sex-me boss.

chapter 251

back home, Finn regretted the reason he’d taken her home, for her body was now crying out for her. the only reason he’d used his fingers to introduce her to carnal pleasure was because every time he did, he was afraid of breaking her, for in his eyes, she was just a fragile little girl who needed to be protected. he went for a cold shower and climbed into bed. he couldn’t stop thinking about his decision and how hastily he’d made it. He didn’t need a personal assistant since Caroline was doing her job so well, he’d decided to hire this girl because of the bet, but now he regretted it. She wasn’t cut out for it and he told himself that her body wasn’t fit to withstand all that a submissive could endure. He’d made up his mind that the next time he went to see her, it would be to end their contract so that she could get back to the life she’d had before he came into her life. she needed something else and preprenn man respectful but simply perverse in the head who would risk breaking her.

two days, it had been exactly two days since Elena had heard from Finn. she’d spent her days at home and things weren’t going well with her cousin. He kept asking her what this job she said she had with Finn’s company was all about, because he kept seeing her at home, watching and then sleeping like a man whose bank account had reached the ceiling so that he didn’t have to work any more. It was a very trite excuse but it wasn’t her fault after all, she had to lie to get away from him because most of the time he asked her these questions, he was drunk and she couldn’t bear to take his fist in her face. he hadn’t been violent with her yet, but she knew it wouldn’t be long before he did, because he was hurting inside, and if only he’d listen to her, she’d have asked him to see a shrink, but he’d done as he pleased and it was almost hard to make him listen to reason. To clear her head, she put on a pair of skinny jeans and a light top, let her hair down and didn’t bother to look at her reflection in the mirror. She didn’t want to seduce him, just to hear the reason for this silence that was driving her crazy.

-You’re going out?” Vlad had asked, standing in front of her bedroom door.

She understood his situation and it also hurt her heart to leave him all alone, knowing what his father was capable of, but she had no choice but to go. She walked over to him and took him in her arms.

-I know you’re scared, darling, and it breaks my heart to leave you on your own, but I promise I won’t be back before you know I’m gone. You can stay in my room if you like. Do you want me to bring you anything when I get back?

-No, I don’t want anything, I just want to be with you. You don’t want me to come with you, or else this is a place where children aren’t allowed.

She pursed her lips, not knowing how to answer him. To say that it was a place where a child couldn’t go was already age discrimination, normal but discrimination nonetheless. She couldn’t see herself dragging him into Finn’s company either, because so far she couldn’t say anything concrete about the man’s personality.From NôvelDrama.Org.

-I’m going to meet my boss at his company and if you go, you’ll be bored, so don’t worry. I’ll be back very soon and please don’t tell your father where I’ve been. It’s no secret but you know that… that…

-Dad’s changed, he’s not the same, and that scares me too, Elena. When Aunt Kira was here, Dad wasn’t like that, but now I don’t understand anything, and Mom doesn’t even want to see me anymore. She never loved me, so I’m scared.

I know you’re scared and I’m here to help you. I’m here for you Vlad and I’m not going to let you go, sweetheart. Whenever I go out and you’re scared, you can call me on the landline and I won’t hesitate to call you. I’m going to go now or I’ll be late.

Vlad kissed her cheek and hurried up to his bed to slip under the comforter. when Elena got to the door, he turned to face him. he was staring at her with his small eyes, and this prevented her from leaving, but she had to be strong and go. she waved and left. when the cab left her in front of this prestigious company, she got out and when she paid, she took a deep breath before entering. everyone was staring at her and the women were whispering, but she didn’t care. she was used to it in this place and she realized she was never going to look her best for them. she took the elevator to the top floor and when she got out, she saw Caroline going into her office. she stopped dead in her tracks so she wouldn’t see her, but it was no use, she’d already seen her.

-hey Elena, I haven’t seen you for three or four days. you’ve hardly landed the job and you’re already taking time off. if it’s not the firing that’ll follow, what will it be? because I don’t think it’s the promotion. you want to come into my office. your outfit, darling, you’ve seen the company’s dress code and you don’t know that what you’re wearing isn’t that. do you really want Finn on your back or what?

-Oh, because he’s still alive?

Caroline opened her eyes wide. She was astonished and confused to hear him say such a thing. Of course Finn was still alive, and he wasn’t ready to die, otherwise… She looked at Elena again and saw that she wasn’t laughing.

-You’re not going to tell me you’ve hired some guys to finish him off or something?

-I don’t have enough money to pay people to do the job, so maybe I did it myself the other night when I met his supposed associate Rafael Cabral. I haven’t heard from him in days, so I came to check and see if it worked or not.

-Goddamn it, Elena, you know you could go to jail over this whether it’s true or not, and besides, what would you have gained by doing this?

-I don’t know, so he’ll stop acting like he owns the world, but what’s with all these questions? since when did you become a private detective? since he’s still alive like you told me he was, I’m going to finish him off and if you don’t want to follow me to prison as an accomplice, please call the police now.

Caroline watched her leave, not knowing what to say. she’d thought the girl was crazy, and at times, she told herself she’d just thought so, but now she’d just confirmed that it was true. this girl was really crazy and she needed a shrink to follow her, because if she didn’t, we’d never get her back. she wondered whether she should call security or not, but Finn was a big man, so he could handle the situation well.

Having overheard the whole conversation she’d had with Caroline, Finn was laughing to himself in his office, impatiently waiting for the moment that he would have called fateful for him if only this kid was up to the task of being able to touch a gun or something, but right now she only had meager strength, and if you wanted to check, he was the only one who could murder her, not so that she’d be on the forgotten list, but to murder her with pleasure until she begged him to stop. He stared at the door and waited for the moment when she’d walk through it, pointing her gun at him, but when the door opened, he saw just the semblance of her anger. She was really pathetic at that moment and it gave him too many ideas in his head, but he had to hold back. she didn’t speak and just stared at him, which amused him greatly. unable to contain herself any longer, Finn laughed and Elena frowned. she felt foolish and really her murderous desires were only growing stronger. she huffed and looked all over her desk for a weapon, but she couldn’t find anything.

-And if I’ve understood you correctly, you’ve just told me that you tried to kill me the other night at the restaurant, but I wonder what you tried to kill me with, because I didn’t feel bad at all, except for regretting the reason I let you go, you know. I wanted to make you blush with pleasure all the way to your collarbone, but I made the mistake of letting you go and now I think I can still make it up to you, right? or don’t you want to?

Elena didn’t know what to say. She wanted to show him her fierce side, but this man’s approach wasn’t helping her at all. she was losing her nerve, and it got worse when he put his hand under her top to caress the skin of her belly. he had the gift of disarming her, whereas she wanted to show him something other than this weakness. she wanted to escape from his arms, but it was impossible, really impossible.

-Between the two of us, sweetheart, who can kill whom now?

She wanted to ask him to take her on his desk, but for that at least, she still had all her wits about her to know that she shouldn’t flinch in front of him. Finn told himself that it was finally time to end the contract. He wanted her like crazy, but that was no reason to be selfish. He released her and went to his desk to retrieve the contract he was about to tear up, but his phone began to ring and when he picked it up, he heard Filip’s voice reminding him that they were still waiting for him to introduce them to his beautiful submissive. He huffed and looked at Elena, who hadn’t taken her eyes off him. It’s a good thing he was communicating in Russian, otherwise she’d have been able to hear, but he didn’t want her to know why he’d chosen her as his submissive.

-I want you ready tonight at eight o’clock, Elena. some accessories will be sent to you before then. you can go home and rest because tonight will be your first night and it will be tiring.

understanding the meaning of “tonight will be your first”, she began to blush. she didn’t know how he could use words like that. she had a mixture of feelings inside her, a little as if she was looking forward to discovering this world and a little as if she should normally be afraid. without wanting to, she trusted him completely and wanted to discover this new world. her heart was palpitating and this made her forget the anger with which she had come. it was still eleven o’clock in the morning and she couldn’t wait for the time to pass quickly.

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