Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 95: Last Love

Chapter 95: Last Love 


--- Eight Months Later--- -

"To the last finals week ever!"

I exclaimed and raised my glass.

"I'll never have to see another Calculus textbook ever again!"

Sophie chimed in, raising hers too.

"Four years of sleepless nights and anxiety over student debt, and now we get to do it all again, except with a job instead of school,"

Tristan added and we burst out laughing.

Sophie, Tristan, and I were celebrating the last finals week of our college career.

The three of us and Elliott went to this fancy Italian restaurant and ordered one of their most expensive bottles of wine.

Why? Because we freaking deserved it, that's why.

We had been slaving our asses off for the last four years, and this week was the end of all that.

"I don’t remember being this happy graduating from university,"

Elliott chuckled and watched us merrily downed our drinks.

"Once you start working, you're going to wish you're still back in school,"

"That's what a lot of people say, but I’m just tired of learning, you know?"

Sophie replied.

"I'm ready to get out there and do something real for a change,"

"Hear, hear,"

Tristan raised his glass again.

"Yeah, me too,"

I agreed.

"I’m kinda over school.I’m tired of being a student,"

"Ah, school,"

Elliott nodded and sighed, "Students hate it, and us teachers hate it too.How could it last for so long? Who knows,"he shrugged and we laughed.

This was a big week for me, the last week of me being a student.

What an interesting word.




He hasn't been my teacher for years, but every time the word comes up, all I could think of him was him.

"So, what are your plans after graduation?"

Elliott asked the group.

"I'm thinking Chicago or New York, but I might be persuaded to stay in Philly if there’s a good offer," Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Sophie answered.

"I'm keeping my options open,"

Tristan said.

"I applied everywhere, but I’m really into the Times or the San Francisco Chronicle.If I could get a shot out there, that'd be amazing,"

"And you, love?"

Elliott asked me.

"Well, I've been applying to places, but so far I haven't heard from any"

* RING * RING * RING * My words were suddenly cut short by the sudden ringing of my phone.

I picked it up quickly and muttered, "Sorry..."

I was about to hit the reject button, when I noticed that it was a 212 number calling me.212 was the area code for Manhattan.Who could possibly be calling me from Manhattan? Oh, wait a minute...

"Guys, it's a New York number,"

I said, pausing for a second before getting up and leaving the table.

"Excuse me for a second,"

Making my way through the row of tables, I quickly stepped outside the restaurant and picked up the phone before it stopped ringing.


I pressed the phone tightly to my ears.

"Hi, is this Emma Sinclair?"a woman's voice spoke.

"Yes, this is she,"

"Hi, Emma.

I’m Margaret, and I’m calling on behalf of David Haskell from the New York Magazine,"

Margaret's voice was calm and clear, but the moment I heard the words ‘New York Magazine’, I almost dropped my phone in shock.

"Oh, hey, hi, yes,"

I stammered nervously.

"David's seen your resume and he’s heard great things about you from your professor.

There’s a position in our office that he thinks is perfect for you and you can start right after graduation.

He wants to see you for an interview, maybe sometime next week, would you be available for that?"


I half gaped, half shouted.

"Yes, absolutely, yes!"

"Great, then is Friday the 20th good for you? Say around 11 AM?"

"Yes, that’s perfect,"

I nodded vigorously, though she couldn't see me.

"All right.I will email you with the details of the interview time and place,"

"Yes, wonderful,"

"All right, have a good night, Ms.Sinclair,"

"Thank you, Margaret, thank you so, so much!"

I was squealing and squeaking in excitement as I turned off the call.

I had the biggest smile on my face as I made my way back to the table.

A part of me felt like I was floating, like this must be a dream.

"What was that all about?"

Sophie asked as I reached the table and sat down."Guys...

David Haskell from the New York Magazine wants to interview me for a job!"

I yelped and squeaked and shook my hands in excitement.


Sophie asked.

"Holy crap, he’s like one of the greatest editors of all time!"

Tristan gaped and I nodded feverishly.

"Oh my goodness, that’s the job you wanted!"the light bulb finally clicked in Sophie’s head.

She quickly ran up to me and gave me a hug, "Congratulations, Emmie, you totally deserve it!"

"Oh god, you guys, I'm freaking out,"

I said through ragged breaths.

I was fanning myself with my hand because suddenly I felt so hot.

"He wants to interview me on Friday, next week!"

"You'll do great.He'll love you,"

Sophie waved her hand carelessly.

"I mean, look at you, who wouldn't?"


Elliott nodded in agreement.

"Perfectly said,"

"Oh no, I'm so nervous all of a sudden,"

I said through gritted teeth.

The New York Magazine was my dream job ever since I found out I wanted to work in communications.

When I applied for the job, I didn’t even think I was gonna get a call, let alone an interview with perhaps the greatest editor of all time! "You'll be all right, love.I'll come with you to the interview if you want,"

Elliott smiled reassuringly and took my hand in his, squeezing it gently.

"Yeah, I’m free on Friday.I can drive you guys to the city,"

Tristan added.

"I have a meeting with my professor that Friday, so I can't come,"

Sophie pouted.

"But I'll be rooting for you.And I'll be waiting at home with pizza and champagne to celebrate!"

"I don’t even know if I'll get the job, Soph,"

"Even just getting an interview with David Haskell is a feat in itself, you should be proud of yourself,"

Tristan replied.

"I mean, David Haskell is a busy man.He must really think highly of you to interview you himself,"

"Exactly, so we're celebrating no matter what,"Sophie stated matter-of-factly.

"Aw, you guys,"I smiled and looked at all their supportive faces.

"I don't know what I'll ever do without you,"

Sophie and Tristan smiled brightly, and Elliott leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek, whispering, "Anytime, love"

"So, what else did they tell you?" Tristan asked.

"Well, if I get the job, I could start working there immediately right after graduation..."

"Wow!" Sophie gasped.

"Whoa," Elliott looked taken aback.

"That's amazing!"

Tristan nodded.

"I know, I still can’t believe this is happening.Everything happened so fast,"

I stuttered, somewhat hyperventilating a little.

"I still need to do my research, prepare my portfolio and oh god, what am I gonna wear?"

"Relax, we'll figure everything out.You have time,"Sophie said.

"A week is not enough time to impress David Haskell, I have to get started right away!"I got up to my feet instinctively.

"I have to go now!"

"But, Emmie, we're in the middle of celebrating,"Sophie protested.

"Sorry guys, I'll celebrate after David Haskell,"I gulped the last of my wine down and grabbed my purse.

"You two should stay and finish the meal, I'll make sure she gets home okay,"Elliott stood up next to me.

"Please do,"

Sophie said, and there was a little naughty glint in her eyes when she added, "And help her blow off that steam, will you?"

Elliott chuckled and waved goodbye.

Rolling my eyes at her, I gave Sophie one last glare before turning to my heels.

Over the next few days, I was Emma the busy bee.

I was cramming all kinds of information about David Haskell and the New York Magazine.

I even made a whole speech about why I think I'd be perfect to work in their office.

I was preparing so much for this interview, it was haunting me in my sleep.

Last night, I dreamt that as David Haskell was interviewing me in front of the board of editors, I was standing in front of them, butt naked.

Gah! I need to find something to wear! My interview was in three days and I hadn’t picked out an outfit yet.

The outfit was an important part of the interview because first impressions matter.

I needed something that would say, "Hello, I'm Emma and I'm a confident and hardworking employee, but also I can be fun and creative and I work well with people!"

Leaving the stack of books and research paper on the floor, I jumped up to my feet and headed for my closet.

My closet was a complete mess, Marie Kondo would be appalled at the sight.

Dirty laundry was scattered everywhere and old boxes and suitcases and everything were just crammed in there.

I figured I was going to do a deep cleaning after I was done with finals, but turns out I had one more thing to prepare for before I could finally rest easy.

Now, where’s that blazer? I know I have it in here somewhere...

Kneeling on the ground, I pushed and shoved the pile of dirty laundry away, scavenging for my favorite blazer.

But as my hand reached deep into the corner of the room, I felt something small and hard.

It was a book.

I pulled it towards me and under the dim closet light, I read the title of the book, Wuthering Heights.

It was the book that lan and I used to read together and we quoted it all the time.

Normally I'd keep my books on the shelves, but I had shoved this book so far deep inside my closet because looking at it made my heart ache.

This book was what started our whole relationship in the first place.

It was my favorite book before I met him, but now, it was the most horrible book in the world.

I mean, why does something so beautiful have to hurt this bad? And deep inside the closet, right under the book, was the heart locket that lan gave me.

On the inside, he had our favorite quote from the book engraved.

It was the first present he ever got me and probably the best present I'd ever gotten in my life.

It was so meaningful to me that I kept it all these years, hidden deep inside the dark and dirty closet.


I heard Elliott's voice pulling me back to reality.

"Love, are you in here?"

I pushed the book and locket back to the corner and covered it with a pile of dirty clothes.


I turned around to see him standing in my room.

"Hey, what’s going on?"

"I just came by to drop this off for you," he smiled brightly, holding a bag of groceries in his hand.

"Sophie and Tristan said that you’re not even leaving your room to eat.You need to take it easy, love.Eat something,"

"Thank you, you're so sweet,"

I got up to my feet and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"But I'll eat later, right after I find my blazer,"

I was about to turn away again, but Elliott pulled me by the hand.

Looking down at me tenderly, he let out a sigh and said, "Overstressing yourself isn't going to get you anywhere, love.If you want to impress the editor, you have to be the best version of yourself.Stress is only going to bring out the worst in you,"

I sighed and leaned my face into his chest.

He put the groceries down and cupped my face with his hands, WR fat Im bine: tilting my cheek up to look at him.

"Look at you, when's the last time you sleep?"he said, searching my eyes with a look of worry.

"This is not the same girl I met in Paris,"

Leaning down, he planted a soft kiss on the top of my head.

Then to my nose, then to my cheek, and finally on my lips.

His kiss was nice and sweet.

It did calm me down for a second, but then I remembered the list of things I still needed to do.

"But Elliott...I have to—"

"Just rest with me for a while, love,"he said, cutting me off.

"Rest is for the dead..."

"No, rest is for the living,"he insisted.

"The dead don't need to rest because their job is done,"

That made me smile.

I stifled a laugh and said, "You always know just what to say, do you?"

"Come on, let me make you something to eat,"

he said as he pulled me to the kitchen.

"And coffee?"

"And coffee,"

Watching Elliot made breakfast and coffee for me was a treat.

He had amazing pancake flipping skills and his French brew was divine.

As I sat there and admired Elliott in the kitchen, I couldn't help but think that it’s been almost a year since Elliott moved to Philly to be with me.

Our year together could be described as peaceful and idyllic.

I wonder if life will be like this forever? Is this it for me? "Why are you looking at me like that, love?"he said when he caught me gawking at him.

"Just thinking about how amazing you are, Elliott,"I replied with a big smile on my face.

"What did I do to ever deserve you?"

"You exist, and that’s enough for me,"he said matter- of-factly.Ah...he’s really the sweetest guy...and life with him is easy and nice...what else do I want? "Emma, listen, I want to tell you something," he said suddenly, dropping everything that he was doing, and he stepped closer to me.

"I know that things are happening and changing very fast, but I just want you to know, I'm going to remain constant.I will always be here for you no matter what.You can count on me,"

He reached over the counter and gripped my chin with his hand.

With a tender gaze and smile, he then said, "I love you, Emma,"

My mouth fell open, but there was nothing coming out of it.

I froze like an idiot, just muttering the letter, "I...I He smiled knowingly and said, "I know you still can't say the words back, and that’s okay.I will wait for you and I will keep working on being the best boyfriend ever until one day, you can say it back to me,"

Smiling softly, I leaned my face into his hand and sighed.

Elliott is always so understanding.He is safe.He is secure.Elliott is...my future.

He leaned over the counter and planted a kiss on my lips, a quick and lovely kiss.

With my chin still in his hand, he said, "I may not be your first kiss, your first date, or your first love.But it doesn't matter.Because I just want to be your last love,"

A tear trickled down my face involuntarily.

I was touched by how generous he was with his love for me.

And he was right, it didn't matter if he wasn’t my first love, what mattered was that he become the last one.

"Elliott, I...I..."

I stammered.

"It's okay, love.You don't have to say anything.Just smile for a yes,"

And I smiled.

Through the tears, I smiled wide and free.

Elliot was fast asleep on my bed.

Just like he suggested, I spent the entire day just resting with him.

He was right, overstressing myself wasn’t gonna bring the best out of me.

After eating, making out, cuddling, and sleeping next to him, I woke up feeling refreshed and better than ever.

Slipping off the bed quietly and gently, I managed to get up without waking Elliott up.

In front of me, the door to my dirty closet was ajar and I had a feeling, it was time for that deep cleaning.

With a smile on my face, I pulled the dirty clothes off the floor and stuffed them into the laundry bin.

I threw away things that weren't needed and made room for things that were.

As I went through all my stuff, I was reminded of how much I’ve grown over the past four years.

I owed a lot of that to lan, sure, but I wasn’t stopping here.

I'm still going to keep growing and changing and looking into my future.

On the corner of the room, I saw the book and the locket just sitting there.

Bending down, I put the locket inside the book, and I closed it tight and put the book inside my bag, where it could finally rest in peace.

lan would always be a part of me and I refuse to count our story as a failure.

Because though we didn't end up together, we loved each other greatly, and that was epic.

Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are still the same.

And though I've loved and lost, it is better than to have never loved at all.

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