
Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Nothing had happened last night. I don’t think either of us was ready for that. We had been placed in a situation that called for intimacy, and we fell helplessly into the trap. I turned over in my bed, my body still felt him; it was made to remember him, after all.

This day felt different than the others—unreal and so vivid. I was supposed to sleep in so I could stay awake long into the night, but I was lingering on how I felt on his lap when everyone dissolved around us, and he cared for me openly. When he looked at me with desire, his body was so warm, his touch so inviting.

I squeezed my legs and turned over again. I had to sleep. I had to put him out of my head and drench the fire he lights whenever he is near.

Then my mind conjured up his scent, and I was almost swallowed whole by the need to be by him. I remembered his breath on my neck a couple of days ago and sat up straight.

Devious man, teasing me without knowing it, luring me towards you and then disappearing.

I laid back down and rolled over, keeping myself focused on the smell of the sheets and their softness. I repeated the word "sleep" in my head until it finally came and took me away from the feeling I craved.

I dreamed of a large midnight wolf. He came to me in the woods, running me down and swallowing me whole. Then, when the sun came up, sweet brown pups were before me, and I picked them up into my arms, heading off.

“How do you want your hair?” Cea asked me as we sat in front of my vanity.

We decided on braids on the side of my face, and then they would twist and hold half of my hair up. The hair left down would be curled and flow down my back. Amaria placed the headpiece on me, and it glittered on my head.

We only put coal on my eyes, as I did not want too much on me when I became his. When I stood before the goddess and bound my soul to his, I wanted to look like me.

Then I put on the gold chains that went around my neck and fell onto my shoulders. I put on the gold cuffs on my ankles and my feet. There were chains for hands and feet, and all of it was gold with crystals and sapphires on them.

To finish, I put on the headpiece Amaria gave me. It had a sapphire hanging in the middle of my head and crystals dangling on the sides.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked regal and mature. This woman I stared at was a Luna of the Northern Eclipse pack; she bowed to no one.

“This is where it all changes.”

We walked out of the house, and I was surprised it was already dark out. Now I was revealed to Grayson.

I couldn’t tell if my steps were slow or quick. I was scared, and I was desperate. This is what I had dreamt of my whole life. Granted, this is not at all what I had thought would happen. I think that this is what was meant to happen, and despite everything that had happened, I still had faith that one day he would look at me like I was beyond everything.

When I heard the voices of the crowd, I was shuffled sideways. I was supposed to come in at a certain moment.

“When the people have settled, the drums will start, and you will come in and see him,” Amaria reminded me.

I heard someone speak, and I couldn’t find who it was through the heavy beating of my heart. I waited in a corner, wondering how the night would go and waiting for the sound of drums.

They started their pounding in the distance, and no one had to tell me to move. I straightened my spine, put my shoulders back, and raised my head. I was going to face him unafraid.

I saw the people as I followed the rhythm of the drums my people played to guide me. I walked with purpose, knowing I would survive at the end of this road.

I saw him hovering above the other heads. He was in all black, not to my surprise. His stubble shadowed his face and made his jaw more defined. His curly ink hair was ruffled slightly as if someone had raked through it nervously.

I couldn’t have stopped if I wanted to at that point. The pull we had for each other became as strong as the day I had found him. I was set on an unavoidable course for him.

He stepped closer to me, which he wasn’t supposed to do. I was supposed to stop and wait for someone to join our hands, but that was no longer an option.

I made my way to him like a woman in a dream state, hypnotized and needy for him and all he was. It felt so strong, and my desire was all I had at that moment. His scent was all around me, and his grey eyes were my home.

His hands, which were so cruel and so sweet, snaked their way around my waist. I roamed my hands up his arms, our eyes connected in heat.

The drums stopped, and the silence of everyone did not reach our ears. I’m sure after what felt like forever to the crowd, we moved.

“Let’s eat,” he announced, holding my hand and walking by my side to the head table.

He pulled out my chair for me, and I sat in it, feeling the weight of his hand leave mine.

“You look very much beautiful,” he cleared his throat as he sat down beside me.

I kept my giggling at his blunder inside. I made a rash decision and grabbed his hand, but he didn’t push me away.

“I, um, have a surprise for you,” he looked over at me.

“What?” My heart flip-flopped in my chest.

A wolf of our pack walked over with a large tray that was covered.

“You ate so much I figured it was one of your favorite foods,” he

An abundance of snow crab legs was before me. He was not wrong; this is one of my favorite foods.

“Thank you!” I grabbed the food in front of me and began cracking.

For the first time, Grayson laughed with me. “I see I was right.”

I beamed at the food he got for me and looked over at him and saw his smile.

“This is what is supposed to happen. This is where we start.”

“Were you nervous at all?” I leaned over to him and cracked a leg.

“I’m an alpha; I don’t get nervous,” he feigned. “I was terrified,” he whispered to me.

“Anna, you look beautiful,” Theo came over to me.

I stood and hugged my brother. “Theo, I love you so much.”

Theo looked over and shook Grayson’s hand. “I’ll kill you if you hurt my sister. Slowly.”

I whacked my brother on his arm, and he shrugged.

“I won’t,” Grayson said, and Theo let him turn and went back to his food.

We spent the meal laughing and joking with my family and the friends I had made at my new pack. It felt like this had happened plenty of times, the way everyone got along and spoke so merrily with one another.

We had another course of meat and bread and continued to bathe in the cozy joy that wrapped around the pavilion.

“It’s time, my loves,” Amaria murmured, interrupting us.

Instantly, I felt anxious again. The binding would be intense for us because we were soulmates. Not only that, but we came from alphas; we would live with thoughts from the other, and it would always occur.

It took many years to be able to show images to your mate, but once controlled, you could show them anything you saw or knew.

He grabbed my hand, and as we stood, everyone else did. We walked out of the pavilion, and Amaria led the group into the woods for our binding.

I had been on edge all week for this moment, and now that it was here, I could feel myself lose control to the power of my connection by the goddess.

We walked into a large clearing, an arch of flowers and lit torches stood before us. Trees had been wrapped in garlands of white flowers that shone under the moon's light. Lanterns hung above our heads, and more flowers hung by them, strung up between the trees.

The arch was older, I could tell, as moss grew up and intertwined with the twisted branches.

I took his hands as we found ourselves at the front of all the groups under the moon and arch.

I focused on him and tried to calm my breathing. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

“We bring this pair you have destined before you, my lady,” Amaria announced.

Grayson squeezed my hands, grounding me in the moment. The ceremony was ancient and powerful, a binding that would link our souls and minds forever.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

Amaria stepped forward, holding a small silver dagger. She cut a shallow line across our palms, pressing them together so that our blood mingled. “With this blood, you are bound. With this bond, you are strengthened.”

Grayson and I both closed our eyes as the energy flowed between us, the power of the ceremony connecting us on a deeper level than I had ever imagined. I could feel his thoughts, his emotions, and the unwavering love he had for me.

The crowd around us faded away, and it was just the two of us standing together, ready to face whatever challenges the future held.

Amaria tied a piece of cloth around our joined hands, symbolizing our union. “You are now bound by blood and soul. May your bond be unbreakable and your love eternal.”

Grayson leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. “I love you, Annette,” he whispered against my mouth.

“I love you too,” I replied, feeling a sense of completeness that I had never known before.

We turned to face our pack, our people, as one. The night was filled with celebration, the sounds of laughter and joy echoing through the trees. We were no longer just two individuals; we were a united force, ready to lead and protect our pack together.

The night seemed to stretch on forever, each moment filled with joy and warmth. We danced under the stars, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. It was as if the whole world had conspired to make this night unforgettable.

As the festivities continued, I caught sight of Theo and Amaria, who were watching us with smiles on their faces. It was clear they were happy for us, and their approval meant the world to me.

Grayson and I shared a moment alone, standing by the edge of the clearing. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. “Tonight has been perfect,” he murmured into my ear.

I nodded, feeling the truth of his words. “It has. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.”

He kissed the top of my head. “Whatever it is, we’ll face it together.”

As the night wore on and the celebration began to wind down, Grayson led me away from the clearing. We walked hand in hand through the forest, the moonlight casting a silver glow on the path before us.

“I have something to show you,” he said, his voice filled with anticipation.

Curious, I followed him until we reached a small, secluded glade. In the center of the glade was a beautiful stone structure, intricately carved with symbols of our pack.

“What is this?” I asked, awe-struck by the sight.

“This,” Grayson said, guiding me towards the structure, “is our sanctuary. A place for us to come and be alone, to connect with each other and with the goddess.”

I touched the smooth, cool stone, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. “It’s beautiful,” I whispered.

Grayson nodded. “Just like you.”

We stood there in silence for a moment, taking in the beauty of the sanctuary. Then, Grayson took my hands in his and looked deep into my eyes. “Annette, I promise to love you, to protect you, and to stand by your side for the rest of our lives.”

Tears filled my eyes as I smiled up at him. “And I promise to love you, to support you, and to be your partner in all things.”

He leaned down and kissed me, sealing our promises with a tender embrace. As we stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, I knew that we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Together, we would lead our pack with strength and love. Together, we would build a future filled with hope and happiness. And together, we would honor the bond that had brought us to this moment, bound by blood and soul, destined to be one.

The end of the night saw us returning to our pack, but the connection we shared in that sacred place would stay with us forever. Our journey was just beginning, and I felt a deep sense of peace knowing that we would walk this path side by side.

We rejoined the remnants of the celebration, where our pack welcomed us back with open arms. The bond we had forged was not just between the two of us, but with everyone who had stood witness to our union. It was a night that would be remembered for generations, a testament to the power of love and destiny.

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