eyes.

She’s pretty, but I’m wary of her. She looks to be older, at least older than me. Maybe thirty? As I take a

look at her- I see she has a ring on her left hand. Married?

She gives me a warm smile as she says hi. “Good morning, my name is Reseda and I’ll be your new

doctor.” She spoke slowly and smoothly. Not too loud, not too low, she was even. She walked to the

end of the bed and I immediately moved my legs back in fear.

'Because you have to fear everything right? Worthless…'

I closed my eyes at the voice. Why?

I heard the girl hum and I moved my eyes to her, but I didn’t look at her face, just her hands that are on

a clipboard at the end of the bed.

“Violet... “ she trails my name and I flinch.

'Why are you flinching moron? It’s a name, your name- stop being so pathetic.'

A frown made its way to my face as I thought about what the voice said.

“You have a very pretty name,” she stated and I felt her look at me.

'Thank her. That’s if you can even say it…'

“T-thank y-you,” I mumbled, hating my stutter.

She hummed before she responded. “You’re welcome. Violet Ophelia Taylor. Very cute. So let’s see... “

She started to read a little more before she spoke again. “Ms.Taylor, I’m going to perform a small

physical on you, is it alright if I take your blood pressure?” She asks looking at me while I look to the


I had no clue what she meant. Was she going to take some of my blood? What’s physical? Like, touch

me? I don’t want that. I was silent before she spoke again.

“Do you know what taking blood pressure is?” She asked me. She started to explain what it was and I

was trying my hardest to follow along, even though I didn’t have the slightest idea of what she’s saying.

“So, Ms.Taylor, is it okay if I take your blood pressure?” She asks me. I nodded yes, a little fearful of the

consequences of me saying ‘no’. “Okay, now I need you to sit up and uncross your legs…” I did as she

asked and she came closer to me. “I’m going to put this on your arm now, okay?” I nodded but when

she reached out for me I still flinched back.

'Can you ever stop flinching? Just trust someone!'

...No, you don’t trust anyone! Just listen...

My brows furrowed together at the voices in my head arguing.

The doctor’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. “Okay, I’m going to start. There will be pressure but

nothing too bad. Just take regular breaths,” She instructed and started to pump the ball, the band

getting bigger, and I felt the compression start. I started wincing when it got tighter and I whimpered.

“It’s okay, only a few more seconds, it’ll be okay…” The doctor calmed me.

What’s her name again? Was it something with an R? I glanced at her name tag, but quickly glanced

away- I didn’t catch the name. The pressure was getting too much and I started to feel lightheaded. A

small, quiet groan came out of my mouth. A few seconds later, the doctor was pulling the armband off

of me. I closed my eyes and cradled my arm.

“Ms. Taylor, may I check your weight and height?” I nod, but when she walked- expecting me to follow, I

froze. “It’s alright, we’ll just be going to the next room for a few minutes.” I frowned at that. When I

made no attempt to move she walked to me and I flinched away. She studied me for a second as I

looked down at my shaky hands.

I feared getting up, because I was in an unfamiliar place with people I didn’t know. She softly reassured

me and coaxed me out of bed. “Okay, Ms.Taylor, are you ready to do your height and weight?” The

doctor asked me in her usual voice.

With a small nod of the head, she came over and helped me get out of bed. If not for her I would have

fallen flat on my face because of how weak my legs were. Once I regained my normal ‘strength’ in my

legs I was able to walk without her help, and she led the way to the room while I walked timidly behind

her with my arms wrapped around my body.

It turns out I’m five foot seven and I weigh one hundred and one pounds. I’m currently back in the bed

while she asks me more medical information and she says after that she’ll tell me about the information

she gathered.

“When was the last time you’ve shifted?”


'You can’t even say one word without stuttering. Pathetic.'

“Never?” I nod. “Oh, I’ll talk to the Alpha about that. It’s very unhealthy. Do you have any conditions?”

I was confused by her question, conditions? So I just nodded my head ‘no’.

“Okay…” she trailed off as she wrote things on her clipboard and I stood there by the bed. She looked

up at me, “honey, you can get into bed.” She smiled at me and chuckled lightly.

'Get into bed, whore!'

...Block out the thoughts, Violet, don’t listen...

I listened to myself and cautiously, I climbed back into the hospital bed.

“Okay, two more questions Ms.Taylor, for some reason it wasn’t in the records that we received, the

first- what is your age?” She asked.

“T-twenty o-one...” Stupid stutter…

“Alright,” she wrote on her clipboard papers, “and when is your birthday?”

My birthday…my least favorite day.

“A-Agust n-ninth.”

'Can you ever speak?'

“Okay…” She wrote some more, and then looked up at me and smiled- I averted my eyes. “Well, some

things; you have low blood pressure, we will add salt into your diet, and you need to drink more water.

Also, you need to eat more as your weight is very low. We’ll work that into your diet and….” she trailed

off as she flipped through her notes and continued to explain things to me- even though I didn’t

understand. She told me food will be sent in shortly and afterward, I should get some sleep- then she

got up to leave.

“Wait...wait... Um... e-excuse m-me…” I mumbled and fumbled, the doctor turned on her heel with

concern on her face. My heart was beating so fast from how nervous I got, my hands were shaking,

wringing my wrists “W-where a-am I?”

“You’re in Alpha Derek’s pack, the Night Stone pack.” With that, she turned and left. The realization

came in a wave, Alpha Derek of the Night Stone pack. Fear lit my body on fire, because of a name

Alpha Chris warned me of, reminding me of my tormentor.

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