Spurned Luna’s Return: On Your Knees, Alpha Chase


She made the pot levitate from the stunned doctor’s hands and fly over to her. While it was still levitating, a small fireball materialised atop her right hand, shocking the others. Peter knew she had fire and ice powers, so he wasn’t too shocked. But making things levitate, well, that was a first.

“Okay, don’t increase the fire, maintain it for five minutes,” the doctor ordered after regaining his calm and she nodded her agreement. Anything, she would do, as long as Phoenix became well again. She couldn’t lose her darling mate!

Doctor Alstein took out several coloured fresh herbs from his second spatial ring and put them in a white porcelain mortar taken out from his first spatial ring.

He picked up the pestle that was in it and started pounding it with the right amount of strength required. Then he added some strange-looking fruits taken out of his second storage ring and continued pestling. When he was done, he squeezed out the essential dark green liquid from the crushed stuff into a small silver bowl till it reached half of it.

Quickly, he headed back to the bed and poured the liquid into the pot whose initial content was already boiling. He then placed the lid atop it and asked her to increase the fire slightly, which she did with gritted teeth while trying to also keep her trembling mate still.

By the time it was ready three minutes later, she was sweating heavily.

The physician took the pot and headed back to his wooden table to pour the thickened black substance into another red porcelain bowl. It smelled horrid but who cared about the smell? As long as it’s useful, aroma is not to be minded.

He placed a porcelain spoon in the bowl and hurried to the bed once again.

“Your Highness, I’m going to feed you this. Don’t mind the taste, okay?” he softly said as he scooped up a small amount of the substance with the spoon and brought it close to the first prince’s mouth. Phoenix’s body wasn’t trembling as greatly as before but his chest kept heaving. He managed to open his mouth and the physician commenced feeding him the awful-looking and bad-tasting substance slowly.

When he was done with ingesting the substance, the doctor fed him Ah-Kilse fruit to remove the horrible, bitter taste. As Phoenix slowly chewed it, the doctor rose from the wooden stool and told Lavana to get her mate into a seated position, which she quickly heeded.

She also reduced her size back to normal human height. This stunned the doctor; it was his first time seeing something like this. But like before, he maintained a solemn expression. Following the physician’s instructions, Lavana knelt behind her mate and began massaging his shoulders down to his waist. Then the doctor ordered Peter to fill the bathtub in the bathroom with water and he quickly obeyed.

After Peter informed him that his orders had been carried out, doctor Alstein requested that the king, his wife and Prince Peter leave the room.

Seeing that Phoenix had calmed down, they readily agreed. The doctor knew best how to treat him, so, as long as Phoenix was fine in the long run, they would do anything.

Now it was just the doctor and the young couple in the chamber.

“Miss Lavana,” the doctor called, causing her to look at him and slow down the rate of her massaging Phoenix.

“Yes, doctor,” she answered with a look of readiness to do anything.

“Um… please take your mate to the bathroom for me,” he requested since he couldn’t touch the patient.

Immediately, she got off the bed, gently scooped up her mate in her arms and headed in the bathroom’s direction. The physician followed behind steadily.


20 minutes later,

Phoenix was gritting his teeth, his hands were on the tub’s sides, tightly clenched. The water in the bathtub contained several crushed herbs and liquids poured in by the doctor.

In the end, the warm water became a chilly one. The doctor even had Lavana freeze the water so he couldn’t get out. He was to remain in the bathtub for an hour.

Lavana was seated on a wooden stool beside the bath, singing a comforting siren melody to him. Doctor Alstein fed Phoenix three white pills and then left the bathroom to rest on the couch in the chamber.

This illness was from a dark wiz bloods curse. It was rare and in the past, it had no cure. But his late teacher found the cure and he, being the successor, was taught the cure. He never thought he’d see a live victim one day.

An hour later,

Doctor Alstein headed back into the bathroom and had Lavana unfreeze the water.

“Help him out of the bathtub,” he instructed and she made to scoop him out when he stopped her.

“Don’t carry him,” the doctor ordered, causing Lavana to wear a confused face. Why shouldn’t she carry him?

“Help him walk to the shower,” the physician requested with a solemn look.

She nodded her compliance and helped Phoenix to step out of the bathtub slowly. And then, putting his right hand around her shoulder, she assisted him to the shower section of the bathroom, taking one slow step at a time.

The doctor placed a plastic stool taken out of his right index finger’s ring and placed it on the floor. Lavana then helped her mate to sit on it.

“Help him bathe; make sure the water is not too hot. And also, perform a mate’s duties, if the need arises. That’s all. I’m off!” without waiting for any of them to question him, the doctor fled the bathroom and closed the entrance door kindly. Then he put back all his equipment and other belongings in the appropriate rings.

“Take care!” he yelled before leaving the room quickly.

Outside, he met the royal family waiting anxiously. Seeing that the doctor had come out, they rushed to him.

“How is he?” the monarch questioned, trying not to sound edgy.

“Well… the rest lies in his mate’s hands. He’ll be alright in two days. Don’t bother them, unless the female gives permission. Here,” he handed the king three transparent bottles containing a silver liquid, filled to the brim, “Please make sure he takes one of these in the morning and half a bottle in the evening. Repeat that the next day, and also, have his mate massage him with this oil,” he took out a small grey bottle and handed it to Peter.

“And that melody the princess-to-be sang to the first prince, it’s very effective too. Have her do that at least once a day to him. Alright, I’m done here,” he said and tried to leave but the queen stopped him by pulling on his white robe.

“Stop right there,” Queen Valeria demanded and he obeyed, turning to look at the royal family.

“We’re grateful that he’ll be fine. But can you tell us what was wrong with him? Why can’t he be clothed and why does touching him make him feel pain?”the queen questioned.

“It’s a curse,” the doctor replied with a defeated sigh. If he didn’t confess, the queen won’t let him go. Since she was curious, like the other two royalties before him, he’d better comply!

“What? A curse?” the queen exclaimed in shock. Her husband and son also looked stupefied. How did such a thing happen to the first prince and who would be so vicious to do so to him?NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

The doctor continued, “My late teacher taught me the cure. This curse is from a very high-ranked wiz blood, a dark one. And if the caster dies, the effect is greatly reduced and it shows up after a month or more. But if the caster is alive, the effect shows up within three days and within 5 hours, if the caster isn’t found and appeased, the afflicted one dies from extreme pain in his chest and abdomen,” he added,

“However, if the caster is dead and the effects show up after a month has passed but the affected one isn’t treated on time within a span of 24 hours, the afflicted individual will have power imbalance, extreme pain at being touched, blindness, dumbness, deafness, difficulty in breathing, paralysis, extreme weight loss, appetite loss and finally die in a cruel and pitiable manner. This curse is called ‘Hades’ Kiss’,”

Doctor Alstein further clarified, “The moment an affected person, of whom its curse caster is dead, loses his eyesight, he has no hope and will definitely perish within a span of two days to a week, if the person is quite tenacious and of a high-rank. The caster of this curse on the first prince is dead.

So what affected him was extreme pain at any touch of his body and power imbalance that’s naturally accompanied by unbearable pain in the abdomen and chest, slowly it spreads to the entire body. Prince Phoenix has black mist which is usually launched out of his hands, right?” he questioned the royalties and they nodded their agreement.

The physician resumed his speech, “Due to the power imbalance, the mist is slowly seeping out of his body. Since the black mist turns anything it contacts into nothingness or ashes, that’s the reason he’s naked. But by tomorrow morning, his powers should be much more stable and he can be covered with a blanket for starters,”

The queen nodded in satisfaction at his explanation and then thanked him sincerely for his great help, promising him a great reward.

“Thank you, your Majesty,” he smilingly bowed his head, “And I saw nothing,” he added, referring to the fact that the prince and mate were most likely hybrids, due to the blurs that covered their special areas.

“It’s fine, really. Let’s pretend you were never here. How does that sound?” the queen proposed smilingly and the physician nodded vigorously. Anything to keep his head intact!

Then the monarch’s wife saw the doctor out and quickly returned to hug her mate tight.

“I’m so happy he’s fine,” she said emotionally while her mate stroked her back, comforting her.

Peter, seeing that things were fine, decided to head back to his mansion to rest. Coming out of his elder brother’s mansion, he summoned the still-levitating Frander to him and sat on the sceptre looking a little weary.

“Phoenix, thank heavens you are fine,” he muttered with a smile as Frander took him away, in the direction of his residence.

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