When Alexa got back to the Angel’s realm she grumbled as she stared at her lips in the reflection of the mirror.

“I get that that love potion was strong but how could he bite my lips so harshly?”

Karina was battling with the fact of whether she should tell Alexa that the potion didn’t work or not.

Alexa looked sideways to see Josty sighing heavily “What is wrong with her ?”

“She accidentally got the love potion used on her “Celine said.

Alexa’s eyes widened” Really ? Who is it ?”

“Warren ”

“What ? “Alexa shouted and broke in a smile”Awesome”

“How is it ‘awesome?’ “Celine asked.

“Hey  imagine the demon lord, the greatest of us all behaving like this over me ” she   squealed”It’s so cute”

Celine shook her head”So? Are you happy?”

Alexa nodded her head “Yes, so happy ”

Karina couldn’t hold it in anymore. She had to tell her “Hey Alexa, about that spell-”

Celine covered her mouth with her hand.

Alexa looked from one person to the other” Hey, you two are behaving weird. What is it ?”

Karina struggle to remove Celine’s hand from her mouth as Celine shook her head fervently.

“Hurry up and tell me . I hate surprises” Alexa shouted.

Karina succeeded in removing Celine’s hand and breathed out ” I was about to say that now that Josty is spelled when she snaps out of it, the demon lord will be free from it too ”

Alexa’s eyes widened”You are right. Then I’ll have to enjoy it while it lasts, isn’t it ?”

“Why are you suddenly happy over something like this ? You were the one calling him a pervert before” Karina said annoyed

“The head angel doesn’t give me anything to do . I might as well pass up time by hanging out with him and when the spell wipes off, the memories we spent together would be wiped off too. Why are you so scared ?”

The door to their room opened and the three girls turned their head to see who was there.

They were stunned to see the head angel and standing beside her was the demon lord.

Alexa smiled as she ran to him”You came for me ”

The head angel looked at the girls “You have some explanation to do later, young ladies ”

Karina looked at Alexa “Can you give us some minutes ?”

Alexa nodded her head and left the room with Damien and the girls .

“What game are you playing at?” Karina asked angrily and added softly” sir ”

Damien smirked”I would like to ask you the same question. You broke into my realm, broke my law”his eyes shifted to Celine ” And took my prisoner” he turned his gaze back to Karina “You should be grateful I’m letting you live ”

Karina balled her fist “But playing with Alexa this way isn’t right . She thinks you are under the spell”

Damien smiled “I’m just trying to teach her a lesson. That action comes with consequences”

Celine spoke up weakly”It won’t last ” she nodded her head towards Josty “She is under the love potion too. When it wears off, Alexa will find out that you have been faking it all along ”

Damien laughed “Would she really?”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Karina nodded her head “Yes”

“That’s where you two come along. Make sure “Damien pointed at Josty”she never snaps out of the spell. I don’t care what you have to do”

Damien backed away from Karina who was shivering at his close contact.

“Why?” Karina asked “Why are you willing to go this far ?”

Damien smirked”I’m bored “and with that said he walked away to rejoin Alexa outside who gleefully locked her arms in his as they walked outside together out of the realm.

Warren was on his way inside when he saw them .

He was startled. Why was the demon lord here? There’s no way the spell might have worked.

Alexa’s eyes caught him and she smiled and waved at him “What brings you here?”

Warren looked at Damien uncomfortably”And him? Why is he here?”

“Ah” Alexa smiled “Don’t worry about it. He’s under a spell”

“Really?” Warren asked nervous as he looked at Damien who smirked at him. “Did you see Karina? Didn’t she tell your anything?”

Alexa thought hard “Ah, that’s right. Josty “she laughed as she recalled the memory” Josty is spelled too”

So they didn’t tell her. Warren thought. I guess I have to play along. “I have to get going. See you later”

Alexa watched as Warren hurried away . she turned her head on confusion” That’s weird”

“What is?” Damien asked .

“Warren is acting weird”Alexa shook her head “Anyways, let’s keep going”

“Where are we going?” Damien asked

Alexa pulled him along as they walked through a garden of flowers.

As Damien passed through the flowers, they started wilting.

“What Is your name?”Alexa asked.

Damien was taken aback”so suddenly?”

Alexa halted in her tracks”That’s weird. Did the spell wear off already”

“It’s Damien” Damien interjected hurriedly.

Alexa smiled “I’m Alexa ”

She turned around to see that the flowers behind them in the garden had wilted.

“You know Damien” Alexa said taking him to stand Infront of a flower bed of wilted flowers. She took his hand and placed it ontop the flowers “Sometimes, you just need to appreciate beauty”

Suddenly, the flowers were rejuvenated and shined brightly like before.

Damien looked at it in awe.

Being the demon lord, he’d always been used to things wilting at his touch or dark places but this flower, the whole flowers that had wilted came back to life at his touch.

He knew it was because of Alexa’s hand on his but this feeling right now was far beyond words.

When he got back to the demon realm and seated on his throne, he stared at his hands In awe.

Rosco came to meet him and bowed “My lord, the prisoner has escaped”

Damien kept on looking at his hands. Rosco cleared his throat” My lord!”

Damien looked up startled”What is it?”

“The Angel prisoner has escaped ”

“Oh, her . I set her free”

Rosco looked at Damien surprised”Why? She broke your rules ”

“She was never useful anyways”

Damien said as he recalled once more the incident at the garden and how the flowers came alive at his touch.

Rosco was startled when he heard Damien say “It was beautiful”



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