Chapter 46: Burning out

Chapter 46: Burning out

Sage Miller

It was Monday again and I was actually energetic yet I still managed to be moody and sarcastic.

The encounter with Alora left me bitter and angry.

I never knew I could be energetic, lazy, and moody at the same time but do I you know.

It's the comedy classic called my life. The Sage Miller Show. It has a nice ring to it.

It would've been fun if it didn't suck the life out of me but hey it wouldn't be my fucking life if it didn't.

Way to be fucking pessimistic in the morning, Sage. I am helping my mood ain't I?

"How's you in this fine morning?" Connor asked as we walked down the hallway.

Kate was following behind like she was told. I looked over my shoulder a few times and she really was

trailing behind me.

He hasn't been around much the house the past weekend. He's been meeting someone a whole lot

and he wouldn't fucking tell me who.

I had actually put effort on what i was wearing today. Actually no, I didn't.

I opted for my black sneakers, black pants and a white long sleeve.

"Just peachy." I grimace.

"You and Sebastian okay?" He asked and I clicked my tongue.

"You ask to many fucking question." I couldn't help but snap a bit.

I didn't wanna talk about him or even hear his name. I can't even look at him right now.

"Well I'm just concerned." We were now at my locker. His locker was just down a bit than mine so

automatically we stopped at mine.

"Well me and Sebastian I jolly." I sarcastically said and Connor's mouth dropped.

"Sarcasm is becoming your second language this morning." He commented just as I got my locker


He didn't mean it as an insult but I heard one so normally I throw one back.

"Yeah well idiocy is your personality." I sneered towards him.

I actually don't mean to snap bit I am who I am.

"Fuck you Sage. You're being an asshole right now and I don't have to deal with you." He said and

turned to Kate who was behind me in her own locker.

He opened his mouth then closed it. He thought about what he wanted to say very carefully.

"I was gonna say maybe you'll have luck taming him but then I remembered who you are. So I'll say

good luck with him. You're gonna need it." He said directed the words towards Kate.

Kate didn't say anything and just watched him leave and so did it.

Once he was out of view I slammed my locker shut and rammed my fist to it.

"Fuck!" I yelled slamming it harder this time and made a whole lot people jump.

I can never get a damn rest can I?

Kate was still standing besides me. When I turned around everyone was looking at me.

Kate suddenly stepped forward and shouted at everyone.

"What the fuck are you all looking at?" Everyone averted their eyes and looked everywhere.

"That's right, fuck off." She added and turned around in a sassy way then closed her locker.

I figured it was best to just go to class at this point.

I extended my hand for Kate to take and she did.

I then took her pink bag with the other hand.

The day went on forever and it was just lunch and yet I felt so exhausted.

I sat outside on the bleachers since Kate had practice during lunch and I didn't know where any of my

friends where.

I'd be lying if I said I've seen any of them today. Well I did see Connor this morning but he too went mia

on me.

This could be the worst Monday's of all time and that's saying something considering that I hate


Its the whole waking up thing and going to school that's a turn off about Monday's. I don't know about

anyone but that's the hardest day of the week.

Bored out of my goddamn mind, I shift on the bleachers and lie down facing up.

I use one hand to block the sun rays out of my eyes and the other hand I use it as a pillow.

Its nice since the sun isn't too hot and fall has already started.

I lie there and listen to the foot steps people are making as they walk up and down the bleachers.

Out of the blue a shadow covers my whole body. I thought it was Kate but I was surprised when I

opened my eyes and Sebastian and Connor were standing in front of me liking down on me.

Confused and irritated to see both of them after they ghosted me, I sat upright fast.

I frowned at them and I guess I half expected them to sit down next to me and we could pretend

nothing ever happened. But I don't think I'll ever forget what Sebastian did.

I lifted my head and looked at them. Sebastian's face was unreadable like it always is. Connor looked


"What do you want?" I was the first to speak.

I knew they weren't here to reconcile so why make small talk.

"I quit." Sebastian growled.

I didn't really understand what he meant until he threw the co-captain wrist band next to me.

My jaw dropped and his was clenching.

"If this is what you want so much you can have. I rather have a friend than some stupid tittle I don't

even give two shits about." He added looking like he was about to rip someone's throat.

I still couldn't believe what he was doing. I didn't even know what to feel

"For the record I quit the team too." He told me and as if my jaw couldn't drop any lower, it did. "I hope

it was worth it."

I couldn't believe he would just quit like that. I looked at the wrist bavmnd next to me and felt sick.

When I looked up Sebastian was gone and only Connor was standing in front of me looking like he was

disgusted by me.

"I hope you're damn happy." He said and he too left.

I just watched as he ran to catch up with Sebastian and I felt like throwing up.

I was disgusted with myself too. Sebastian quited football. He actually did.

In no time school was let out and I haven't seen both Connor and Sebastian since Lunch.

I don't blame them. I wouldn't even wanna see myself too. Even after all this time I felt sick to the


After changing into my gear I marched down to the pitch and for a second I had almost forgotten that

Sebastian quited football until I looked besides me and realised I was walking alone.

When I stepped into the field, it felt different. Like I was on limbo.

I marched towards my teammates and coach was briefing then.

"You're late." Coach yelled as soon as I joined them.

"Sorry coach." I said I looked down.

I zoned out immediately and thought how horrible I really am.

Sebastian has been my best friend since first grade. Ten years of friendship watsed because I was

selfish and wanted a a stupid tittle I don't even need.

"Miller." I snapped out when I heard coach yelling at me.

"Yes Coach." I lifted my eyes to him and caught a glimpse of the bleachers behind him.

It was empty. Connor wasn't there to watch me like he always is.

"Am I boring you?" He asked and again I zoned back in on him.

I realised that he was waiting for an answer and I don't remember what the question was.

"Huh?" I asked him.

He looked annoyed at me but right now I couldn't care.

"You know. Ten laps around the field." He suddenly announced but I had already made up my mind.

I'm not happy with this situation and I think I know how to fix it.

"I quit." The words slipped out of my mouth smooth.

Everyone looked shocked and as they should. They lost two best players in a span of one day.

I didn't wait for them to get over their shock.

I began walking towards the locker rooms.

"Miller get back here." Coach shouted and cussed but I kept walking away.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kate running towards me and I suddenly remembered that I'm here

ride. S9 I waited until she reached me.

"What's going on? Where are you going?" She asked as soon reached me.

"I'm going, find a new ride." I told her and started walking away.

"Fine but where are you going? Practice just started."

"I quit football." I said over my shoulder and entered the locker rooms.

The drive to my house was absolute fucking torture. I couldn't stop beating myself over what happened


Sebastian really quited football. The whole thing. It was a bitter pill to swallow because I knew it was all

because of me.

So I was shocked and surprised when I pulled up my driveway to see both Sebastian and Connor's

cars on my driveway.

Since there was no space to park my car I parked next to the road.

I was actually glad they were both here so I can apologise to both of them.

I owe them that much.

I didn't knock because it's my house and I have the keys so that would be stupid.

The only noise I could hear was some kung fu movie coming from the t.v. bit it was expected,

Sebastian doesn't do much talking and Connor doesn't bother him that much.

Connor was the first to see me. He sat upstraight startled by me.

"You're home." He announce and it was clear I had caught him off guard.

I wasn't suppose to be home for another two hours.

Sebastian chose to ignore the whole exchange but I saw how tense his body suddenly became.

"Umm yeah." I said and put my keys on the bowl.

I went ahead and sat on the singular sofa. Connor basically chose to ignore me after that.

I didn't if I should start with small talk then drop the bomb or maybe I should just say it. Or maybe I

could start by apologising.

I didn't know what to do and which approach I should take. All I know is that one wrong word all this

goes to hell and I'm afraid because I don't have a filter.

"I quited football." I blurted out.

Both of their bodies went rigid and they actually stopped moving. I could swear they stopped breathing

all in all.

"What?" Connor said lifting his head.

Sebastian was still looking ahead but he slowly started to tilt his head to look at me.

"I did." I admitted.

"Why?" Sebastian spoke for the first time since I stepped in the house. "I mean you finally had what

you wanted."

I looked down ashamed of myself. I realised that I had made a stupid tittle more important than my


"When I walk to the field today I realised how all of it was meaningless without you." I admitted looking

down. "What I mean is I don't want it if my friends aren't there."

My eyes drifted to Sebastian's hands. His hands were clenched tightly that his knuckles were turning


I gulped nervously. I didn't wanna loose my friends.

"All I'm trying to say is I'm really sorry for being an asshole all the time." I told both of them.

"You damn right on the asshole part." Connor commented.

"What makes your sorry different this time around?" Sebastian barked and finally met my gaze. His

eyes were blazing with fire.

I gulped again.

"I know I said a lot of meaningless sorries over the past couple of weeks but right now I'm sincere. I

know what's at stake and I should've been happy for you that my co-captainship was given to you

instead of being bitter."

I held his gaze and both of us knew that I wasn't talking about the co-captainship alone anymore. I was

talking about me being jealous of him at every turn.

"I realise my mistake and I'm trying my best to fix it and I'm trying to better myself." I told Sebastian

specifically because that's the person I offended the most.

"And quiting football is now suppose to make everything better?" He sneered and I almost blurted out

some cuss words at him but I remembered why I'm doing this.

My friends. I was doing this for them and for me

"No it's not but I think it shows that I'm trying." I don't mean to bite back at him but I did.

I cleared my throat.

"I mean it should right." I added a bit more nicely. "I am trying. I know I'm not the easiest person to get

along but I am trying. Being on the team and being co-captain isn't important than my friends."

And I really was. I want to be better.

Just then the door bell rang. We all looked at each other to see who would get up first.

I sighed and stood up. I know it was a small gesture but I wanted to show I want to change because I'm

burning out and I'm destroying the only few good things I have.

And getting the door than making them do it because it is my house is a start.

The door bell rang again just as I opened the door and I swear nothing could've prepared me for what I


Two of Clara's friends stood on the other side. And not just any friend, it was her cop friends and

among them was the person I hated the most in this world. Maybe just as much as I hated Clara.

Ryan Dalton. I know what he did to Eve.

"Ryan." I seethed and he smirked.

"Sage, Sage, Sage." He sang and I felt like I was gonna blow up with rage.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I spat and ignored his lady friend.

I didn't want him in my house. He broke my sister when she was just twelve years.

He raped my Eve. He fucking destroyed her.

"I'm here on official business so calm down." He said with a big fucking smirk.

I wanted to wipe the floor with him. I wanted him dead.

I held the door frame with all my might to hold me back from bashing his skull open.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down. Not after all the shit you put us through." I said through gritted


The longer he stood on front of me, the harder it became to control myself.

I casted his partner a dirty look and she casted one back.

"You have five seconds to tell me what the fuck you want or I'll slam the door in your face." I warmed

them meaning it.

I started counting backwards from five as soon as I warned them and before I even got to three I tried

slamming the door but someone stuck a foot between the door and the frame.

"Slam the door again I'll fucking cuff you for obstruction of justice." The woman threatened.

I looked her up and down with disgust.

"And who the fuck are you?" I sneered at her.

I recognised her from Clara's many parties but I don't know her name.

"I'm detective Lucy." She said with a damn attitude.

"Well detective Lucy state your business I don't have all day." I retorted.

"Someone filed a missing report for your mother." She said and my body stilled. I felt like my heart was

dropping on a never ending pit in my stomach.

A chill ran down my whole body. My heart pounded in my chest.

I felt like my body was trapped in a time spell and while everything was nomarl, my body was in slow


I could feel my face pale with pure fear. My hand went cold as ice and I felt dizzy.

"A missing report." I whispered slowly trying to comprehend everything she said.

"Yes, a missing report." She said with an attitude.

These were Clara's friends. They knew we didn't get along and they've witnessed our screaming


They knew I hated her. I had every reason too.

My heart was racing and beating so loud I could even hear it in my own ears.

I tried to calm it down and tried to convince myself that there is no way they will ever find out the truth.

Yeah there's no way. I comforted myself. I did a good job hiding everything. There's no damn way

they'll ever find it.

"We have a few question for you." Lucy said and I nodded. "Can we came in?"

Tge so called Lucy was giving me whiplash because not so long ago she was throwing dirty glances

towards me now she was being nice.

"Yeah, yeah sure but can he stay out here." I said and pointed at fucking Ryan.

Lucy smiled and I led them to the kitchen away from Connor and Sebastian.

They sat down on the barstools and I opted to lean against the kitchen cabinet.

I swear I felt like my stomach was in knots and I would shit myself at any moment. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

I wiped my forehead just in case I had sweat.

Lucy took out her notebook while Ryan monitored my every move like a hawke making me even more


"So when did you last saw your mother?" She asked.

"On her birthday last year." I answered lying my ass off. My voice came out blad and robotic than I


I cleared my throat.

"And she's not my mother." I corrected her on impulse.

The Lucy woman tilted her head and looked at Ryan. Ryan instead shrugged his shoulders.

"And when was that?" She asked again.

"12 October. That is her birthday." This time my voice was sassy.

Lucy turned her head to look at Ryan again then looked at me.

"That was a year ago. Why didn't you call the cops because it was clear she was missing. A whole year

without your mother and you didn't think to call the cops." She accused.

I didn't jump on her throat like I wanted to. I breathed in and out and took a few seconds before I


"I'm sure you would testify that she didn't take the mother of the year award. She disappeared and

appeared anytime she wanted to. " I told her as calm as I could.

"You talk about her like she's in the past.." Ryan spoke for the first time.

"What?" I asked not understanding him very well.

"You said didn't, disappeared. Like she's dead." He said cockily.

I froze and tensed.

"No.. no I didn't." I denied it. I didn't right.

"Yes you did." He argued.

My eyes darted from Ryan to Lucy then back at Ryan.

I laughed nervously.

"I didn't." I said this time more firmly.

Ryan was about to argue but Lucy spoke and I was grateful for it.

"A friend of hers said she was heading home on the 14th of November last year and that was the last

time they saw her." She told me.

I shifted my position.

"Like I said before the last time I saw her it was on her birthday last year and both of you were here." I

told them in a matter of fact.

"Your sister is next in questioning." She said and my mind buzzed and I froze.

They can't talk to her. Not before I do and especially if Ryan will be there. I just can't.

I can't let her see the scumbag that is Ryan. She will have a mental breakdown. I can't. I can't let that


"Okay and this is protocol. Since you're a minor and your mother is missing, a social worker will be

hear tomorrow to take you to a foster care." She said and closed her note book.

I stood up straight shocked.

"What?" I yelled. "I'm not going to a foster care. I'm not."

"Your sister is of age and won't be taken into foster care but you are under age and protocol says you

have to be taken into foster care." She explained while fucking Ryan smirked.

I felt like my ears were ringing.

"I won't be stuck in the fucking system. Over my dead body." I spat towards both of them. "I've been

taking care of myself. Clara was never here and you didn't have a problem with that. I can take care of


"Its not a choice boy. You will go into foster care." Ryan said smugly and I watched as they walked out.

I walked in the living room looking like I just saw a ghost.

I knew I had to warn Eve. I had to tell her. I have to let her know and she should say exactly what I said

when they question her.

She doesn't know what happened to Clara and she hasn't seen her since.

"What happened?" Connor asked. "Who were they?"

"Umm the cops." I answered and the colour on Sebastian's face drained.

I discreetly shook my head telling him it's not about what he thinks is about.

He visibly relaxed and the colour on his face came back.

"The cops. What did they want?" He asked.

"Umm, I have to go. I'll tell you later." I told them and picked my keys from the bowl.

I rushed to my car and I immediately called Eve.

"Pick up! Please pick up!" I mumbled driving as fast as I can.

"Sagie." She picked up and threw me off balance with her cheery voice.

"Umm hi." I said not really know how to start. "Where are you? I'm coming."

"I'm at Harry's penthouse. Why?" She asked.

"We need to talk." I said and she kept quiet for a while. "You still there?"

"Yeah.. I just, you sound so serious. I'm worried now." She said sounding very worried.

I didn't reply for some not really knowing if I should I answer her honestly or I should just wait until I see


"You should." I answered honestly.

Sometimes I hate is far Harry's penthouse is. I took me longer than I wanted.

Eve was waiting for me at the entrance and I didn't waste anytime parking my car and rushing to her.

She was rushing to me too. We met each other halfway and hugged each other.

"I'm so worried." She said as soon as we separated.

I grabbed her wrist and led her inside towards the elevator.

"Let's go upstairs. I'll fill you in." I told her and she let me drag her. " Where is Styles?"

"Umm he's upstairs working." She replied and I nodded.

I think I'll need his help. No, I know I need his help on this one. After all he knows what happened.


Sorry for the typos you might come across.

I'm very proud of myself for writing this chapter feeling like this.

Writing is my therapy sometimes. And I'm very grateful for your support.

So Sage and Sebastian are no longer on the football team.

Please comment and vote.

I love you all.


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