The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)

27. Not a damsel in distress

27. Not a damsel in distress



“Buddy, could you go get Monica?” I ask Jax, trying to keep the edge from my voice.

He looks up before nodding. Handing the phone back to Micah, he leaves. Minutes later he’s back with

Monica in tow.

“You called?” she says as she wipes her hands down her apron.

I stand up gently with Krystal in my arms. I didn’t want to wake her up. After the events of the day, she

needed the sleep. I can’t fucking imagine how it was for her. Dreaming of what happened to her

mother. The fact that she tried calling her father and the dick didn’t pick up makes me more furious.

Maybe just fucking maybe if he had picked up, they would have been able to help Red.

“Please take her to her room. She’s tired” I tell her. Handing over Krystal to her. Thankfully she doesn’t


“Will make sure to tuck her in. Should I take Jax with me too?” she must have sensed the atmosphere

in the room.

I nod my head and she calls for Jax to follow her.

“You’ll find Miss Lauren, right dad? I don’t like seeing Krystal sad and I love having her mom here with

us…she cooks delicious food” Jax says then turns to Monica. “No offense to you nana”

“None taken champ” Monica replied with a smile.

I needed them to leave so I could get down to business. Don’t get me wrong I love Jax more than

anything but I had a missing wife to find.

“I will Jax. Now go with Monica so your uncle and I can focus on finding Krystal’s mom”

With that assurance he leaves, following Monica and closing the door silently behind him.

I turn to Micah. “Fuck! After the last attack I should have placed some of the warriors as her

bodyguards.” I say hitting the table.

I hated feeling like a fucking failure. I had promised her that my name would offer her protection but it

clearly didn’t because someone still fucking kidnapped her.

“Don’t beat yourself up. It wasn’t your fault.” Micah tries to reassure me.

“We need to find her now” I growl.

My mind is in turmoil trying to figure out who was trying to kill her. It could be one of many enemies.

Given the attacks started when she began associating with me. But for some reason this seemed a bit

more personal. Whoever was behind this wanted her dead for some fucking reason. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The investigation we conducted led us nowhere. The four men who attacked her had nothing useful to

tell me. All they said is that their contact just gave them the job. Told them they would get paid once

they killed her. They never met the person personally. So they had no fucking idea who it was.

“Get Hunter on the phone” I command, referring to my head warrior.

Hunter wasn’t his real name. We just called him that because he was fucking good at tracking. Micah

nods his head before dialing his number and putting him on a speaker.

“Boss?” he answers immediately.

“I want you to meet us at Ruby’s collection. I want you on a trail” My tone comes out harsher than I

intended but fuck it.

“On it boss” he replies before hanging up.

“We driving or running?” Micah asks.

It was night time so it wouldn’t be easy to spot us.

“Running. It’s faster” I answer.

Opening my back door. We get outside. Fang takes over ripping our clothes and roaring. For some

strange fucking reason he’s taken a liking to Red and her wolf.

Our paws pound the ground as we dash through the thick forest. Our only thought was on finding

Lauren. About thirty minutes we break through the forest. We’re careful to keep in the shadows as we

approach the parking lot.

We find Hunter already there. Standing next to Claire and her mate with a set of clothes. I notice that

Darren wasn’t present. What a fucking bastard. We take them in our mouths before going behind a

truck to change.

“Can you show us where Lauren’s car is?” I ask.

“Yeah sure” her voice trembles and it’s clear she’s been crying.

She leads us to Lauren’s Mercedes. Thankfully she didn’t touch anything. She left things as they were.

Hunter gets to work doing his thing. He stills after a few minutes.

“You found something?” I ask him.

“Yeah. I found a trail leading north. The attacker's scent is mixed with blood and that of the Luna”

Fang growls and it slips past my clenched jaw. “Good let’s head out”

“I’m coming with you but shouldn’t we take back up with us?” Darren’s beta says making Micah and

Hunter chuckle

“Your alpha may be a weak fucker but I’m not. I don’t need fucking back up”

He doesn’t say anything thankfully because I was about to blow up. Hunter starts following the trail and

we follow him.

Heads were about to roll. Whoever was responsible was going to fucking pay.



The hit jolts me awake.

“Wake up you fucking bitch.” The snarl made me open my eyes.

I wince because it seems he hit my eye and it was already starting to swell. I take note and realize I

was in a chair and my hands were tied behind my back. The room I was in wasn’t much. It looked like I

was in an old cabin. I could hear the wind howling so my guess is I wasn’t in the city.

“Look at us bitch, do you remember us?” A different man says.

I turn to look at him and I almost groan in frustration. Looks like the men who kidnapped me were the

same guards I fired on my first day of work. I know I complained when Sebastian kidnapped me but I

would rather be kidnapped by him than these two idiots.

“No I don’t…Am I supposed to?” I snicker at them.

The hit comes without warning. Making my head swing to the side. I had a pounding headache and I

could feel the swell on the back of my head. This hit just made it worse.

“You fired us, you snotty cunt…But now we can take our revenge on you” the tall one says.

He hits me again, bursting my lips. I wondered why my luck was so terrible. Did the moon goddess

hate me this much? Since this shit storm with Darren started a year ago, I haven’t had a moment of


“Tell us you’re sorry and maybe we will spare you” the other one says.

As if that was ever gonna happen. “I’d rather scrap my eyes out with nails than apologize to you two


The punch to my stomach makes me lean forward in agony. Who would have thought it would be this

painful? Actors in movies don’t do these types of scenes justice.

The punches keep coming. The more they hit me, the more I feel my anger rise. The darkness in me

rising. They had tied my hands with a rope. Luckily for me I had claws. So I was keeping them

distracted as I worked on the ropes.

When they stop, my whole body is aching. I cough up blood and spit it on the floor. “You’ve got to tell

me. Did you two come up with the plan to kidnap me? I have to say it was sort of brilliant and well

executed. I had no idea what was waiting for me when I went down to the parking lot”

I didn’t for once believe that they came up with this plan. They two were clearly too idiotic to come up

with such a well thought out plan.

“No we didn’t. Someone who shared the same hatred for you as we did, approached us with a deal and

we accepted. They wanted you dead and we wanted you to suffer.”

Bingo. Just like I had suspected.

I didn’t know if anyone knew I was missing yet, but I couldn’t wait here for someone to save me. I was

going to save myself.

“They forgot to tell you how dangerous I can be…I’m going to kill the both of you” I say in a sinister


They snort as if it were a joke before resuming their torture. I scream when they plunge a knife into my


“Scream all you want darling. There’s no one here to save you. No houses around or people. Soon we

will end you and as your body rots, you know what we are going to do?” they ask.

I don’t answer. Just breathe through the pain.

“We’re going to find your beautiful daughter and do the same thing to her. It will be so much fun for you

to watch from hell as we torture your little girl” the tall one sneers before they both cackle in laughter.

That was the final straw because I blew up. A growl leaving my lips and I finish on the rope tying me.

“Look at her eyes” I hear one say in fear but it sounds far away. “Back up from her. Fuck something

isn’t right. She's not normal. Run”

Before they could, I leap out of my chair. I kick one of them, sending them crashing to the wall. While I

pin the other, my nails digging into his neck. Nothing registered in my head. I just wanted their blood. I

needed to hear their screams.

“I told you I was going to kill you” I say with a smile before I tear his throat. Blood splashes on my face,

but I don’t care. It felt good to bathe in the blood of my enemies. At this point the darkness and I were

one. No one was going to lay a hand on my baby girl.

I hear the other one scream and I turn to face him just as the door bursts open. A naked man walks in

followed by others. If I was in my right mind I would have recognized them but in the moment I didn’t.

“Looks like she doesn’t need help” one says.

The bad man scrambles and goes to the men. “Oh thank God. Please help me. She’s a fucking

monster. Just tore the throat of my friend with her bare hand

I chuckle at that. He had no idea how much of a monster I could be.

The leader’s eyes change color as he advances on my target. “You took my woman, there’s no way

you’re walking out of here alive”

The look on his face when he realized the man he thought was his savior was just like me is priceless.

Before he can do anything a hand punches through his chest before his heart is ripped from his body.

His dead body crumbles to the ground.

The need to flee and kill consumes me. I’m about to do that when a crashing pain takes over my brain.

It was as if there were two entities fighting for dominion inside my heart. I scream at the pain that was

not only wreaking havoc in my mind but my body as well.

I feel someone hold me as I scream and then everything goes quiet and peace follows.

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