Scarred Luna

The Palace

Kieran’s POV

I froze momentarily, as my brain tried to process what had just happened. Time seemed to stop to a halt as Xander’s lips stayed pressed against mine. My skin buzzed, a million and one emotions running through my mind. It didn’t help that I could barely figure out what they were, before the emotions would switch up again. They ranged from shock, confusion, before finally settling for a swarm of butterflies floating around in my belly.

Not knowing what else to do, I pressed my eyes shut. Even that didn’t do much. I was still over aware of Xander’s lips against me. Like that wasn’t torture enough, a musky smell wafted through my nostrils. It was intoxicating to say the least and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to sniff him even more.

“You know you’re meant to kiss me back right?” I startled at his words, jerking back a bit. Warm and bulky hands secured themselves around my waist, pulling me flush against him. All of this, he did, without breaking eye contact with me. “That’s how these things work.” he said.

I bit back a smile. For a quick moment, I’d actually forgotten all about him. You couldn’t blame me or my reaction. It wasn’t everyday one got a mate as caring and perfect as the Alpha.

“Why don’t you show me again?” My voice was low, barely audible, but with the way Xander’s eyes lit up immediately, I just knew he’d heard me. “Maybe I’m a little rusty and need some guidance.”

“Say no more.” The rest of his words had barely slid past his lips before he pulled me closer to him, slamming my lips into his. Without wasting any more time, I parted my lips slightly and that was all that he needed.

A low moan bubbled at the base of my throat as he slipped his tongue in, while trapping my upper lip in his mouth. Sparks clouded my vision and I fought to keep my cool. Xander’s fingers trailed down my sides and I shivered slightly. My insides flared up, but I didn’t want to cool down. I wanted more.

I allowed my fingers to find their way to his scalp, before drawing lazy circles underneath his hair. Something in between a moan and a groan slid past his lips and my stomach churned with excitement. He was enjoying it.

“Kieran.” He breathed down my neck, just before his lips nipped at my earlobes. I was already a mess and if he continued with this, I wasn’t sure how much longer I would last before bursting into flames. He found his way to my list again, temporarily interrupting my thoughts. There, I moaned loudly as his lips moved deftly against mine; trapping my lower lip in between them and biting when necessary. “You’re so….”

A loud sound filled the air, causing us to jerk apart immediately. In fear, I reeled back, just for Xander’s warm hands to wrap around me again.

“What was that?” I whispered, my heart thundering rapidly in my chest. I knew it came from below us, but for the life of me, I couldn’t bring myself to check. “What was that loud noise?”

“Relax.” Xander chuckled. “One of the guards probably dropped something. It’s nothing serious.”

“Oh.” I muttered, before heaving a sigh of relief. Silence settled between us, and I closed my eyes. The moment I closed them, I felt Xander’s forehead press against mine.

“Kieran.” He whispered softly, his breath fanning my cheek. “Have I told you that you’re absolutely gorgeous? And even the goddess knows you’re going to be the death of me one day.”

I grinned, despite the heat and warmth that rushed up my cheeks. With how hard I was blushing, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’d turned red all over. It was only necessary because…

“Let’s go on a date.” His words cut through my thoughts. My eyes popped open at Xander’s suggestion. For a split second, I couldn’t think of anything else. His words rang continuously in my ear, each word ringing like an alarm in my head.


“Um.” I stuttered. Never in a million years was I expecting it. At all. What was I supposed to say? A date? I wasn’t even sure I’d gone on one before , so how could I possibly go on a date with the Alpha? “I, uh, um…”

“I’m waiting.” He nodded, his eyes still trained on me. “What do you say?”

“I, uh…”

“Kieran!” I jerked up again for the umpteenth time. I had lost count of how many times I’d been scared by some kind of loud noise, but right now I was too stunned to care. It took me a while, but I eventually realized it was Sabrina calling out to me. “Kieran?”

“It’s Sabrina.” I swallowed. “She must have been looking for me for so long and I have to go…” I said hurriedly.

“No.” he said firmly. I paused as both his hands came crashing down on my side, preventing me from moving an inch. “You’re not going anywhere until you give me an answer.”

“But, Sabrina is looking for me.” I whined. “What if she comes up here and…”

“That’s why you have to decide quickly.” He was smirking, and despite the urgency of the situation, I felt a snug grin making its way to my face. “And fun fact, I won’t take no for an answer.”

“Alpha Xander…” I started but the voice from below interrupted me again.

“Kieran?” Sabrina called out again. From the tone of her voice, I could already tell she was somewhere around here. If I stayed a little bit longer, then I wouldn’t be surprised if she caught us red-handed. “Where did she suddenly run off to?”

“Xander, please let me go.” I was pleading.

“We can discuss this when we get back to the mansion.” I suggested but he just wasn’t having it.

“No we can’t.” He shook his head. “You’ll just probably ignore me or run off in the other direction when you see me. You’ve done it before and I’m not going to take that chance again.”


“Fine.” I sighed. I should have known there was no way I was winning this, not with Xander on the other side. “Now can I go now? Before Sabrina catches us.”

“Actually.” He purred, a mischievous glaze in his eyes. “I’ve been thinking…”

“No.” I blurted out immediately, cutting him off. A huge grin appeared on his lips and mine as I continued. “No, don’t think and don’t finish that statement either.” I said.

“But think about it.” He grinned and I was this close to giggling. “It would be fun. Something adventurous to spice up our afternoon, what do you think?”

“I’ll pass, thank you.” I let out a small laugh at the fake laughter Xander wore on his face. “Can I go now?”

“Not yet.” he said and I groaned, until he pressed a kiss to my forehead and cheek. “Now you can go.”

I smiled sheepishly as I got down from the platform, unable to look him in the eye. I felt my insides turn to mush, like the butterflies swarming in there earlier weren’t enough.

“I’ll see you later then?” He called and I nodded. ” Stay safe, okay?”

I nodded, before turning back in the direction we came. As fast as my legs could carry me, I headed down the stairs. I wasn’t even sure if I was going in the right direction, but that didn’t matter now. Right now, what mattered was getting as far away from Xander as fast as possible. The last thing I wanted was for her to suspect anything. A small part of me couldn’t help but think that Xander wouldn’t mind, but I did. In fact, I…

“Oh my!” I exclaimed out loud, as I felt my body bump into someone. “Ouch!”

“Be careful while you’re running…” I recognized that voice, even before she could finish her sentence. Immediately, I peeled my eyes open just to see Sabrina.

“Kieran?” she said and I sighed in relief.

“Sabrina!” I chimed loudly. “Where were you?” I asked and she gave me an odd look.

“Where was I?” a small smile tugged at my lips at the incredulous tone she spoke in. “You’re asking me where I was? I should be the one asking you that.” she stated.

“I got a little carried away.” I grinned sheepishly, while praying to the goddess that she would not ask any questions.

“I hadn’t even realized I had wandered off until a while back.” I explained further.

“I was worried, you know.” Sabrina shook her head. “Just imagine my shock when I got out and couldn’t find you.”

“I’m sorry.” I pleaded. “I was only excited to see the palace.”

“You still could have waited.” she insisted and I sighed.

“The wonders of the palace shouldn’t be held on standby.” I let out in a deep baritone, almost like I was imitating a clown and she cackled. “And by the way, no harm can come to me here.” I said and she scoffed.

“I wasn’t worried about you.” She smirked. “I was worried you would get into trouble and pester the guards and everyone else.” she said.

“Hey!” I exclaimed in mock annoyance. “Take that back. Now.” I demanded.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Make me.” Sabrina pouted, as we both burst out laughing. After our laughs had died down a couple of minutes later, she asked. “Did you see Xander?”

“Xander?” I swallowed. “No, why?” I asked.

“He should be here somewhere.” She looked lost in thought. “Let’s go find him” she said.

“No.” Only when I’d chanted the syllable, did I realize I may have done it a bit too abruptly.

“I mean, it’s already late and I’m beginning to get tired. We can always see him at home, right?” I asked as I yawned.

“You do have a point.” Sabrina let out after a couple of seconds in thought . “Fine, let’s go.”

And just like that, we headed for the exit, with a million and one questions and ideas on how my supposed date with the Alpha, was supposed to go.


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