sex-me boss.

chapter 234

Sitting in front of her dressing table for quite some time, Virginia was so excited that she’d even forgotten how tired she’d been since she’d been unable to sleep all night because Richard had spent the whole night inside her. It was his way of making her bury her maidenhood. She could have gone out clubbing with friends, as had always been the tradition, but her companion had decided otherwise, since it would be a long time before he could touch her again, perhaps as long as it would take her to be a widow, Finn Martinov’s widow. She couldn’t wait to put on her expensive wedding dress. She hadn’t had a problem with money for wedding accessories because, being Dimitri’s sister, he’d disbursed enough to prove to Finn that everything was all right. She’d never dreamed of seeing herself in a dress like that. She knew that all the women in Russia would be jealous of her, as she was marrying the most coveted bachelor.

-Do we need to make any alterations or is everything okay, Miss?” asked the hairdresser, who had just given her the most beautiful hairstyle of any bride.

She’d never felt so beautiful, and she couldn’t see what else needed to be done to her hair. Her make-up was just exquisite and yes, everything went perfectly.

-It’s perfect, so there’s nothing to change.

The hairdresser nodded and someone else came in to help her put on her dress. She knew that there was almost nothing serious about this wedding for either party, but for her it was the happiest day of her life. When the dress was on her body, a few tears escaped her eyes.

You’re going to ruin your make-up, Miss.

-I’m sorry, I’m just happy, I can’t believe it’s me, so it’s normal to shed a few tears.

-I’d ask you to keep your tears to yourself, because this wedding isn’t just for your entourage, it’s going to be like a media tour, since Mr Martinvo isn’t just anyone. The press is more interested in what’s wrong than what’s right. Hold back.

Instead of stopping, she redoubled her tears. She still couldn’t believe it, the whole world was going to know that in a few minutes she would be Finn Matinov Dixon’s wife. She was so happy she could still thank Richard, but he was so irritated about the wedding because he was seeing his little Virginia off with someone else. He was certainly the one who had organized it all, but it was because of ambitions.

When Richard joined her in her room a few minutes later, he was stunned by her stunning beauty. He tensed up suddenly, for it was jealousy that was getting the better of him. She didn’t care about moods anymore, because she knew she was going to have the power.

-Only my ambitions motivate me to let you marry this man, because otherwise, you wouldn’t be in this dress and I’d be about to accompany you, as your father would have done.

-Don’t be irritated, Richard. I’m just pointing out that you were in complete agreement, so I don’t understand what’s got into you all of a sudden. You’re not bad yourself and I think you’ll be able to find yourself a Madeleine, a Valentine or even a Brigitte on the spot.

-except that these names remind me of women in their sixties, whereas I much prefer young women who are less than twenty years old. It’s half past nine, so we’d better get going.

She trotted off in her heels to meet him at the door. She didn’t want to keep her husband waiting, and since the ceremony started at ten, she imagined he’d already be there.

The trip to the church had gone as quickly as she’d wished and she was sitting in the car, just waiting for Richard to take her to Finn. Finn had gone to check on her and the fact that he wasn’t coming back made her nervous.

-Finn’s not here yet, I tried to call him but he’s not picking up,” Richard had told her.

-What do you mean he’s not in? It’s after forty-five minutes past nine. Don’t tell me he forgot he was getting married today, Richard. I don’t want to be the laughing stock of the paparazzi, because I can already see the headline, “Young fiancee jilted on her wedding day”, I can’t stand it, Richard does something.

Going to her boss’s house to make sure he didn’t need anything, Caroline couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Bottles of booze filling the coffee table, a total silence that was far from normal, since this was the home of a man who was getting married at ten o’clock, yet it was already nine fifty. Knowing this house by heart, having worked there a few times, she headed for Finn’s room to check if he was still alive. After knocking several times, she received no answer, so she turned down the knob and entered. She couldn’t believe it was him fast asleep in his cosy bed. She pulled the blanket over his body and drew the curtains, which made him groan.

-No, but it doesn’t go to your head,” Finn grumbled as he straightened up.

He looked at the person in front of him and saw a gleam of surprise in his eyes; his sissy little HRD was in his room. He knew that people could change, but not so much that the sissy little thing became so brave as to be in his boss’s room for anything else.

-It’s not what you think, sir, but it’s already nine fifty-five and you’re getting married at ten, which means you’ve only got five minutes to get everything done. You can go to the bathroom now. I brought you a custom-made Armani suit so everything’s fine.

Finn huffed. And he who had thought for a moment that this whole wedding thing was just a dream, reality had just hit him in the face. Forgetfulness could have been a good excuse to call off the wedding, but his HR manager had had to show up at his house.

-You don’t think I could run away, Caroline.

-You can’t be serious, sir, but I didn’t think you often behaved like a child.

-I’m still your boss, Caroline.

-I know. Who’s your best man?

-Alexei, Filip is very immature.

Caroline didn’t answer him and left her room. Finn huffed and puffed before going into the shower. He didn’t take long, and just as he finished buttoning his shirt, the bedroom door opened again to Caroline staring furiously at him. He couldn’t remember doing anything else stupid.

-and now can you sit down for a moment?

-because you think I’m really going to listen to your orders like? fuck, I’m your boss, do you even remember?Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

-except that on this day, you’re not my boss, you’re a kid I should be running after like a mom. damn it Finn Matinov Dixon are you going to sit down or not?

He let go of the case and sat down in front of her dressing table. She retrieved some things from her bag and began to style his hair. Wow, that was just a surprise. She was so into what she was doing that it surprised him. He regretted the fact that his heart refused to love again because otherwise he could have taken her as his wife. She was just going to be perfect.

-Do you want to get married here?” Finn asked innocently.

Caroline huffed in exasperation and was content to remain silent. She didn’t have the strength to waste because, given his behavior, she knew she was going to be chasing after him for a long time yet.

-Everything’s ready, so we’d better go now. We’re an hour late, Finn.

-I know, but I’d like to ask you something too, Caro. I don’t want you to mention Dixon in my name anymore; I don’t really like being called Finn Matinov Dixon but just Finn Matinov.

-I know that, I just wanted you to hurry up.

By the time they reached the courtyard, Alexei and Filip were also ready. They got into the car and Filip took the wheel. During the drive, Caroline was on her work phone and Finn couldn’t understand what she was doing, as she didn’t normally work at weekends.

-Don’t look at me like that, I’ll book a hotel in Paris for your honeymoon since you didn’t think of that.

He realized that he was right to think that she would make him a good wife. She was content to do and organize everything for him.

A quarter of an hour later, Filip parked in front of the church and Alexei laughed, which earned him a scowl from the only woman in the car, but that wasn’t a problem for him. Finn just waited for him to finish his rant before explaining what was happening to him.

-No, but today it’s the world upside down. Usually, it’s the man waiting for the woman at the altar, but today it’s the woman waiting for the man, and I’m sure she’s been waiting for an hour and a half.

Finn couldn’t contain himself and laughed too. This situation could have irritated him, but with a friend like Alexei who couldn’t stop himself from making such comments, it was only natural that it should relax him. Before he even had time to get out, Richard was already in front of him, angry as ever.

-Finn, who the hell are you kidding? me? the priest or the guests? what time is it, for God’s sake? you’re an hour and a half late, do you realize that?

-It’s okay Richard, I’m here now and it’s not like I’m enthusiastic about the whole thing. Can we go now? Caroline, will you come with me, Mom?

-Of course, my little baby’s all grown up,” she replied sarcastically, clinging to his arm.

Richard huffed in exasperation. He felt as if he were watching a Moliere play. He went to the car and asked Virginia to get ready. Virginia had already seen her life as a little princess slip away.

Standing at the altar with all eyes on him, Finn was becoming increasingly nervous, and the mocking smiles of his friends didn’t help. When he heard music similar to that which he was accustomed to hearing in romantic comedies at the protagonists’ weddings, the church doors opened and the mermaid-like figure of his wife presented herself to him. she had a big smile on her lips and, fortunately, she was smiling for them both. She was on Richard’s arm and Finn could see that he wasn’t too happy about it, which made him think. Richard was the one who’d forced her hand and yet he wasn’t thrilled. Could it be that Dimitri had forced his hand? Now wasn’t the time to think about that, because if he did, he’d end the ceremony before it’d even started. He could see that she was happy, but in his head, he had the impression of seeing his natural little tease who had tried to trap him at night.

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