
Chapter 32

Chapter 32

“Now I’ll see you in the morning my pup,” my mom k*ssed my forehead and my dad hugged me goodnight.

Grayson stood waiting for me. I wouldn’t sleep much tonight. I had to get up early and go the moon pool for cleansing.

The dinner had gone better than I had thought….

“It’s so good to see you!” I jumped into Cea’s arms.

“Anna! Oh my goddess I have missed you!” she held me in the vice grip of her arms.

“You look good,” James came up to me and gave me another tight and cozy hug.

“How have you been?” I looked at him with worried eyes I know I shouldn’t treat him like this it’ll only frustrate him

but I had been worried about him and his chaotic moods.

“Really you’ve been worried about me with the hell you’ve been put through?” he looked over me to Grayson.

“James there will be a time for that,” Charlie did not look upset with James at all he looked like a strategist getting

what they needed.

“Theo,” I walked over to him and hugged him, bringing my face to his car. “You will behave right?”

“He accepted the challenge,” he whispered back to me.


“Mama, Papa, this is Amaria Adams Grayson’s mother,” I introduced my mother–in–law to my parents without thinking, remembering at the last second they knew each other. I cursed to myself and shook my head.

“Amaria!” my mother gave her a warm hug and a k*ss on the cheek.

“Eva you look as radiant as ever I’m still jealous of you!” Amaria chuckled.

“Amaria,” my father gave her a quick hug. “I am indebted to you for the kindness you have shown my daughter,”

“No. We are family there are no debts between us,” She shook her head and rolled her eyes and my father’s traditionalism.

“You’ve done so much though,” I spoke up behind her.

“I know, I never said I didn’t deserve the praise I just said they shouldn’t feel indebted, “She winked at me.

“Come on let’s eat,” She looped her arm through my mother’s and they walked ahead.

Cea grabbed my hand and we walked behind them. Chatting mindlessly like we always do. I knew everything that had happened with her and she knew everything that had happened with me but in person was much different.

“Theo has puppy fever I can’t take it!” she looked like she was going to pass out.


Chapter 32

“Really? I mean well yeah no I could see it being him wanting kids,” I realized my brother was much like my father, a

family man..

We ate roasted rabbit, with salad and bread. My brothem are more than their share and James talked a lot with Matt. I felt like that could be a good thing Matt was very lewell–headed and James could use someone outside the family to tal

1. TO.

“You seem to have an abundance of resources, Grayson Chutie started up.

“He should have called him Alpha Charlie isniti one toitegen that type of thing.

“Grayson has many exports for the pack and looks after all of them, jumped in, staring down my brother challenging him to behave. Just for tonight..

“Annette would be far better at it than I would she toolsover fem in complet days while I helped shore up our northern defenses and she had many wonderful suggestions,” He spoke calmity and reserved which surprised me since he didn’t like disrespect.

“Annette is always better,” Charlie clasped his hands and leaned his elbow on the table. “She deserves the world,”

“Charlie you’re too sweet. You know I think you should talk to Aarrom the data the trains the warriors here they train: differently than our warriors it might be worth discussing,” I stopped Charlie from starting anything

“Ele hasn’t acted like this in a long time what is going on with him!”

decided now would be a good time to introduce Cea to the friends live made here so that some tension would diffuse

nditted over to Ella and Charlotte.

“Can this is Blin and Charlotte they are my friends and this is Elizabeth she’s been my guide here she’s Aarons’s wife,” expilaimed and they all gave their hello and introduction, and good to meet you.

samice to meet you guys,” Cea laughed. “I have heard a lot about you.”

“Lumu Armulis always talking about you and she’s missed you so much,” Ella beamed.

Yuan Chentimes wife?” Elizabeth questioned.

“Yes,” Cemmoided. “You and I hold the same position for our packs. We had no delta hair son then unik over the role,”

“Why did you have delta” Elizabeth pursed her l*ps.

“He never mated, Convermell a little frazzled by Elizabeth’s interrogation.

“Interesting,” Bladet modded and returned to her food.

“Well I’m sure we will have dum tomorrow cleansing and praising–Anna,” Cea smiled at the other

I would be cleansed in the moon puil and then anointed with oils, herb balms, and scents. Afterward, I wouluver runes inscribed om my bucks for luck and fertility and then I would be tattooed with the sign of the pick.

Chapter 32

“Are you prepared for the tattoo?? Charibethegaverne a pitying look.

“Yes, yes I am, I sheepishly tried to covernmyyfteam of the process.

“You’ll be just fine.” Cea nudged me..

“Anna.” Charlie came up behind me..

“Charlie?” I laughed at his serious face. He looked up at the two girls in front of me and then to Cea and then back

1. me.

“I’m going to bed good night,” He k*ssed my cheek and walked off shaking his head.


The rest of the evening went calmly. Theo and James didinoideum Grayson as Charlie had tried.

He had acted so oddly that night so aggressive and thenthatmintent of telling me he was going to bed what was that?

Lea and I walked back to my house together all the rooms had beeffumished for them to stay in. My mom and dad

Thad said good night and now.

Good luck tomorrow,” Grayson nodded to me as we waited outside otudocomdoors.

Your to a whole day alone I don’t know if you’ll make it,” I felt like wassdiecaming We were saying this because. tomorrow we began our journey to bind.

Goodnight Annette.” He nodded to me and went into his room.

“Goodnight Grayson, I softly said as I walked to my bedroom:

Whenumylarmsent off I woke up to a pitch black sky that sparkled with the sscass. Tiemconthunglow and told n toogootor theftorest.

Itooddadffimyndband walked out of my room. I was supposed to go to the moompoobladbecam kay in there until t




He stood aliquetcom the gray’darkness. He was supposed to sleep and he was not supposed thatbome.

“What are yuditor?backed up slightly and crossed my arms to cover my chest. The silk nightgown baaswam

felt transpar

“Dont be nervitustooky, Timewalked towards me each step spiking my heart rate.

“Grayson you should goobtube, telli

we were going to get caught even though there was nothing to cath

Chapter 32

“Enzo is restless. He knows he will be with her today, I don’t want you or her to worry,” He cupped my face, and my

breath vanished.

“I’ll see you tonight.” He k*ssed my cheek and walked away.

“Why do you insist on lighting my b*dy on fire and walking away?

I stood there staring at the closed door feeling like I had missed something important. He had never touched me like

that; he had never brought his l*ps to my skin before.

When we were apart from each other it was easy to say I wanted to wait and I wanted time before we touched one another but when he was close and blurred the lines we had drawn in the sand I felt like there was only one thing to do. How could I not touch him and feel him? How could I not beg for him to trace his rough hands over my skin?

We need more time…

I forced myself to move from my spot and go to the forest. This heat would be cooled eventually, today was more important.

I stepped onto the dirt which was the sweet sort of cool. It didn’t bite or claw at you, it soothed your skin and danced.

around you.

I walked until I got to the man–made pond. It was a shallow pond with rocks on the bottom in an open clearing of the woods. It was a perfect circle, and at the bottom of the pool was a large circle crystal

that caught the rays of the moon.

I took off my nightgown and stepped into the water laying down gradually and dipping my head under at the final


I stayed there and looked up at my goddess wanting answers from her. I wanted to know why I had been given a soulmate and then so many challenges.

My arms and legs were spread out to keep me afloat in the pond. Most brides say you can feel yourself become ready for the life you will lead in the pool.

I felt like I was waiting. Waiting for Grayson. Waiting for answers. Waiting to know if it would all be okay.

I breathed out and closed my eyes letting her takeover.



My eyes fluttered open the sun was out… Had I fallen asleep?

I looked up my mother was waiting for me with a robe as the elders turned their back out of respect. Amaria was the only one who didn’t as she would now also be my mother in the eyes of the goddess.

We walked back in silence and I felt the eyes on me. The onyx ones that belonged to the wolf I was waiting for.

You’re not supposed to watch me Enzo…

hapter 32

I shook my head at his impatient wolf. We walked back to my house and I put on a small thing white gown.

Then I was taken to a ritual tent to have my b*dy prepared. The elders did this so I would be attractive to my mate and my b*dy would be prepared for childrearing.

They started by rubbing rosemary oils into my scalp and almond oil on my skin.

The elders chanted and prayed behind me asking for a long and happy life with Grayson and many pups to come from

1. mc.

My arms and legs were massaged and I felt myself relax as the long process of oil after oil went on. My mother comb my hair which was now slick with the various treatments to make it healthy and beautiful for my time as a wife.

“Are you ready for this my pup?” she whispered to me.

“Yes, mama,”

My eyes were closed and I felt myself drift in and out of sleep as the time went on. My hair was washed in water for a long time to get all the substances out.

My face was massaged by Amaria who chanted a prayer I did not know.

“I have asked for a graceful aging,” she whispered to me. They scrubbed my skin and then began again.

This time they rubbed balms on me, a different balm on each part of my b*dy. I felt like I was going to sl*p right off the pillow I was on.

My hair was put up in a braid after something was combed into it again.

“How many things are going to be put on me?”

At last, they had me sit up to inscribe the runes on my back. The ink was cold and the brush tickled so I had to keep my laughter in. While the elders wrote on me Ella walked over and placed some sort of cream on my sternum to numb me for the laborious process of the tattoo.

Because I was a luna it was done in the traditional manner so no machine was allowed. I had to sit all day long as they painstakingly drew the symbol on me.

Amaria walked toward with the needle and ink. I laid down again and braced myself. It only felt like small pokes thanks to the numbing cream.

As time went on my b*dy got used to the sensation and the numbing cream wore off. It hurt more and more but I was

able to tolerate it.

I could see the sun going down through the flaps of the tent. Soon the women of the pack would come and accept me

as their luna.

Once my tattoo was done Amaria held up the mirror for me to see it.

“I would for we wear this symbol for the rest of my life for him


Chapter 32

“It’s time,” Elizabeth called to me.

I walked out in my next to nothing covering. The women were lined up outside of the tent. I walked up to each of them and they bowed to me.

They each had to bow to me for the ceremony to be completed if any of them did not then I would have to fight her.

The only person I suspected of not bowing would be that girl Jessica who wanted to be Luna before Grayson knew about me.

I eventually stood in front of her and she gave me a wicked smirk before bowing her head to me.

“You deserve this life,” she whispered to me.

What on earth?”

I stepped away from her and continued on, pushing her childlike antics out of my mind. Ella gave me a rapid smile and bowed deeply to me. Charlotte squealed a little and bowed so quickly she almost fell over.

I finished with Amaria and the other female elder Belle, Aaron’s mother, then Elizabeth, as she was the delta’s wife, was the final person.

“Go and find your Alpha my Luna,” Elizabeth spoke as she gave me the final bow. Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I wordlessly head past all of the women who would now go and eat and celebrate my cleansing in the first feast.

I made my way to the back of my house and stripped bare to transform.

“He’s close. He is not as stubborn as his partner.

Seraphine was right there ready for her time with Enzo. I gladly stepped back so that she could be fully present for their first meeting.

She howled instantly as she came to. She wasted no moment finding him. Close by his howl sounded and she took off running.

He instigated a chase to play with her and she panted and growled at him. Enzo joyfully played with her.

His black fur comes into the line of sight as a flash amongst the treeline. It was in high contrast to my Seraphine’s white–blonde fur and green eyes.

Seraphine surges forward and zig–zagged to confuse him. She swept around a tree and pounced on him, licking his face in euphoria.

The two hunted together and nuzzled each other and played. They were perfect for each other, his strength and her speed, his brawn and her smarts,

They tracked a herd of deers together stoping to sniff and nuzzle each other a long the way and working to kill a pair in tandem.


Chapter 32

They ate two full deers and were still hungry taking the time to clean each other of the blood. He was sweet to her softly pawing her closer and warming her up as the night grew darker and colder.

Enzo was a large wolf, like Grayson’s wolf would be. I had to doubt if humans were close they’d assume him a bear.

She started another chase this time with Enzo pinning her down the two laying and tussling on the forest floor.

This feels so private….

I turned away as if embarrassed to see them so happy and close. They were only doing what wolves and couples do. They also respected their partners enough to do anything across the line.

The whole night they spent together falling asleep under a fallen tree that had the softest patch of moss beneath them. She slept so soundly in his touch resting her head on him his tail covering hers.

“It is hard to watch this without a vine of jealousy growing.

Chapter Comments

Beverly Jones


I wander if something might happen before he gets her marked. I think that Jessica (?) girl might be working with whoever made it into their lands. I wouldn’t put it past her t….

Lynne Castro.

dun dun dun…..




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