Sold to my crush

A Runaway Groom

Alexander’s PoV

“Today is a good day”. I said as i jumped off my bed racing to my bathroom. Although even i did not believe my own words.

I washed my mouth and a took a quick shower. I got out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist and another in my hand as i dried my hair. I picked up my phone that was laying on my bed and checked for any important emails and i quickly responded to them.

Ever since i was a little boy, my father had always trained me so i could join the family business. As soon as i was done with high school, my Father declared me ready and i joined immediately. I would say that I’m doing very good because i do love what i do but there is always room for improvement.

As soon i was done with the emails. I began getting dressed for my ‘big day’ as my father had put it. I had thoughts of Lily constantly in my head and the image of how beautiful she was the last time i saw her.

I guess i would admit that i was attracted to her but i know i didn’t feel anything else for her. Yes, I’m sure of it.

I just needed to fuck her out of my system and I’ll be good. That’s all. Getting married her angered me and as well perplexed me. I do not see what I and my Family stand to gain from this union. I have tried to get something out of my father but he wouldn’t budge. All we’re doing here is throwing away 30000$ for some Silly Lily.

“My boy”. I turned around and found my mother walking towards me with a smile on her face. She enveloped me in a tight hug and i didn’t realise until now how much i needed that.

“Everything will be fine. Don’t worry I’m going to find a way to get you out of this.” She held my face and looked intently in my eyes as she spoke.

“It’s okay mama, don’t worry so much about me.” It was my turn to hold her face before planting a kiss on her cheek.

“And by the way, you look so beautiful mama”. She blushed ferociously. My mother rarely smiles or show emotions around others but I’m glad that when she is around me, i see whole different person.

“And you are equally so handsome my boy. Let’s go now, i don not want to hear any more of your father’s whining “. She rolled her eyes and i laughed at her behaviour.

We walked hand in hand and got into a separate car from my father before driving off.

Stepping out from the car as we had arrrived at the location. We had parked at the back to avoid the paparazzi as I’m certain that they all there by now.

My mother kissed my cheeks before going inside with everyone else.

“Hey Alex”. Martin said with huge grin.

“Hey man”. I greeted him with a smile of my own. I had not seen him since the last day of school but we had been talking on phone at times when we both had the time. As i had been busy with work and him trying to grow his business.

Martin and I had been friends from childhood. His father passed away some years ago and now it’s just him and his mum. His is a very smart and hardworking kid so when he told me about his idea and asked for some money to start up, i did not think twice. I know he will do great.

“Are you with the rings?.” I asked him. Martin was my best man and i trusted but i still needed to make sure.

“Yeah bro, let’s get you married”. He patted me on the back before gesturing to the door. As soon we walked in, the flashes of the camera blinded me but i was used to it so i kept on walking until i stood at the alter with Martin behind me.

******* Lily’s PoV

Upong arriving at the venue, i discovered that i was getting married in a church. I did not take the Dankworths as religious people so i was very surprised.

The media and so many reporters were already present taking numerous pictures of us as we hurriedly walked into the church.

Stepping through the doors, we were met with Mr. Daniel Dankworth , Alex’s father. He greeted my family members with a handshake before pulling me in to a hug. Perplexed, i stood still with hands dangling by my side.

He pulled away from me and flashed me a sweet smile. I just stood there as everything appeared awkward. He gestured for us to follow him and he led us through a long passage before we finally halted our movement in front of a large door that had beautiful lilies on the door knob and two men standing at each side of the door.

“Everyone is seated and ready, waiting for you two”. He said pointing his fingers at my Dad and i before walking in the church with Chase and Rena behind him.

“Whenever you’re ready princess”. My dad said as he gently squeezed my hand. I responded with a nod as i was too nervous to speak.

“Thank you for doing this for us princess. I promise that the Dankworths would take good care of you and if they don’t, please don’t hesitate to tell me and i will get you out of there okay. Don’t worry about the contract , we’ll find some other way to pay them. ” He was looking at me teary

eyed with so many emotions at once. At his words i recalled the reason why i was doing this.

“It’s okay dad. I can do this”. I flashed hin a nervous smile. “I’m ready “. He planted a kiss on my cheek before signalling to the men at the door that we were ready.

Immediately the doors were opened, Soft enchanting music filled my ears.

All the guests that were initially seated, stood on their feets now. We began walking down the aisle and i squeezed my father’s hands tighter. The aisle was decorated with Lilies and beautiful lights.

I looked around the church and there were so many people who i barely recognized. I guess they were all invited by the Dankworths. I looked around the whole place, everywhere but the figure standing closest to the priest.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

Upone reaching the altar, the music came to a stop and then my father put my hand in a cold hand before walking away to his seat.

I looked up to the bearer of the cold hands and my breath caught in my throat. It was Alex and he was drop dead gorgeous.

I wonder why i was surprised. Was i expecting someone else at the alter?

“Dear beloved and honoured guests”. The priest started. “We’re gathered here today to join Alex and Lily in the union of marriage . Their formal commitment to each other…

His words faded as i stared into those deep grey eyes i loved so much. Although his eyes and expression were as cold as ever. He stared blankly at me while i shamelessly ogled at him. His suit was perfectly fitted and his hair beautifully styled.

“Alex Dankworth” . The priest looked at Alex. “Do you take LIly O’Sullivan to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage?.

Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?.”

Alex looked at me intently, as he was yet to respond. I returned his gaze as the seconds ticked by. After what felt like hours when it was in fact few seconds, and when i thought he was going to back down and be a runaway groom he responded with a deep barriton voice. ” I do”.

His voice alone made my knees tremble. The priest glanced at me. ” Lily O’Sullivan, do you take Alex Dankworth to be your wedded husband , to live together in marriage?. Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, for better or worse, for richer or poorer , in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others , be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?”.

I looked at my Father who was smiling sweetly at me then at Chase who was glaring at me. I looked back to Alex whose expression was still blank. The corners of my mouth rose as I said, “I do”.

The priest glanced at us.”Exchange the rings now”. Martin passed the rings to Alex and he gave me one before slipping a beautiful diamond ring on my finger and I did the same.

“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you as Man and Wife “. The priest smiled at Alex. ” You may now kiss the bride”.

As the priest said this, i stilled. I had completely forgotten about this part. My eyes were so wide and I looked like a mouse caught in a trap. My smile was wiped away and it was Alex’s turn to have a smirk on his face as he enjoyed my turmoil.

He pulled me towards him and i immediately shut my eyes. I felt his breath on my face and i knew it would be happening soon. I was so excited and nervous about my first kiss with Alex. My palms were sweating and i was on the verge of passing out.

A feather like kiss on my cheek very close to my lips ripped me out of my thoughts and the crowd erupted in cheers and claps.

Alex pulled away from me with his signature smirk on his face. All i wanted was to brush his face on a harsh surface so as to get that smirk off his face for good. My cheeks were so red and to the crowd it was due to the romantic kiss we just shared as a couple but i was dying of embarrassment.

The crowd came closer to congratulate us as they threw lily flowers at us. The reporters and photographers were not left behind as they took numerous photos of us.

Turning to my side to look at Alex, i found him storming out of the church, a frown on his face with Martin closely behind and the reporters chasing after him.

I guess after all he was a run away groom.

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