Teacher’s Student Mate


Dominic’s POV

My mates were Lycans !

And not ordinary ones but Royal blooded ones !!

I am pretty sure they were hiding from that bastard of my father who murdered their entire pack and lineage.

How much more will you make me hate you, Old Man ?

I swear I am going to give you death that shall be worse than hell.


I looked at the beautiful sight of my mate sleeping soundly.

The poor boy was going through a rut and he did not even want to trouble us.

Isn’t he such a dear ?

I sighed and wrapped my pup in my clothes which were slightly bigger than his lean frame before I picked him in my arms.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I brushed back Kai’s bangs from his eyes and I could not help myself but kiss the pretty boy who was sleeping like a baby.

Looking at both of them, I felt like protecting them and giving all the happiness that I could to my mates.

It was clear that my 17 year old Lycan mates did not want to reveal their identities yet and it made sense. Although the mate bond made the attraction towards each other stronger day by day but I was willing to wait till their 18th birthdays so that they could discover things on their own.

Finding your mate was one of the most exciting events in a supernatural creature’s life and I was not going to ruin that much awaited moment for them.

“Let’s take you to your apartment, baby”, I whispered and carried my pup towards my car and gently tucked him in, in the back seat.

* * * * *

Bella’s POV

Daddy Dom: Kai is not well. He needs rest. Cover our asses in the dorm if the hostel authorities come to check on us, will ya ?

Me: You guys left me alone ? Ihysm 🙁

Daddy Dom: Awwwww. Don’t be like that, babe. We had to go. We will make it up to ya when we come back xx

Me: Promise me then ;/

Daddy Dom: I promise, babe xx We will be back as soon as Kai recovers.

Me: What happened to him ? Why did you have to leave the dorm ? I could have helped you in taking care of him !!

Daddy Dom: He was feeling nauseous in the dorm and wanted a change of space. I guess he just wants to rest in peace for a while. The poor soul has clearly over worked himself.

Me: You want me to join you guys ?

Daddy Dom: Don’t bother yourself. I think we need to spend some time together so that he trusts me again, specially after that aphrodisiac incident.

Hmm. That made sense. I guess the boys did need some quality time together to strengthen their bond.

Me: Fine but I am feeling lonely without you guys (sob).

Daddy Dom: I know you are not, kitten XD

Me: Yeah ! Our crazy assed friends are helping me in locking up the substitute teacher for Kai’s class in her room !

Daddy Dom: Smh. You are such a naughty child, Diaz XD

Me: In my defence, it was not my idea ! It was Conor’s !! (pouting emoji)

Daddy Dom: Lock Conor with the teacher too 😛

Me: Tempting but then the jerk said that he would reveal your dirty secret related to the fire incident in your dorm XD

Daddy Dom: Lock his corpse with the teacher instead -.-

Me: Haha. His girlfriend says that she will send you the same way XD

Daddy Dom: You guys are terrible :(((( How could you bully such an innocent, sweet cherry like me ? (crying emoji)

Me: Such a drama queen. Ughh.

Daddy Dom: I am so hurt, Diaz.

Me: Awwwww. You deserve it. You LEFT ME ALONE !!! Alright Sweet Cheeks. Gotta go. The prof is going bat shit crazy. I am sure the bitch is going to burst a few ear drums here 😐

Daddy Dom: Tee hee. Shift the blame on Max. That fucker blew up our dorm.

Me: He says he is going to kill you.

Daddy Dom: Yo Max ! Dream on, bitch and Diaz, stomp on his baby weiner.

Me: RIP to you then. He has worse things up his sleeve for you. Okay ! Tada. Need to run 😛

Daddy Dom: Bye babe xx

Me: Tc of ma prof and of yourself xx

* * * * *

Bella’s POV

“Diaz ! What is up with you and Domz ? And you better not run off like before”, Tyra sternly said as the rest of the group perked their ears in my direction too.

“Ummm …. we are dating ?”, I felt like slapping myself for speaking so unsurely. What the fuck is wrong with me. It’s not like they asked if I was dating Kai too. “I mean we are trying to get to know each other”, I explained and the others nodded their heads as if they understood what I was trying to say but I knew their dirty minds might have reached till baby making procedures.



“So where is your boyfriend ?”, a bitchy, shrill voice sang out from behind.


Just eww.

Why does she have to have wear so much of make up ? She looks like a girl swimming in a heap of powder.

And why the hell did she even bother to wear a skirt ? She could have walked naked without it too.

I can bet her tiny ass and boobs, that she is here to stir unnecessary trouble with me.

“Did my Dominic leave this ragged looking pauper of an excuse girlfriend high and dry ?”, she giggled while her slutty minions joined in with their coordinated, silly sounding giggles.

“And may I know who is this walking and talking voodoo doll ?”, I asked sweetly while cocking my head sideways with an innocent smile plastered on my face. “Is she Ursula incarnated ?”, I wondered out aloud. “But wait ! She had white, fluffy hair. This one here has dry and dead looking, dirty brown hair”, I commented while scrunching my face in a clear expression of disgust.

I am pretty sure that the dolled up bitch in front of me must have spent loads of money and time in God knows how many hair spas but how dare she call MY boyfriend as hers and call me a ragged looking pauper ?

“Give me the command and I will snap off the bitch’s head in a single bite”, my Lycan, Snow growled in my head.

“No, Snow. I am afraid that she will taste bad and we might end up ill”, I mindlinked her back. “I am not gonna let you touch such a toxic slut. Jeez. She is covered with God knows what all poisonous mixture of shit”, I added with feeling.

“Don’t make me scratch your ugly face, you twat”, the talking piece of shit said. “I can’t even believe it that Dominic lets a cunt like you to even swarm near him ! I have no idea what he saw in you”, she vehemently spat.

Whoa !

Don’t tell me I have an obsessed bitch to deal with.

That is just not cool.

The last thing I wanted was a crazy assed bitch haranguing me or any of my boyfriends.

“Jeez gal ! Take a fucking chill pill. Your ass hole must be really jealous of your mouth for spewing around so much amount of crap !”, I exclaimed.

“Don’t you dare to talk to me like that !! You have no idea about who I am”, she warned while pointing her index finger maliciously at me.

Can I bite her finger ?

“You have no idea where all that finger must have gone, Bella”, Snow said while rolling her eyes.

Yeah ! The Lycan had a point. Eww.

“Yeah if you had any fucking manners, you would have introduced yourself to us first but babe, you ain’t any Oprah Winfrey either. So we have no idea who you are”, I cheekily said and my group of friends tried to muffle their laughter but they were doing a really bad job in hiding it. I guess they did not want to bother hiding it either.

“Talk about a second degree burn. Haha. That was savage, Diaz”, Max laughed while clapping our palms in a badass high five.

The boys in the hallway cheered on while the girls hooted and laughed.

“I am the daughter of the Director of this University”, she revealed. “I can easily get you all suspended. Understood ? It would be better if you back off from MY BOYFRIEND”, the Crap Bomb spewed more shit.

“I don’t really care, darling. I have more pressing matters to tend to so ….”, I trailed off when the blonde infront of me blocked my way and tried to step on my feet. However, I was quick to evade the deceptive attack.

“So ? What are you going to do ? Huh ?”, she smirked.

“Oh I dunno bitch, dancing to Gangnam Style maybe ?”, I said and immediately after everyone burst out laughing. Even one of her pathetic minions gave out a squeak when she couldn’t control her laughter.

Her face was priceless. Haha.


“Oh my good Lord !”, I exclaimed while covering my nose. “Don’t you brush your fucking teeth, bitch ? It smells as if a bunch of rats died in there”, I said while fake gagging and by now all her minions were laughing hysterically while the delusional whore in front of me seethed with anger.

“He is only using you to make me jealous. Something so fake as you will never last long”, the highly pissed off girl hollered.

“Yeah bitch ! Just like your fucking mask !”, I chuckled and the troublemaker looked back at her girls with a threatening glare before the latter could dare to laugh again.

“Trust me, you all are going to regret this”, she growled while pointing her finger in circles at our laughing group and huffed in rage before turning around.

Unluckily or luckily, she stepped on the banana peel that Freya had dropped by “mistake” and went sliding straight into the lockers.


“Yikes ! That looks bad. Poor souls who occupy those dented lockers. It is going to take some time to open them”, Tyra remarked with a chuckle while the slut’s minions ran towards their bitch faced boss.

Leaving behind the chaos near the lockers, we walked out of the university building and headed towards the hostel area.

“Her threats were not empty by the way, guys. I won’t be surprised if the Dean or the Director himself calls me tomorrow to their office. I am worried about Dominic too. I hope she doesn’t behave like those typical drama vamps who try to sabotage other’s relationships just because of their crazy behaviour and unhinged mentality”, I worriedly murmured as we walked towards our dorms.

“Don’t worry, Diaz ! We got your back, babe”, Tyra said as she wrapped an arm around me and gave me a friendly, comforting hug.

“Yeah ! You don’t need to sweat the small stuff, Diaz. Talking about it, she really had pretty small stuff. What the fuck did Dominic see in that bitch ?” Conor asked with a frown on his face. “Neither was her attitude any pleasing. That dumbass used to fool around a lot before. He is the perfect example of a class one asshole”, he cursed the missing man of our group.

“I won’t worry either, if I were you, Diaz. Dominic is not a fool. I am, instead looking forward to the time when Domz comes back to show the university slut her place”, Max said with a chuckle.

“The last thing I want is to be the centre of negative attention because of her. All this is so tiring”, I sighed. “Guess I will go out and take a breather alone”, I said and the others nodded in understanding while Freya squeezed my hand in silent comfort making me smile.

“Don’t worry about me”, I whispered and bade the group goodbye before heading to my favourite place by the waterfall.

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