sex-me boss.

chapter 254

Hearing rather strange noises in the house, Virginia tried to cover her ears with the pillow, but it was impossible. she finally got up and turned on the bedside lamp. emerging completely from her sleep, she noticed that this noise, rather similar to moaning, was getting louder. for a moment, she would have thought that Richard was taking pleasure in jerking her off, but this time, it wasn’t Richard’s voice at all, but that of a woman… a woman in this house moaning. she got up quickly and didn’t bother to cover her body, since she only lived there with Richard and at night, his men stayed outside to watch the house. she started by all the bedrooms upstairs, but she couldn’t see a thing and Richard wasn’t there either. she decided to go back to her room, thinking that it must be coming from her head, even if it seemed odd that she was hearing moans in her head. as she entered her room and was about to go to bed, the same noise started up again, this time with great intensity. it could have woken up the whole neighborhood. she got up and headed for the living room, and as she went along, she could actually hear male moans and female groans. she finally entered the living room and what she saw broke her heart into a million pieces. she couldn’t believe it was happening right in front of her eyes, and yet it was real. They hadn’t even noticed yet, they were so into their lovemaking, and God, she was disgusted, especially as the woman kept squealing when in reality, Richard wasn’t even a good lay. she sat down on the sofa opposite the one where they were sucking each other off relentlessly. when they both stopped, certainly because he’d reached the point of no return, she started clapping her hands, which drew their attention. Betty hurried to grab some kind of clothing to hide in, while Richard didn’t give a damn about Virginia’s presence.

-You didn’t tell me you were married, Richard, or we’d have gotten a hotel room or something.

-I told you about the new business that’s going to make us a lot of money, and this woman was in charge of it, but she was so bad it all fell apart, and now she’s practically useless to me. Don’t worry. The one I want now is you, and you can go and take a bath if you like.

Virginia couldn’t believe it. Richard was disowning her in front of this woman, whereas a few weeks earlier he’d been telling her it was her to the end and not someone else, and now he was saying she was no longer any use to him. She felt a pain in her chest, but this was no time to show weakness, so she pretended his words hadn’t affected her at all, while Richard stared at her as if he wanted her to disappear. She remained seated while Richard stroked Betty’s naked thigh, and Betty let himself be stroked as if it were a call for a threesome. She knew Richard could be monstrous from what he’d done to Yolanda, but she’d never expected it to be this bad. After all, her lover had asked her to make herself at home, and she wasn’t going to deny herself that. when her figure disappeared completely, Richard stood up and pulled on his pants. as Virginia waited for him to leave, he grabbed her by the hair and slapped her across the face. she felt the taste of blood in her mouth, a sign that he had just split her lip. he released her and looked at her, smiling sadistically. the monster was waking up.

-You know perfectly well that I’m an ambitious man and that I only stay where my interests flourish, so I hope you understand that you’re useless to me now. I’ve got nothing against you, but all I’m doing is trying to find someone who’ll find me what I want. you failed like a sore loser and i have no compassion for people like that. you should have understood that ever since i’ve known martinov and savoski, my goal has always been to get their business and become an untouchable man by any means necessary. i tried with their respective fathers and it didn’t work, i went back to the sons years later. the first phase was about to work and you threw it all away. you couldn’t even play a simple little comedy so what was the point of continuing with you? all those years i spent in new orleans were just for that. i stayed with a widow who kept telling me for three years that she missed her husband, i made efforts to be a loving partner and you don’t even know how complicated it was. all that sacrifice wasn’t for nothing so you’re no longer any use to me and it’s time for you to find a place to live. i’ll let you stay here but if you try anything against me, you’ll regret it dear.

-Will you be able to kill me, Richard?” asked Virginia, thinking he wouldn’t after all they’d been through together.

-If I’ve succeeded in betraying Savoski and I’ve succeeded in Dixon, then I don’t see what else could be so complicated.

Virginia opened her mouth wide in disbelief. She’d heard that it was a Russian gang that had killed Dimitri’s father after a betrayal, but it had never been known who had spilled the beans, and also, it had been concluded that Damon’s father had died by accident because the brakes on his car had been sabotaged, but she’d never believed it came from the man she’d been with all those years, and even worse, during the time he’d done all that, she’d been with him and trusted him blindly when he promised her a life of princesses. she didn’t know that it was with the blood of these people that he wanted to have this power. she realized how stupid she’d been to believe him at every turn.

-But I don’t understand Richard. You killed Damon’s father, Yolanda’s son, and what does Finn have to do with it?

-It’s not suspicious, Virginia. You’re not stupid, sweetheart, because you weren’t the only woman to be fooled. Those two idiots, Finn and Damon, were also fooled by their father, so you understand that he wasn’t a straight man either. I loved Finn like my own son because he was born to the woman I loved more than anything, the woman I would have given my life for without any regrets, except that Boris Dixon stole him from me without any scruples. when he decided to launch an airline here in Russia; we’d just met and he was a kind man who held my hand and never complained. we had a crush on Tonia Martinov on the same day at the beach and i thought that since he already had a wife, he’d let me have her, but instead he went for her and of the two of us, she noticed him and chose him. it hurt but every time i told myself that i could always have hope and that she’d be mine one day. they decided to move in together even though his wife didn’t know. when i found out she was pregnant, yolanda’s son Damon had just turned two. i started sending anonymous messages to his wife to tell her about her husband’s infidelity. she didn’t believe me at first, but eventually she did, because he didn’t come back to new orleans because he was so crazy about Tonia. i got over it, but not completely, but since he was the man who had held my hand, i didn’t want to complain too much. one day in the street, i met a woman and it was love at first sight. when i wanted to express my feelings to her, it was Pavel Savoski who got out of the car and she rushed into his arms, kissing him full on the lips before my very eyes. it was as if i had the misfortune never to love. my heart loved the two women that the greatest men in russia stole from me, so i signed the vendetta for them both and that was that. Finn was two years younger than Damon and they had the same father, only Damon’s mother had always made sure her son never knew about it for fear he’d be traumatized, and his father had always made sure he never knew. Martinov was Finn’s mother’s surname and his father decided to adopt it when they got together to avoid suspicion.

Virginia didn’t know where she stood with this story. It was so bizarre, so bizarre that she felt a pang of guilt, but it quickly disappeared. she’d never imagined she’d be living with such a monster, a murderer who’d killed people without any remorse for a woman’s affair and then collected their inheritance. He’d mocked Yolanda and done everything he could to separate her from her son and, back in Russia, he’d also wanted to destroy the other brother just to own the Dixon and Martinov airline. It was too much information for her and she knew she was close to death, because if she hadn’t, Richard wouldn’t have told her about all this.

-And now it’s my turn to join them, right?

-Not so soon, my beautiful Virginia. I know perfectly well that you know the rules, but you’ve been used to me and I can’t finish you off in cold blood, because even if I’m with this one, you’ll still be useful to me. Until I find you a place to live in another country, you’re going to stay here and play deaf and blind. I hope you’ve got the right idea, love.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

With everything she’d just learned, all she wanted to do was call the police and let them know, but she couldn’t do that yet if she wanted to stay alive. Richard waved good-bye and she got up without delay. She made her way back to her bedroom and when she got there, she saw Betty rummaging in her dressing room. She wanted to ask her what she was doing there, but remembering that Richard had asked her to make herself at home, she just happened to be making herself at home.

-I’ve got nothing against you, Virginia, but it’s just that I’m an ambitious woman in search of power and money, so don’t hold it against me too much. You’re going to have a hell of a time from now on, but you’ve got to understand that some people have to sacrifice so that others can enjoy luxury and the good life.

of course she understood. she was the one who was going to sacrifice herself so that she could get what she wanted. and to think that at one time, when she had also become attached to Richard, that’s exactly what she wanted, power and money, and that’s what she had become, a woman silenced because her life depended on it. She looked at the time on her watch and saw half past five. And to think it was three hours since she’d gotten up, a real torture this life!

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