
Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Annette POV:

Another haze of images greeted me outside the blackness. I felt like that time had reworded hadn’t I done this before? I suppose this was punishment for not getting away. What was I supposed to have done I refuse to die just get a rise out of my husband.

I had been moved from the forest but I was aware enough that I wasn’t back in my cell. After a few more glimpses of a truck bed, the sky, the sky. I missed the sky when would I see it again? When would the wind touch my face again?

This was so different I was able to remember where I had been. I wouldn’t have been able to tell next to me the last time. The dose had been changed.

you if my mother was

Eventually, I woke up in a hotel room. My mind cleared much quicker. It only took me about an hour before I was truly awake and able to take stock. Why was I in a hotel room? Why hadn’t he brought me back to my cell to gloat that seemed much more his speed?

I must be in a city because the sheets were nice and the room had a modern and sleek design. What city was I in? A city? A city…..Grayson was looking for me all I had to do was get in front of some sort of camera and he’d get word.

I went to the door and opened it a semi–large back blocked my way. I halted for a second before I swung my foot up in between him. He dropped and coughed then sucked in a breath as I took off running.

I saw an elevator down the hall and ran for it they all had cameras right? Right? Was I just being delusional? Was he even going to see this? I didn’t know what city I was in or if we had allies in the city but I had to hope. I pushed the button hoping the damn thing would get there as my security guard staggered up to his feet and called for backup.

Please please please if there’s something else out there something else the great void between us seemed to great to talk to him not with more of that poison in my veins but if there was evidence of me out there maybe he could follow the trail.


I jumped on my the balls of my feet and the brawny Mormon was running my way of course I wanted to get away from them but even just one little glimpse of me would be enough for him to find me. Just maybe.

The doors parted as he hurled himself at me there had to be more of them all over the hotel it didn’t matter. I got into the elevator and looked up at the camera my eyes pleading and I looked back at the doors as they closed but my pursuers gargantuan hands wrenched into the space. He shoved the doors open and grabbed me.

I swung and got him into the nose and scratched at his eyes and his arms and kicked at him as he carried me back, I screamed and howled but I had a bet Marcus rented out the floor.

He hurled me back into the room and I landed on my butt. “Stay there,” he shouted at me.


He looked annoyed with me but Marcus wasn’t going to let any of them ruin my pretty face. He loved my face that’s what he told me. No one would hurt me, wasn’t that proof he was much better than Grayson?


Chapter 118

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the other side of the room and opened the shades. The cityscape greeted me and the ocean was in the distance. I didn’t know it and I couldn’t see any recognizable markers from where I was.


I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels searching for the news. Eventually, the weather came up, Seattle. I knew there were four alphas of Seattle. I didn’t know whose territory I was in and I didn’t know if Grayson had a treaty with any of them. Perhaps he did, perhaps he didn’t..I hadn’t been out that long which meant the compound we’d been staying in was also in Washington, I was close to the border.

What if I got out and found a wolf bar or something and was able to get to him that way? Would that even work?

A knock interrupted my plans. The meat head came into the room he looked like someone had thrown a raccoon at his face. It was an improvement. He was holding a clothing bag a small cosmetics bag from the looks of it and a pair of black pumps.

“He says to get dressed for dinner,” he set the stuff down. “The alphas missed you,”


I didn’t have a choice, did I…I’m sure if I refused he’d drug me and haul me back to my silver–lined bird cage. This way I could get some information and possibly another escape route.

I opened up the garment bag a couple of options suited me all of them were not my taste. Leopard print, bright red, bright pink! yikes I settled for the black dress nothing special and it matched the shoes. I didn’t bother doing my makeup. It wasn’t like I was going on a date with my husband.

We should go out for a date when this is all over. I could put on a pretty dress and he could wear a nice shirt and we could go out. We’d never actually even done anything like that, had we? We’d found each other gotten married and

then had a baby in the span of a year.

I zipped up the dress and my auburn curls stayed down I’m sure they looked beyond chaotic but I wasn’t about to give him any indication I was his to admire.

I sat on the bed and waited for the inevitable knock I started dreading however long I’d have to spend with him. His whole person oozed arrogant pride. I was bound to Grayson by the goddess herself and still he assumed he had a right to me. The knock came and my stomach turned.

If he touches me I’m breaking his arm

I stood up and walked to the door inhaling deeply before opening it.

“Annette. My darling you worried me,” he grinned that vomit–inducing self–satisfied smile he always wore.

I stayed silent staring at him. If he expected me to entertain a conversation with him I’m sorry but he was in for a


“Oh don’t be angry with me for being late but you’re surprisingly quick for someone in your condition,” he pouted. I’m sure he thought one day I’d find this behavior adorable but he did not see reality very

well, was he?

“Well let’s hope a good meal changes your mind,” he extended his arm and started walking down the hall and I. followed only for the chance to run.


Chapter 118

“I’m sorry to say that your second little escape attempt was much less impressive than your first and poor Cash is torn up,” he gave a pointed look.

I kept the smirk inside I’m glad one of them got hurt they all stood by while I was imprisoned they’re all guilty in my


“You should apologize,” he cooed at me.

I stopped in my tracks and glared at him. I didn’t say a word but he knew he was on thin ice I may not have wolf right now but I could still gouge his eyes out.

“Perhaps not,” he laughed jovily as if I was just being petulant.

We kept walking at made our way to a rooftop terrace that was empty except for us. He pulled out my chair for me and

I wondered if I could push him off the top of the roof if I was clever enough.

“Come on, I’m sure you’re starving,” he insisted.

I was, I was starving. Still, if I could I’d starve to death to see his face as he fell from this building.

I sat down and he went to sit across from me snapping his fingers and a shaking waitstaff appeared. She poured my water trembling and spilling a bit as she did.

“It’s alright,” I smiled softly at the poor girl. Human. “Thank you,” She exhaled deeply and scampered off.

“The service here is incomparable,” Marcus grinned again.

What was he playing at why was he doing this? Surely he was angry with me. I had run away Deacon must be furious. Deacon should be furious why wasn’t this Deacon growling to sedate me or taking my head off my shoulders?

“Deacon doesn’t know I escaped does he?” I finally spoke and all the mirth on Marcus’s face was swept off.

“No, no I’m not stupid,” he shook his head.

“Beg to differ,” I shot back.

He let out a sharp scoff and squinted at me. “Do you honestly think you’ll ever see up here family again? You won’t I’ll see to that. Deacon will see to that.” He seethed across from me and tried to scare me. “You know he may fancy himself in charge but I don’t mind playing from the corner, I prefer it no one shoots for you with a bigger prize in front,” he looked so proud of his cowardice.

“If you think after tearing me from the people I love I will ever let you breathe when I do get away from you you’re wrong,” I didn’t flinch I stated him down. “You’re way out of your league Deacon is the monster that should have been left sleeping. This will come back to haunt you and I’ll be waiting for that,” I clenched my fists.

“You’re so stubborn,” he sighed thoughtfully.

“I’m not stubborn I’m surviving and that’s your biggest mistake,” I stood up.

The doors to the restaurant slammed open and Deacon barged in much to my amusement.

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Chapter 118

“What the hell do you think you’re doing you absolute incompetent,” he stomped up to Marcus and I saw it back in the deepest part of his eyes that fear.

“I wanted to show Annette how much she deserves,” he held out his hands at the private restaurant.

“You took your only leverage out into the open if Grayson isn’t aware of where she is he will soon be and he might find you and kill you. I’m tempted to let him,” Deacon seemed at the end of his rope with Marcus.

what if I told him the truth?

No, he might kill Marcus but I’d feel a punishment too. I needed to stay where I was and go under the radar he was angry, furious, and I didn’t need to attract attention.

“You get in the car now and go back to your cell,” he pointed at me and I stalked off toward his man.

“You are done doing what you want boy! If you ever do something this stupid again…” I heard Deacon shouting at

Marcus as I left.

Marcus couldn’t see it but his days were number he may think he wasn’t in the focus but this was going to come down on him he had Deacon on one end and Grayson on the other that’s not a place I’d want to be.

I went back into my cell Simon looked at me so pitifully but a relief also lingered on his face. “I’m sorry Annette,” he whispered to me as he gave me my daily dose of silver.

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