Chapter 51: Danger Zone

Chapter 51: Danger Zone

Sage Miller

I felt like I was lying under a ton of brick. My mind was foggy, I couldn't think straight.

The only possible solution I could come up with was if the night before I blacked out drunk.

But no matter how much I tried to remember I couldn't recall my last memory and the more I tried

thinking about it I got a migraine or a feeling of an upcoming migraine.

I pried my eyes open with the little strength I had. I immediately closed them because of the blinding

light I was met with.

I groaned than tried turning over. It was as if I was paralyzed from neck down because nothing seemed

to go the way I wanted.

I started panicking seeing that everything went from bad to worse in a matter of seconds.

Something seemed very wrong here. My gut twisted with dread. I was actually afraid, terrified actually

because something felt wrong.

Forcing myself one more time to get off the bed. I was finally able to move my leg. The state felt more

than drunk, it felt like I was heavily medicated.

My sight finally adjusted to the lighting in the room. I sat up in the bed which now I recognized as my


I saw myself through the dresser table I had in my room. I was only wearing boxer briefs.

I rotated my neck trying to get some feeling back to the part. My head was getting more clearer which I

was grateful for.

My mouth felt dry, like a desert. I tried to use my spit to wet it but my throat was too dry. I looked around

for a glass of water but I knew I wouldn't find any. I never put a water jar in my room.

My first instinct was to yell for Connor since I lived with him. I tried yelling but I don't think my voice

made it past the door.

It was hoarse and it hurt when I try to yell. Tears started to sting in my eye, I didn't know what was

happening and I was scared.

My body was quivering with fear. I felt like I was in death door. The situation was so scary, more scary

because I didn't know the cause of what was happening. I said a silent prayer to whoever was listening.

I didn't wanna die just yet.

Someone answered my prayers because the door carefully slip open. Relief wash over me knowing

someone heard me.

I was expecting Connor not Kate. She seemed startled at first but then her face morphed into concern.

"You're finally awake." She exclaimed coming to me. "We were so worried about you."

I felt like crying with relief.

"Water." I merely croaked out.

"Oh Yeah I'll go get some." She seemed genuinely concerned about me. "You need food too. I'll tell


She turned around and went back put the door.

A minute later she came back woth a glass of water.

"The doctor said to give you warm water." I tried taking the glass from her but she didn't let me.

I let her do her thing because I didn't have the strength to fight her but something was very wrong. I

couldn't shake the feeling. My gut was twisting with suspicion.

"What happened?" I finally asked when my throat wasn't as burning.

Before Kate could answer the door sang opened and Connor walked in. He had a bowl in had that

smelled delicious.

I realised then just how hungry I was. It felt like I haven't eaten anything in days, same as the water. It's

like I was stuck in a desert island with no food or water.

"Dude you scared us." Connor said and placed the bowl on a stool near by. "You okay?"

I was baffled by their concern not that it's not appreciated but they made it seem like I was dying.

"What happened?" I asked again. Thinking really hard, the last thing I remember was something Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

pinching my neck.

Just as I thought about it, I felt the tiny pinch in my memory again. I placed my hand on my neck and

rubbed it a little. The pain was still there but faint.

"You collapsed yesterday." Kate finally told me.

I looked at both of them for any sign of them joking but neither of them laughed.

"What?" I asked confused because it didn't feel like I fainted. I don't know what happened but I didn't

just faint.

"Kate yelled for us and we found you on the floor." Connor explained. I then looked at kate for

confirmation and she nodded. "You've been out for more than 24 hours."

I didn't believe them, something was fishy here. I didn't know what bit something wasn't right.

"Why didn't you take me to the hospital?" I tried yelling at both of them but I was powerless.

"Kate called an housecall doctor." Connor explained.

I kept looking at the door thinking Eve would walk in any moment.

"Did you call my sister?" I asked Connor. At least if she was here she'd explain things differently.

"I gave Kate the number and she called her." He answered averting his gaze.

I looked at Kate expectantly. Last night I was suppose to be at Styles party. She would've called when

we realized I wasn't in there.

"I told her and she said she's coming." I relaxed knowing thing will be resolved. "That was yesterday

after you fainted."

My whole body tensed. I glared at Kate because no way Eve will ever do that. She'd coming running if

she knew.

"Lair." I called get out. There was only one plausible explanation, no one told her. "Why are you lying?"

"I'm not lying, I did call her." She defended herself which made me even more pissed.

Nothing added up since I woke up.

"Where's my phone?" I asked them looking around.

"Dude chill I'll look for it." Connor tried to calm me down but I didn't wanna be calm because nothing

seemed right.

"She knows where it is." I pointed at Kate accusingly. "Where's my damn phone Kate?"

Everything was stinky and it was all written Kate's name all over it. I don't know what she did to me but

she did something.

"What did you do to me?" She was the one to 'call' the so called doctor. She pretended to call Eve.

She did something to me.

Kate shriek and backed herself against the wall looking suspicious.

"Answer me." I demanded standing only to fall back down. My body wasn't fully restored or even okay

at this point

Connor was quick to be by my side to hold me before I could fall.

"She didn't do anything to you, I was here the whole time." He defended her but I knew Kate better

than anyone, better than and I knew she did something.

"You did something to me." I pointed at her accusingly again.

"I swear Sage, I didn't do anything." Her voice fakely quivered but I didn't believe her. "I swear on your

dad's grav-"

I don't know where I got the will power but I yelled before she could finish her sentence. Even Connor


"Don't involve my dad in your witchy, voodoo lies." I warned her then turned to Connor. "Please take

me to Wren's, I'll give you direction."

I begged him. If the was a place I wanted to be right now it was at Wren's. I wasn't okay at all.

"Okay." He said and started to go to my closet to get me something to wear

I didn't have that much time, I felt like I was gonna die so I pulled a sheet on the bed and covered


"Please." I begged again.

He came to me, he took my arm and put it over his shoulders then wrapped his arm around my torso.

I knew Wren would help me and I wanted my sister.

"She did something to me." I mumbled as we walked out the door.

We slowly descended the step at my pace. I couldn't walk fast, my legs were 10× heavier than normal.

"What about me?" I heard Kate ask from behind us.

"I don't care what you do Kate. Just get the hell out of my house."

The ride to Wren's house was agonizing if not anything. It felt I was truly dying. I felt like my life was

sleeping through my fingers and I was slowly fading from the world of the living.

Connor parked at Wren's driveway and ran to my side to help me out. I was even more powerless than

when I woke up.

My limbs were useless.

He knocked while supporting my full body weight.

Susan answered the door and gasped when he saw me. I probably looked like I was already died. I

was also covered in just a sheet.

"Excuse me-"

"Ma'am." Susan yelled with terror for Wren. "Ma'am. Please come help."

I faintly heard what she said next than Wren's face came to view. At that point everything was swirling

and blury.

I could only make out a few words they were saying.

"Please bring him inside." Another set of hands held me upright.

My limbs finally gave out fully. My feet left the floor.

Please. I begged. I didn't wanna die. I couldn't now. Again everything went dark.

The next time I opened my eyes, I immediately knew I was going to be okay. Waking up wasn't

agonizing like it was the last time.

Someone kept patting my cheek. I concentrated on the figure in front of me. The man, doctor

considering the stethoscope around his neck.

"Sage, Sage." He continued to pat my cheek. "You okay, open your eyes."

I did juat as the doctor said. I fully opened my eyes. I felt so much better.

The doctor stood up and turned his back on me.

"His going to be okay." He told someone. I turned my head and saw Wren.

"How about school?" She asked him.

"It's already late so I think tomorrow he should rest but overall I gave him Narcan so he should be fine."

He explained to Wren. "Hydrate him as much as possible and get food in his system."

"Hey." I tried to get Wren's attention.

She walked around doctor and sat next to me.

"Sage." She help me to sit up. "You feeling okay?"

"I'm feeling much better." I honestly told her. I was feeling alive again.

She stood up and faced the doctor.

"Thank you so much Doctor." She shook his hand. The doctor took her hand.

"I'll call tomorrow to give you results of the blood test but I already think it's Xanax." He explained to


I didn't have a clue on what they were talking about.

"Susan will walk you out." On queue, Susan appeared by the door. "Thank you again."

The doctor walked out the door and it closed. Wren walked back to the bed and sat next to me.

Her face fell. She looked upset. I subconsciously looked down feeling some sort of shame. I pulled my

knees to my chest and hugged them.

It looked like she wanted to say more but couldn't find the words to.

"I'm glad you're okay." She suddenly pulled me into a hug.

I melted into the hug and tears involuntary sled down my cheek. I buried my face in her shoulder and

wrapped my own arms around her.

I never knew I craved a mother's love until today when I realised I might just die. My heart clenched

because I never had a carrying mother.

I lived half my life looking out for myself and guarding my heart with high walls because I knew it was

just me and Eve against the world.

I had to be strong always, never show a weakness that people exploit but deep down I wanted this, my

own mother to love me. I wanted to be protected and comforted.

I craved to be love.

"I didn't wanna die." I cried.

"It's okay now." She practically pulled me into her lap and I curled into her and greedily took every bit of

love she sent my way. "I'm here for you."

She let me cry for so long. She just offered a mother's comfort and love.

"I'll go check on your food." She told me once I had calm down. I nodded. "Drink some water in the


She handed me a glass of water. I took and drank them while she was watching. She took it from my

hand then walked out the door.

After some time the door opened, five people came in. Connor, Zac, Styles, Ben and Alex.

Styles stayed at the threshold while everyone poured in. I was confused when I didn't see her amongst

these guys.

I looked at Styles expectantly but he shook his head. Was Kate right? Did she call Eve and she just

didn't wanna come. Even Styles came to see me.

I refuse to believe it. She will come see me. She just didn't want to be part of the crowd but maybe

that's me in denial.

"We came to see you." Ben said and sat down on the bed. His twin, Alex agreed woth him and sat on

the otherside of the bed.

"I came to say goodbye." Connor added. "Unlike you I have school tomorrow."

I was even surprised he was still here. I thought he would've dropped me off and left after that.

"Thank you dude." I expressed my gratitude.

"It's nothing." He brushed it off.

"It's not nothing Okay, thank you." I told him honestly. If he wasn't at the house I don't know what

would've happened woth Kate there.

"It cool. I'm going now." His eyes darted to Styles for a moment before they came back to me.

"Sebastian will pop by tomorrow after classes are over. I'll come by too."

"Okay sure dude." I told him.

"Sure dude." I heard Alex say to Connor.

We all laughed at him. All of us except Harry.

"Sure dude." Connor replied to him amused before he left.

He glared at Styles for a moment before he left. I didn't think much of it because Styles has his way of

getting under anyone's skin.

"You good though?" Zac asked bring my attention to him.

"I'm okay." I answered him then Wren yelled for Ben and Alex.

They both ran out of the room leaving me with Zac and Harry.

Harry pushed himself off the door frame.

"I came, I saw that you're okay." He announced then left.

I rolled my eyes then Zac stood up.

"I'll let you rest." He said but I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Do you know where's Eve?" I asked him. He looked away at the mention of Eve.

"She took it hard. She's very upset." He explain. "I found out that your aunt Lauren committed suicide."

"What's that hav-" Then it clicked to me why everyone was so timid when it came to me.

"I didn't try to kill myself." I raised my voice offended that they would even think that.

"The doctor said it was an overdose." Zac pointed out.

I didn't even make sense because I hate medication. I only take aspirin and advil for my hangovers.


My hand flew to my neck. I rubbed the spot that's been itching since the first time I woke up.

I wanted to defend myself but nothing made sense. I let go of his arm and sank into my skin.

I didn't try to kill myself.

"Please call Eve for me." I asked him and he nodded.

I anxiously waited for Eve shaking my leg. My eyes were glued to the door.

I understand why she would be upset that I would even consider committing suicide but I didn't.

Our lives changed when Aunt Lauren committed suicide. I know the thought of me killing myself

brought back dark memories for her.

When dad died, everything went from good to bad then worse.

The door finally opened and she slowly walked inside. I sucked in a breath when my eyes landed on


She looked disheven. Her always perfectly styled hair was all over the place. Her whole face was puffy

and her eyes were red indicating how much she cried.

I chest clenched with guilt even though I did nothing.

"Eve let me-" I started but she didn't let me explain.

"How could you?" She whispered. A rogue tear fell out of her eye. "How could you be so selfish?"

She showed raw pain and I couldn't take her tears. They hurt me, they pain me.

"I'm sorry." Those were the only words I could master.

"You opted to just call it quits and leave me alone? You don't think I thought of doing that myself, I did

but I had you to think about. I wasn't just living for myslef-" Her voice went quiet yet she kept taking

even though I couldn't hear a thing and no noise came out.

Tears fell out of my eyes too. I understand where she's coming from. I would be upset if she tried to

end it all.

She paused for a moment to collect herself. She sniffled.

"You're so selfish. You were just gonna leave me alone against this big world. What happened to me

and you against the world."

"I'm sorry." My voice wobbled.

"After what aunt Lauren did. You're just a coward after an easy way out. I know life is hard but suck it

up, I did for You, can't you do it for me."

Each word she utter dig deeper and stang even more. The cuts were deep and I had nothing to defend


"You were going to leave Sage. After all that we went through to get here. We are finally at a somewhat

good place. Now you pull something like this." I didn't have an answer to all her questions because I

didn't try to kill myself. How can I answer when I know nothing about what happened. "Is it some girl, is

it Kate?"

"No." I jumped. I didn't want her near Kate. She's unpredictable more than I thought.

"So it has to be Alora." She tried to rationalize the situation.

Before I could answer someone knocked before they opened. Eve quickly looked away then slipped

out when Susan walked fully in the room.

I wiped my tears fast.

"I brought you food." She politely announced.

I thanked her.

The next day I spent the whole day at Wren's while everyone was at school or at work. I was left with

Zac who was in Miami for a whole week before he had to go back to Uni soon.

I didn't see Eve after she ran out on me yesterday. Zac told me she had early classes today but I know

that's a lie, she was just avoiding me.

Later that night, Wren called me to her office to talk to me. I knew she asked Zac to monitor me today

but I was expecting it, they do think I tried committing suicide.

"Please know that I'm here to help you." Wren started and I nodded confused. "I'm not attacking you

right now but trying to help."

"What's going on?" I asked her getting worried. The tone she was using was giving me anxiety.

"Can you give me an honest answer?" She asked.

"I will but tell me what's going on?" I had no intention of lying to her. She helped me yesterday and I'll

answer anything she ask about yesterday's incident.

"Are you taking drugs?"


It's been a long time since I sat down and wrote a chapter and finished it in one sit. These days have

been good to me.

Thank you all for the support you all give me. I hope y'all you'll support me on too, I posted this story

under the same title if you'd like to support me there.

Please do comment and vote if you liked the chapter. It does help a lot.

I love you all


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