Tempted By The Mafia Boss

#3 Chapter 39



We didn’t waste time. Not at all. Not a damn second.

I went from talking with Adrian and Mary to telling Salvatore all that I’d found out, then we went on to retrieving the files at the dream house.

It took up the whole day.

Now we’re back at the Giordano manor.

Everyone’s in the meeting room and I’m in Salvatore’s old bedroom.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I decided to hand over the case to Vincent.

That was the plan I knew would pick up where Mom started. I knew he would do what needed to be done and go to the right people.

I saw what was inside the case and I’m stuck here sitting by the window trying to figure out how it all played out. How Mom could have gotten her hands on those types of files if she didn’t get them at her office.

There was evidence galore and names.

Printouts from emails with detailed conversations taking place. There were several foolscap folders with names that looked like patient files. Each folder had contracts signed by people I knew to be government officials and the Fontaine brothers. All of them. Marc, Lawrence, Sergio and Joey. Everything looked like files a secretary would keep. It was all so weird.

Definitely what I’d class as destruction in a box.

The door opens and Salvatore comes in. I shuffle around, taking my feet off the window bay.

“You okay?” he asks, walking over to me. He sits next to me and I nod.

“Yeah, I guess. It’s not over yet though so I’m kind of neither here nor there.”

“I know what you mean. I’m the same.”

“I… still don’t know what happened to her really. Parts of it don’t make sense. How did she come by it?” I draw in a breath.

“We’ll figure it out,” he promises. “It feels like the past and present are colliding. The truth will come out soon.”

I believe it will too. It already is.

Salvatore holds my hand and gives me a gentle squeeze.

“Thank you. I appreciate it. What’s going to happen now?” I don’t know if that’s a question I should be asking but I think I should know something.

“We’re taking it to the top. It’s enough to wipe them out. I imagine if they think you have the files they must be shitting themselves with worry.”

“They thought Adrian had a password. I guess in a way he did because I’m the only person who knew what that key opened. I doubt that my grandmother would know. She hated the farmhouse and never went there when my grandfather was alive let alone when he died.”

“Yeah.” He gets an uneasy look in his eyes. “Mimi… the truth of the past is feeling like the current situation. Everything that’s happening and what Adrian mentioned about someone spying feels like what’s happening now.”

“Is that what’s happening?” I gasp. A spy? It makes sense. It fits. It explains the weirdness.

He looks uneasy. “Baby, that’s all I can and should tell you. You’re in too deep in this shit. Way more than I like. I just think you deserve some context to what’s happening.”

“Thanks for thinking that, and I get it, there’s stuff you can’t tell me. Do you think it’s the same person?” It might be odd if it was but it’s the Fontaines so that’s the common denominator.

“I don’t know what to think any more. I just know we need to be really careful now. You going to speak to your dad?”

I sigh and shake my head. “I can’t yet. It’s all too much. I sent him a message to let him know I’m safe. I told him I was with Gina. Hearing all this is going to crush him. Can I even tell him about the files?”

“No, don’t mention the files.” Salvatore runs a hand over his beard. “Not yet. It’s too dangerous. Once we do what we have to with them, tell him then. But you can talk about everything else.”

“I think I’ll meet with him properly tomorrow and talk.”

He leans back against the window and looks at me.

“I miss The Dark Odyssey. I miss not worrying about anything… The way you just forget the shit once you step through the doors.” I sigh on a heavy breath. “So much has happened in so little time.”

“Yeah,” he agrees.

I look him over and want so badly to push everything aside. It’s all been too much.

“Salvatore, can we just have normal for the rest of the night? Go to your place and have normal. Us. me and you normal.” I give him a smile.

“Normal.” He smiles and I nod. “Yeah… I think we can do that.”

He stands up and puts out his hand to take mine.

I take it and we leave.

I’m always amazed at how this man can take me out of reality. Even when the worst is happening.

The minute we stepped into his apartment it felt like we just stepped back in time.

Like we slipped on a glove and became the two people we were weeks ago.

I wasn’t surprised when he picked me up and took me straight to bed.

We went straight to bed where we stayed all night devouring each other. I couldn’t remember when I fell asleep. I just remember closing my eyes for what I thought was a few seconds then when I opened them again, bright sunlight was beaming down on me.

I turn my head to the side and I see him.

Salvatore is sitting by the window in his boxers, smoking a cigar and he looks like my dream guy. I just take a moment to look at him and savor what I see.

He looks to me when I sit up and slinks the cigar to the side of his mouth.

I slide off the bed and wrap the sheet around me.

When I walk over to him, he pulls me into his lap and puts the cigarette out.

“Good morning,” I say, smiling at him.

“Yes, the morning is definitely good. Look at the woman I’m waking up to. I’m one lucky bastard.” He chuckles.

“I’m lucky too.”

“Did you enjoy your night of normal Miss Cipriani?”

I smile at him. “I think I enjoyed it a little too much. Do you think we have too much sex?” I’m joking. There’s no such thing. I’m just trying to hang on to the lightness of the mood.

He frowns. “Babygirl, you’re asking me the owner of a sex club if we have too much sex? Also you work in the said sex club.”

“What if we become addicted and that’s all we ever do?”

He laughs and it’s the best sound ever.

“Jesus, you trying to tell me something Mimi?”

“I don’t know… I’m just thinking,” I state playfully.

“When your restaurant takes off and every soul in Chicago goes to eat there, you’re going to be busy. You won’t have time for The Dark Odyssey.”

I already thought about that. “I’m not leaving the club Salvatore. It’s a part of me. I’ll be there like normal once… well once we get back to normal.”

“Yeah? You like working for me and mine that much in a taboo as fuck joint.”

“I think I do.”

“Maybe it’s me… maybe it’s me I’m thinking about. I don’t exactly have a normal to go back to. We’ll get Fontaine with evidence and I will still be a danger to you.” He gets that look again. The one I won’t forget from the other day, when he broke up with me. He starts to say something and I shake my head.

“No…” I breathe.

He takes my hand and kisses it. “Mimi, I have to face reality here.”

“Salvatore don’t you dare take me away from this normal. Don’t…” I shake my head again. “Don’t do it. I’m not ready to leave yet. All I want is for you to take me back to bed and make love to me.”

I close my fingers over his and hold on to him. He holds my gaze like he’s staring deep into my soul.

“Make love…” he says barely above a whisper.

I didn’t even realize that was what I said to him until he repeated it. The words just fell naturally from my lips.

He searches my eyes. Something sensual sparks his as he studies my face.

“Yes,” I answer. The words didn’t come by accident. It was no slip of the tongue where I said something I shouldn’t have said. The words came because my heart was speaking to him. “Make love to me.”

Just like that day when everything changed between us, it happens again. It’s something about the energy that ripples between us. Wild and reckless. Magnetized to draw us both in.

He slips his hand behind my head and his lips crush against mine as he kisses me hard.

The kiss steals my breath away at the same time as it steals my mind.

It does exactly what I want it to and so does he.

Just as I requested he picks me up and carries me back to bed.

He shrugs out of his boxers unleashing the massive length of his cock, perfectly erect, ready to take me and make me his.

I don’t get the chance to admire his body the way I did last night. He gets on the bed and his lips return to mine again.

Body to body and skin to skin we mold against each other.

His hard body on top of mine, pressing me against the cool silk sheets. As his cock sears into me my body welcomes him like we were always meant to do this.

My body welcomes him and that change in the atmosphere is prevalent and sure. No question about it, something more has changed between us. Something else.

We went from being friends, to lovers, then we became these people.


That’s what I think it is.

It’s a different sensation to just belonging. It’s possession of the heart, body, mind and soul, of everything I am. I feel it all as he makes love to me.

The wild crackle of passion sings through my body, dancing in my veins. Flowing through my being on a luxuriating wave of something I never want to be without.

I never want to be without him.

That’s the answer.

For me that’s the answer to all of it.

We get lost in the raw rhythm that takes us. He pumps into me driving me relentlessly higher to the peak of ultimate pleasure and I hold on to him.

He speeds up, his ruthless cock demanding more, everything I have, taking everything I have and I give it freely.

I give myself to him and I look at him, directly in the eyes as he fucks me with possession so he knows he owns me.

He knows it.

He sees it and I know he feels it.

His pumps speed up and he gives me more, and more, and I see, know and feel it too as he gives himself to me.

I feel that more than the warmth that floods me when he comes. I arch my back into him and cry out from the blistering heat that races over my skin.

It’s electrifying and mind numbing.

I tighten my grip on him and he holds me.

It feels like falling and flying all at once, but him holding me steadies me.

He presses his forehead to mine and we breathe sharing the same electrified air that pulses around us.

“Yes…” I say in answer to a question, displaced in time.

“What Babygirl? What are you saying yes to?”

“That first morning when we woke up and you told me you wanted me to be yours.” It’s like I found myself. It’s like I just became that person I used to be and part of me has healed. The part of me who wants love with him so now I’m telling him the answer I should have given. “I didn’t need time for an answer. It was yes. Then when you asked me if I trusted you my answer should have been yes. Then… when you came to me with the restaurant… I should have said you don’t need to do any of that. My answer was always yes because I’ve always loved you.”

“I love you too Maria Cipriani, my babygirl.”

I don’t even get the chance to savor the feel of his words. The phone rings on the nightstand.

His phone.

It blares and to me it sounds like a horn announcing danger.

He blinks, looks away from me and as he moves away I lose heat. It’s like a piece of me is missing.

When he answers the phone and I see the tense look that comes into his eyes I know I’m right.

Danger is here again and it’s time to step away from the façade of normal we’ve created.

Time to go back to reality.

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